Inter-American Organization for Higher Education 2014 PLAN OF ACTIVITIES Mission: To create common areas for the benefit of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Americas. 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) 2014 IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) FEBRUARY, 2014 3-6 February YACHAY-CANADA Mission Montreal Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE 10-14 February ‘YACHAY’ International - Academic Think-Tank Ibarra Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE Montreal Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE Mexico City CAMPUS College of the Americas (COLAM) Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Executive Secretariat (ES) – IOHE Presidency – IOHE 17-21 February 24th February 24-25 February IGLU – Canada Academic Internships, 2014 CONACYT Mission IOHE Board of Directors’ Meeting École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) Université de Montréal (UdeM) YACHAY CALDO Consortium Council of Rectors of Chilean Universities (CRUCH) École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) National Board of Science and Technology (CONACYT) Université de Montréal (UdeM) Universidad Veracruzana (UV) Royal Roads University YACHAY École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) Ministère des Relations Internationales, de la Francophonie et du Commerce Extérieur du Québec (MRIFCE) Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie du Québec (MESRST) Université de Montréal (UdeM) Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Université Laval Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) National Board of Science and Technology (CONACYT) IOHE Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) OUI-IOHE Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) Patricia Gudiño Patricia Gudiño Miguel Escala Secretaría General 2 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) 25th February Workshop: "Training and Professionalization of University Managers in Internationalization of HEIs. A Creative Space at the Service of International Education" Toluca College of the Americas (COLAM) Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM) Fernando Daniels 26th February First Report of the Diagnostic to UAEM Director’s Committee Toluca College of the Americas (COLAM) Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM) Fernando Daniels February to December CAMPUS Doc Observatory CAMPUS The UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC) Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) Gabriel García Torres Virtual MARCH 2014 Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) YACHAY Miguel Escala Virtual College of the Americas (COLAM) IOHE Universidad Veracruzana (UV) Inter-American Training NetworkInter-American Network of University Library Connectivity (RIF-RICBLU) Fernando Daniels National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT) YACHAY Miguel Escala Francophone University Agency (AUF) Inter-American Space for Women Leaders in Higher Education (EMULIES) Fernando Daniels 12 March Meeting of Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions (HEI) 12th March to 21st May Advanced certificate in “Library Management” – Course 1: “Strategic Planning of Academic Libraries” 13th – 14th March Meeting: “Training of Technical and Technological Institutes” Ecuador-IGLU Quito Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) 13th – 14th March AUF-IOHE-EMULIES Pilot Committee Cancun College of the Americas (COLAM) th Quito 3 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) 14th March Survey of Latin American Salaries Virtual Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) MACROS Consulting Miguel Escala Virtual Campus College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Space for Women Leaders in Higher Education (EMULIES) Fernando Daniels Virtual Board of Directors – CAEI Executive Secretariat (ES – CAIE) Conference of the Americas on International Education IOHE CAIE secretariat Executive Secretariat (ES) – IOHE Presidency General Secretariat th 24 March to 25th May th 26 March Advanced Certificate in Gender and University Leadership – Module III: “Institutional Transformation and Equity Policies in HEI” Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAEI) Steering Committee Meeting APRIL, 2014 Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE, Presidency – IOHE Executive Secretariat (ES) – IOHE Presidency 2nd April IOHE Board Meeting Mexico City 2nd – 5th April YACHAY-Mexico Mission Mexico City 3rd April LXXXI IOHE Board of Directors’ Meeting Mexico City Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE, Presidency – IOHE 4th– 5th April XV Fair on Postgraduate Studies of Quality 2014 Mexico City Board of Directors – IOHE Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE 4th April CAMPUS Doc Seminar: Inter-American Cooperation: Phd’s in research in innovation contexts Mexico City CAMPUS Presidency Vice-presidency-Mexico YACHAY Regional Bodies IGLU COLAM CAMPUS National Board of Science and Technology (CONACYT) IOHE National Board of Science and Technology (CONACYT) DOC-CAMPUS IOHE Patricia Gudiño General Secretariat Josefina Raya López feriadeposgrados@conacyt.m x Gabriel García Torres 4 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) 4th April Signing of CONACYT – IOHE MoU Mexico City Presidency IOHE Executive Secretariat (ES) – IOHE National Board of Science and Technology (CONACYT) IOHE Patricia Gudiño Santo Domingo Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) Executive Director Virtual Campus College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Training NetworkInter-American Training Network of Electronic Government (RIFGE) Fernando Daniels 7th – 11th April 7th April to 6th July IGLU Course – Specialized Course in University Sport Management Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Information Technologies for the CIO of the Public Sector and the Tertiary Sector – Course : “The CIO and the Management of Interactions Based on TIC’s” 8th April EMULIES Webinar Virtual College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Space for Women Leaders in Higher Education (EMULIES) Fernando Daniels 8th – 10th April Planning and Internationalization Workshop at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM) Toluca College of the Americas (COLAM) Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEM) Fernando Daniels MAY 2014 5th May to 27th June Advanced Certificate in the Internationalization of Higher Education – Module I: “The Planning and Management of Internationalization” Virtual Campus College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Network of Training in the Internationalization of Higher Education (RIFIES) Fernando Daniels 9th May to 18th May International Fair of the University Book (FILU) Xalapa IOHE Universidad Veracruzana (UV) Magali Velasco Vargas 5 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) 12th – 14th May IGLU COACHINGPuerto Rico San Juan Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Vice-presidency (VP) – Caribbean Miguel Escala 15th May YACHAY Innovation Think-Tank Ibarra Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE IOHE YACHAY Patricia Gudiño 26th – 28th May IV TICAL Conference Cancun College of the Americas (COLAM) IOHE CLARA Network María José López JUNE 2014 6th June Regional Assembly, Colombia Popayan Vice-presidency (VP) – Colombia Universidad del Cauca Agustín Echevarría Miguel Escala 10th June Caribbean Regional Assembly Santo Domingo Vice-presidency (VP) – Caribbean CAMPUS College of the Americas (COLAM) Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE 9 – 10 June Creation of: Training Space for Technical and Technological Higher Education Institutions (EIESTEC) Boca Chica Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Instituto Tecnológico de Las Américas (ITLA) th th Henry François Tarlin 6 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) 15th June Creation of the (LatinAmerican and Caribbean Space for Higher Education (ELYCES) Consortium Monterrey CAMPUS Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) Gabriel García Torres 23rd-27th June Course: Research Management and Innovation (YACHAY) Quito College of the Americas (COLAM) College of the Americas (COLAM) YACHAY Fernando Daniels Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) doctoradopoliticaygestionES@ Fernando Daniels Executive Director JULY 2014 July Doctoral degree in Policy and Management of Higher Education – Beginning of First Cohort 16th July to 24th September Advanced Certificate in “Library Management” – Course II: “Human Capital and Evaluation in Academic Libraries” Virtual College of the Americas (COLAM) IOHE Inter-American Training NetworkInter-American Network of University Library Connectivity (RIF-RICBLU) Universidad Veracruzana (UV) 22nd – 24th July Presentation of the InterAmerican Space for the Training of Technical and Technological Higher Education Institutes (EIESTEC) - IGLU Course: ITT and IGLU Engineers’ Course Guayaquil Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI) Buenos Aires 7 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE 28th July 30th July – 14th November ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) Monterrey IGLU – Mexico Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) Yolanda Elva de la Garza Casas Santiago de los Caballeros IGLU – Caribbean Universidad Abierta para Adultos (UAPA) Guillermo Yáber Virtual Campus College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Training NetworkInter-American Training Network of Electronic Government (RIFGE) Fernando Daniels 2014 IGLU Course Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Information Technologies for the CIO of the Public Sector and the Tertiary Sector – Course : “The CIO and the Management of TIC Projects in the State” AUGUST 2014 4th August 18th August Bogota IGLU – Colombia Universidad del Rosario Nohora Pabón co Buenos Aires IGLU – Southern Cone Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLAM) Jorge Narváez Lima IGLU – Andean Countries Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) Mónica Bonifaz San José IGLU – Central America Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Guiselle María Garbanzo Vargas Florianopolis IGLU – Brazil Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2014 IGLU Course 2014 IGLU Course Pedro Antônio De Melo 8 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) 20th August – 12th November Advanced Certificate in Management of Social Determinants of Health Virtual College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Training Network in Social Determinants of Health (REDET) Fernando Daniels Mexico City College of the Americas (COLAM) Panamerican Health Organization Instituto de la Salud Pública de México Fernando Daniels Virtual Executive Secretariat (ES-CAEI) Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE) CAIE Secretariat 25th -26th August 25th -29th August Seminar-workshop “Social Determinants of Health and health action” Launching of the Conference of the Americas on International Education (CAIE) 2015 SEPTEMBER 2014 1st September – 24th October Certificate on Strategic Management of Technologies of information for CIO of the Public Sector and Third Sector – Course: CIO management of State Project. Virtual College of the Americas (COLAM) Virtual Campus COLAM-IOHE Ministerio de TIC - Colombia Fernando Daniels September 3rd – November 26th Certificate on management of Social Determinants Virtual College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Training Network in Social Determinants Fernando Daniels 10th September – 12th November Advanced Certificate in Internationalization of Higher Education – Module II: “Student Mobility Strategies” Virtual Campus College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Training Network in the Internationalization of Higher Education (RIFIES) Fernando Daniels 9 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) 15th September IGLU Course – Specialized: Management of Human Talent in Higher Education Institutions: “ High impact trends and practices” Santo Domingo Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) Miguel Escala 25nd September – 26th September IGLU High-level Management: Change and Strategic Management Punta Cana Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) DE-IGLU Regional Offices Executive Director 25nd September – 26th September Seminar – Workshop in Internationalization of Higher Education Ciudad Victoria, Mexico College of the Americas (COLAM) Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas Fernando Daniels OCTOBER 2014 1st October - 10th December 2nd -3rd October 3rd October 4th October 7th October Advanced Certificate in “Library Management” – Course III: “Management and Leadership in the Academic Libraries” Meeting: Network of Centers and Laboratories of Social Innovation Conference: Fundraising for Higher Education Institutions OUI Universidad Veracruzana (UV) Red Interamericana de FormaciónRed Interamericana de Conectividad de Bibliotecas Universitarias (RIF-RICBLU) Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología - SENACYT Unitec Universidad del Cauca University of Regina Virtual College of the Americas (COLAM) Panama City, Panama College of the Americas (COLAM) Cali, Colombia VP-Colombia Meeting: HE Associations Cauca Region Popayan, Colombia VP-Colombia Universidad del Cauca (UNICAUCA) Fundraising Conference for Higher Education Institutions Bogota, Colombia VP-Colombia Unitec Universidad del Cauca University of Regina Fernando Daniels Fernando Daniels Henry François Tarlin 10 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) 16th - 17th October IGLU Course – Specialized: Governance in the institutions: “ Participation of the society from a governing boards perspective” Santo Domingo Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) Miguel Escala Regional Assembly, Mexico Monterrey VP-Mexico Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) Yolanda de la Garza 22th – 24th October Colloquium: The Internationalization of the Social Mission of America’s Universities Montreal CAMPUS Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) Raúl Arias Lovillo 23 – 24 October Project: Strategies for Internationalization of Higher Education – Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México Toluca, Mexico College of the Americas (COLAM) Secretaría de Cooperación Internacional UAEM Fernando Daniels 27th October 19th December Certificate on Strategic Managementof Technologies of information for CIO of the Public Sector and Third Sector – Course: CIO and management of interactions based on ICT. Virtual College of the Americas (COLAM) Virtual Campus COLAM-IOHE Ministerio de TIC - Colombia Fernando Daniels 28th – 30th October 10th Science, Technology and Gender Conference Asunción College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Space for Women Leaders in Higher Education (EMULIES) COLAM Fernando Daniels 20th October rd th 11 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE 28th October 29th – 30rd October ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) IGLU High-Level Management Meeting Panama City Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP) Miguel Escala VP Central America Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP) Juana Aparicio CAMPUS CONACY Vice presidency (VP) – Central America National Board of Science and Technology (CONACYT) VP-Central America Raúl Arias Lovillo Regional Assembly, Central America Meso-America Postgraduate Fair CONACYT - IOHE Panama City Panama City NOVEMBER 2014 10th November Publication of the Annual CAMPUS Magazine Virtual CAMPUS Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) 10th November Regional Assembly Andean countries Loja Vice presidency – Andean countries Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) 11th November High-level IGLU Meeting Loja Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) Miguel Escala 12th November Doctoral Mission: Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador & Peru Loja CAMPUS Vice-presidency (VP) – Andean Countries Raúl Arias Lovillo LXXII Board of Directors’ Meeting Loja Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE General Secretariat Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE, Presidency – IOHE Raúl Arias Lovillo Julio Crespo 12 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE ACTIVITY PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) Regional IOHE Bodies: IGLU/COLAM/CAMPUS 12th November XXXIV General Assembly 13th – 14th November International Conference on Knowledge and Innovation (CIKI): “Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: Sources of Competitive Advantage” 15th – 16th November IOHE Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL) General Secretariat Loja CAMPUS College of the Americas (COLAM) Meeting: Expert Team on Training Management of Research and Innovation City of Knowledge Equador College of the Americas (COLAM) YACHAY E.P. Fernando Daniels 17th – 21st November On site courses Training Program Week: « Management of Research and Innovation » City of Knowledge Equador College of the Americas (COLAM) YACHAY E.P. Fernando Daniels 19th November EMULIES Meeting on Doctoral Training and Research within a Framework of Academic Collaboration Ottawa Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Space for Women Leaders in Higher Education (EMULIES) General Secretariat Raúl Arias Lovillo 13 2014 – IOHE Plan of Activities (IGLU-COLAM-CAMPUS) DATE 19th November ACTIVITY Mexico – Canada Conference: IOHE – Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) 20 November EMULIES Workshop – BCIE Seminal Round Table: “Equity of Gender and Governance in Higher Education Institutions of the Americas” 24th November – 15th February 2015 Advanced Certificate in Internationalization of Higher Education – Module III: “Internationalization of the Curricula.” th PLACE IOHE BODY INSTITUTIONS/GOVERNING BODIES CONTACT (Name and e-mail) Executive Secretariat (ES) - IOHE Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) Executive Secretariat (ES) – IOHE Vice-presidency (VP) – Mexico) Fernando Daniels College of the Americas (COLAM) Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) College of the Americas (COLAM) Inter-American Space for Women Leaders in Higher Education (EMULIES Patricia Gudiño College of the Americas Inter-American Training Network in the Internationalization of Higher Education (RIFIES) Fernando Daniels Ottawa Virtual Campus DECEMBER 2014 3, 4 & 5 December Colloquium on High-Level Management in South America Santa Catarina Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Executive Manager 3, 4 & 5 December IGLUIST’S Network Meeting Santa Catarina Institute for University Management and Leadership (IGLU) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Executive Manager For further information about the 2014 Plan of Activities, IOHE news, or their programs, offers, projects, exchange programs, and grants in the Americas, please visit the IOHE portal at: 14