ABASYN UNIVERSITY PESHAWAR CAMPUS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Marketing Management Course Code MG 302 Fall 2014 Instructor: Naveed Ahmad Shinwari , Lecturer Department of Management Sciences. Email: nkshinwari@gmail.com Course Description: An understanding of the application of marketing theories, concepts, and practices as they relate to the management of the marketing function in a complex organization. Emphasis will be on the managerial aspects of marketing plans, including g analysis of the external environment. A key element of the course will include the relationship of the "marketing mix" to strategic planning. Course Objectives: After completing this course, students of this course should be able to: 1. Learn the fundamentals of implementing the marketing function in organizations, 2. Evaluate the social, legal, political and ethical concerns in marketing, 3. Understand the function of marketing in a competitive, dynamic global business, 3. Develop effective strategic and marketing analysis skills, 4. Enhance computer-based skills including on-line activities, written and oral communication, and information analysis, 5. Make a value-added contribution to your class team, 6. Demonstrate an individual capability for meeting professional standards of conduct, quality, and skill, and 7. Build the skill base needed to complete the MBA degree. Student learning outcomes are assessed through a combination of class discussion, marketing projects, and quizzes. Quiz questions are directly tied to learning outcomes for each book chapter and associated lecture slides. Teaching Methodology and Examination: The course will mix lectures with assignments, In addition to the lectures and case discussions, we will be using several articles from the business press to focus on topics of current interest and presentation from students and discussions. Class Policy 1. All students must reach the classroom in time. 2. Students failing to secure 75% attendance shall not be allowed to sit in the Final Examination. 3. Students, who are absent on the announcement date of assignment/ test or any other activity, must get the topic/ chapter of the test/ assignment/ or any other activity confirmed through their peers. 4. Assignment submission deadline must be observed. In case of late submission, the assignment will be marked 10% less out of total marks. 5. Mobile phones should be switched-off or maybe put on silent mode in the classroom. 6. Course-books and relevant course-material is available in the Library for reference and photocopying. Main Text Book: RECOMMENDED TEXT/REFERENCE BOOKS: 1.Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Analysis, Planning, Control, Prentice Hall. 2. William J. Stanton & Charles Futrell, Fundamentals of Marketing, McGraw Hill. 3. Jagdesh Sheth and Dennis E. Garrett, Marketing Management: A Comprehensive Reader, South Western Publishing. 4. E. Jerome McCarthy & William. D. Pareanth, Basic Marketing: Managerial Approach, IRWIN. Lecture notes, materials and Handouts Major Examinations in the course: Midterm: week no. 8 Final Exam: According to the University schedule in Assignment A Major assignment covering all different topics in Human Resource Management will be provided to the students. The weightage for the assignment is 10%. Late assignments will be penalized. The assignments shall be hand written. Provision of Assignment Review of Draft Assignments Submission of Final Assignment Week 3 Week 12 Week 15 Term paper/Book Review : Each student will be required to complete a review on different chapters from the book recommended by course instructor. Students will be required to choose any published recent article (studied during the course) and apply it to real world problem. Marks Distribution: Mid Term 25% Quizzes 10% Class tests 05% Assignments 10% Final Exam 50% --------------------------------------------------------------Total 100% COURSE CONTENTS ( WEEK WISE) S. # Topics to be Covered MARKETING: AN OVERVIEW Definitions The evolution of marketing management. The marketing concept and social responsibility. The importance and scope of marketing. Week Chapters 01 & 02 1 & 02 The basic functions MARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Concept and components of marketing information systems. Marketing intelligence system. Marketing research system. Analytical marketing system. Quiz Assignment 01 Marketing decision support system 03 &4 03 & 04 CONSUMER MARKETS AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS Demographic dimensions of consumer market. Behavioral dimensions of consumer market. The consumer's decision process. The buyer's decision process. Quiz The industrial market, the reseller market and the Government market. Organizational markets and their buying objectives & structures. Assignment 02 Market targeting and product positioning Mid Term 5 05 & 6 6 07 STP MARKETING An overview of marketing opportunities and target markets Market segmentation concept patterns & procedure Dimensions to segment consumer and industrial markets Quiz Branding, packaging and labeling. PRODUCT MARKETS STRATEGIES Basic concepts of product planning. The product life cycle: Stages and marketing strategies. 8 07 9 08 New product planning and development. Product-mix strategies. Assignment 03 PRICING STRATEGIES AND POLICIES Procedure for price setting. Methods of setting prices. Price-adaptation strategies One-price and flexible-price polices. Price level policies over the product life cycle.Initiating and responding to price changes Quiz MARKETING CHANNEL DECISIONS Channel - design decisions. Channel - management decisions. Channel dynamics Assignment 03 PROMOTIONAL STRATEGIES Effective advertising programs.Sales promotion and public relations programs. The strategic personal selling process. Strategic sales-force management. CONCLUDING SESSION AND EXAMS FINAL TERM Approved by: ___________________________________ Dated : _____________________________________ 10 08 & 09 11& 12 9& 10 12 10 13 & 14 11 & 12 15