Document 9679729



To promote excellence in nursing through transformational leadership in New York State


To be recognized as a catalyst for collaborative and innovative nursing leadership


Collaboration Excellence

Innovation/Creativity Diversity

Integrity/Stewardship Leadership

Life-long Learning Quality & Safety


(3-5 year plan)

Act as a resource for members and regions

Provide education and leadership development

Influence public policy

Forge strategic alliances and partnerships

Promote excellence in professional practice environments by fostering Magnet qualities

Promote education/practice partnerships

Foster evidence based leadership

Initiate & foster research

Create & promote opportunities for mentoring

2015 GOALS

Increase public awareness of nursing’s influence on safety, quality & economics in healthcare by leveraging nurses’ position as most trusted professions.

Implement strategies to create an engaged & diverse membership

Engage in leadership development opportunities for members and regions by coordinating educational programming & web-conferenceing.

Engage in public policy activities affecting healthcare in NYS focused on patient centered care, quality and safety

Forge partnerships with other organizations to enhance nursing public policy work

Continue strategies to showcase best practice in New York State

2015 Objectives


Implement strategies to create an engaged and diverse membership.

Objectives: Communications Committee

•Increase awareness of NYONE through improved use of social media and point people to website

• Ensure regional involvement in website and develop measurable monitoring system with feedback to leaders

• Post all NYONEL position papers and selected AONE documents with links to documents

• Maximize use of the website to communicate research and best practices.

• Committee to develop banner ads and explore connections to other sites

•Explore use of list serve directly by members

• Establish a system for regional reports that includes participation on state level



Restore Membership to 850

•Objectives: Membership/Marketing Committee

• Enhance and implement membership marketing program to include additional incentive programing

• Expand the outreach campaign to non-hospital populations.

• Contribute to website materials

•Each region challenged to increase participation on committees with member bring a member campaign

• Connect with CEOs & Deans to communicate membership benefits

•Implement an incentive program for recruitment

• Improve retention rate of existing members to 95%

Not clear to whom to assign

• Develop mechanism on regional basis for leadership succession

•Develop mechanisms for regional succession planning by targeting a minimum of one new CNO to participate.


Increase leadership development opportunities for members and regions

Objectives: Education Committee

• Expand educational opportunities statewide using a minimum of six web-casts.

• Implement joint programming with HANYS

• Programming for multiple regions through sharing

Objectives Program Committee

• Continue focus of annual conference on leader development at different levels.

• Continue sponsoring certification review course for managers and CNOs.

• Conduct magnet education stressing magnet qualities


Goal: Implement formal coalition with Councils of Deans &


Education & Practice Partnership Committee


• Publication of data from joint educator-administrator survey

• Develop/promulgate partnership models: a) Joint appointments.

b) Clinical faculty roles.

c) Senior Student transition models.

d) Explore new models of collaboration.

• Foster utilization of McGee Scholarships

•Develop a best practice description for student clinical experience for publication to address limitation issues


Education - Practice Partnership Committee


Implement strategies to build support around Advancing the Profession of Nursing and other public policy issues

Objectives: Public Policy Committee

• Continue regional lobbying & community education.

• Continue linkages to MSSNY & Community College

Presidents through CANE task forces.

• Highlight HANYS,GNYHA, Regional Associations &

MSSNY support for BS in Ten

• Strengthen committee functioning a) Expand regional membership.

b) Lobby Days – joint & independent.

c) Upgrade rapid response system for policy advocacy by membership

• Construct position papers on strategic public policy issues

• Provide tool kit/mentoring for lobbying at the regional level - done

• Upgrade technology for communication to policy makers – postponed



Continuously showcase best practice in New York State

Objectives: Best Practice Committee

• Provide focused regional discussion of

Best Practices Awards Program and assign mentors

•Survey 2015 annual meeting attendees and use feedback to revamp the program

•Identify and promulgate best practices through a) educational presentations & posters at annual meeting b) website postings

Objectives: Research Committee

• Publish one project annually

• Evaluate the relationship between transformational leadership styles & executive management

• Vet research studies from NYONE Committees &/or others seeking NYONE participation

