ECUADOR: DIVERSIDAD BIO-CULTURAL Y ECOTOURISMO SOSTENIBLE INDÍGENA EXPEDICIÓN AL CENTRO DEL MUNDO CUADERNO / LAII / S&P/ 2014 Profesores Enrique Lamadrid, Miguel Gandert, Michael Thomas, Santiago Vaquera-Vasquez Maestros Felipe Ruibal, Marián Giráldez-Elizo, Sam Johnson, Maria Elena Corral Asistentes Sage Vogel 1 TABLA DE CONTENIDOS I. LOGÍSTICA, FILOSOFÍA, CHOQUES A. B. C. D. II. Pagina MANIFESTO / ITINERARIOS 1. Descripción del curso / Itinerarios 5 2. Tareas y proyectos 5 3. Evaluación 5 EL CUADERNO 1. Usando el cuaderno / diarios 6 2. Filosofía del programa 7 3. Preguntas, misterios, enigmas, adivinanzas 8 EL CHOQUE CULTURAL 1. Cómo identificarlo 9 2. Técnicas y grupos de apoyo 10 3. Exploración 10 EXPLORACIONES FUNDAMENTALES 1. Temas de justicia social 11 2. La diversidad biocultural 12 VIAJES Y EXPLORACIONES 2 III. A. SOBREVIVIENDO / SURVIVAL 13 B. EXPLORACIONES (CUADERNITO SEPARADO) 13 1. Quito 2. Manabí, Machalilla, Isla de la Plata 3. Cuenca y Loja 4. Los Saraguros 5. Río Zamora y Nangaritza 6. Ingapirca y el Camino del Inca RESIDENCIA EN CUENCA – EXPLORACIONES CULTURALES A. LA CULTURA ECUATORIANA 1. Cartografía 14 2. Explorando estereotipos 15 3. Idioma y cultura popular 15 4. Gastronomía 22 5. Los medios y la cultura pop 23 6. El arte y la cultura expresiva 25 3 B. LA SOCIEDAD ECUATORIANA C. INSTITUCIONES SOCIALES 28 1. La familia 30 2. Los hijos 31 3. Los estudiantes 31 4. Grupos y clases sociales 32 5. La economía y el mercado 32 6. Contaminación y el ambiente 35 7. Historia, política y gobierno 36 D. IV. CONVERSACIONES: ENTREVISTAS Y OPINIONES VIAJES Y TRABAJO DE CAMPO A. Cuadernito de la Biodiversidad (separado) B. Fiestas del Solsticio 41 44 44 4 1. LOGÍSTICA, FILOSOFÍA, CHOQUES MANIFESTO / ITINERARIOS 1. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CURSO / ITINERARIOS a. Ya está en tus manos / Already in your hands – READ OVER AGAIN 2. TAREAS Y PROYECTOS Estudiantes will engage the cuaderno and document their fieldwork with: Everyday notes, queries, quotes, interviews. Field notes and diary and observations of plants, animals, insects, and people. Digital photo, audio, and visual imaging. Transcriptions, indexing, and analysis. Estudiantes will edit and present their findings in the following formats: Traditional narrative, notes, and creative poetry Photo essays, with commentaries illustrating aspects of the celebrations and traditions that we are documenting Audio collages and Video pieces On line audiovisual pieces (digital “slide/tape shows”) Poster presentations 3. EVALUACIÓN DEL CUADERNO Based on participation in all the events: classes, lectures, fieldwork, field research, laboratory, and final seminar. All participants will choose an area of study and conduct field research that will be processed in multiple digital formats and presented in poster, power point, video and audio formats at the public forum on August 24, 2014. If you will not be in Albuquerque or on campus then, make arrangements to turn in your work before hand. NOTA 1: As the general level of Spanish language skills has increased, a larger section of this year’s Cuaderno is in Spanish. If beginning students have any doubts about information or field assignments, they should clarify them in Spanish class or with a compañero who can help them decipher. ¡¡AYÚDENSE!! NOTA 2: Because you will be finish up your Cuaderno work electronically, the many questions and topics are compressed here. Don't think that small spaces between topics and questions take small responses. Pick the areas you will excel in and expand as much as you want. 5 EL CUADERNO 1. USANDO EL CUADERNO (guía de muchos caminos) Engagement with the tasks in this workbook is essential to your success as a student in our EXPEDICIÓN al CENTRO del MUNDO. The Cuaderno is designed by students, for students. Documenting a learned fact or experience solidifies learning and enhances storage of that experience in memory. Keep a small notebook close by at all times to capture details you will later incorporate and develop in the Cuaderno. Writing in the Cuaderno is a way of announcing to ourselves that we have learned something and reminding ourselves that what we have learned is important: worth knowing and remembering. Each Cuaderno will be examined on a regular basis by your teachers, who will offer you suggestions and reactions. The Cuaderno is also your final project, to be turned in at the completion of the program. Many students find that they can make alterations to include “scrapbook” pages, mounted photo pages, and additional narrative pages. They then rebind the Cuaderno to hand in. We encourage you to customize, to make your work reflect your personality, your needs and your interests. Collaboration is encouraged, but your Cuaderno should bear the stamp of your individual style. We understand that students are different and have different goals and priorities. These emerge from the many differences in major fields of study, interests, values, and physical capacities that characterize our students. Some students will focus on breadth and do as much of all sections of the Cuaderno as possible. Many students, however, will focus more attention on some sections and less attention on others. What we expect is documentation of consistent engagement. If we note that coverage in some sections of your Cuaderno is “thin” then we will expect to find other sections with coverage in extraordinary depth. Culture Study Faculty will be making assignments for all students and Spanish Instructors may make Cuaderno assignments that will be required of students in their particular classes. What is crucial is that you become familiar with your Cuaderno. Look it over carefully so as to know where to record the things you learn. Your Cuaderno will be returned to you after final scrutiny and will provide a rich, enduring record of your experiences and growth. Use the Cuaderno to your advantage, have fun with it, and make it your own. 2. DIARIOS: en español para estudiantes avanzados Create blank pages here or under separate cover to be used as a personal Journal of your experiences. Many travelers are excited by the idea of keeping a journal. The greatest pitfalls in this ambition are over-zealousness at the beginning and a narrative style that is difficult to sustain. Listing impressions, locations, and 6 fleeting thoughts is often a more efficacious route. Jot things down. Get in the habit of it. DIMENSIONES DIGITALES: Documentación You will be trained in digital documentary technology to explore the Natural and Cultural history of Ecuador. The record of your work goes beyond the Cuaderno and onto websites and social media. Historically the Cuaderno began as a “hard copy” workbook with pages added scrapbook style for pictures and flat artifacts. Now you get it as a Word file to adapt and expand. You will create digital cuadernos complete with links, attached or embedded photos, photo essay, videos and or audio recording or collections. There will also be freestanding multimedia presentations and audio collages that will emerge. When finished, a hard copy can be printed out, supplemented by a flash drive with supplementary files in other formats like audio, video, and SoundSlides, which is the multimedia program you will learn. We are open to new collaborative formats like wikis or blogs for collaborative work. Work can be uploaded to sites such as flickr, tumblr, YouTube, Wordpress, Blogspot, etc. 3. FILOSOFÍA DEL PROGRAMA It is our purpose as educators to encourage speculation and theory building. For most questions of genuine interest to human beings there is no one correct answer. Existence exceeds our ability to comprehend. Individually, we labor under the limitations of our intelligence, perspectives, and access to information. Collectively, although we have vast data banks and libraries that hold and order the knowledge we’ve accumulated, that knowledge barely scratches the mysteries of the universe we live in. We still do not understand, for example how a cell works or how the brain functions in language acquisition. Despite the unknown and mysterious nature of our existence, education proceeds as though there are right answers, set facts that students can simply learn on the basis of authority. Speculative and theorizing skills are ignored and people often proceed through their university studies with an impoverished reflective, speculative capacity. As you engage this workbook on the field trip, your “natural” approach will lead you to seek the “right” answers to questions. This is not our focus as educators. We want to encourage you to think critically, to challenge conventional wisdom. The most fundamental question one can face in engaging another culture is this: What am I seeing (sensing)? The next question is: What does it mean in context? If you answer too quickly, you will experience distortions. What looks like a parade, for example, may turn out to be a funeral, a holy procession or a postal workers or teachers' strike. One of the main purposes of this workbook, therefore, is to encourage you to consider situations and perspectives you’d not ordinarily consider. Cross-cultural experience should expand consciousness. We guarantee that engaging the questions and exercises suggested in this Cuaderno will provide you with 7 experience and perspectives you’d not have attained if you simply followed your own agenda. Please don’t worry yourselves about the “right” answers. The “right” answer is the quest, the engagement with a mysterious world that yields up its secrets reluctantly. We encourage you to speculate. Instead of assuming there is an answer the instructors are “looking for” on every question, imagine that your discoveries and insights are valuable. An eternal question, for example, is “Why is it so hard to get change in Ecuador?” Instead of assuming there is a correct, causal explanation, think of as many alternative explanations as possible, speculate, think. Too often, answering a question too quickly halts inquiry. Our aim is to encourage, not limit, inquiry. 4. PREGUNTAS, CUESTIONES, MISTERIOS, ENIGMAS, ADIVINANZAS En el espacio que sigue, haga una lista de cinco preguntas, situaciones o tópicos de interés personal que quisiera explorar, clarificar o contestar durante el viaje. Hable con otros estudiantes y el profesor para desarrollar estrategias para estas exploraciones. Haga una documentación de sus investigaciones y nuevos conocimientos. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 8 EL CHOQUE CULTURAL Read the wiki pages on culture shock and ethical tourism: Everyone entering another culture experiences culture shock. Culture shock is a response to another way of life. It can be subtle or intense. You will experience culture shock. Everyone does, even those who do not recognize it or deny it. We’ve found that culture shock harnessed is a powerful tool. It creates discomfort and motivation to learn. Each culture is a complete information system. One learns about culture by surviving culture shock and integrating the new perspective. Eventually a person begins to develop intercultural skills. At the same time, he or she comes to appreciate CULTURE and how it works for all humans. Emotionally, culture shock is transformed through support. One aggravating dimension of culture shock is that we are away from our usual sources of emotional support. In our expeditions we recognize that students need substitutes for their usual support systems. We form student support groups. Generally, the groups meet four times, once during the orientation classes at UNM, twice during the field session, and once during the final seminar session at UNM. The purpose of the groups is to provide a place for students to discuss their feelings in a safe, setting. Support allows students to retain emotional equilibrium. Here are some tips on support and how to give it. 1. CÓMO IDENTIFICAR EL CHOQUE CULTURAL: As you encounter Ecuadorian culture you can expect to experience culture shock. You will assess situations incorrectly and behave in inappropriate ways. Ecuatorianos will react (laughter is a common reaction). As you recognize your mistake, you’ll feel amusement, shame, discomfort, frustration, sadness, or even anger. The magnitude of the feeling varies greatly and is not necessarily predictable. Some of the feelings may be uncomfortable. People deal with these feelings in different ways. Defensive reactions are common and include (1) Denial (2) Escape (often to English or alcohol) (3) Blaming others - peers, authority figures, Ecuador and Ecuadorian culture, etc. (4) Projection, thinking others are uncomfortable. (5) Justifying the feelings. (6) Identification with the other culture and one-sided criticism of one’s own culture. So, if you notice feelings that seem extreme, if you find yourself conducting an inner dialogue of denial, blame, evasion, etc., or if you find yourself acting out such feelings, you are probably experiencing culture shock. If a fellow student is 9 having an emotional response that seems inappropriate, then that person may be experiencing culture shock. 2. TÉCNICAS DE APOYO When people are undergoing culture shock, what can be done? How can one person be helpful to another? The answer is simple. It is most helpful when one person is able to listen closely, without judgment, while someone else shares his or her feelings. Other support skills are secondary to the deep listening that is the heart of the matter. The attitude you have, however, towards a person that needs support can encourage that person to share. Expressions of willingness include such things as offering (“Do you want to talk about it?”), accepting (as in simple assent “yeah, I know.”), encouraging (“Tell me about it.”), observing (“You seem tense.”), exploring (“What led up to this?”), reflecting (“So then you felt X.”), clarifying (“Let’s see if I have it straight.”), and summarizing (So far you’ve told me X.”), etc. Such expressions signal a willingness to listen. Avoid judgments and don’t try to solve the person’s problem. SUPPORT GROUPS / GRUPOS DE APOYO Encourage people to accept and understand the feelings that go with culture contact. We are not encouraging people to become dependent on the group, far from it. We feel that support allows people to feel their courage and engage Ecuadorian people and culture in a clear and complete way. Support allows people to overcome emotional distress and learn Spanish more successfully. Attendance at support group meetings is absolutely required. 3. EXPLORACIÓN Write a few paragraphs that tell the story of THREE personal culture shock experiences. Describe the situation (when, where, who present, what circumstances). Describe your feelings. Explain how you recognized your reaction as culture shock. Describe how you coped with the situation and feelings. Elaborate with drawings and photos if possible. [OPTIONAL EXPERIMENT - an experiment in social perception: In pairs, walk around the busiest area in Cuenca in your most glaringly U.S. outfit possible. At the exact same time the next day, do the same, yet try to dress as traditionally Ecuadorian as possible. Report on how you felt, how you were treated, why you were reacted to in the way that you were, etc.] 10 EXPLORACIONES FUNDAMENTALES TEMAS DE JUSTICIA SOCIAL 1. PREGUNTAS DE ANDRÉS KELTNER How was racism institutionalized in colonial times? What are the castas? Where did they come from? Name, discuss, and illustrate six different castas. Compare this idea to our racial makeup and opinions on race in the United States. How does the idea of mestizaje play into politics? How has the role of the Indigenous population changed over the course of history? What is the history of the first Afro-Ecuadorians and how they arrived to Ecuador? In what parts of the country can this group be found? La historia política del Ecuador - How many constitutions has Ecuador had? How does this compare to how we change policy in the US? When was Ecuador's first constitution written? The first “liberal” constitution in Ecuador was written in 1986. Who was behind it? What changes were made for it to be called “liberal”? The constitution of 1998 initiates the term "Pluricultural" as a way of officially recognizing the cultural diversity of Ecuador, its history, and its legitimacy under the law. Another related concept is "Interculturalidad." How did CONAIE, Pachakutic, and Auauta Jatari influence the Constitution of 2008. What does CONAIE stand for? Who is involved? The Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008 has three distinct features: Rights of Pachamama (Mother Earth), which guarantees that Ecuadorian land will be treated appropriately and lawfully, the first law if it’s kind. Rights to Buen Vivir or Sumak Kawsay, which guarantees citizens their right to clean water, nutritious food, and ecologically balanced environments. Rights to communities, peoples, and nations, which promotes that all peoples of Ecuador will be given the same political and legal representation. 11 How are these laws different or nor different from their legal parallels in the United States. i.e. Right to Buen Vivir and welfare in the US. How did the Constitution of 2008 figure in the legal actions taken against Texaco – Chevron? 2. DIVERSIDAD BIO-CULTURAL What are the linkages between Biological Diversity and Cultural Diversity? (La gran pregunta) 12 II VIAJES Y EXPLORACIONES SOBREVIVIENDO / SURVIVAL The essentials: A Map of Quito and Cuenca Compañeros y amigos – the Buddy System A copy of your tourist card left with travel partners CONEXIONES staff. Copies of all your significant numbers. Stash them in the cloud for safe keeping. Vigilance - pickpocketing (and bag slicing) is endemic in some spots Sense of humor. Don't get stuck in the present. All things, even this, will pass. Money - more of it than you think you need. And ATM "Cajero Automático" Access (I.E., debit card or ATM card). Discretion, humility, good sense, attention - more than you need in Albuquerque. A plan for any emergency. EXPLORACIONES (Cuadernito separado) QUITO MANABÍ, MACHALILLA, ISLA DE LA PLATA CUENCA Y LOJA LOS SARAGUROS RÍO ZAMORA Y NANGARITZA INGAPIRCA Y EL CAMINO DEL INCA 13 III RESIDENCIA EN CUENCA – EXPLORACIONES CULTURALES LA CULTURA ECUATORIANA 1. CARTOGRAFÍA & GETTING AROUND First orientation to Cuenca. Write a short description of how to get to Universidad de Cuenca from your house. If you would prefer, you can draw a map instead. Obtain maps of Ecuador and Cuenca, and get to know them. Check in the hotels and papelerías: paper maps made with tourists and kids in mind can be especially helpful. Compare the maps you are able to find with Internet maps (ie. google and specialty maps). Different maps focus on different features. Maps of Ecuador may focus on natural features (volcanoes, lakes, forests, mountains, beaches (especially surfing beaches), harbors, rivers, etc.). Other Maps may focus on political divisions (states, municipal entities etc), population centers (villages towns and cities), or transportation (highways, harbors, ferries, river transport, etc.). Other maps may focus on natural resources, agricultural produce, industries, etc. Collect and study maps, they are a terrific source of information, particularly for students who learn more readily from images than from text. Prepare for our city tour by making a list of Cuenca's landmarks, you should locate on your maps. You’ll need to know where they are. Explore the local public transportation service. One way to do so is to simply pick a bus, hop on and take it to its end and then back to where you started. How much did it cost? Where did you end up? Can you make generalizations about who takes this bus line (school kids, working people…)? Write, draw, or take pictures. Ask people in your family about public transportation. Talk to bus drivers. Is there a printed schedule or route map? Make a map of your family’s house (ex. floor plan). Draw or include photos. Map of your neighborhood. Draw or include photos. Go to the Mercado (traditional market). Draw the layout or include photos. Make a map of the plaza. During colonial times, las Leyes de Indias determined the design of many public places. Draw or include photos. Community Mapping, A Small Group Activity This activity should be completed during the first days in Cuenca. We must initiate by exploring the community in which we will be residing. Creating a community map is a participatory process of creating a map or visual 14 representation of the community. In the case of Expediciones al Ecuador, the aim of the mapping project is to get students familiar with their new community, as well as to have them map out what they think the most important places for the might be during their stay in Ecuador (where their peers reside, stores, internet cafes, museums, etc. The mapping project also allows students to gain an insider perspective of the community as well as to get bring the learning space out of the classroom and into Ecuadorian society. 2. EXPLORANDO ESTEREOTIPOS Make a list of five American stereotypes about Ecuador and Ecuadorians. Use the following areas as guidance, and add more if you can: immigration, politics, gender roles, family life, media, physical appearance, religion, standard of living, etc. Where do these stereotypes come from? Después de dos semanas en Ecuador, ¿qué has aprendido de estos estereotipos? ¿Cuáles son los estereotipos que los ecuatorianos tienen de los americanos? ¿Cuáles son los estereotipos que tienen de los chicanos (si saben quiés son)? Hablen con sus amigos ecuatorianos, tomen apuntes y escriban un resumen. Pregúntenles sobre los "ecuajohnnies"o los "cholo boys." ¿Hay otros nombres para los ecuatorianos que viven en los Estados Unidos? ¿Cuál es el apodo para Estados Unidos en el Ecuador? 3. IDIOMA Y CULTURA (attach photos, drawings, and notes as appropriate) VOS, TÚ, Y USTED El uso de vos, tú o usted is muy importante porque indica la relación social y personal entre las personas. El uso de vos o tú puede indicar familiaridad, intimidad, una relación entre dos personas de la misma edad, o posición social en cuanto a las personas hablando. El uso de usted indica formalidad, cortesía, desconocimiento, deferencia o una posición social más baja. En algunos sitios como el Ecuador el vos puede reemplazar al tú. Es también distinto del vosotros, que se usa en España y es la forma plural de tú. En casi todo el mundo hispano, ustedes es la única forma de la segunda persona plural. Mucho más gente usa vos que vosotros. Vosotros aparece en libros de texto y en las escuelas Su familia, sus amigos y otros que conoces pueden llamarte tú. Pero en situaciones más familiares es mucho más probable que usen vos. La razón por la diferencia en el trato entre locales y extrangeros es la conociencia de los ecuatorianos de la variación entre su español y el español "estandard." 1. ¿Cuál forma se usa cuando se habla con Dios o un santo, como en una oración? 15 2. ¿Por qué a veces los padres hablan a sus hijos en la forma de usted? 3. En su familia, ¿cómo se hablan los hijos a sus papás (tú o usted o vos)? 4. Haga una lista de por lo menos cinco situaciones cuando ha observado alguien hablando en la forma de tú o vos con otra persona: IDENTIDAD DEL HABLADOR / RELACIÓN AL ESCUCHA / LO QUE DIJO 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 5. Ahora concéntrese en observar cuando la gente usa la forma de tú o vos o la forma de usted cuando está hablando contigo Haga una lista de por lo menos cinco personas y como le hablan: ¿TÚ, VOS O USTED? / EL QUE HABLA / RELACIÓN A USTED / LO QUE DIJO 16 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6. La transición entre usted y tú en una relación es un momento muy importante que muchas veces pierde el hablante de inglés. Dé dos ejemplos de esta transición entre otra persona y usted. ¿Quién es? ¿Por cuánto tiempo lo conoció usted antes de la transición a tIú? ¿Cuáles fueron las circunstancias del cambio (dónde, cuándo, quién estuvo presente, qué estaba pasando)? 4. LOS PIROPOS ¿Qué significa "echar flores" o "dar un piropo?" Dé ejemplos de piropos comunes y/o gestos de la mano que los acompañan. PIROPO SIGNIFICADO CONOTACIÓN 5. LOS GESTOS Los gestos son un modo de comunicación no-verbal. Con los gestos, ¿cómo se 17 dice lo siguente? (use dibujos o fotos). Adiós Tengo hambre Ven. Dinero. Ojo (cuidado). Está loco. Falta de generosidad (tacaño o cuzco). 6. REFRANES (DICHOS) Y ADIVINANZAS Colecte diez dichos o refranes de su familia. Indique cómo se usa cada uno y en cual situación. También fije en quién lo usa y a quién le contó. Pregunte sobre refranes específicos, pero también fije cuáles se usan en pláticas diarias. Pregúntele a un niño las respuestas a las siguientes adivinanzas. También pregunte el niño por cinco adivinanzas más para escribir en su cuaderno. RESPUESTAS a. Una viejita con solo un diente llama a toda la gente. b. Agua pasa por mi casa cate de mi corazón el que no me adivine es un burro cabezón. c. Alto, alto, como un pino pero pesa menos que un comino. d. ¿Qué cosa es que cuando más grande es menos se ve? e. Si los amarro se van si los suelto se quedan ¿que serán? 18 f. En alto vive, en alto mora en alto teje la tejedora. 7. VOCABULARIO Llene su cuadernito de vocabulario completamente. Lléveselo a todas partes y tome apuntes en cualquier cosa que usted no entiende. Haga una lista de 10 o más palabras en español de origen quichua (los quichuísmos) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Haga una lista de por lo menos 5 palabras en español de origen cañari y explique los significados. 1. 2. 3. 4. 19 5. 8. BRINDIS Colecte y escribe por lo menos cuatro brindis tradicionales. 1. 2. 3. 4. 9. LEMAS Y GRAFITI Ecuador tiene mucha poesía pintada en las paredes. Hay poesía, crítica social, lemas políticos, declaraciones de amor, etc. Busque, tome fotos o dibuje cinco diferentes lemas escritas o pintadas en los muros de la ciudad (grafiti). ¿Cuáles son los orígenes de estas lemas y que significan? ¿Son de partidos políticos? ¿Quieren criticar algo o anunciar? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10. CARTELES Escribe la información de cinco diferentes carteles en lugares diferentes. Tome fotos y analice. Si es posible, róbese un cartel. 1. 2. 3. 4. 20 5. 11. PRODUCTOS estrategia de mercadotecnia "marketing" Busque y analice cinco o más marcas comerciales diferentes en español. ¿Son de los Estados Unidos o productos importados de Europa u otros países latinoamericanos con nombres diferentes o son productos ecuatorianos? ¿Cuál es la lógica de estos nombres? (El ejemplo más famoso es el fracaso total del modelo "Nova" de Chevrolet. ¿Por qué no funciona en español? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12. EL LENGUAGE DE LOS NIÑOS Observe los niños aprendiendo el español y haga una lista de las palabras que dicen, "baby talk." Usualmente estas palabras son repeticiones de sílabas sencillas. El habla de los niños varía en los diferentes lugares donde se habla el español. Por ejemplo, ¿qué son yayas o mimis en Nuevo México? ¿Cómo se dice en Cuenca? También haga una lista de apodos (nombres cortas de la gente) basados en la pronunciación incorrecta de los niños. (¿cuál es el apodo de Enrique?) 13. NARRATIVES ORALES: (Durante las clases de Español) 14. CHISTES Colecte chistes diferentes en español en una grabadora. Transcriba los que le gusten más y apréndelos. Pregunte por chistes de Pepito o Don Cacahuate. También incluya: Chistes sobre Gringos. 21 Chistes de la política. Chistes inter-étnicos 15. HISTORIA ORAL Colecte en una cinta una historia de la Guerra con el Perú o más recientemente, la Rebelión Indígena. (Transcríbala y inclúyala en el Cuaderno en la sección de historia.) Colecte una historia de migración a Europa o Estados Unidos de un campesino y luego de una persona de clase media. 16. GASTRONOMIA Define and taste as many of the regional cuisines listed below as possible. Ask your family about other traditional foods. Choclo Habas Observe en la cocina de su familia la preparación de dos comidas fuertes y escribe las recetas (usen fotos si es posible). Frutas tropicales Describe (and, optionally photograph) and taste as many (at least 8) of the following fruits as you can. Also note how they are eaten (ie., peeled, cut, sectioned, seed(s) removed, swallowed or spit out, etc.) Not listed are tropical fruits familiar to American students – Oranges (naranjas), Pineapples (piñas), bananas (plátanos), limes (limones). Las comidas del día ¿Cuales son los características típicas – preparaciones, formalidad, convivencia, etc.? ¿Qué comidas se comen y en que manera o El desayuno o El almuerzo o La cena 22 Otras comidas - ¿hay meriendas? 17. LOS MEDIOS Y LA CULTURA POP Compare y contraste los papeles y las funciones de los medios y la cultura pop en Ecuador y los Estados Unidos. Identifique los medios locales y regionales. Periodismo Identifique los periódicos que lee su familia y averigüe cómo los escogieron. Identifique los periódicos más importantes en el país y averigüe por qué se consideran tan importantes. Crítica de las revistas: o ¿Cuál es la audiencia de cada una? o ¿Cómo se relaciona la revista con o el sistema de comerciales (anuncios)? o las posiciones sociales? o el sistema política? o ¿Las mujeres en las revistas reflejan la cultura verdadera de Ecuador? ¿Cómo afecta eso la imagen de la belleza que tienen los ecuatorianos. o Dé un resumen del contenido. La Televisión Escoja una telenovela y vea cada capítulo por una semana. ¿Cuáles características (físicas y de personalidad) tienen los víctimas? ¿Los villanos? Compara las dos compañías más grandes de televisión en Ecuador. o ¿Cuántas canales poseen cada uno? o ¿Cuáles son las diferencias en los programas que cada compañía pone al aire? Ponga atención en las diferencias entre las telenovelas. Pregúntele a su familia cuales canales/programas prefieren y por qué. Compara los comerciales en Ecuador con los de los Estados Unidos. ¿Cuáles son las diferencias? Fotonovelas y caricaturas Lea una fotonovela y critíquela. 23 o ¿Cuáles valores están asumidos, presumidos? o Caracterice los protagonistas (sexo, clase, trabajo, edad, circunstancias de la vida). o Identifique evidencia de inclinaciones sociales, instituciones, y problemas. Lea una caricatura de adultos (1 de cada uno de los siguientes tipos: histórico, ficción ciencia, importado, político – Los Supermachos, "sexploitation," etc. o ¿Cuáles valores están asumidos, presumidos? o Caracterice los protagonistas (sexo, clase, trabajo, edad, circunstancias de la vida). o Identifique evidencia de inclinaciones sociales, instituciones, y problemas. El cine Asista a una película ecuatoriana y una película americana y critíquelas: o ¿Cuáles valores están asumidos, presumidos? o Caracterice los protagonistas (sexo, clase, trabajo, edad, circunstancias de la vida). o Identifique evidencia de inclinaciones sociales, instituciones, y problemas. La música Conozca las diferentes tipos de música en Ecuador. ¿Cuál música le gusta su familia? o Describe los estilos diferentes de música en Ecuador y explique como son diferentes por el contenido, temas y lenguaje. o Escribe o transcribe por lo menos dos canciones de la radio o un disco que no son iguales que los en el cuaderno. o Haga una lista de las canciones que son populares en Ecuador que están en inglés. o Escuche, grabe y si es posible obtenga una traducción de una canción en quichua. o Vaya a ver músicos quichuas cantar (tal vez en un pueblito durante una fiesta). o Aprende a cantar por lo menos dos canciones en Español. Considere las siguientes preguntas sobre esta música. o ¿Cuáles valores están asumidos, presumidos? o Caracterice los protagonistas (sexo, clase, trabajo, edad, circunstancias de la vida). o Identifique evidencia de inclinaciones sociales, instituciones, y problemas. o Describa la reacción de la audiencia. Compare con los Estados Unidos. Consulte con los profesores en cuanto a crear un seminario para los estudiantes. Escuche las canciones en las siguientes páginas y llene los espacios blancos. 24 artista canción estilo Instructor Directed Activity (Felipe Ruibal): Música del Ecuador Make a list of all the places and occasions you hear local music played. Who plays the music? Identify the differences between popular and folkloric music. How are folkloric elements mixed within the popular music? What does the marimba represent for Ecuadorians? Speak with a minimum of 5 people of various ages and in a conversation, find out the following information: Who in Ecuador plays the marimba? Who teaches them to play? When do they play the marimba? How has the marimba played an important role in Ecuador’s history? Who are some well-known Ecuadorian marimba players? What does the guitar represent for Ecuadorians? Speak with a minimum of 5 people of various ages and in a conversation, find out the following information: Who in Ecuador plays the guitar? Who teaches them to play? When do they play the guitar? How has the guitar played an important role in Ecuador’s history? Who are some well-known Ecuadorian guitar players? 18. EL ARTE Y LA CULTURA EXPRESIVA Become familiar with the work, life, and setting of a Ecuadorian artist, sculptor, poet, musician, or other person devoted to aesthetic expression. Learn as much as possible about the place of art and expressive culture in Ecuadorian prehistory, history, and society, to learn as much as possible about what art means and has meant to Ecuadorians. Note: Cuenca has a number of artists, plenty to qualify as having an “art scene” Name some of the local galleries and artists. Consider doing a photo essay that you could post on a wiki page or flickr. CIDAP Cerámica Tejidos "Ikat" Trabajo de Campo – Artes Populares Visit a local artist’s studio. (Or sculptor, musician, poet, etc.) Describe the studio, how space is used 25 Describe his/her work (media, content, style) Interview the artist (record on a separate sheet) Biography Training Inspiration Resume (shows, exhibits etc.) Philosophy of art/life Political beliefs (incorporated into art?) Economics What kind of a living does the artist make? Is he/she living from proceeds of sales? How much does the work sell for? Have the artist speak about a particular piece. What is the artist’s view of the importance of art? How it was conceived? What it means to him/her? How does he/she hope audiences will respond? Describe the process of producing the piece Is the artist satisfied, if not, why? If you or anyone in your group buys a piece (book of poems, tape, etc.) from the artist, describe how the interaction. Attend a public expressive arts event of one kind or another (poetry reading, gallery or museum exhibition opening, concert, etc.) Who attended (what kind of people)? What do people like about the work? What’s the format? What subjects do the works address? What media does the artist use? What style does the artist employ? How does the artist fit into the Ecuadorian Art world? How does the situation compare to similar events in US culture Characterize your emotions as you respond to the work. Record your visit to a Museum of Colonial or Contemporary Art. Characterize the art (in your own words). Note the reactions of other patrons to the art. Ask someone about the importance of art in Ecuadorian history and culture. 26 Give a brief history of muralism indicating the importance of muralism in Ecuador and in Latin America in general. Who do people name as the most important Ecuadorian artists? Muralists? Provide a brief bio of artist Guayasamín What criteria are used to determine “importance” of an artist? Characterize the work of these “important artists.” Interview an Ecuadorian about beauty (use a separate page) What constitutes beauty? What makes something beautiful? How important is beauty to life? Does art by nature express the beauty of the world? What constitutes ugliness? How does the person express his/her aesthetic sense? What’s the most beautiful thing the person has ever experienced? Ask the person to name a number of beautiful things, ugly things, Also make your own list 27 LA SOCIEDAD ECUATORIANA 1. INSTITUCIONES SOCIALES Compare y contraste los papeles y funciones de las instituciones sociales en Ecuador y los Estados Unidos. EL GOBIERNO Nacional Estatal Municipal Oficiales, sus papeles y responsabilidades Impuestos Legislación EL SEGURO SOCIAL LAS PROFESIONES (médico, abogado, profesor, etc.) LA PRENSA LA LOTERÍA LAS FUERZAS ARMADAS LA EDUCACIÓN Kinder Primaria Secundaria / preparatoria Universitaria Tecnológico Estudiantes y maestros: papeles, relaciones 28 LA IGLESIA Parroquia Capilla Catedral Cofradías Altares exteriores (en calles o carreteras) Sacerdotes y monjas Veneración de los santos, Devoción a la Virgen de Guadalupe Oraciones y promesas Protestantismo Espiritualismo y "New Age" EL SISTEMA PENAL EL SISTEMA AGRÍCOLA LOS PARTIDOS POLÍTICOS LOS SINDICATOS PETROECUADOR EL CORREO EL TELÉGRAFO EL SISTEMA DE SALUD BELLAS ARTES LA INMIGRACIÓN LA POLICÍA Federal 29 Municipal Judicial DEPORTES NACIONALES Boxeo Fútbol Toros 2. LA FAMILIA Y LA SOCIALIZACIÓN Para caracterizar con precisión su familia ecuatoriana, aprenda todo lo que pueda de ellos – tradiciones, origen, división de trabajo, opiniones, punta de vista del mundo, etc. Tareas: Observa las interacciones de su familia por cinco minutos durante diferentes horas del día y escribe sus observaciones: qué dicen quién lo dice. a quién le dice. cuándo y dónde la interacción ocurre. que hacen. cuándo y dónde lo hacen y en la presencia de quien qué es que no dicen. qué es que no hacen. 1. Pregúntele a su familia (en español por supuesto) en cuanto a tradiciones, origen, división de trabajo, opiniones, punta de vista del mundo, etc. (Le puede ayudar el componente de la conversación). 2. En cuanto a la división de trabajo en su familia, ¿cuáles tareas tienen que hacer las hijas? ¿los hijos? ¿Qué espera la familia que usted haga? 3. ¿Cómo son las bodas ecuatorianas? Van a ver fotos en su casa. Trate de asistir a una. 4. Haga un árbol genealógico de su familia. 5. Describe el proceso del divorcio, anulación. 30 6. Compare con los Estados Unidos. 7. Consulte con los profesores en cuanto a crear un seminario para los estudiantes. 4. LOS HIJOS Para identificar las relaciones entre los hijos y las personas significantes en su crianza. Tareas: Observa las interacciones entre padre-hijo, hermanos, niños de la misma edad, adulto-niño entre y afuera de la familia. Describa las interacciones y dé un hipótesis de que aprende el niño de sí mismo, el mundo, la gente, y la sobrenatural por interacciones. 1. ¿Cómo deben estar enseñados y criados los niños? 2. Compare con los Estados Unidos. 3. Consulte con los profesores en cuanto a crear un seminario para los estudiantes. 5. LOS ESTUDIANTES ¿Cuáles son las opciones académicas para estudiantes en Ecuador después de la prepa? ¿Cómo funciona el sistema universitario en Ecuador (clases, carreras, pagamiento)? Describe la "autonomía" política que tienen... ¿Cuáles universidades hay en Cuenca? Pregúntele a un estudiante ecuatoriano a cerca de su vida como estudiante (qué estudia, qué se espera para el futuro, vida social). Compare con la suya en EE.UU. 31 Compare la Universidad Central con la Universidad Católica. Pregúnteles a su familia y otros ecuatorianos a cerca de las huelga estudiantiles y su papel en la historia. ¿Cuáles son sus opiniones? Pregúntele a un estudiante su opinión a cerca de las huelgas. 6. GRUPOS Y CLASES SOCIALES (y sus apodos) Cholos La Gente de Razón Bohemios Campesinos 7. LA ECONOMÍA Y EL MERCADO: Usted ya ha dibujado el arreglo de un mercado. Ahora, visite un supermercado local. Haga una lista de las diferencias entre un supermercado y un mercado tradicional Fije en donde su familia va de compras cada semana. ¿Cuántas veces va al super vs. mercado tradicional? Haga una lista de las comidas más importantes. Escoja una comida y investíguela desde su producción original hasta su venta y consunción. ¿Cuántas marcas de los Estados Unidos ha encontrado? Pregunte por cuánto tiempo han tenido productos. ¿Son populares? 32 El Regateo: ¿Cuándo, dónde y en cuáles circunstancias regatean los ecuatorianos para productos y servicios? ¿En cuáles circunstancias no es adecuado regatear? Comparación de los precios. Colecte precios para los siguientes artículos: COMIDAS PRECIO EE.UU. Tortillas Frijoles Pan Leche Té Café Refrescos Carne de res Puerco Aves Pescado Frutas Naranjas Manzanas Plátanos Piñas Sandías Fruta tropical 33 PRECIO ECUADOR SALARIOS PRECIO EE.UU. Mano de obra Campesinos Maestros Profesores Médicos Abogados Dentistas Psicólogos VIVIENDA Casas pequeñas grandes Rentas Casas Departamentos SERVICIOS Gasolina Electricidad Gas Teléfono Larga distancia Agua 34 PRECIO ECUADOR MERCANCIA PRECIO EE.UU. PRECIO ECUADOR PRECIO EE.UU. PRECIO ECUADOR Ford LTD Mercedes/BMW VW Bug, Rabbit Datsun Vehículos usados Refrigeradora Lavadora Estufa Televisión Radio VCR Computadoras FINANZAS Tarjetas de crédito/interés Préstamos para la casa Préstamos para el coche Préstamos agriculturales Fondos mutuales Acciones (stocks) Interés/ cuenta de ahorros Certificado de deposito 35 8. CONTAMINACIÓN Y AMBIENTE ¿Cuáles cosas tiran a la basura los ecuatorianos? ¿De qué consiste la basura? ¿Cuáles artículos están tirados que no tiramos en los Estados Unidos. ¿Cuáles artículos están tirados en los Estados Unidos que no tiran en Ecuador? ¿Cómo colectan la basura? ¿A dónde llevan la basura? ¿Cuáles formas de contaminación son las peores en Ecuador? ¿Cómo la resuelvan? ¿Cuáles problemas tiene los Estados Unidos con la contaminación que Ecuador no tiene? ¿Cómo es el movimiento ambiental en Ecuador? ¿Cuáles son las organizaciones principales y sus agendas? ¿Cuáles conclusiones puede hacer de esta comparación? Desarrolle un modelo teoría de la economía ecuatoriana. 9. HISTORIA, POLÍTICA Y GOBIERNO Goals: Attain familiarity with the stages, personalities and trends in Ecuadorian History To gain understanding of how the Ecuadorian present is grounded in the Ecuadorian past To attain a basic understanding of the workings of the Ecuadorian government and political system To gain an appreciation of Ecuadorian perspectives on history, politics, and government. HISTORIA – apuntes de Andrés Keltner What and where is Tahuantinsuyu? What are mitimaes and how did the Incas practice social engineering by moving groups of loyal and newly conquered people across their empire? Name one of these groups that we will actually meet. After siding politically with the Spanish during the Conquest, why do the Cañaris identify with the Inca past now? Conquest and Colonial Rule Who conquered Ecuador? What is an encomienda? Jose Jaime Ortiz, Quito Architect Describe Creoles in Ecuador. How were they different from Peninsular Spaniards? 36 What mythology and/ or supernatural attributes were shown the night of the expedition? Finding Freedom Describe how indentured servants were able to free themselves of servitude. What is the Audencia in Ecuadorian politics? Who was Juana Rica and what did she do? What was the Viceroyalty of New Granada? What countries were involved? What was Gran Colombia? What future republics were involved? Manuela Saenz Describe Manuela Saenz political ideology. Antonio Jose de Sucre led defeated Spanish royalists for Ecuadorian Independence at what battle? When did Ecuador officially become an independent country? State Missionaries and Natives in the Upper Amazon What main section of Ecuador was ignored by Catholic missionaries? What form of art did peasant culture use to protest against authority? What was the outcome of the “Oriental Theocracy” after 1875? Four Years Among the Ecuadorians Read Freidrich Hassaurek’s passage and list the racist comments found in the passage. Selection from Juan Montavalo How “liberal” are his ideas in today's context in comparison compared to his time? Think about the progression of liberalism in Latin America. The Origins of the Ecuadorian Left Why would Maoist ideals fit into Ecuadorian life? Name three reasons why the socialists were the most successful of the three leftist factions. i.e. Communist, Maoist, Socialist. 37 The United Fruit Company's Legacy What role did women play in plantation life? And when it fell? What is a nuclear family? Name 2 reasons for the invasion of the Hacienda Tenguel. What is and embarque day at a plantation? How does United Fruit compare to coal companies in the Appalachians? What has the impact of petroleum been on Ecuador's economy, environment, and future as a nation? Discuss the Revolución Ciudadana Write a brief biographical sketch of several of the following (preferably gathered through discussions with the host family or your Ecuadorian associates.) Huayna Cápac, Huáscar, Atahualpa, Francisco Pizarro, Francisco Orellana, Simón Bolívar, Manuela Saenz, Juan Montalvo, Eugenio de Espejo, Eloy Alfaro, José Velasco Ibarra, Rafael Correa. What names would your family and new friends add to this list of important ecuatorianos? 10. POLÍTICA Y GOBIERNO ¿Cuáles son las creencias y alianzas políticas de su familia? What are the political beliefs and alliances of your family? What are the economic and political connections between Ecuador and Cuba. What economic and political connections does Ecuador have with other Latin American Nations (Venezuela, Brazil) ? European Nations? Nations in the Far East and Middle East? How do Ecuadorians feel about the "dolarización" of the Ecuadorean economy? What do people fear in the politics they oppose? Find party officers and talk to party functionaries about party policies, plans, and ideology. Make a list of the political parties of Ecuador. What images are the various parties trying to promote? 38 Which US and world leaders are admired by (1) Ecuadorian politicians (2) Ecuadorians of various kinds and classes? What newspapers back which parties and government officials? The important newspapers for national politics are national newspapers based in Quito. Name these newspapers and classify their political leanings. Describe the role(s) of women in national politics. Describe political discussions you overhear rather than initiate. Do people in restaurants and coffee shops discuss politics? Do taxi drivers share their opinions with alacrity? Where do you hear politics being discussed? Ask people about electoral fraud. What are their opinions as to the existence and extent of fraud? How does it occur? Has it been a factor recently? Why is the price of oil, gasoline, and natural gas such sore points with many Ecuadorians? What do the Ecuadorians you talk to think are the most important social and political issues? What issues do the media (TV and newspapers) seem to emphasize? How is president Correa portrayed in the media? What do people think of his presidency. Ecuador is a small country. Describe the nation’s vulnerability to the whims of powerful entities outside of its borders (donor nations, trading partners, competitor nations, political allies, allies of allies, enemies or allies, etc. What is the “pink tide” that has spread through Latin America? Does this seem like a move in the right direction for Latin America? What are some of the basic principles of the leaders of the “pink tide”? NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has applied for political asylum in Ecuador, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange already has it. What does it mean for USA-Ecuador relations after two failed extradition attempts by the USA at the hands of Ecuadorian leaders? What does it mean on a global scale? 39 What does it mean for Rafael Correa to be considered in the same group as exVenezuelan president Hugo Chavez and Bolivian president Evo Morales? Compare him to the other two. Rafael Correa started with no political backing, but gained popularity after suggesting constitutional reform. Recently he has proposed for media regulation and more land reform, giving unused land to people living in poverty. Discuss how these two actions shape his image. Discuss the racial stratification in Ecuador and compare it to the United States. Correa has said that the Ecuadorian media undermines his presidency and his legitimacy and has called the media “mediocre, incompetent, inaccurate, lying and is part of corruption and accomplice of the national disaster” and has called for government run media. What is your opinion on government run media? How does it compare from media in the United States? Correa has just started his third term as president, his second term was the first reelection in 50 years. With each term he has made more regulations, taken more liberties as president, and received more criticism. What does this mean for the future of Ecuador? When answering this consider the history of Latin American leaders and political leaders who have done the same, i.e. Hugo Chávez, the PRI in Mexico, Daniel Ortega, Perón and Peronistas in Argentina, and any others you can think of. Consult with instructors on the possibility of broadening inquiry and formulating a Student-generated Seminar or panel on any of the above items. 40 CONVERSACIONES CONVERSACIONES (pura plática) Todas las conversaciones y platicas se pueden ver como entrevistas informales. Las conversaciones usualmente tienen varios puntos y metas. Unos de estos incluyen placer, compañerismo, lograr comodidad y confianza, intercambio de información, revelación de sí mismo y movimientos hacía la intimidad. Entonces, las conversaciones siempre tienen agendas y metas, unos son obvias otros no tan obvias. Usted va a participar en muchas conversaciones, y a veces la pregunta "¿de qué hablamos?" surgirá. Le puede ayudar mucho tener una lista de preguntas sobre temas que a los ecuatorianos les gusta hablar y que también le ayudará a profundizar su entendimiento de la cultura ecuatoriana. Aquí les tenemos una lista de temas de conversación que son interesantes para la mayoría de los michoacanos y gringos. La mayoría están relacionados con otras partes del Cuaderno y tendrá mucha suerte si por tener una buena conversación puede también cumplir una tarea del Cuaderno. Si eso pasa, escribe la hora, lugar y personas involucradas en la conversación. TEMAS DE CONVERSACIÓN – nota: estos temas se repiten por todo el cuaderno... más y más y más – quizás demasiado ¿Cuál es la posición de la mujer en la sociedad de Ecuador? ¿Es diferente en el campo? What is the role of women in Ecuadorian society? Is it different in the countryside? ¿Qué es el sistema del compadrazgo y cómo funciona? What is the compadrazgo system and how does it function? ¿Es el pasado indígena importante en Ecuador? Is the indigenous past important in Ecuador? ¿Qué importancia tiene La Teología de la liberación en Ecuador? What is importance of Liberation Theology in Ecuador? ¿Cómo se sienten los ecuatorianos en cuanto a la compañías de los Estados Unidos que tienen inversiones en Ecuador? How do Ecuadorians feel about CAFTA and US companies that have investments in Ecuador? ¿Qué tipos de trabajos tienen las mujeres ecuatorianas? ¿Conforman al estereotipo de los “trabajos femeninos”? What types of jobs de Ecuadorian women have? Do they conform to stereotypes of “womens’ work”? 41 ¿Cuáles son los escritores, artistas y músicos más importantes en Ecuador? ¿Cuáles son sus obras y importantes y por qué ? Who are the most important writers, artists and musicians in Ecuador? Which of their Works are important and why? ¿Por qué el gobierno ecuatoriano no está de acuerdo con las políticas de los Estados Unidos con otros países, especialmente Cuba, Venezuela, y Bolivia? Why has the Ecuadorian government traditionally not agreed with the policies of the US towards other countries, especially Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia? ¿ Que peinsa la gente de Cuenca sobre la culturas indígenas del Ecuador? What are the attitudes of the people of Cuenca regarding indigenous peoples of Ecuador? (Sí su familia tiene criados / if your family has servants or maids) ¿Es difícil conseguir tener criados? ¿Cómo se debe tratar a los criados? Is it difficult to find and have servants? How should you treat them? ¿Qué opinan los ecuatorianos sobre la política de los Estados Unidos? ¿Qué piensan los ecuatorianos sobre Bush, Obama y las guerras de Afghanistan e Irak? What do Ecuadorians think of the politics of the US? What do they think about Bush and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? ¿Hay leyes que prohíben el aborto en Ecuador? ¿Cómo se sienten los ecuatorianos en cuanto al aborto? Are there laws that prohibit abortion in Ecuador? How do Ecuadoreans feel about abortion? ¿Cuál es la cosa más importante que puede lograr un hombre ecuatoriano? ¿Una mujer ecuatoriana? What is the most important thing a Ecuadorian man can accomplish? A Ecuadorian woman? ¿Cuál es el punto de vista ecuatoriano en cuanto a los chicanos y los ecuatorianos “del otro lado”? What is the Ecuadorian point of view regarding Chicanos and Ecuadorians in the US? ¿Cómo debe Ecuador resolver su problema con la deuda nacional? How can Ecuador solve its problema of national doubt? 42 ¿Cómo se perciben las elecciones recientes? How are recent elections percieved. ¿Quiénes son las figuras más celebradas de los deportes en Ecuador? ¿En los medios y cultura popular? ¿Qué se opinan los en cuanto a las mujeres en los deportes? Who are the most celebrated sports figures in Ecuador? In media and pop culture? What do Ecuadoreans think of women in sports? ¿Quiénes asisten juegos de beisból? ¿Partidos de fútbol? ¿Hípicos? Who goes to baseball games? To soccer games? To equestrian events? 43 IV TRABAJOS DE CAMPO CUADERNITO DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD 1. CUADERNITO DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD (de Angie, aka. Jeli––separado) 2. FIESTAS DEL SOLSTICIO Expedición Etnográfica Conexiones 2014 Cañar y Azuay, Ecuador Corpus Christi - Cuenca / Inti Raymi - Ingapirca / San Juan - Gualaceo SOLSTICIO DEL VERANO - una fiesta global, universal All religions keep calendars whose deepest structure is based on the cycles of the Sun, Moon, and even Planets. Of all the solar observances, solstices and equinoxes are the most important. In every area of the world, agricultural cycles are tied in to religion as well. As it tried to supplant previous religions, Christianity syncretized (syn=together credo=belief) its calendar and built on previous devotions. Its solar feasts (with fixed dates) puts its two most important figures at each solstice - Jesus as Lord of the Winter Solstice and his first cousin John -San Juan Bautista at the Summer Solstice (There would be no Christ without the Baptism that his primo gave Jesus). Lunar feasts (with moveable dates) are ruled by La Virgen María, since women are linked to the moon. Like Jewish Passover, Easter is always the Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox, also known as the Paschal Moon. CORPUS CHRISTI 44 Pentecost Sunday is the seventh Sunday after Easter. It is known in Europe as Whitsunday, which is linked to Beltane, the pre-Christian first summer feast. Corpus Christi, the feast of the Sacrament, is on the following Thursday. This will be June 19th this year. Since that falls so close to astronomical summer solstice -June 21- Corpus is often linked to it, especially in indigenous communities. In central Ecuador Corpus is very indigenous in character. In Azuay, it is very criollo and is similar to celebrations in Spain. Christian Sacraments are based on the two principal staples of Mediterranean agriculture, wheat and grapes. Look for this symbolism in the churches, streets, processions, and plazas. INTI RAYMI Beginning in the 1940s in Cuzco, Perú, the old Inca feast of Inti=Sun Raymi=Feast was revived. It had elements of Peruvian nationalism, which was beginning to appreciate indigenous traditions more. It has also attracted tourists and others interested in the Incas. In the 1990s, the tradition was embraced and widely celebrated in Ecuador by Indian communities as their the Pachacutic (end of days) indigenous power movement gained momentum. What began in plazas and demonstrations became a powerful political movement. Inca ruins are prime venues for these celebrations. Look for the symbolism of the sun, its light, and fires. Look for their Rainbow Flag. 45 SAN JUAN BAUTISTA The syncretized Christian Solstice feast is June 24, which was traditionally recognized as the beginning of summer. The astronomical feast is June 21, of course. John consecrated Jesus by baptizing him in el Río Jordán. Look for the symbolism of water in all its forms. Since John the Baptist was martyred by beheading, this bloody image can appear almost anywhere. The waters of the earth are Holy Water on June 24. Watch out for the water balloons. Be prepared to get wet! Another element of the fiesta de San Juan (in the Americas as well as in Europe) is highly ritualized violence in the defense of community. Watch out for choreographed "fights"... LA IMPORTANCIA DE NUESTRO TRABAJO EN CAÑAR Y GUALACEO Our preparation for field work begins now. We will be exploring three facets of the Summer Solstice celebrations of southern Ecuador - Azuay and Cañar provinces. These are the key ethnographic events of our Expedicón Ecuador 2014. With these fiestas, we have the opportunity to go far beyond the ordinary experiences or tourists and other travellers. We will be witnessing cultural memory and cultural history in action on three different plazas. Our entourage numbers about twenty. That means that if we work together in teams, we can multiply our powers of observation to learn about this community. Your role in this is important. Though dynamic, these Indigenous and Mestizo fiestas are at risk in the modern world. As the world culture becomes more uniform and boring, these small pockets of genuine diversity are increasingly valuable. Another thing to remember is that very recently, the Cañaris of Cañar province and Cholos of Azuay province were among the poorest and most oppressed population in the hemisphere. These people were often portrayed as the enemies of industrial capitalism, ignorant, backward, and "in the way" of progress. This all changed with immigration, lucrative jobs in Spain and La Yoni (the US), and the formation of dynamic, transnational communities. With the return of the migrants and their new wealth, the fiestas have reemerged as key community events. 46 TAREAS Once research teams are formed, we will work with you to chose a topic to explore in some depth. Make sure you understand the traditions of "el Solsticio del Verano" and the many components of the fiesta. Read up on the fiestas and check out the YouTube links on them. What follows are tips on doing field research. We expect each team to turn in a rough draft of a report on their fiesta explorations to the follow up classes when we return. Your report will include at least 2000 words of field notes, theories, quotes, and conclusions. These drafts can be rough. Before our July 21-23 Home Campus Semanars, you will have a chance to finish up, edit your audio and photos, and organize your audio visual presentations. We realize the challenges of being in the field, but there is lots of access to computers and word processing. MÉTODOS Basic ethnographic fieldwork is not fancy or complex; the methods are very simple and logical. The key method is PARTICIPANT-OBSERVATION. What is involved here is observing cultural realities as an outsider / insider - participating on some level while observing recording, and describing what is going on. What is important is the record. Notes, however you do them are crucial - use note cards, little cuadernitos, clipboards, whatever is most comfortable. Most of you will have a roll of toilet paper close at hand in case of emergencies. In a pinch, you can take notes on this ephemeral medium. Drawings, photos, hand drafted maps, and short audiotapes sections can help, but note down the sequence of photos and what they show or you could end up with great photos but little info. Another method is EXTRACTING QUOTES. You will be talking to people. As you do they will say thing that explain cultural realities. Write down such quotes immediately whether they concern the source of cloth for costumes or the reasons people drink at fiesta. One of the best quotes I ever gathered is from a fiesta carguero (prioste in Ecuador / mayordomo in NM) at a fiesta in one of the villages on Lake Pátzcuaro – "Here we are drunk as God intends us to be and bound to get even more drunk out of respect for our Saint. So, pay attention to what people say. Dont assume your "take" on any situation is accurate. To check your take you'll need to INTERVIEW. Interviewing is nothing more than recording conversations based on questions. Ask people questions about the fiesta, about the topic you are covering. The questions are who, when, where, how, how much, why, and why not? Ask different people the same questions because people will often make up answers to cover the fact that they are vague on the concept or they might lie just for the fun of seeing you shake your head yes to some absurd story. So check. Note the ways that people embroider or even cover up the truth. Everything else, method wise, is just bells and whistles. The bare bones of learning another culture is watching attentively (PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION), paying attention to what people say (EXTRACTING QUOTES), and asking questions (INTERVIEW). Research formalizes a very natural process. SUGERENCIAS PARA EL TRABAJO DE CAMPO 47 Your success as novice researchers depends on your ability to cooperate, your methods, your observations, and most importantly, your records. Below are some tips on methods and records. The entire staff will help and support you in the field, making suggestions and answering questions. PRESENTES TODOS An apocryphal quote variously attributed to Charly Parker, Woody Allen, holds that "Being present is 90% of the gig (besides getting there on time)." This holds an important truth. You need to be present at the fiestas. This means that you need to be present in your thoughts, energy, and attention. You need to be physically present. You will encounter many exciting opportunities to experience CULTURE SHOCK. When it hits, find somebody and talk about it. NACIONES PLURI-CULTURALES Carlos Fuentes said for Mexico, what writers like Jorge Icaza have said for Ecuador, that life for urban, urbane, educated, middle and upper class Ecuadoreans and Mexicans is profoundly affected by the fact that "We are surrounded by Indian peasants." Sidsid and Gualaceo are at the other end of the Folk-Urban continuum from Quito and Cuenca. The Ecuadorean peasantry and transnational working class forms a sector of Ecuadorean life that is so important that one can say that it is impossible to understand Ecuador unless you understand peasant life. Quito, New York City, and Spain are full of people with roots in places like Gualaceo. The connection to the US will be obvious from the moment you talk to anyone. LA COOPERACIÓN Research teams are composed of four people for maximum support. Stick together and decide what aspect of the fiesta you are after at the moment. Be flexible enough to change or modify your plans as you go along. If it starts raining, take refuge where other people are - in someone's house, in a store, in the church, etc. Hang out, brainstorm together, and complete your tasks. LOGÍSTICA The faculty and students will be travelling on a chartered bus to Sidsid, Ingapirca, and Gualaceo. If you miss the connection, there are many public busses that go back to Cuenca every few minutes. 48 Travel light but well prepared. Bring layers and jacket - it is likely to rain in the afternoons. Bring a hat or money to buy one and/or plenty of sunscreen. Insect repellent. Don't forget to bring your note-taking supplies, although you can buy such things in local store. Don't disgrace yourself by having to borrow pens, pencils, and paper from your peers. The town will be full of outsiders there for the fiesta, this will include carnies, medicine show types, and traveling merchants. Stick together in your research groups / buddy system, women with men, etc. OTRA COSA Many middle class Ecuadorean families might avoid gong to village fiestas. How many of your families have been to the beautiful San Juan feast day at Okhay Owingee pueblo. Do not let your family frighten you as regards or other peasant villages. There's more to Ecuador than the middle class, international pop culture and the disco set. The dynamism of the Indian / peasant component of Ecuadorean culture is so important in the national character that we cannot ignore it (like the middle class tends to do) and pretend that it doesn't exist. Peasant culture survived the conquest and 500 years of oppression. That should give us something to ponder. ESTUDIANTES DE ESPAÑOL Mientras leen esto, no dejen de pensar en español. Los estudiantes avanzados van a preparar la lista de preguntas que van a investigar en los pueblos. RECURSOS (hay mucho, mucho más): González Muñoz, Susana. Tradición y cambio en las fiestas religiosas del Azuay. Bailes y danzas tradicionales del Ecuador Andrade, Carlos Alberto and Coba. "Danzas y bailes en el Ecuador." Latin American Music Review / Revista de Música Latinoamericana, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Autumn Winter, 1985), pp. 166-200. en PDF 49 Corpus Christi Inti Raymi San Juan 50