Sydney Teaching Colloquium | Technology-enhanced curriculum Law School Foyer |3 October 2-4 pm 1. Principles for developing programs using integrated learning space– Rob Ellis (2:00 – 2.10) 2. Case study: program-level implementation – Jo Lander – (2:10 – 2:20) 3. Large undergraduate cohorts (2:20 – 2:50) 3.1 eNotebooks encouraging engaged enquiry Gareth Denyer, Deputy Head, School of Molecular Bioscience, Faculty Science We are trailing the use of an ePorfolio system as an eNotebook in our undergraduate practical classes and we hope that our experiences (both good and bad) will help others decide when and how they might do the inevitable and introduce this technology 3.2 Integrating Academic Skills Development in a First Semester Chemistry Unit Associate Professor Adam Bridgeman, Director of First Year Studies, School of Chemistry and Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Science In the fully online 'Research Project on Global Warming', around 2000 first year students engage with the science of global warming and research literature and develop key academic skills. 4. Innovations (10 mins each) 4.1 Using Adobe Connect for synchronous teaching: The example of the Special Education Retraining Program Dr Ilektra Spandagou, Senior Lecturer in Inclusive Education, Faculty of Education and Social Work, presenting for the team: Associate Professor David Evans (Faculty of Education and Social Work), Ms Cathy Little (Faculty of Education and Social Work), Ms Susan Atkinson (eLearning), and Lesley McInnes (eLearning) This presentation discusses pedagogical issues involved in using Adobe Connect with on-campus and offcampus groups of students at a post-graduate course, as well as it presents findings from students’ initial evaluation of their experience. 4.2 Cinematic Transformations: The Digital Image Dr Bruce Isaacs, Lecturer in Film Studies, Art History and Film Studies School of Letters, Art and Media, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences This presentation demonstrates an innovative digital learning object created for FILM2660: Cinema and the Digital Aesthetic. - A description of the use of an open source electronic lab notebook as a means for very wide collaboration in two ARC Linkage projects based in Todd's group. MATTHEW TODD | Senior Lecturer and Honours Coordinator School of Chemistry | Faculty of Science | Elizabeth Gresser – student – Conservatorium of Music – e-portfolio Rosanne Quinnell (Biological Sciences) – virtual microscope Karen Scott (Medicine) – mobile learning Panel to answer questions (10 mins) Presenters to form panel to answer any questions