國立政治大學公共行政研究所 碩博班 「第三部門研究」 Seminar on the Third Sector 授課老師︰江明修 教授 上課時間︰每週二 (14:10~17:00) 上課地點︰ 聯絡電話: (02)2938-7402 傳真電話: (02)2939-3304 學生時間:(請先預約) 會面地點:另約 e-mail: msjiangdr@gmail.com 【課程主旨】 本課程主要宗旨,在於透過對第三部門理論、國際性與本土性個案的引介 與討論,以增進學生對於第三部門的內涵、組織運作及其對公共政策影響的認識。 自 1990 年以降,各國民間公益組織的日益蓬勃發展,更積極地擔負起彌補社會 需求和政府供給間落差之角色,形成私人企業(第一部門)及政府部門(第二部 門)等機構外,而以公益為先的「第三部門」(The Third Sector),其主要成員包含 「非營利組織」(NPOs)及「非政府組織」(NGOs)。而對於私人企業不願介入,而 政府又力有未逮的文化及社會領域,第三部門的參與恰可彌補此一缺口。 由於「公民參與」(Citizen Participation)的理念日受重視,「第三部門」目前 已逐漸成為當前社會科學研究的重要領域之一。「公民參與」的意義,乃是緣於 公民建構其「公民資格」(Citizenship)意識,以公民對公共事務擁有的主權地位, 主動發起公共行動,以對公共事務進行更多樣、更廣泛,與更深入的參與,並且 藉「社區意識」(Sense of Community)的凝塑,以期實現社會之「公共利益」(Public Interest),並建立「公民社會」(Civil Society)。在國家與社會互動架構下,公民對 於攸關其福祉至鉅的「公共服務」(Public Service)自然會形成種種要求,除了責求 政府「公正廉能」,以及提供更多元、更具品質,及更具社會公平正義的「公共 服務」之外,甚至要求主動參與公共政策之規劃、執行和評估,這也正是國家民 1 主化的落實。而「第三部門」,因其所具有的取私為公、去私存公的「公共性」 特質,正好成為公民參與公共服務的最佳管道。因此,深入研究「第三部門」課 題,對學術研究與實務工作之發展,均極深具意義與價值。 <<課程規範>> 一、學術倫理 為維護學術倫理,於學習過程中,不論分組報告、議題報告、期中報告或學 期報告,請同學務必親自參與,不宜發生抄襲或委請他人操刀情事發生,違者該 次報告或作業以零分計算。 二、學術規格 學期報告格式、內容、註釋、參考書目等皆必須符合學術規格要求,否則退 回。 <<課程要求>> 一、主題報告 1、分組原則:2人一組為限,分組名單請班代於第一週下課後次日,以電子 郵件送交老師。 2、報告方式:採輪流報告方式,報告順序由同學自行協調。請當週負責報 告同學,以powerpoint準備報告,內容為針對當週主題試提出「為何」, 而非摘要指定教材之內容。此外,當週負責報告同學,請於上課時,繳 交一份書面摘要及powerpoint資料給老師,同時請於上課前一天,將簡報 檔案上傳至公行異言堂,以供同學們提前下載、閱讀、參考。 3、報告流程:每週進度分由1組負責,各組報告時間以20分鐘為原則。 4、器材準備:主題報告皆須使用電腦及投影機,所需器材請同學於上課前 備妥,任何器材使用問題,請洽詢系辦公室。 2 二、期中報告 1、分組原則:2人一組,期中報告可自行完成,分組名單請班代於第一週下 課後次日,以電子郵件送交老師。(分組狀態希盡量與主題報告相同) 2、指定期中研究對象:期中研究對象,可由授課老師提供「非營利組織名 單」 ,並由老師協助向上述組織執行長或負責人推薦各組同學研究,以利 研究。 3、報告內容:可針對前述指定之非營利組織負責人進行口述歷史之撰寫, 瞭解其願景、生命歷程與如何克服困難的成長之道,進以作為學期報告 之基礎。 4、繳交時限:5月16日(第13週)。 三、學期報告 1、 繳交學期報告大綱:5月16日(第13週)。 2、 繳交時限:下學期開學前一週;連同「自我評鑑表」一同繳交。 3、 報告內容:可延續期中報告所指定之研究對象,與該組織負責人(或適 當人選)進行深度訪談,以獲取深度之田野資料,進而為該組織提出具 體的發展策略與建議。亦可自行設定相關研究主題。 四、課堂參與 除積極出席、上課討論外;針對每週授課內容,每位同學於第三節時,下 課前三十分撰寫「心得報告」,並於下課前繳交。 上述報告須著重個案與當週上課進度之整合,鼓勵各位同學搜尋相關國內 外個案,作為議題報告素材。前述報告可「手寫或電腦打字」 ( A4,一面)繳交, 請於老師評閱完成後上傳至公行異言堂。 3 <<課程評估>> 1. 主題報告 20 % 2. 期中報告 20 % 3. 學期報告 30 %(含學期報告大綱,著重學術格式) 4. 課堂參與 30 %(個人成績,心得報告、出席、上課討論) <<授課流程>> 節 次 流 第一節 第二節 第三節 程時 間備 議題分享 10 江老師 主題報告(一) 20 分組簡報 深度匯談(一) 20 江老師及全體學生 下課休息 10 議題分享 10 江老師 深度匯談(二) 40 江老師及全體學生 下課休息 10 綜合講解 20 江老師 撰寫心得報告 30 全體學生 <<課程進度>> 週次 1 2 日期 2/21 2/28 主題 N/A N/A 指定教材 課務分工、課程介紹、師生相見歡、填寫個人資料 (停課) 4 考 3 3/7 起 源 4 3/14 理 論 基 礎 Etzioni, A., 1973, “The Third Sector and Domestic Missions,” Public Administration Review, 33: 314-323. Levitt, T., 1973, The Third Sector: New Tactics for a Responsive Society. New York: Amacom. Nielsen, W. A., 1979, The Endangered Sector. New York: Columbia University Press. Salamon, Lester M., 2003, “The Stakes: The Nonprofit Sector and Why We Need It”and “The Challenges,” The Resilient Sector: The State of Nonprofit America. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. (Ch 2 & 3) Evers, Adalbert and Jean-Louis Laville, 2004, “Defining the third sector in Europe,” in Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville (eds.), The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, pp. 11-42. MA.: Edward Elgar. Najam, A., 1996, “Understanding the third sector: revisiting the prince, the merchant, and the citizen,” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 7(2), pp.203-219. Kingma, Bruce R., 1997, “Public Good Theories of the Nonprofit Sector: Weisbrod Revisited,” Voluntas, 8(1): 135-148. Weisbrod, Burton A., 1975, “Toward a Theory of the Voluntary Nonprofit Sector in a Three-Sector Economy,” in E. S. Phelps (ed.), Altruism, Morality, and Economy Theory. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 俞可平著,1999,社群主義。台北:風雲論壇出版社。 Badelt, Christoph, 1990, “Institutional choice and the nonprofit sector,“ in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 53-63. New York: deGruyter. James, Estelle, 1990, “Economic Theories of the nonprofit sector: A comparative perspective,” in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 21-30. New York: deGruyter. Hansmann, Henry, 1987, “Economic theory of nonprofit organizations,” in Walter Powell (ed.), The nonprofit sector: A research handbook, pp. 27-42. New Haven: Yale University Press. Salamon, Lester M., 1987, “Of market failure, voluntary failure, and third party government: Toward a theory of government-nonprofit relations in the modern welfare states,” Journal of Voluntary Action Research, 16(1-2): 29-49. 5 5 3/21 問 題 意 識 6 3/28 內 、 外 在 關 係 7 4/3 英 國 個 案 Anheier, Helmut K. & Jeremy Kendall (eds.), 2001, Third Sector Policy at the Crossroads: An international nonprofit analysis. London and New York: Routledge. Brooks, Arthur C., 2002, “Can Nonprofit Management help answer Public Management’s ‘big questions’?” Public Administration Review, 62(3): 259-266. Couto, Richard A., 2001, “The Third Sector and Civil Society: The Case of the “Yes” Campaign in Northern Ireland,” Voluntas, 12(3): 221-238. Bauer, Rudolf, 1990, “Nonprofit organizations in international perspective,“ in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 271-276. New York: deGruyter. Anheier, Helmut K., 1990, “The third sectorin comparative perspective: Four propositions,“ in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 379-385. New York: deGruyter. Brinkerhoff, Jennifer, et al., 2002, “Government-Nonprofit relations in Comparative Perspective: Evolution, Themes and new Directions”, Public Administration & Development, 22(1): 3-18. Phillips, Susan D., 2003, “Voluntary Sector-Government Relationships in Transition: Learning from International Experience for the Canadian Context, in Kathy L. Brock et al. (eds.), The Nonprofit Sector in Interesting Times: Case Studies in a Changing Sector, pp. 17-70. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queens’s University Press. Najam, A., 2000, “The four-C’s of third sector-government relations: Cooperation, confrontation, complementarity, and co-optation,” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 10(4), pp.375-396. Isett, Kimberley Roussin, 2005, “The Evolution of Dyadic Interorganizational Relationships in a Network of Publicly Funded Nonprofit Agencies.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 15(1), 149-165. Taylor, Marilyn and Diane Warburton, 2003, “Legitimacy and the Role of UK Third Sector Organizations in the Policy Process”, Voluntas, 14(3): 321-338. Nichols, G. et al., 2005, “Pressures on the UK Voluntary Sport Sector,” Voluntas, 16(1), 33-50. Warnaby, Gary & Jill Finney, 2005, “Creating customer value in the not-for-profit sector: A case study of the British Library,” International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 10(3), 183-195. Vincent, Jeremy & Jenny Harrow, 2005, “Comparing Thistles and Roses: The Application of Governmental-Voluntary Sector Relations Theory to Scotland and England,” Voluntas, 16(4), 375-395. 6 8 4/10 美 國 個 案 9 4/17 N/A Salamon, L. M., 1999. American’s Nonprofit Sector: A Primer (2th), New York: The Foundation Center. Starik, Mark and Marl Heuer, 2002, “Strategic Inter-organizational Environmentalism in the US: A Multi-Sectoral Perspective of Alternating Eco-Policy Roles”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 11(4): 221-235. Sidel, Mark, 2006, “The Third Sector, Human Security, and Anti-Terrorism: The United States and Beyond,” Voluntas, 17(3), 199-210. Salamon, Lester M., 1990, „The nonprofit sector and government: The American experience in theory and practice,” in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 219-240. New York: deGruyter. 提交「期中報告」(期中考週,停課) 10 11 12 4/24 加拿 大個 案 5/1 歐 盟 個 案 5/8 澳 洲 個 案 Steedman, Eric & Jane Rabinowicz, 2006, “Changing dynamics in the Canadian voluntary sector: challenges in sustaining organizational capacity to support healthy communities,” The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 126(6), 275-279. Berger, Ida E., 2006, “The Influence of Religion on Philanthropy in Canada,” Voluntas, 17(2), 110-127. Delors, Jacques, 2004, “The European Union and the Third Sector,” in Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville (eds.), The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, pp. 206-218. MA.: Edward Elgar. Connolly, Pauline, 2006, “Management Style in the Non-Profit Sector in Ireland,” Irish Journal of Management, 26(2), 129-147. Borzaga, Carol, 2004, “From suffocation to re-emergence: the evolution of the Italian third sector,” in Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville (eds.), The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, pp. 45-62. MA.: Edward Elgar. Dekker, Paul, 2004, “The Netherlands: from private initiatives to non-profit hybrids and back?”, in Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville (eds.), The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, pp. 144-168. MA.: Edward Elgar. Leiter, Jeffrey, 2005, “Structural Isomorphism in Australian Nonprofit Organizations”, Voluntas, 16(1), 1-31. Tyler, Melissa Conley, 2005, “Benchmarking in the non-profit sector in Australia,” Benchmarking, 12(3), 219-235. Madden, Kym, 2006, “Growing national philanthropy: Australia steps forward”, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 11(3), 155-163. 7 13 5/15 14 5/22 15 5/29 16 6/5 本 土 案 例 國 際 非 營 利 組 織 第三部門:經營策略與社會參與(第五章) 第三部門:經營策略與社會參與(第七章) 第三部門:經營策略與社會參與(第八章) 第三部門:經營策略與社會參與(第九章) 第三部門:經營策略與社會參與(第十章) 第三部門:經營策略與社會參與(第十一章) Dato-on, Mary Conway et al., 2006, “Creating effective customer relationships in not-for-profit retailing: the Ten Thousand Villages example,” International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 11(4), 319-333. 江明修審訂,2003,非政府組織。台北:智勝出版社。 Anheier, Helmut K., 1990, “Private voluntary organizations and the Third World,“ in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 361-376. New York: deGruyter. Moore, Gwen, et al., 2002, “Elite interlocks in three U.S. Sectors: Nonprofit, Corporate, and Government”, Social Science Quarterly, 83(30): 726-744. Lohmann, Roger A., 2007, “Charity, Philanthropy, Public Service, or Enterprise: What Are the Big Questions of Nonprofit Management Today?” Public Administration Review, 67(3), 437-444. Helmig, Bernd, et al., 2004, “Challenges in Managing Nonprofit Organizations: A research Overview”, Voluntas, 15(2): 101-116. LeRoux, Kelly M. & Bethany G. Sneed, 2006, “The convergence of public and nonprofit values: a research agenda for the intersectoral study of representative bureaucracy,” International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 9(4), 537-556. 17 18 6/12 6/19 挑 戰 與 發 展 N/A (期中考週,停課) 說明:標示「☆」者,意指為「當週必讀文獻」。 <<指定書目>> 1. 江明修主編,2000,第三部門:經營策略與社會參與。台北:智勝文化。 2. 俞可平著,1999,社群主義。台北:風雲論壇出版社。 3. 江明修審訂,2003,非政府組織。台北:智勝出版社。 4. Anheier, Helmut K. & Jeremy Kendall (eds.), 2001, Third Sector Policy at the Crossroads: An international nonprofit analysis. London and New York: 8 Routledge. 5. Anheier, Helmut K., 1990, “Private voluntary organizations and the Third World,“ in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 361-376. New York: deGruyter. 6. Anheier, Helmut K., 1990, “The third sectorin comparative perspective: Four propositions,“ in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 379-385. New York: deGruyter. 7. Badelt, Christoph, 1990, “Institutional choice and the nonprofit sector,“ in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 53-63. New York: deGruyter. 8. Bauer, Rudolf, 1990, “Nonprofit organizations in international perspective,“ in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 271-276. New York: deGruyter. 9. Berger, Ida E., 2006, “The Influence of Religion on Philanthropy in Canada,” Voluntas, 17(2), 110-127. 10. Borzaga, Carol, 2004, “From suffocation to re-emergence: the evolution of the Italian third sector,” in Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville (eds.), The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, pp. 45-62. MA.: Edward Elgar. 11. Brinkerhoff, Jennifer, et al., 2002, “Government-Nonprofit relations in Comparative Perspective: Evolution, Themes and new Directions”, Public Administration & Development, 22(1): 3-18. 12. Brooks, Arthur C., 2002, “Can Nonprofit Management help answer Public Management’s ‘big questions’?” Public Administration Review, 62(3): 259-266. 13. Connolly, Pauline, 2006, “Management Style in the Non-Profit Sector in Ireland,” Irish Journal of Management, 26(2), 129-147. 14. Couto, Richard A., 2001, “The Third Sector and Civil Society: The Case of the “Yes” Campaign in Northern Ireland,” Voluntas, 12(3): 221-238. 15. Dato-on, Mary Conway et al., 2006, “Creating effective customer relationships in not-for-profit retailing: the Ten Thousand Villages example,” International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 11(4), 319-333. 16. Dekker, Paul, 2004, “The Netherlands: from private initiatives to non-profit hybrids and back?” in Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville (eds.), The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, pp. 144-168. MA.: Edward Elgar. 17. Delors, Jacques, 2004, “The European Union and the Third Sector,” in Adalbert 9 Evers and Jean-Louis Laville (eds.), The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, pp. 206-218. MA.: Edward Elgar. 18. Etzioni, A., 1973, “The Third Sector and Domestic Missions,” Public Administration Review, 33: 314-323. 19. Evers, Adalbert and Jean-Louis Laville, 2004, “Defining the third sector in Europe,” in Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville (eds.), The Third Sector in Europe. Northampton, pp. 11-42. MA.: Edward Elgar. 20. Hansmann, Henry, 1987, “Economic theory of nonprofit organizations,” in Walter Powell (ed.), The nonprofit sector: A research handbook, pp. 27-42. New Haven: Yale University Press. 21. Helmig, Bernd, et al., 2004, “Challenges in Managing Nonprofit Organizations: A research Overview”, Voluntas, 15(2): 101-116. 22. Isett, Kimberley Roussin, 2005, “The Evolution of Dyadic Interorganizational Relationships in a Network of Publicly Funded Nonprofit Agencies.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 15(1), 149-165. 23. James, Estelle, 1990, “Economic Theories of the nonprofit sector: A comparative perspective,” in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 21-30. New York: deGruyter. 24. Kingma, Bruce R., 1997, “Public Good Theories of the Nonprofit Sector: Weisbrod Revisited,” Voluntas, 8(1): 135-148. 25. Leiter, Jeffrey, 2005, “Structural Isomorphism in Australian Nonprofit Organizations”, Voluntas, 16(1), 1-31. 26. LeRoux, Kelly M. & Bethany G. Sneed, 2006, “The convergence of public and nonprofit values: a research agenda for the intersectoral study of representative bureaucracy,” International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 9(4), 537-556. 27. Levitt, T., 1973, The Third Sector: New Tactics for a Responsive Society. New York: Amacom. 28. Lohmann, Roger A., 2007, “Charity, Philanthropy, Public Service, or Enterprise: What Are the Big Questions of Nonprofit Management Today?” Public Administration Review, 67(3), 437-444. 29. Madden, Kym, 2006, “Growing national philanthropy: Australia steps forward”, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 11(3), 155-163. 10 30. Moore, Gwen, et al., 2002, “Elite interlocks in three U.S. Sectors: Nonprofit, Corporate, and Government”, Social Science Quarterly, 83(30): 726-744. 31. Najam, A., 1996, “Understanding the third sector: revisiting the prince, the merchant, and the citizen,” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 7(2), pp.203-219. 32. Najam, A., 2000, “The four-C’s of third sector-government relations: Cooperation, confrontation, complementarity, and co-optation,” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 10(4), pp.375-396. 33. Nichols, G. et al., 2005, Sector,” Voluntas, 16(1), 33-50. “Pressures on the UK Voluntary Sport 34. Nielsen, W. A., 1979, The Endangered Sector. New York: Columbia University Press. 35. Phillips, Susan D., 2003, “Voluntary Sector-Government Relationships in Transition: Learning from International Experience for the Canadian Context, in Kathy L. Brock et al. (eds.), The Nonprofit Sector in Interesting Times: Case Studies in a Changing Sector, pp. 17-70. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queens’s University Press. 36. Salamon, L. M., 1999. American’s Nonprofit Sector: A Primer (2th), New York: The Foundation Center. 37. Salamon, Lester M., 1987, “Of market failure, voluntary failure, and third party government: Toward a theory of government-nonprofit relations in the modern welfare states,” Journal of Voluntary Action Research, 16(1-2): 29-49. 38. Salamon, Lester M., 1990, „The nonprofit sector and government: The American experience in theory and practice,” in Helmut Anheier et al. (eds.), The Third Sector: Comparative Studies of Nonprofit Organizations, pp. 219-240. New York: deGruyter. 39. Salamon, Lester M., 2003, “The Stakes: The Nonprofit Sector and Why We Need It”and “The Challenges,” The Resilient Sector: The State of Nonprofit America. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. (Ch 2 & 3) 40. Sidel, Mark, 2006, “The Third Sector, Human Security, and Anti-Terrorism: The United States and Beyond,” Voluntas, 17(3), 199-210. 41. Starik, Mark and Marl Heuer, 2002, “Strategic Inter-organizational Environmentalism in the US: A Multi-Sectoral Perspective of Alternating Eco-Policy Roles”, Business Strategy and the Environment, 11(4): 221-235. 11 42. Steedman, Eric & Jane Rabinowicz, 2006, “Changing dynamics in the Canadian voluntary sector: challenges in sustaining organizational capacity to support healthy communities,” The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 126(6), 275-279. 43. Taylor, Marilyn and Diane Warburton, 2003, “Legitimacy and the Role of UK Third Sector Organizations in the Policy Process”, Voluntas, 14(3): 321-338. 44. Tyler, Melissa Conley, 2005, “Benchmarking in the non-profit sector in Australia,” Benchmarking, 12(3), 219-235. 45. Vincent, Jeremy & Jenny Harrow, 2005, “Comparing Thistles and Roses: The Application of Governmental-Voluntary Sector Relations Theory to Scotland and England,” Voluntas, 16(4), 375-395. 46. 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