PERCEPTION IS REALITY Marketing 260 Buyer Behaviour with Duane Weaver Week 1 – Introduction & Chp. 1 Today’s Outline • • • • • Introductions Overview of Course Outline Overview of Course Text Overview of Cases and Teams Introduction to Buyer Behaviour Introductions - Instructor Duane Weaver – B.Comm., M.D.Ed., IESNA – CEO 2Birds1Stone – Marketing, Business & Computer Applications Instructor – 20+ years management experience (marketing) – Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail experience – Positions: Board of Directors, CEO, General Manager, International Sales Manager, Business Development Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Product Manager, Market Manager, Service Manager, Parts Manager, Account Manager, Marketing/Business Consultant, Instructor – Enjoy sailing, soccer, badminton, golf and camping Introductions - Students Please use a sheet of paper and briefly answer the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Your first and last names? Something of interest about yourself? Why are you studying marketing? In one short paragraph describe what the following statement means to you: “ PERCEPTION IS REALITY” Course Text • Consumer behavior: buying, having and being, 4th edition. Solomon, Zaichowsky, Polegato (2008). • Learning With Cases 4th edition, MauffetteLeenders, Rerskine, Leenders (2007). • Case Studies: Case 1 & 2 will be available online at: • Case Studies 3 through 14 will be made available as class progresses (check the class website) Course Outline • Case – based course. (Lecture/Case Presentation/Discussion) Overview of Cases and Teams • This course will take a case-study approach. Students will be asked to form study/case groups of 4-6 within the first week of classes. • The groups are expected to work on the case assignments prior to each class. • Each group will be tasked with the responsibility of preparing and presenting cases at the end of each class as determined by the instructor. • (See for team case presentation schedule) GROUP CASE PRESENTATION/REPORTS • Group Case presentations are due the class of the Case Analysis. • They must be submitted in a report format as per the guidelines given by your instructor. (Please see ) • Late case reports (without prior arrangement and for good cause) will be assessed a 10% daily penalty, up to three calendar days. Case reports handed in late beyond three days will receive a mark of 0 for that particular assignment. • NOTE: ALL STUDENTS on the case team will receive the same grade. Your team members will be your team for the entire course. Case Teams/Study Group • Requesting Volunteer teams: (2) from each seminar section to do the first two cases (1st team = case 2, 2nd team = case 3) • The first two teams to put their team name on the board get to go first (you may come up to the board at anytime between now and the end of class). Case Sources • Case Studies: Case 1 & 2 will be available online at: • Case Studies 3 through 14 will be indicated on the site next week. PERCEPTION IS REALITY Introduction to Buyer Behaviour • • • • • Buyer vs. Consumer Defining Buyer Behaviour Market Segmentation Building Buyer Bonds What affects Buyer Behaviour Buyer vs. Consumer • Course Title: Buyer Behaviour – Anyone engaged in buyer behaviour including: business, government or consumers • Text Title: Consumer Behaviour – Has come to refer to “consumer” market, someone who consumes products or services versus organizational buyer behaviour. What is Buyer (consumer) Behavior “It is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires” (Solomon, Zaichowsky, Polegato, p. 6) Buyer Behavior • Actors – Role Theory – decision criteria vary from role to role. • Ongoing Process – not just a “moment of truth” focus (“the exchange”). Buyer Behavior Focuses on the entire consumption process. • Different Actors of focus: Buyer, Decision Maker, Influencer… Market Segmentation • Identifying groups (segments) of buyers who are similar to one another in one or more ways. • Examples of Segmentation: – Demographic – Geographic – SocioEconomics (social class & income) – Cultural – Psychographic/Lifestyle Building Bonds with Consumers • Relationship Marketing – lifetime link to brands and customers – E.g.’s? • Database Marketing – tracking buying habits and crafting tailored products/services and messages – E.g.’s? • Experiential Marketing – making the transaction and process meaningful, memorable, and desirable – E.g.’s? What affects Buyer Behaviour? Consumer Behavior, 3rd Edition, Hayer/MacInnis, p. 14 What affects Buyer Behaviour • • • • Consumer’s Culture Psychological Core Process of Making Decisions Buyer Behaviour Outcomes Thank You – Next Class • Please read and prepare for the Case “Changing Consumer Perceptions of Bud Riley’s” prior to next class. Please bring your CASE PREPARATION CHART to the seminar. • Also, in your case study teams, meet to discuss the case prior to the class. At minimum prepare the short form of the case preparation chart prior to discussing with your team mates. CASE STUDY TEAMS • If you are not on a team, come see me now and we will find an open team slot for you. • Each team…please send a representative to the front of the class for your team to accept the available candidates. PERCEPTION IS REALITY