PROJECT PLANIFICATION PART A: PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ITS PLANIFICATION 1.-Basic Data Project Title Implementation of an hydroponic greenhouse in the human settlement “Mercado Jarrín” in the district of Chulucanas. Organisation Name: ONG APRODE PERU Adress: Calle Daniel Alcides Carrión No 203, San Borja, Lima Phone: (+51)-(0)1-475-1448 E-mail: President: Percy Javier Gómez Merino, Presidente Project’s Supervisor Name : Juan Oswaldo Buendía Pérez Occupation : Coordinador Phone: 992269449 E-mail: Cooperative Organisations Asociación Medio Ambientalista y Humanitaria -MATISEE Project goal Promoting the production and the consumption of fresh products such as vegetables through the implementation of an hydroponic greenhouse as a proposal of rural, innovative and effective technology. The project is orientated in the socio-cultural of the participants taking part in the project. Region Province District Geographical area Piura Time period Requested Funding Amount Morropón Chulucanas 06 months S./32,452.20 A. Social Development x Sector of intervention B. Sustainable Development C. Local Economic Development D. Governance and Democracy 2.- PROJECT GOAL The following project wants to establish a culture of well-balanced nutrition in the population of Chulucanas through the coaching of hydroponic cultivation as a proposal of urban agriculture, providing the conservation of the environment of the community of Chulucanas. It is also focused on the environmental education teaching the necessary skills to grow vegetables using hydroponic installation. 3.- MAIN OBJECT OF APRODE PERU The main object of APRODE PERU is to promote the human, social and sustainable development of the Peruvian population through motivation, sensitization and education. Offering the necessary tools to selected groups allows the implementation of a process of productivity and increases the standard of living in the long-term. 4.-EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE OF SIMILAR PROYECTS OF APRODE PERU Enforcement of the activities of the Centros de Integración Familiar - INABIF Project of environmental education in primary schools First olympics for the recognition of handicapped people of Chulucanas-Piura Reunion of integration and solidarity for the P.C.D. in Pacobamba-Ampurímac Program for the access to justice without discrimination Socio-economic studies of the intervention áreas of APRODE PERU Program of the formalization of the “pequeños reclicladores” en Chulucanas-Piura Construction of a soup kitchen of the Asociación de P.C.D. of Huaycan-Ate-Lima Donation of medicine for health centres Donation of wheelchairs and biometric devices for P.C.D Registration of the P.C.D in the districts of Pacobamba, Huancarama and Chulucanas. Christmas campaign “Una sonrisa, un corazón feliz” Remodelation of the kitchen, soup kitchen and bakery of the EMCH-Lima 5.- CONTEXT AND JUSTIFICATION In the “Asentamiento Humano- Mercado Jarrin” of the city of Chulucanas there is nearly no option for a well-balanced diet including fresh vegetables. As a consequence of limited water access, there is no possibility to cultivate vegetables in a traditional way which leads to chronic malnutrition of the population. The major problem of Chulucanas is the worldwide climate change which damages acres and makes it impossible for local farmers to establish their agricultural business. Due to the population growth there is a higher demand of food which can be solved by establishing hydroponic techniques The project includes the implementation of a local hydroponic greenhouse because there is the necessity to grow vegetables as well as herbes of better quality to profit from the available acres in a sustainable matter. Hidroponic greenhouses are a technological innovation that allows cultivating fresh and organic vegetables with less water and in an environmental friendly way. Due to the several necessities nowadays, new forms of the sustainable use of resources have to be developed. Our basic idea is the education of Hydrophonics as an ecological and economic alternative. 6.-PROJECT GOALS General goal: Promoting the production and the consumption of fresh products such as vegetables through the implementation of an hydroponic greenhouse as a proposal of rural, innovative and effective technology. The project is orientated in the socio-cultural of the participants taking part in the project. Specific goals: 1. Implementation of an hydroponic greenhouse in the district 2. Development of the cultivation of several vegetables which are not produced in the region 3. Education of hydroponic techniques to the population 4. Improvement of the nutrition of the beneficiaries (fresh vegetables) Etc. 7.- COMPONENTS AND ACTIVITIES OF THE PROJECT COMPONENT 1: Implementation Construction of the hydroponic greenhouse (200m²) Activity 1.1: External construction Activity 1.2: Internal construction COMPONENT 2: Production and Education Activity 2.1: Cultivation of several fresh vegetables Activity 2.2: Education of the population Etc. 8.- DESCRIPTION OF BENEFICIARIES The beneficial population of this project is confirmed by representatives of social organisations of Base del Asentamiento Humano “Mercado Jarrín” of the city of Chulucanas in the province of Morropón in Piura. Nowadays, the majoriy of the women and teenagers are unemployed as well as their education is based on a low educational level while they are living under poverty without any support to develop their ressources. Most of the beneficiaries are farmers with small amounts of acres with small chances to succeed due to limited available water and missing agricultural equipment. 9.-TIME PLANIFICATION Total duration period 06 months Initial date 01.11.15 Project steps STEP 1 step: implementation 2nd step: production 3rd step st Initial date 01.11.15 15.11.15 Due date 15.11.15 TIMETABLE OF THE PROJECT ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES PLANIFICATION OF THE ACTIVITIES DURING THE WEEK STEP 1 COMPONENT 1: 1.1. External Implementation 1.2. Internal Implementation Etc. COMPONENT 2: Production + Education 2.1. Cultivation of several fresh vegetables 2.2 Education of the population 2.3 Comercialization of the production Evaluation E 1: E 2: x 2 x x 3 4 x x 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 10.-MARCO LÓGICO DEL PROYECTO OBJECTIVES GENERAL OBJECTIVE EXACT INDICATIONS Promoting the production and the consumption of fresh products such as vegetables through the implementation of an hydroponic greenhouse as a proposal of rural, innovative and effective technology. The project is orientated in the socio-cultural of the participants taking part in the project. COMPONENTS 1. implementation 2. generación de cultivos varios 3 educación a la población Construction of an adequate complex for the hydroponic project. ACTIVITIES COMPONENT 1: 1.1. 1.2. Etc. COMPONENT 2: 2.1. 2.2 Etc. MONITORING AND EVALUATION M&E 1: M&E 2: VERIFICATION SUPUESTOS/FACTORES EXTREMOS Medios externos corriente del niñolluvias moderadas. 11.- STRATEGY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF OUR PROJECT The following project is developed through hydroponic techniques which generate several vegetables and increase the level of nutrition of the population. In addition, our project provides education to farmers and also to the students of the local primary schools. The supervisor of our project is an environmental engineer with all the necessary skills and experiences in the cultivation of hydroponic greenhouses. 12.-RISK FACTORS RISK FACTORS MEASURE FOR MITIGATION INTERNAL RISKS 1 plague Preventive control 2 bad water quality Previous analysis Etc. EXTERNAL RISKS 1 tornados Observation 2 intensive rainfall Creating pipelines for intensive rainfall 13.PROGRAM MONITORING AND PROJECT EVALUATION The monitoring and supervising of the present project is mainly managed by the administration of APRODE PERÚ located in Lima cooperating with the representatives of Piura. These responsible people visit the city of Chulucanas once a week for the first three months and later continue to visit the region twice a month until the planned project period ends. In the long-term a group of professionals of the city of Chulucanas observe the project status. 14.STRATEGY TO GUARANTEE CONTINUATION The sustainability of the present project is based on the production and comercialization of the hydroponic products. The responsibility for the correct functioning of the installation in transferred to the local community. Enthusiastic participants manage the hydroponic installations in the future. PART B: PREVIOUS CALCULATION Item Theme Unit cost S/. Amount Final cost S/. External structure Cost 1 Eucalyptus stick (6m x 3cm) .48.00 40 1,920.00 Cost 1.1 Eucalyptus stick (5m x 4 cm) .52.00 24 1,248.00 Cost 2 Cement .34.00 10 340.00 Cost 2.1 Coarse sand ½ m3 50.00 01 50.00 Cost 2.2 Coarse stones ½ m3 90.00 01 90.00 Cost 3 Malla Raschell 60%-40% (Role x 100m2) 1,060.00 01 1,060.00 Cost 3.1 Malla Raschell 40%-60 (Role x 100m2) 960.00 01 960.00 Cost 3.2 Door 280.00 02 560.00 Sub-total Internal structure Unit cost S/. Amount S/.6,228.00 Final cost S/. Recirculating systems Cost 1 Mecanical filter for organic waste 60.00 04 240.00 Cost 1.1 Containers for hydroponic salts 200lts 250.00 06 1,500.00 Cost 1.2 Water containers 1100lts 700.00 02 1,400.00 Cost 1.3 Connection between internal container: 9.00 100 900.00 5.00 100 500.00 Conector (20mm) y adaptor Cost 1.4 Plastic containers (PVC ; 4 l) Cost 2 Water pump (2.5 l): 2000l x hour 180.00 06 1,080.00 Cost 2.1 Water pump (1.5 l): 800l x hour 60.00 02 120.00 Cost 3 Tube PVC (16mm black ; semi rigid: role x 100m) 110.00 03 330.00 Cost 3.1 Tube PVC ( 20mm black ; semi rigid: role x 100m) 130.00 02 260.00 Cost 3.2 Tube PVC (3 inches x 3 m) 18.00 48 864.00 Cost 3.3 Tube PVC (0.5 inches x 5m) 18. 00 06 108.00 Cost 3.4 Tab PVC (0.5 inches) 20.00 12 240.00 Cost 3.5 PVC (0.5 inches) 4.00 12 48.00 Cost 3.6 PVC (0.5 inches) 4.00 24 96.00 140.00 02 280.00 Cost 3.7 Codo PVC (20mm; black) Cost 3.8 Inicial connection PVC ( 20mm black) 160.00 02 Sub-total Electronical System Cost 4 Cable mesillo nº18 (role x 100m) Cost 4.1 Unit Cost S/. Amount 320.00 S/.8,286.00 Final Cost S/. 180.00 02 360.00 Cable vulcanizado nº16 4.00 40 160.00 Cost 4.2 Control stand 48.00 01 48.00 Cost 4.3 Automatic timer (20 programs ; 220v) 150.00 02 300.00 Cost 4.4 Magnetic sheet 90.00 02 180.00 Sub-total Staff Cost 5 Daily Journal Cost 5.1 Supervisor’s salary per finished production Unit Cost S/. Amount Final Cost S/. 50.00 40 2,000.00 1800.00 01 1,800.00 Sub-total SUSTAINABILITY OF THE PROJECT S/.1,048.00 Unit Cost S/. Amount S/.3,800.00 Final Cost S/. Cost 5 Hydroponic salt 1000lts 95.00 20 1,900.00 Cost 5.1 Organic pesticides 90.00 04 360.00 Cost 5.2 Seeds 4.00 20 80.00 Cost 5.2 Costs per m3 15.00 40 600.00 Planned time of duration of the products: 6 months 6 months of cultivation is planned Sub-total S/.2940.00 6 Administration costs 6.1 Administration Unit cost S/. Amount Final cost S/. 600.00 6 3600.00 600.00 6 3600.00 per month 6.2 Supervisor per month 6.3 Other unexpected costs 2950.00 Sub-total S/.10,150.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF COSTS S/.32,452.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF COSTS IN DOLLAR $. 10,173.04 PART C: DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATING NGO 1.- Identity Name of the organization : Registration No.: Title: Address main office: Phone E-mail: Website: Judicial Registration: Founding Date: Legal Representative: ONG Asociación Pro Desarrollo Perú Vida APRODE PERÚ 12049780 Calle Daniel Alcides Carrión N° 203-San Borja-Lima 001-475-148 Asociación civil sin fines de lucro-ONG’D 18 de Julio del 2007 PERCY JAVIER GÓMEZ MERINO 2.- Institutional Profile The NGO APRODE PERU was founded on January 18th, 2007 by Mr. Percy Javier Gómez Merino, as a non-profit, non-governmental development organization, aimed to help poor people and eradicate poverty in our country. This approach prioritizes the modernization and decentralization process of Peruvian State. Hence we give all our support to help the community development through our multidisciplinary teams that promote the local development and also the organization volunteers. We develop meetings with the local and/or regional governments in order to promote activities for population who live in extreme poverty, promoting its social and economic development. APRODE PERU has legal capacity and is entered in the Register of Non- Profit Legal Persons in the Public Registry of Lima on the electronic entry No. 12049780, with renewal records of inscription No. 241-2014/APCI-DOC of the Registry of Private Non-Profit Institutions Receiving Welfare or Educational Donations – IPREDA, Board Resolution No. 505-2013/APCI/DOC of the ONG’D Register of the Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation APCI-PERÚ, Board Resolution No. 018-2013-MIMPDGNN-DPNNA and its renewal record of inscription No. 342 of the Ministry of Women and Social Development MIMDES, Certificate of Good Standing No. 013-14-CONADIS, Record Certification No. 001-2010/UGEL 07 as an organization that provides community education RENOEC, Accreditation Record – code No.R109J1321 as an implementing organization of volunteering. Management Resolution No. 0490050028607, entered into the Registry of Income Tax-Exempt Entities- SUNAT, Ministerial Resolution of the Ministry of Economy and Finance No. 887-2011-EF/15 as a receiving donations entity. THE NGO APRODE PERU, based on its institutional operative plan (POI) 2011-2012, propose the execution of development cooperation actions in short, medium and long term in close coordination with the Peruvian private and public institutions, foreign institutions and the community. We want to promote activities and abilities for children, teenagers, women, old people and disabled people in order to improve the poor people’s living conditions, health, education, creation of micro and small businesses for social organizations (O.S.B), care for the environment and ecology, support the tourism, support the agriculture, basic services and infrastructure and more. THE NGO APRODE PERU researches, formulates, designs, manages and subscribe interinstitutional cooperation agreements, developing humanitarian aid programs and development projects, with the active participation of public and private institutions, Peruvian and foreign volunteers who contribute to improve the poor people’s living conditions with creativity and goodwill. 3.- ORIENTATION OF THE ORGANIZATION VISION To be an institution committed to the social and human development of Peru. We look for equity, peace and harmony with the environment in order to generate changes in our society. MISSION We are an institution committed to contribute with the development of the country, and modernization and decentralization process of the State. We based our work on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) struggling to improve the poor people’s living conditions and to eradicate poverty, inequality and exclusion inside our society. OBJECTIVES 1. To contribute to the social, human, economic, and cultural development of the poor population through programs and projects of sustainable development involving the participation of the beneficiaries and community institutions, through our thematic axis generating social impact in the intervention areas in order to improve the population living conditions in the community. 2. To strengthen the management of the institutional policy guidelines framework of APRODE PERU as a process of struggle against poverty, creating meetings with the central and regional government in order to promote abilities and actions to the socio-economic problem in general, especially in poor urban, rural and Andean areas of the country. 4.-VALUES OF THE ORGANIZATION OUR VALUES The values that governs our management: Independence: APRODE PERU is a nondenominational and nonpartisan organization that carries out its mission without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or gender. Recognition of the dignity of the people: APRODE PERU reaffirms the dignity as a right for people, families, and communities to build with them a fair world. Perseverance: We overcome obstacles considering the mission, goals, and objectives taking advantage of our fortitude and diminishing our weaknesses. Integrity: We work in a moral and probity environment. Respect: to consolidate our connection with the stakeholders and take care the environment. Loyalty: to confirm our commitment to the association and its members. Excellence: APRODE PERU acts with honesty and efficiency on the application of the society resources, ensuring the highest possible efficiency in the works it carries out. Solidarity: APRODE PERU promotes solidarity in daily life as an efficient commitment, to achieve a decent life for poor people and purpose of donors and communities that receive the aid. 5.-THEMATIC AXIS APRODE PERÚ is a multidisciplinary organization, promoting the development in different thematic axis: Social Development, Sustainable Development, Local Economic Development, Governance and Democracy 6.-COOPERATION Interinstitutional Cooperation with INABIF-Lima Cooperation with the University of César Vallejo Cooperation with the district of Paramonga Cooperation with the district of Andahuaylas Cooperation with the German Red Cross – Volunteer services Cooperation with the German organization Kulturkontakt- Volunteer services