PERFORMANCE MEASURES DASHBOARD FEASIBILITY STUDY Deliverable VIII - Operations Business Intelligence Phase II Traffic Operations Discussion 09/24/2015 References The following standards and documents were reviewed for the analysis: National Cooperative Highway Research Program (2008), Report 618: Cost- Effective Performance Measures for Travel Time Delay, Variation, and Reliability. Gang Xie and Brian Hoeft (2012), Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation Dashboard Web-Based Freeway and Arterial Performance Measurement System, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2 PERFOMANCE MEASURES The feasibility study presented is aimed to help the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) by gathering various data into one place and translate the numbers into manageable facts that can be replicated in Oracle Business Intelligence. 3 PERFOMANCE MEASURES 4 Percent of Incidents Where Vehicles are Removed from Travel Lanes Within 30, 60, and 90 Minute Timeframes “The target for this measure is 50%. It applies only to incidents tracked by FAST. This measure will be reported on a quarterly basis. Data research should begin with the FAST Dashboard and reports generated by FAST. Dashboard drill downs will contain historical data and other data relevant to NDOT staff”. Percent of Days in a Season that have a Daily Peak Period Delay that Does Not Exceed the Average Delay by More Than 10% “The target for this measure is 85%. It applies only to incidents tracked by FAST and uses the FAST definition of season (6 per year). This measure will be reported on a quarterly basis. Data research should begin with the FAST Dashboard and reports generated by FAST. Drill downs will contain historical data and other data relevant to NDOT staff”. Performance Monitoring and Measurement System (PMMS) 5 PMMS data is collected through ITS devices such as radar detectors, ramp meters, dynamic message signs, cameras, and Bluetooth devices. Through the PMMS web based application ( traffic flow data from the sensors can be obtained, monitoring in the form of visual verification is possible through cameras, and the historical incidents reports can be visualized. PMMS dashboard includes 10 tabs in upper part as shown in Figure 1 (next slide). Each of these tabs contain a different feature. For the feasibility study the tabs called ‘Incident’ and ‘ITS Device’ are relevant. The incidents tab includes a historical report of the incidents in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. The ‘ITS device’ tab includes data collected by the different ITS devices. Performance Monitoring and Measurement System (PMMS) 6 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents 7 Percent of Incidents Where Vehicles are Removed from Travel Lanes Within 30, 60, and 90 Minute Timeframes Findings from Data Analysis • Incident data available in the web portal include date and time, corridor, location name, and lane blocked. • A capability to download the data is not available. • UNLV requested to FAST the incidents data for 2014 • The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in a Table below. • It is recommended that NDOT and UNLV discuss with FAST how the incidents data will be imported into the Business Intelligence (BI) system. The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. PMMS – Incidents Dashboard 8 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents Attributes Name AccidentNo DateTimeStamp Corridor SegmentDescription RoadwayID SegmentID BlockedLanes BlockageDescription BlockDuration AccidentDescription AccidentMemo TowTruckComeTimeStamp LaneClearedTimeStamp Longitude Latitude IncidentType Secondary Delay Severity 9 Description Shoulder Incident identification number Time where the incident is reported in MM/DD/YY HH format Corridor where the incident happened Text description of the location of the incident Identification number of the road for the network used in FAST Number of the segment Number of blocked lanes Text description of the blockage Duration of the blockage in minutes Includes the time stamp in MM/DD/YY AM-PM format Text description of the incident Time stamp for the arrival of the tow Time stamp for the incident clearance Longitude of the incident Latitude of the incident Describes the type of incident Boolean attribute that represents if there was a secondary incident No description available it contains null values Describes the severity of the incidents Boolean attribute that represents if the incident happened on the shoulder of the road TruckInvolved Boolean attribute that represents if there are trucks involved in the incidents QuickClearance Boolean attribute that represents if the incident was cleared in a short time VehMovedByItself Injury Boolean attribute that represents if the vehicle cleared the road by itself Boolean attribute that represents if there was an injury incident The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents An Example Incidents Reported in 2014 Vehicles Removed Within 30 min Vehicles Removed Within 60 min Vehicles Removed Within 90 min Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 min Total Incidents Count 133 1745 1972 215 2187 Percentage Cleared 6.1% 79.8% 90.2% 9.8% Percentage not Removed 93.9% 20.2% 9.8% 90.2% 10 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents Vehicles Removed Within 30 Min in 2014 6% Percentage Cleared Vehicles Removed Within 60 Min in 2014 20% Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared 80% 94% Vehicles Removed Within 90 Min in 2014 Percentage not Cleared Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 Min in 2014 10% 10% 90% Percentage Cleared Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared Percentage not Cleared 90% Figure 4 Percentage of Incidents Removed in 2014. 11 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents First Quarter Vehicles Removed Within 30 min Vehicles Removed Within 60 min Vehicles Removed Within 90 min Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 min Total Incidents Second Quarter Vehicles Removed Within 30 min Vehicles Removed Within 60 min Vehicles Removed Within 90 min Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 min Total Incidents Third Quarter Vehicles Removed Within 30 min Vehicles Removed Within 60 min Vehicles Removed Within 90 min Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 min Total Incidents Fourth Quarter Vehicles Removed Within 30 min Vehicles Removed Within 60 min Vehicles Removed Within 90 min Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 min Total Incidents Count 36 449 502 59 Percentage Removed 6.4% 80.0% 89.5% 10.5% Percentage not Removed 93.6% 20.0% 10.5% 89.5% Percentage Removed 6.9% 80.8% 91.4% 8.6% Percentage not Removed 93.1% 19.2% 8.6% 91.4% Percentage Removed 6.3% 80.4% 92.9% 7.1% Percentage not Removed 93.7% 19.6% 7.1% 92.9% Percentage Removed 4.8% 78.0% 87.2% 12.8% Percentage not Removed 95.2% 22.0% 12.8% 87.2% 561 Count 39 459 519 49 568 Count 31 397 459 35 494 Count 27 440 492 72 564 12 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents First Quarter of 2014 Incidents 2014 - First Quater Vehicles Removed Within 30 Min 6% Percentage Cleared Incidents 2014 - First Quater Vehicles Removed Within 60 Min 20% Percentage not Cleared 80% 94% Incidents 2014 - First Quater Vehicles Removed Within 90 Min Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared Incidents 2014 - First Quater Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 Min 11% 11% 89% Percentage Cleared Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared Percentage not Cleared 89% 13 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents Third Quarter of 2014 Incidents 2014 - Third Quater Vehicles Removed Within 30 Min 6% Percentage Cleared Incidents 2014 - Third Quater Vehicles Removed Within 60 Min 20% Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared 80% 94% Incidents 2014 - Third Quater Vehicles Removed Within 90 Min 7% 93% Percentage not Cleared Incidents 2014 - Third Quater Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 Min 7% Percentage Cleared Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared Percentage not Cleared 93% 14 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure – Incidents (Additional) I-15 for 2014 Vehicles Removed Within 30 Min 6% Percentage Cleared Vehicles Removed Within 60 Min 20% Percentage not Cleared 80% 94% Vehicles Removed Within 90 Min Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared Vehicles Removed in More Than 90 Min 10% 10% Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared 90% Percentage Cleared Percentage not Cleared 90% 15 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents 16 Recommended Functional Requirements Load files containing incidents data for different time periods and store them into data warehouse. The dashboard will be able to load any file independently of its size as long as the attributes and format of the data is consistent. This procedure can append data every time a new incidents file is provided. A parameters section will be included in the dashboard. This section will include different prompts that will allow the users to query the data based on corridor, year, season, severity, number of blocked lanes, and whether trucks are involved or not. The dashboard will include a table with detailed information about each incident. This table will include the relevant attributes included in the table of attributes. Generate a map that will use the ‘Longitude’ and ‘Latitude’ attributes to project all the incidents location on a map. From this map the users will have the capability to drill down to segment or specific incidents information. The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents Functional Requirements 17 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Incidents 18 Recommended Functional Requirements A bar chart will provide aggregated values based on facilities. The aggregated values include number of incidents and severity. The BI dashboard will provide pie charts with the percentage of incidents that were removed within 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes. Sample graphs and tables were created with the 2014 incidents data using Excel. How often it is required to load incidents data into BI? The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Delay 19 Percent of Days in a Season that have a Daily Peak Period Delay that Does Not Exceed the Average Delay by More Than 10% Findings from Data Analysis • Bluetooth devices record the direction of travel, the time were the measures are recorded, travel time, and speed. However, there is only one Bluetooth sensor in the PMMS dashboard, located in the US-93. • There are currently 449 sensors available in the PMMS dashboard. The sensors are selected by clicking on the map or by selecting one from the list located on the left side of the PMMS dashboard. Once a sensor is selected, from the ‘Plot’ tab the data can be viewed or downloaded in EXCEL or Text format. • The data is available from January 1st of 2009 to the current date and it is constantly updated to be displayed on the dashboard. The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Delay 20 Findings from Data Analysis • To download the sensors data, authorization and a login is required. • There is not an option available to download the data for multiple sensors simultaneously. • The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) path in the web browsers does not change when selections are made on the dashboard. • UNLV requested to FAST the authorization to download the 2014 traffic data from 4 sensors. The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure - Delay Findings from Data Analysis Attributes Name DateTimeStamp RoadwayID SegmentID Lane Speed Volume Volume1 Volume2 Volume3 Volume4 Volume5 Volume6 Occupancy Poll_Count Failure Description Time where the traffic measurements are collected in MM/DD/YY HH format Identification number of the road for the network used in FAST Number of the segment Lane for which the traffic measurements are collected Measured speed for the segment Total vehicle count for the segment. The total number of vehicles is not always the sum of the categories 1 to 6. Vehicles classification category 1 from 0’ to 8’ Vehicles classification category 2 from 8’ to 18’ Vehicles classification category 3 from 18’ to 24’ Vehicles classification category 4 from 24’ to 40’ Vehicles classification category 5 from 40’ to 80’ Vehicles classification category 6 from 80’ to 100’ Description not available Description not available Description not available 21 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure – Delay (Definition of season) 22 Findings from Data Analysis • Definition of seasons in FAST: Beginning of the year, Holiday, Fall, Summer, Early Summer, and Spring. Season Beginning of year Description First day of CCSD school following holiday break through a Friday in mid-march Begin January 6th End March 14th • The beginning and end of the seasons change from year to year. Can we have access to historical FAST reports? • Peak period for beginning of the year season. Excel software was used to aggregate the volumes to an hourly per season value. The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure – Delay (Peak Period) An Example DetectorData_204_1 DetectorData_204_2 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM DetectorData_210_1 DetectorData_210_2 939 862 890 519 652 600 619 375 514 480 495 303 462 432 448 283 625 593 615 421 1251 1215 1266 953 2341 2325 2438 1743 4177 3094 3269 2393 3931 2861 3027 2169 2624 2587 2726 1983 2714 2605 2742 1978 2755 2696 2839 2031 3311 2828 2980 2125 4133 2901 3057 2168 4712 3201 3366 2359 3683 3624 3823 2658 3947 3880 4088 2912 3994 3924 4145 2941 3151 3112 3273 2216 2345 2275 2383 1571 1982 1909 1993 1258 1808 1758 1832 1137 1568 1510 1568 967 1225 1146 1187 706 23 The data is in XLSX format and includes the attributes showed in Table 1. Performance Measure – Delay (Visualization) An Example 2014 US-95 South Bound Sensors 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 DetectorData_210_2 0-1000 1000-2000 2000-3000 3000-4000 DetectorData_204_1 11 PM 10 PM 9 PM 8 PM 7 PM 6 PM 4 PM 5 PM 2 PM DetectorData_204_2 3 PM 12 PM DetectorData_210_1 1 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 0 4000-5000 24 Performance Measure - Delay Findings from Data Analysis • It is possible to determine the peak periods from BI for any time period. We should perform a sensitivity analysis to determine if this period changes over time. There should be a predefined peak period? • There should be two or three peak periods per day? 25 Performance Measure - Delay Findings from Data Analysis • National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) proposes a methodology to calculate delays for a segment. 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦 = 𝐴𝑇𝑇 − 𝑇𝑇 𝐹𝐹𝑆 𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑆𝐿 𝑥 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑥 𝑂𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 Where, 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑦 = the total delay for a segment (persons - minutes) 𝐴𝑇𝑇 = Actual travel time in minutes 𝑇𝑇 𝐹𝐹𝑆 𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑆𝐿 = Travel time for free flow speed or posted speed in minutes 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = Vehicle volumes in number of vehicles 𝑂𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑦 = Vehicle occupancy in persons/vehicle 26 Performance Measure – Delay (Segment Lengths) Findings from Data Analysis To find delay, the segment lengths are required. The shapefile used by FAST was requested and the lengths were calculated using ArcMap. This process can be replicated in BI. 27 Performance Measure - Delay 28 Findings from Data Analysis • The PSL value can be obtained from HPMS data. In addition, the HPMS team is working on determining the FFS. Do we calculate the delay for both speeds? • The actual travel times for each segment and for each disaggregated record were calculated. • The travel time for posted speeds were calculated. Performance Measure - Delay 29 Findings from Data Analysis • The calculation of the percentage of days with delay for a season is in progress. • • • • The travel time based on FFS needs to be calculated. The average delay per day needs to be calculated. What is the aggregation for the average delay? For the feasibility studies the data is initially aggregated hourly. Afterwards, it needs to be analyzed daily in order to identify the days with delay. Recommended Functional Requirements Next Recommended Functional Requirements In progress . . . 30