Running head: HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES How Homophobia is Affecting Video Games Will Zettel Sheridan College 1 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES 2 Table of Contents Heading Page # Abstract 3 How Homophobia Is Affecting Video Games Homosexuality in Games 4 The Consumer Response 6 The Future of LGBT Characters 9 Conclusions 9 5 Recommendations 10 References 11 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES Abstract This report discusses the video game industry and the inclusion of homosexuality. Some games and companies have paved the way for others to follow, and this report includes the ways in which they have helped develop an identity for LGBT characters in the world of video games. This report also describes how some consumers and anti-gay activists have slowed the progress of the inclusion of diversity. This report analyzes the audience’s responses. All research for this report was gathered from Internet articles and personal experience. 3 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES How Homophobia is Affecting Video Games The video game industry is ahead of many of its consumers in relation to homosexuality being included in video games. This being said, however, there is still a long way to go, though there are a few modern video game developers who are trying to make progress in this area in a meaningful way. Two major examples are Lionhead Studios, the creators of Fable, Fable the Lost Chapters, Fable II, and finally Fable III. The other more dominant example is BioWare, creators of Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and most recently Mass Effect 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Both of these companies have not only included different sexual orientations in their games but have also stood strongly behind the decision to include it, as evidenced in their sequels and later works that continue to include it. However, progress is not as simple as just including homosexual, bisexual, or trans-gendered characters; it is important to create storylines and characters that belong, regardless of their sexual orientation. Thankfully, there is a powerful way to include different sexually oriented characters in a deep and meaningful way. First, this inclusion can be accomplished by making sure the character exists because he/she is important to the game. Second, game creators should ensure that the character is defined by his/her importance, not sexual orientation. Last, it is important to avoid stereotypes and create an original character in a realistic manner. In these ways, the development of characters and the inclusion of different sexual orientations become more meaningful and integral, and contribute to the video game industry as a whole. 4 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES 5 Homosexuality in Games. Homosexuality's inclusion has not always been the way it is today: "While progress is definitely being made in introducing gay and lesbian themes [into video games] there is still a large history of negative stereotyping in video games that stands as an obstacle to understanding and relevant inclusion" (Morine, 2009). Though this statement is outdated, as more progress has been made since this statement was published, it still holds grains of truth, and the history of negative stereotyping cannot be ignored. An example of this Makoto, Enchanted Arms Source: nted_arms_conceptart_2iNvs.jpg stereotyping is "Makoto, an openly gay character from Ubisoft's Enchanted Arms" who "is both a positive and negative stereotype of a gay man." He is principled, loving, and combat effective, but he is also portrayed with an extremely prominent lisp, feminine body gestures and pose, as well as a very feminine outfit (Morine, 2009). Lionhead Lays the Groundwork. Other games and game companies have been bolder and have pioneered the way with their inclusion of homosexuality. First there is Fable, a game developed by Lionhead Studios in 2005, in which the player, as the protagonist, can marry anyone he wishes, whether it be another man, a woman, both, or none, as many times as the player decides. This choice is progress because in the game no one is openly gay in a sense. Instead, characters are just people who either like the player or not, and though not entirely realistic, Lionhead Studios does avoid placing stereotypes on sexuality. Lionhead, with the later installments of Fable II and Fable III, continues to build upon the relationship portions of the game. The player can now play as a male or female, and then proceed to marry anyone he/she wishes, regardless of gender. As well, HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES these games introduce more realism by identifying certain non-player characters (NPCs) as specifically gay, straight, lesbian, or bisexual. Again, this is another step in the right direction, as there are no positives or negatives to any sexual choices in the game. BioWare, the Current Leader . The other big player in pioneering the industry forward is BioWare, with its many games focused around player choice and options. BioWare has created multiple games that include same-sex couples. BioWare's portrayals are progressive in adding different sexually oriented characters. The characters they include are integrated into the story, and though they do step on some stereotypes, overall, these are believable characters, who are also gay, lesbian, or bisexual, but their Mass Effect 3, Steve Cortez. The gay romance option for Male Commander Shepard Source: sexuality is incidental to the action. Consumer Response Of course, the inclusion of homosexual themes in video games has encouraged gamer response. The louder opinion is that the content does not belong there, and people with this opinion have been extremely vocal about it, to the point of sending hate mail and protesting the companies that have made the game (Brightman, 2012). It is apparent that the inclusion of homosexual themes has caused a massive uproar, especially among the homophobic and anti-gay organizations. Though they are not a majority, these people certainly make their voices heard. 6 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES Homophobic Defense. These anti-gay activists make wide claims that include spouting that, "When LGBT activists began pressuring BioWare, which is a daughter company of Electronic Arts, to let players simulate homosexual scenarios, the company declined. During an Internet discussion in April 2009, a BioWare monitor wrote that terms such as gay or lesbian “do not exist in Star Wars” and closed the thread. (Johnson, 2012). This is not the case. BioWare included the option to have relationships with samesex companions because the company already had some opposite sex companions in the game that were romance-able (able to be romanced or start a relationship with) and wanted to include more options so that players had more choices. There was no pressure from LGBT activists; there was just input from people who like the game, and play it, and wanted to give their own ideas on how to improve the game, just as gamers do on any other game forums. These anti-gay activists go on to defend their homophobia with claims that they are defending children, even going so far as to present highly assumed statistics as fact: "An online poll used to express support for inclusion of LGBT characters in the game consisted of just 35 people. The Florida Family Association estimates 1.7 million copies of the game have been sold, the vast majority to young children" (Johnson, 2012). This statement is incorrect. First, the article does not state what the votes were for, only that 35 people voted. As well, online polls are a weak source of evidence because they only show feedback from one particular website, not a population. Secondly, the Florida Family Association is assuming that the game was sold to a vast majority of 7 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES children, which if true, would still require the parents to have bought the game. The children could not have bought it themselves, since the game is rated T for Teen which is a 13+ rating. Johnson goes on to quote David Caton, the president of the Florida Family Association, "the worst part about this is we have children who are 9, 10, 11, 12 years old children playing these games" (2012). The Game Rating System. This again brings up the point of the rating system. The ESRB is the current rating system for all video games in North America. It covers everything from E for Everyone through M for Mature and lists content in the game, ranging from comic mischief to intense violence, blood, gore, sexual themes, etc. All video games are required to be rated. Though these rating are just guidelines and it is not illegal for someone under 13 to play a T-rated game, retailers still have rules to follow. Retailers cannot sell T games to children 12 and younger or M games to people 17 and younger without a parent present and giving permission for the purchase. With this rating system in place, the anti-gay activists’ whole defense goes up in smoke, because not only is the game given a rating that states who should be playing the game, but it also says what content the game includes. Therefore, the responsibility really falls to the parents. It is as simple as saying what content you want your child to experience. Technically, there is an unspoken agreement in the purchase of a video game, which involves the purchaser saying that he/she consents to the content in the game, whether for him/herself or the child. However, what if the child is 13 and therefore capable of buying it on his/her own, and ignoring that the parents should still have the final say on what their children access? The argument that Johnson quotes from Caton is, "[The] main concern is the social 8 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES engineering element,” he said, adding that he is concerned someone's young child will see “this cool looking character who is transgender male-to-female, and says, 'Hey that's what I want to be.' It's something he would never think about apart from that game." (Caton, 2012). This way of thinking is a fallacy. First, this clearly comes from someone who still thinks that homosexuality is a choice. Secondly, he clearly thinks that teens 13 (has to be 13, otherwise they should not be playing the game unless the parent feels that the child is able to maturely handle the content at an intellectual level) or older do not already have at least some idea of their sexuality. This again shows the holes in the reasoning against homosexuality in games. The Future of LGBT Characters In the future, LGBT characters will be interwoven throughout video games' lore and societies. Game companies will continue to include homosexuality in the games they make as they work to mirror society, creating more believability and depth in their game worlds and characters. There will always be people who believe differently, but homosexuality has just as much place in video games as women and people of different races, just as they do in the reality. Though the roads look troublesome ahead, diversity will pave the way to understanding, and the speed bumps caused by people who are against homosexuality will slowly fade. Conclusions Characters with different sexual orientation exist and belong in video games. With the initiative of Lionhead Studios and more so BioWare, the inclusion of sexual diversity 9 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES is increasing. Other game companies will follow suit and help create something truly amazing. Though having homosexuality in video games is not always well received by all consumers, its inclusion is not only necessary but also a very smart fit, as games are an interactive media where the player not only lives fantasies, but also lives alternate realities. Perhaps with hard work and determination, video game producers can break through the barriers of prejudice towards people with different sexualities and help people understand other people by placing players almost literally in another's shoes. Recommendations 1. Portray homosexuality in a non-stereotypical way, with real character development. 2. Include homosexuality where appropriate. 3. Create characters that are defined by their importance to the game and other characters, not by their sexuality. 4. Include different sexualities, inclusion leads to normalization. 5. Support companies with your wallet and stand up for the inclusion of different sexual orientations in video games. 10 HOW HOMOPHOBIA IS AFFECTING VIDEO GAMES 11 References Brightman, J. (2012). EA defends itself against thousands of anti-gay letters. GamesIndustry International. Retrieved from Johnson, B. (2012). Star wars video game to allow characters to have homosexual romances. Retrieved from Morine, N. (2009). Homosexuality, bisexuality in modern video games. Suite101. Retrieved from Seitz, D. (2012). Anti-gay group hilariously freaks out over "The Old Republic." Retrieved from Vitali, D. (2010). From heroes to bullies: homophobia in video games. Student Pulse. Retrieved from