Who needs an angioplasty in 2008? Unstable Angina Rob Henderson Trent Cardiac Centre Nottingham University Hospitals I have NO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST TO DECLARE but have received travel grants and/or honoraria from Cordis, Boston Scientific, Medtronic Trials of revascularization strategies in non-ST-elevation ACS (Unstable Angina & NQMI) • Invasive strategy Early coronary arteriography and PCI or CABG as clinically indicated versus • Conservative strategy Medical management and coronary arteriography only for refractory ischaemia No trials of PCI versus no PCI in Unstable Angina Trials of invasive versus conservative strategies in non-ST-elevation ACS Revasc Δ in-hospital Follow-up Year rate Con revasc rate (months) N Revasc rate Inv TIMI 3B 1473 60% 40% 20% 12 1995 MATE 201 58% 37% 21% 21 1998 VANQWISH 920 44% 33% 11% 23 1998 FRISC 2456 76% 13% 63% 60 1999 TRUCS 148 78% 38% 40% 12 2000 TACTICS 2220 60% 36% 24% 6 2001 RITA 3 1810 44% 10% 34% 60 2002 VINO 131 47% 3% 44% 6 2002 ISAR COOL 410 78% 72% 6% 1 2003 ICTUS 1200 76% 40% 36% 40 2005 Total* 10969 62% 28% 34% 33 Trial *weighted means RITA-3: invasive vs conservative strategies in non-ST-elevation ACS RITA-3 Event rates at one year 20% P<0.0001 Invasive (n=895) Conservative (n=915) P<0.0002 15% 14.5% 11.6% 9.6% 10% P=0.5 5% 4.6% 3.9% P=0.29 3.8% 6.5% 4.8% 0% Death Myocardial infarction Refractory Angina Triple endpoint Lancet 2002;360:743 Invasive strategy in non-ST elevation ACS Re-hospitalisation for unstable angina Trial Odds Ratio (95%CI) FU months Inv Con FRISC2 24 17.1% 28.2% TRUCS 12 17.1% 23.6% TACTICS 6 11.0% 13.7% RITA 3 12 6.5% 11.6% VINO 6 9.4% 17.9% ICTUS 12 7.2% 10.7% 11.4% 17.5% TOTAL N=7966 P=0.00001 Heterogeneity p=0.01 OR 0.54 (95% CI 0.48-0.61) NNT 16 0.1 Invasive better 1 Conservative better 10 Adapted from JACC 2006;48:1319 RITA-3: invasive vs conservative strategies in non-ST-elevation ACS Death or nonfatal MI Death OR 0.78 95% CI 0.61-0.99, p=0.044 Cumulative percentage RITA-3 OR 0.76 95% CI 0.58-1.00, p=0.054 25 20.0% 25 20 20 15 15 16.6% 10 15.1% 10 12.1% 5 5 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Follow-up time (years) 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Follow-up time (years) Conservative (n=915) Invasive (n=895) Lancet 2005;366:914 Invasive strategy in non-ST elevation ACS Is there reduction in death or non-fatal MI? Trial Odds Ratio (95%CI) FU months Inv Con FRISC2 60 19.9% 24.5% TRUCS 12 7.9% 16.7% TACTICS 6 7.3% 9.5% RITA 3 60 15.9% 19.5% VINO 6 6.3% 22.4% ISAR COOL 1 5.8% 11.8% ICTUS 32 23.0% 15.3% TOTAL 37 14.8% 17.1% OR 0.85 (95% CI 0.75-0.95) NNT 43 0.1 N=8114 P=0.005 Heterogeneity p<0.0001 1 Invasive better 10 Conservative better Invasive strategy in non-ST elevation ACS Is there a mortality benefit? Trial Odds Ratio (95%CI) FU months Inv Con FRISC2 60 9.6% 10.0% TRUCS 12 3.9% 12.5% TACTICS 6 3.3% 3.5% RITA 3 60 11.4% 14.4% VINO 6 3.1% 13.4% ISAR COOL 1 0.0% 1.4% ICTUS 32 7.5% 6.7% TOTAL 38 7.3% 8.5% OR 0.85 (95% CI 0.73-1.00) NNT 83 0.1 N=8375 P=0.05 Heterogeneity p=0.13 10 1 Invasive better Conservative better Trials of invasive strategy in non-ST-elevation ACS Rates of revascularization in-hospital 100% 80% Invasive Conservative 78% 76% 78% 76% 72% 60% 60% 47% 44% 36% 40% 20% 10% 38% 40% 13% 3% 0% VINO RITA3 FRISC2 TACTICS TRUCS ICTUS VINO - EHJ 2002;23:230 RITA 3 - Lancet 2002;360:743 FRISC - Lancet 1999;354:708 TACTICS - NEJM 2001;344:1879 TRUCS - EHJ 2000;21:1954 ICTUS - NEJM 2005;353:1095 ISAR COOL - JAMA 2003;290:1593 ISAR COOL Interventional trials in non-ST elevation ACS Stratified by revascularization rate in conservative arm Mortality OR 95% CI P Heterogeneity P FRISC-2, RITA-3, VINO 0.83 0.69-1.00 0.05 0.12 TACTICS, ICTUS, TRUCS, ISAR COOL 0.92 0.68-1.24 0.58 0.16 All Trials 0.85 0.73-1.00 0.05 0.13 FRISC-2, RITA-3, VINO 0.75 0.64-0.88 0.003 0.13 TACTICS, ICTUS, TRUCS, ISAR COOL 1.01 0.84-1.23 0.88 <0.0001 All Trials 0.85 0.75-0.95 0.005 <0.0001 Death or MI N=8114 Heterogeneity 0.5 1 Invasive better 1.5 Conservative better 2 RITA-3: cumulative risk of death or MI by risk score Cumulative percentage Invasive group RITA-3 Conservative group 50 50 40 40 31.3% 30 48.5% 35.4% 30 29.2% 20 10 20 10 6.6% 0 0 1 2 3 4 Follow-up time (years) 5 1 Low risk quartile 2 Medium risk quartile 3 Medium risk quartile 6.1% 0 0 1 2 3 4 Follow-up time (years) 5 4a High risk quartile – lower 4b High risk quartile – upper Risk score: age, diabetes, prev MI, smoking, pulse rate, ST depression, angina grade, gender, LBBB, randomised treatment Lancet 2005;366:914 FRISC-2: cumulative risk of death or MI by risk score Death or myocardial infarction (%) 41.6% Conservative Invasive 40 Δ8.9% High risk (score 4-7) N=622 RR (95%CI) 0.79 (0.64-0.97) 32.7% 30 20.4% 20 Δ5.8% 14.6% 10.3% 8.2% 10 Medium risk (score 2-3) N=1092 RR (95%CI) 0.72 (0.55-1.13) Low risk (score 0-1) N=369 RR (95%CI) 1.26 (0.66-2.40) 0 0 1 2 3 4 Years since randomisation Lancet 2006;368:998 5 FRISC score (sum of): Age>65, male gender, diabetes, previous MI, ST-depression, elevated troponin / Il-6 / CRP Trials of invasive versus conservative strategies in non-ST-elevation ACS • Interpretation confounded by high revascularization rates in ‘conservative’ arm & different definitions of myocardial infarction (benefit may be underestimated) • Nevertheless, good evidence to support early invasive strategy in non-ST-elevation ACS • Benefit greatest in high risk patients • (determined by risk scores: FRISC, RITA, TIMI, GRACE) • Optimal timing of invasive strategy uncertain 2007 ACC/AHA & ESC Guidelines Indications for early invasive strategy Class* 1 Evidence Refractory angina or haemodynamic or electrical instability Stabilized patients with elevated risk for clinical events B 2b Patients with chronic renal insufficiency C 3 Not recommended in patients with extensive co-morbidities or patients with low likelihood of ACS (in whom risks outweigh benefits) C *1 Should be done *2b May be done *3 Should not be done A Circulation 2007;116:e148 Eur Heart J 2007;28:1598