Counseling 17, Thursdays—Course Outline Please note that I will go over the details of each session as we approach them so that you know what to do. Week 1 Session Theme Be prepared With Intro to course February 23 What’s involved in this course? 2 March 1 What are my interest patterns? Personality style? Reading style? 3 March 8 Why is personal assessment important for career satisfaction? What are my preferred work settings? What’s in the text? 4 March 15 Where am I in my career journey? How do my opinions about careers affect my choices? What can I learn from others on this path? 5 March 22 How does my sense of self Meet in D101: Take assessments Bring to class: The text Bring your receipt Bring your lifeline Homework assigned 1.Lifeline assignment 2.Purchase text/workbook 3.Purchase career inventories & bring receipt 4.Join C17-Thursdays Facebook group Read all of Chapter one. Be prepared to take are quiz on it. Complete: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and page 275. For 1.5, write at least five sentences in review of the article. Notes Onet website: Ch. 1 quiz, reviewing the text, taking another career inventory to learn about your career interest patterns Bring to class: Text with the assigned work done. A written summary of the article you found for 1.5 in order to discuss it in class. Write a reflection on your SDS results as assigned. List occupations related to your SDS results from booklet. Find more on ONET and add them to your list. Write a summary of a career related article as assigned. Ch. 1, Stages of career dev., ch. 1 activities, occupational status, guest speaker, rubric Bring to class: Write a reflection on your SDS results as assigned. List occupations related to your SDS results from booklet. Find more on ONET and add them to your list. Write a summary of a career related article as assigned. Read Chapter two. Be prepared to make a short presentation on the positive thought paragraph that most appeals to you. Complete 2.1,2.3 (fantasy careers part), 2.4,2.7. Page 276. Ch. 2 , Discovering Bring to class: Text. Have read Chapter two. Complete 2.1, 2.3 (fantasy careers part), 2.4, Read Chapter Three your personal power for creating goals and ( m/ for the internet copy of the text, which is cheaper) Go to and login with the username "3csn" and the password "success." Show your portal site. impact my beliefs about my future, my ability to carry out my plans, and my ability to keep a job? What is my EQ? Can I improve it? 6 March 29 What are my core values and do they align with my possible career choices? 7 April 5 What are the results of my MBTI? How does that impact possible career choices? 8 April 12 What’s in the Career Center and how can I use the center to do my research as well as look for work while going to school? April 19 9 making them happen. 2.7, page 276. Ch.3, Quiz, Exploring your Core Values and understanding how they influence career choice Bring to class: Text with the assigned work done. Be ready to discuss Chapter 3. First part of Ch. 4, Quiz,learning about your MBTI, guest speaker Bring to class: Text with the assigned work done. Ready to discuss the first part of chapter 4. Career Center Visit in L103 Bring to class: Text MBTI journal Two occupation information reports from ONET and CaCareerZone. Take notes on the presentation. Record your results after researching a career using two sources in the career center. Bring to class after spring break. Bring to class: Complete 4.10 and 5.1, the experiography, on separate sheets of paper. Read and summarize a career article from the web. Complete 277 and 278. Read Chapter Spring Break Review your Strong 3.4, 3.5, Journal assignment. True Values. Based on your true actions, do the exercise your options, page 52. Complete page 276 for Ch. 3. Post a video of your first draft of a mission statement on FB or write it. Read chapter 4 up to page 63. Journal about your MBTI results. Use onet and go to “Find Occupations.” Look up an occupation through the link “Browse by Career Clusters.” Indicate the cluster and briefly write about the occupation you researched. Use Cacareerzone and go to “Explore Job Families.” Search through the clusters, select one and review an occupational description. Have the links at the lab site. Remind them that we meet in the career center after spring break. April 26 What are the results of my Strong Interest Inventory? What are the skills I have and the ones I want to learn for my possible career choices? interest results. Explore and identify your skills, understand SCANS as it relates to the job market. Discussion on portfolio. Text, career article report, and your Experiography. 6 and be prepared for a quiz on the main points. MAKE AN INDIVIDUAL APPOINTMENT WITH ME TO DISCUSS YOUR ASSESSMENTS FURTHER. 10 Quiz of Ch. 6. Demonstration of California Career Café and how to find people doing the work you are interested in to interview. Demo of how to review college catalogs. Also, discussion of the career research project. How to do an information interview. Discussion of labor market trends and changes in the workplace. Guest speaker on how to be smart about money. Bring text to class: To check for 5.9., page 277 and 278. Begin the work of completing 5 different career research assignments. The first two are due May 10th. One of the five career research assignments are due next week. Collect the upper division requirements of two majors from the catalogs of two universities, indicating which courses look interesting to you. Identify three different professional associations from the Career Café website. Complete 6.6 and page 278 for ch 6. Read chapter 7. Bring text to class: Text assignments done. Also, your work on upper division major requirements and the list of three professional organizations related to careers that interest you. Submit one of the five career research assignments. Do an information interview and write a report. Submit two more career research forms. Do the Reality Test online and write a summary of your results. Complete 7.9 and page 279 for ch. 7. Exploration of different decision making processes, different risk taking styles and how they impact your career options. We will work on many of the exercises in class. How to build goals and set an action plan. Discussion about the current trends in job Bring text to class: Also, information interview report, and text assignments. Two more career research forms. Results of your Reality test and the text assignments. Complete 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.10 and page 279 for ch. 8. Submit two more career research forms. Read chapter 9. Bring text to class: Text assignments and balance of career research project. Complete 9.4 and 9.5. Also, do page 280 for ch. 9. Read chapter 10. If you have one, bring a copy of your resume to class. May 3 What is the latest information on the world of work that I can use to do my career research work? How can I use college catalogs to make decisions? 11 May 10 What are the current labor market trends and changes in the workplace that may affect me? What do I need to understand about the cost of living and career decision making? 12 May 17 What is a sound decision making process? What kind of risk taker am I? 13 May 24 How to set goals. What are the current trends in job hunting? 14 May 31 To prepare a cover letter and resume/portfolio? 15 June 7 How do I best prepare for a job interview? 16 June 14 hunting. Working on how to best represent yourself on paper and on video. Inclass work on the components of a cover letter and resume. Activities and discussion on how to prepare for an interview. Completion of page 281 on goal setting. Final assignment during class session and submission of portfolio Bring text to class: Text assignments and a copy of your resume if you have one. Complete a first draft of a cover letter and a resume. Read chapter 11 and 12. Bring test to class: Bring cover letter and resume. Prepare your portfolio and bring to the last day of class. Best wishes! Plans over the semester are subject to change based on what we complete each class session.