NSW/ACT Careers News - Muirfield High School

Newsletter 17 March 2014

In this Week’s Newsletter:


UTS 2015 Course Guides

Subject Bonus Points at ACU

New Charles Sturt University DE

Outreach Centre in Sydney

Year 10 Future Finder Evenings UOW

University of Sydney Scholarships

Information Evening


Careers News

UNSW Indigenous Winter School

UWS Penrith Observatory Public

Astronomy Programs 2014

QS Ranks Macquarie University in Top 50

Worldwide for Three Subject Areas

Charles Sturt University Live

Australian Defence Force Academy

University of Notre Dame 2014 Events

Private Colleges

Metro Screen Scholarships

Australian National College of Beauty

Open Day

Sydney Aviators Open Day

Academy of Information Technology Free

Day Course

Macleay College Industry Days

Blue Mountains International Hotel

Management School Discovery Days

APM College of Business and

Communication and William Blue Open


National Institute of Dramatic Art Open


National Institute of Dramatic Art Short

Courses for Young People

Other News

Design Tech

InTech Exhibition

Young Writer Showcase

UN Youth Australia Pacific Project

The HSC and Careers Expo 2014

Hunter Valley Career Expo

Information Sessions

Southern Cross Cultural Exchange

Minerals Tertiary Education Council

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations –

EF Summer School

Projects Abroad Online Information


Student Exchange Australia New

Zealand: On Demand Information


Australian Business Apprenticeships



UTS 2015 Course Guides

UTS 2015 undergraduate course guides are now available online. https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/teachers/tools-and-resources/course-guides

Subject Bonus Points at ACU

Students may be awarded up to five bonus points if they have performed well in specific year 12 subjects relevant to the course for which they have applied. To view the courses and subject bonuses visit: http://www.acu.edu.au/study_at_acu/alternate_entry/accessacu

New Charles Sturt University DE Outreach Centre in Sydney

CSU Distance education Centre allows distance education students to meet with University staff and other students.

The Centre provides opportunities for one-on-one meetings and group appointments as well as the opportunity to network with other students. http://news.csu.edu.au/latest-news/education/higher-education/csu-opens-de-study-centre-in-sydney

Year 10 Future Finder Evenings UOW

Tue 8 th April, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, University Hall, Wollongong Campus

Year 10 students are invited to UOW to speak to staff about selecting subjects for year 11 and 12, applying to university and to receive information on the HSC and ATARs. http://www.uow.edu.au/future/events/futurefinder/index.html

University of Sydney Scholarships Information Evening

An opportunity for current year 11 and 12 students to learn about the many scholarships available at the University of Sydney. http://sydney.edu.au/future-students/career-advisers/events/

UNSW Indigenous Winter School

Sun 6 th July – Sat 12 th July

Applications close Fri 11 th April

Week long residential program designed to provide indigenous students in years 10, 11 and 12 with an opportunity to experience university life. Students will participate in academic lectures and tutorials, presentations, study sessions and team building exercises while interacting with staff and students. The program is at no cost to participating students.

Contact: Nura Gill, (02) 9385 3805 or winterschool@unsw.edu.au


UWS Penrith Observatory Public Astronomy Programs 2014

UWS Penrith Observatory has a number of events throughout the year which allow members of the public to attend lectures on astronomy and view the night sky through computerised telescopes. The observatory also has outreach programs for school students covering HSC physics units. http://www.uws.edu.au/observatorypenrith/uws_observatory_-_penrith_campus

QS Ranks Macquarie University in Top 50 Worldwide for Three Subject Areas

Read more: http://mq.edu.au/newsroom/2014/02/26/qs-ranks-macquarie-in-top-50-worldwide-for-three-subjectareas/#ixzz2vtmOFaRZ

Charles Sturt University Live

Charles Sturt University Live features a number of videos focusing on key study areas and student life at Charles

Sturt. http://www.csu.edu.au/csu-live

Australian Defence Force Academy

The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) is a unique university where you’ll get paid a salary ($39,525) to study a degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW). You’ll also undertake military leadership training and learn to become an officer in Australia’s Navy, Army or Air Force. In addition to the salary all tuition fees are covered.

Applying for ADFA is a dual application process that can take up to 12 months, so if you’re interested it would be best to get started now.

Find out more information here: http://www.defencejobs.gov.au/education/adfa/howToApply/applicationProcess.aspx

University of Notre Dame 2014 Events

Careers in Law and Business Evening

Wed 21 st May, 6.00pm, 140 Broadway, Broadway

Join academic staff from Notre Dame's School of Business and School of Law and explore potential study options and future careers in the legal and business spheres. All academic staff have real-world experience in their professions; find out about the doors that are opened by a Notre Dame Business or Law degree.

Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au


Parent Information Evening

Tue 24 th June, 6.00pm, 140 Broadway, Broadway

The evening is designed to help parents (and students, who are also welcome to attend!) through the transition from secondary to tertiary education. Attendees will have the opportunity to find out about University life, talk to current students, meet academic staff and find out about pathways into university.

Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au


A Day in the Life of a Nursing Student

Wed 2 nd July, 10.30am, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Find out what being a Notre Dame Nursing student is all about! Watch a dissection, experience clinical activities in our simulation wards, tour our anatomy museum and speak with staff and current students.

Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au


HSC Study Intensive

Mon 7 th – Fri 11 th July, 104 Broadway, Broadway

Maximise your HSC results by attending a four-day workshop where senior HSC teachers and markers provide intensive training in 16 major courses. In a personal environment, learn the study techniques of highly effective people, clarify course content, work through potential HSC questions and develop problem-solving strategies invaluable to academic success.

Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au



Sat 30 th August, 9.00am, 140 Broadway, Broadway & 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Experience life at Notre Dame on Open Day, with course information, campus tours and free entertainment. Meet our friendly academic staff and socialise with current students. Course information for all areas at Broadway.

Medicine and Nursing at Darlinghurst and Broadway.

Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au


Mature Age & Postgraduate Information

Tue 23 rd September, 6.00pm,140 Broadway, Broadway

Whether you’re considering further study or looking to start uni for the first time, this event will give you the information you need to make an informed decision about tertiary study. Current students and academic staff are available to answer your questions regarding our courses and unique admissions process. Applications will be accepted on the night.

Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au


MAP (Marketing and Public Relations) Expo

Fri 26 th September, 10:00am – 4:00pm, 104 Broadway, Broadway

MAP Expo is a one day industry conference exploring contemporary issues in marketing, advertising and public relations. View presentations and participate in panel discussions with industry partners within the marketing, advertising and public relations world.

Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au


Nursing Information Evening

Tue 30 th September, 6.00pm, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst

Find out what being a Notre Dame Nursing student is all about! Talk to our friendly academic staff about why Notre

Dame Nurses are so highly regarded, tour our purpose-built campus and meet current students.

Contact: 02 8204 4404 or sydney@nd.edu.au


Private Colleges

Metro Screen Scholarships

Applications Close Wed 9 th April

Post Production Scholarship: Specialise in Post Production and graduate with practical skills, a showreel and a work

placement internship.

Assistant Director Scholarship: Designed for runners, PA’s or Third AD’s looking to take the next step in Film and

Television careers.

Central West On Screen: Only available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians aged between 17 and 25 years old who will be attending the Dubbo workshops in early April. http://metroscreen.org.au/funding/indigenous-support/central-west-on-screen/

Australian National College of Beauty Open Day

Sat 3 rd May, 10.00am – 1.00pm, 235 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont

Contact: 1300 885 385 http://www.ancb.edu.au/open-days-events/open-day-sydney-3rd-may

Academy of Information Technology Information Sessions

Tue 18 th March, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Ultimo NSW

Tue 1 st April, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Ultimo NSW

Tue 6 th May, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Ultimo NSW http://www.ait.nsw.edu.au/events/

Sydney Aviators Open Day

Sun 27 th April, 8.30am

Half hour trial flights will be available at a cost of $110, as well as an opportunity to learn more about obtaining a

Private Pilot Licence. http://www.sydneyaviators.com.au/Event.aspx?pid=121

Academy of Information Technology Free Day Course

AIT offers a number of free one day courses to improve your skills and determine your future study direction.

Choose to attend either an Intro to 3D Animation, Intro to Film Editing or Intro to Game Design course. http://www.ait.nsw.edu.au/free-day-course-3/

Macleay College Industry Days

Mon 14 th April – Fri 18 th April

Macleay College will host a series of Industry Days for senior high school students to give them a taste of possible future careers. There will be individual sessions focused on Sports Management, Advertising, Event Management,

Marketing, Travel and Tourism, Journalism and Public Relations. https://www.macleay.edu.au/news/2014-april-industry-days-macleay

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Discovery Days

Tue 22 nd April – Thu 24 th April

Tue 15 th July – Thu 17 th July

Tue 7 th October – Thu 9 th October

Tue 25 th November – Thu 27 th November

Discover what a career in hospitality is like by attending classes and living with students as part of a three day residential program.


APM College of Business and Communication and William Blue Open Day

Sat 3 rd May, 10.00am – 2.00pm, Northpoint, Level 9, 171 Pacific Highway, North Sydney

Learn about what both colleges have to offer at the same open day.

Contact: enquiries@apm.edu.au

or 1300 851 237 http://www.apm.edu.au/about-apm/upcoming-events

National Institute of Dramatic Art Open Day

Sat 27 th May 10.00am – 4.00pm, 215 Anzac Parade, Kensington

Learn about NIDA’s full-time courses and see what it has to offer through workshops, performances and presentations by students and staff. http://www.nida.edu.au/about-nida/open-days-and-tours

National Institute of Dramatic Art Short Courses for Young People

NIDA has a range of short courses for people aged between 12 and 18. These courses include a HSC Drama Group course and a HSC Drama Individual Project course to develop techniques to analyse a play, create a character and perform a dynamic monologue. http://www.open.nida.edu.au/courses/Demographic/Young+People

Other News

Design Tech

Fri 21 st February – Sun 11 th May, Powerhouse Museum

View some of the outstanding Major Design Projects from 2013 HSC Design and Technology students. http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/exhibitions/destek_2013.php

InTech Exhibition

Fri 28 th March – Sun 30 th March, 10.00am – 5.00pm, Kinross Wolaroi School, Orange

Fri 27 th June – Sun 29 th June, 10.00am – 5.00pm, Sydney Timber and Working with Wood Show, The Sydney

Showground, Homebush

InTech is an exhibition of outstanding Major Projects from Higher School Certificate Industrial Technology students.

The exhibition includes students’ folios that document the design, management, communication and production of their projects. http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/exhibitions/

Young Writer Showcase

A collection of the most outstanding short stories, poems, scripts and critical responses submitted by past HSC

English Extension 2 students http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/exhibitions/

UN Youth Australia Pacific Project

Applications are now open

Pacific Project is a yearlong project for students culminating in a 2 week exploration of East Timor. The Pacific Project provides students with an opportunity to visit development projects, meet diplomats, see NGOs, and have a chance to experience life in East Timor. Students in year 10, 11 and 12 can apply. http://www.unyouth.org.au/international/pacific-project/about-the-project/

The HSC and Careers Expo 2014

Thu 29 th May – Sun 1 st June, 10.00am – 3.00pm, Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park, Sydney

The expo will feature over 145 exhibitors providing information and resources for the HSC, university study, TAFE, career advice, exchange and gap year programs. http://www.hscandcareers.com.au/

Hunter Valley Career Expo

Fri 23 rd May, 9.00am – 1.30pm, Maitland Basketball Stadium, Bent Street, Maitland

Representatives from TAFE, Universities, and other training and employment providers will be present. http://www.hvcareerexpo.com.au/index.cfm?menukey=1&CFID=7643306&CFTOKEN=15491512

Southern Cross Cultural Exchange Information Sessions

Tue 18 th March, 7.00pm – 9.00pm, Waverly Library, 32 – 48 Denison Street, Bondi Junction

Tue 1 st April, 7.00pm – 9.00pm, Lane Cove Library, Library Place, Lane Cove

Tue 6 th May, 7.00pm – 9.00pm, Lane Cove Library, Library Place, Lane Cove

Sessions are designed to give students and parents a realistic overview of the process, countries, experience and benefits of combining learning and friendship through exchange. http://www.scce.com.au/programs/information-sessions/

Minerals Tertiary Education Council

An online resource about careers in the minerals industry that features courses, webinars, a degree and career guide, and more. http://www.mtec.org.au/home

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations – EF Summer School

This week long program is run from 16 th – 23 rd August in Tarrytown, New York.

The Summer School program brings together 75 young people from across the globe, to address pressing global challenges, within the context of cultural and religious diversity.

If you’re going to be between 18 and 35 as of 16 th August 2014 you can apply online now: http://www.unaocefsummerschool.org/summer-school/

Projects Abroad Online Information Session

Tuesday 15 th April, 6pm – 7pm (AEDT).

This general information session will cover an overview of Projects Abroad, profiles of volunteers, safety concerns and information on all our different destinations and projects. You will be able to ask questions via instant messages throughout the 45 minute presentation. http://www.projects-abroad.com.au/about-us/meet-us/online-info-sessions/

Student Exchange Australia New Zealand: On Demand Information Sessions

The On Demand Info Session is a prerecorded video presentation you can watch anytime you like, from the comfort of your own home. It provides access to the same comprehensive information presented at the in-person sessions. http://studentexchange.org.au/info-sessions/on-demand-24-7/

Australian Business Apprenticeships Centre

The ABAC offers adviser visits that support schools and their students in exploring vocational career pathways.

Advisers can help students to build resumes, refine job hunting skills, and find specialist services and support agencies.

Contact: 1300 192 322 http://www.apprenticeshipscentre.com.au/Home

Mistake in Last Week’s Newsletter: Careers that Matter

The online resource, ‘Careers that Matter’ mentioned in last week’s newsletter is no longer functional. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Coming Soon (See


for all events)

Wed 19 th March: University of New South Wales: Engineering Student-Parent Information Evening

Thu 20 th March: University of Technology Sydney: Careers Advisers & Teachers Day

Fri 21 st March: ANU 2015 Tuckwell Scholarships Applications Close

Sun 23 rd March: University of Note Dame Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery Information Session

Mon 24 th March: Camp USA: Summer Camp Information Meeting

Tue 25 th March: Engineers Australia Discover Engineering Day

If you know of news and events which could go into our Newsletters please email mhscareers@internode.on.net


PO Box 109, Redlynch, QLD 4870

Phone: 0400 562 131

Email: mhscareers@internode.on.net

Web: www.mhscareers.net


Copyright © 2014, Ron Sylvester. All rights reserved.