PPT - National Center for Home Food Preservation

Partnerships Produce a
National Center for Home Food
Preservation Research and Education
Andress, E.L., Harrison, J.A, Harrison, M.A.,
Kerr, W.L. and Nummer, B.A.
The University of Georgia, Extension Foods and Nutrition,
208 Hoke Smith Annex, Athens, GA 30602-4356
Galaxy II Extension Professionals Conference
Salt Lake City, UT
September 23, 2003
About Us
The National Center for Home Food Processing and Preservation is a multi-institutional collaboration funded by with funding from the
Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (CSREES-USDA) with the University of Georgia
as the primary institution. Scientists from Alabama A&M University and the University of California-Davis are partners. Experts in home food
preservation from other U.S. universities and industry comprise an advisory committee.
Interest in home food preservation and processing remains high in the U.S., but methods must be continually evaluated against updated
information in food safety. It is critical to provide educators and consumers with access to current science-based information concerning safety
and quality issues regarding home processing of food, and to encourage adoption of revised practices. The Center was established to address
food safety concerns for those who practice and teach home food preservation and processing methods. Therefore, the Center is creating,
gathering, evaluating, and disseminating science-based recommendations and conducting research as needed in support of those
The objectives being addressed include:
updating home food preservation recommendations through critical reviews of existing literature and additional laboratory evaluations;
development of a National Center website containing Cooperative Extension System recommendations and publications, as well as a
new web-based curriculum on home food preservation available nationwide;
updating recommendations for Master Food Preservers and community cannery settings;
updating professionals and volunteers in the Extension System with food preservation findings; and,
production of a video series on home food preservation.
The faculty in the Center receive numerous requests for technical assistance and trainings from many other states as well as the home food
preservation industries in the U.S. and Canada. Undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Georgia and Alabama A&M University
are receiving educational benefits through their involvement in the research and curriculum development aspects of the Center's activity.
Project Team
The University of Georgia
Project Director
– Elizabeth L. Andress, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist
Judy A. Harrison, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Extension Foods Specialist
Mark A. Harrison, Ph.D., Professor, Food Science and Technology
William L. Kerr, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Food Science and Technology
Anne L. Sweaney, Ph.D., Professor, Housing and Consumer Economics
Team Members
Brian A. Nummer, Ph.D., Project Coordinator
Elaine D'sa, Ph.D., Research Coordinator
Jimmy Hansen, Web Site Administrator
Alabama A&M University
Project Director
Lloyd T. Walker, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Food and Animal Sciences
John C. Anderson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Food and Animal Sciences
University of California-Davis
Linda Harris, Ph.D., Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist, Food Sciences and Technology
University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
Edna Negrón, Ph.D., Professor and Head of Department, Food Science and Technology
Advisory Committee
University/Cooperative Extension
Evelyn F. Crayton, Ed.D., R.D., L.D., Professor and Extension Foods and Nutrition Specialist, Auburn University
Angela Fraser, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Extension Food Safety Specialist, North Carolina State University
Linda Harris, Ph.D., Extension Food Safety/Microbiology Specialist, University of California_Davis
Virginia Hillers, Ph.D., Professor and Extension, Washington State University
Elizabeth Hoyle, M.S., Professor and Extension Food Specialist, Clemson University
Patricia Kendall, Ph.D., R.D., Professor and Food Safety Extension Specialist, Colorado State University
Karen Penner, Ph.D., Professor and Extension Specialist, Food Science, Kansas State University
Donna Scott, M.S., Food Safety Specialist and Senior Extension Associate, Cornell University
Christina Stark, M.S., R.D., Extension Nutrition Specialist, Cornell University
Judy L. Harrold, Manager, Consumer Affairs, Alltrista Consumer Products Company
Jo Anne O'Gara, Home Economist, National Presto Industries, Inc.
Our Projects
Multiple strategies for making safe food preservation recommendations available are being used: critical literature reviews and publishing of
results; original research; updating of existing USDA and Extension consumer publications; and establishing additional distribution channels
for dissemination of guidelines, including a new website. The Center’s website is the place to find information about the Center’s projects and
its findings, USDA home food preservation publications, Center publications, links to other Cooperative Extension System publications,
multimedia (graphics, animations, slides, and video), and how-to guides. Other programs in development through the collaboration of the
Center include a model volunteer-based Master Food Preserver Program, an instructional video series, and an original web-based curriculum
on home food preservation. Evaluation strategies have been implemented to assess effectiveness.
Original research on microbial safety of various home food preservation methods and ingredients.
Microbiota of selected herbs and selected spices
Heat penetration studies in three sizes of pressure canners
Effect of fill weight and initial temperature on heat penetration in a boiling water canned relish
Garlic and oil mixtures
Curing and sausage making
Original product and process development for home canned foods.
Jicama relish
Tomatillo relish
Pepper sauces and pickled pepper rings
Mango salsa and chutney
Pickles with sugar substitutes
Tropical fruit jellies
Lemon curd
Developing guidelines for critical controls for home food preservation methods.
Curing and smoking of meats
Pickling and acidified foods
Jams/jellies and other sugar concentrates
Original research on microwave blanching of some vegetables.
Original research to validate processes for community canneries and metal can processes.
Finding, reviewing and synthesizing relevant scientific literature.
Surveys of home food preservation practices and needs assessment with Extension educators.
Original website – www.homefoodpreservation.com
CSREES-USDA Complete Guide to Home Freezing
Updated CSREES-USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning
Model Master Food Preserver curriculum
On-line self-study course for educators, volunteers and 4-H members
Instructional video series
Workshops for Extension professionals and other educators if requested
Building Linkages
Developing a network of scientific and educational expertise and identifying the best resources for educating home food
Working with home canning industry on product development and recommendations
Working with government agencies to insure consistency of consumer food safety recommendations
Representing resources of the Cooperative Extension System to the public
USDA Complete Guides
National Center for Home Food Preservation
Univ. of Georgia Factsheets and Resources
Features from Other Universities
Other Government Publications
Useful Links
Your State University
Equipment and Ingredients
Seasonal Tips
Special topics organized by season
For Educators
Surveys (and situational information)
Historical Information
Special Additional Resources
Search Our Site
Search specific state Extension
publication sites
Ask Us
Info Request
if you haven’t found your answer
“How do I …?”
Cure and Smoke
Make Jam & Jelly
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Jellied Fruit Products
Slide Shows
Graphics Galleries
Video Clips
And More About Us …
Project Summary
Presentations and Papers
Site Information
This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 00-51110-9762.