LAB: Using the Compound Microscope The Invention of the Microscope – 1600s • Robert Hooke’s Microscope Robert Hooke • first person to observe cells in 1665 • looked at dead cork cells under a simple microscope • saw “compartments” • named them cells Anton van Leeuwenhoek • observed similar structures of cells in algae in 1675 Early Microscopes 1920 1934 1938 – photographic system Electron Microscopes • Beam of electrons can magnify image up to 10,000,000x. 1973 2012 SEM Micrographs Ant Pollen Dustmite Guesses… More Images! Lab: The Compound Microscope • QUESTION: How do microscopes help biologists explore the diversity of life? • LAB OVERVIEW: In this investigation, you will learn the parts and proper use of the microscope. You will also learn to prepare microscope slides using the wet mount technique. You will observe common every day items under different powers of magnification. Part I: The Microscope • A. Carrying the Microscope • Go get a microscope – carry it correctly Microscope Parts • Identify the following parts with your lab partner. • Use your HW Body Tube Nosepiece Eyepiece 10x Arm Scanner 4x Low 10x High 40x Stage Clips Course Diaphragm Fine Light Base B: Preparing a wet mount slide C. Viewing: Eyepiece (10x) • • • • • Objectives: Scanner (4x) - course adjustment Low power (10x) - course adjustment High power (40x) - fine focus How do you think you would determine total magnification? D. Clean Up • Remove slide from microscope, rinse and dry with lens wipe • Throw away coverslip • Rotate nosepiece so low power is down • Wrap cord around base, cover, and return to cabinet. How to draw what you see Title: ______________ 1. Trace a circle with a petri dish that represents your microscopes field of view. 2. Write a title. 3. Write the magnification. Magnification: ____________ Observations and answers to questions go underneath or to the right of your drawing. 4. Take time to sketch exactly what you see in your microscope. 5. Labels go outside the circle.