Hydroponic System

The use of Grey-Waters for a Hydroponic System at
San Salvador Community
Valerie Cabezudo and Leonellis Cruz
School of Science and Technology, Universidad del Turabo
Survey Results
Wastewater generated from
domestic processes such as
dish washing, laundry and
bathing is called gray water.
In agreement with the
performed survey done to the
residents of the community of
San Salvador, we were able to
realized that the majority of the
grey waters generated at the
community do not reach the
septic tanks. Therefore, we
believe that these waters will
end up at the creeks. Beside,
most residents will agree to
yield us their grey waters, in
order to avoid these wastes
reaching the creeks, and in
addition to support our project.
Greywater comprises 50-80%
of residential wastewater.
Greywater is distinct from
black water in the amount and
composition of its chemical
and biological contaminants.
It is well known that crop
yields are higher as the
wastewater contains not only
water for crop growth, but also
plant nutrients like nitrogen
and phosphorus.
Are you willing to yield your
grey waters ?
People 20
Hydroponic is the form of
cultivating plants without
ground. The hydroponics is a
form of cultivation that can
apply to any type of plants,
already they be for
consummation or decorative
and can be practiced so much
in open spaces as closed.
Exist very diverse methods of
cultivations of hydroponic but
all are adjusted to an essential
principle, that consists of the
cultivation of plants without
ground and without organic
Materials and
We performed a survey in San
Salvador community, which
consisted of several questions
about their grey water
Beside, we studied some
scientific journal investigations
and looked for several prices
of different businesses for
possible inventory.
The San Salvador Community
is located at the southern west
corner of Caguas. In San
Salvador we find a close to
3,300 population. The highest
peak has an elevation of a
little over 2,000 feet. It has
three main creeks that are
tributary of Turabo River. The
first community museum in
Puerto Rico was established at
this community about five
years ago.
Hydroponic System
Study Site
Does your grey water go to your
septic tank?
We have concluded that to avoid
that the grey water (water you
domesticate used in the kitchen
and in the washed of clothes that
they contain some contaminants
calls phosphates and nitrates)
reach and contaminate the river, we
will use it as series of pipes to
transport the water to some
filtrations tank. Those tanks are
part of a system of hydroponics.
The hydroponics system is a
growing of plants without soil. We
will utilize the grey water collected
from the community. This system
will grow different vegetables and
ornamentals plants that could be
sold at the community and other
markets at a small price. Beside,
this system of hydroponics will
diminish and benefit the farmers
and the environment, since they
eliminate the expenses in fertilizing.
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Ecological Engineering 32:187-197
For further information
Leonellis Cruz
Valerie Cabezudo
lease contact via email