Social Justice Speech Competition This competition is geared to continue the theme of social justice by taking place immediately after the 3 rd annual Social Justice Film Festival October 17 -20, 2012. Using the medium of a public presentation, students will have the opportunity to inform the campus community about a social justice issue. Guidelines for the Social Justice Speech: 1. 2. Length, 4-6 minutes Goal of the speech is to inform the audience about an issue related to social justice (see Topic Ideas handout) 3. Speech should include information from 5 credible sources and be verbally cited in the speech 4. Speech should be organized using the following format: a. Introduction (approximately 1 minute) i. Attention getter ii. Topic statement iii. Preview of Main points b. Body of speech (approximately 4-6 minutes) i. 2-3 main points c. Conclusion (approximately 30 seconds) i. Review of Main points ii. Concluding statement 5. Speakers may use visual aids and a computer with internet connections will be available during speech. Guidelines for the Social Justice Speech Competition: 1. Preliminary Round I a. Competitors will include: i. one student selected from each participating COMM 1000: Public Speaking class 1. Each class has an average of 20-24 students ii. One student per 20 presentations from the Open Speech preliminary round. b. Day/Time i. Public Speaking classes will be Presentation II (Oct. 4-Oct. 15) ii. Open Speech preliminary round on October 10 th 2pm-4 pm in Elliot Union, Café Rouge stage. iii. All presentations will be video recorded c. Judges will include Public Speaking teachers 2. Preliminary Round II a. All student competitors who were chosen in Preliminary Round I will be randomly assigned to one of five groups. b. Two Public Speaking teachers will watch one of the five groups and select the top speaker to go onto the finals. c. Finalists will be contacted by October 19 th, 2012 3. Final Round a. The top 5 students will present their social justice speech on October 24, 2012 (time/place TBA) b. Judges will include faculty and staff across campus c. Winners will be announced immediately following the presentation of the speeches. The Sponsors: The American Democracy Project focuses on the development of informed graduates who are committed to lives of engagement as citizens in our democracy. The creation and presentation of these speeches will inform the campus community and illustrate how citizens are engaging in local, national, and global means to create justice. The Department of Communication also supports students using any type of communication medium to share their ideas and practice the art of communication. The creation and presentation of these speeches supports these concepts we teach students to create and analyze within our discipline. Judges Evaluation Form Social Justice Speech Name of Speaker: ____________________________________________________ Topic of Speech: ____________________________________________________ CRITERIA COMMENTS Intro and Conc. Attention, introduce topic, relate to audience, preview main pts; summary, concluding statement Body: main and sub points accomplish the purpose, are well-developed, transitions are used between points. Organization is clear. Points are informative, not persuasive. Supporting Material: specific, variety of types is used, sources are cited orally, high quality, appropriate for audience Audience adaptation: speaker relates topic to THIS audience (college students) in very specific ways. Adapted to audience knowledge, attitude, and interest. Delivery: Spontaneous, shows enthusiasm, only brief notes are used. Student does not read the speech. Practice is evident. PRESENTATION AID: the visual aid is appropriate, is used appropriately, and contributes to the purpose of the speech. Time: ________ Score: __________/100