honey badger h3 traditions - hash house harriers tucson

(at least the ones worth mentioning)
The Honey Badger Hash House Harriers was founded in February 2015.
Its founders combined their hashing experiences to formulate the characteristics of the HBH3.
Hashing traditions are of course just traditions. They are not rules.
There are no rules at the hash. Traditions are more sacred than rules.
Traditions guide hashers through the art of hashing, providing structure while not binding like
We embrace the four core traditions:
To promote physical fitness among our members
To get rid of weekend hangovers
To acquire a good thirst and to satisfy it in beer
To persuade the older members that they are not as old as they feel
1. NEVER NEVER NEVER post any pictures on any web site (not even Hashspace.com) without the
approval of everyone in a picture! There will not be a Facebook site.
2. Official web site will solely be on Hashspace.com. There will be an email distribution site solely used
by mis-management to advertise events, thoughts, whatever mis-management wants.
3. We are a drinking group with a running problem not the other way around and meet
every other Sunday at 0900.
4. Beer is our beverage of choice. We do not condone driving under the influence, but
running under the influence is OK.
5. Each year in MONTH, the hash will hold erections. Up for re-erection are the Grand
Master (GM), two Religious Advisors (RA), Hash Cash, Hare Raiser, On-Secretary (OnSec), and the Beer Meister/Meistress. We’ll have unofficial designations like Hash Flash,
web guru, hash trash, and whatever else the GM wants for trails or events.
i. GM—one of the older hashers with years and years of hashing
experience. Duties—Has final say in all matters, runs first circle, and the
GM’s final decision on something is FINAL. The GM conducts mismanagement meetings monthly.
ii. RA—another well-seasoned hasher. Duties—Preside over end circle and
generally advise the GM of traditions. The RA is the master of traditions
and handles all disputes; except when in conflict with a GM’s edict.
iii. Hash Cash—someone who is good with money. Duties—keeps track of
all incoming/outgoing money.
iv. Hare Raiser—one of the most experienced hares. Duties—ensures the
hash has hares scheduled for all trails, works with mis-management to
delegate Experienced Hares to train noobs, sets up and maintains hare
school and the book of Haring.
v. On-Sec—jack of all trades and master of none. Duties—takes notes at
mis-man meetings, assists all mis-management with anything and
everything. Manages the calendar of events, web page, all things
vi. Beer Meister/Meistress—beer connoisseur. Duties—makes sure we
always have beer and snacks at the end of all trails.
6. Special events:
i. In and Out—Incoming mis-management take over from the Outgoing
ii. Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxs—celebrate awesome times of the year
iii. Summer and Winter Solstice—celebrate solstices…why else? 
iv. Bondage hash—Sunday closest to St. Valentine’s Day
v. 12 Down Downs of Christmahannakwanzaka—celebrate the Holidays
vi. RdR?
vii. Green Dress Run?
7. Competitive runners are rewarded with the FRB award which shall be worn by them at
the next hash. Competitive runners are easy to spot as they come in first.
8. Other awards may exist to award such things as: studly acts (helpful or brave act during
the hash), whining (nauseating complaining), hashshit (stupid crap), DFL (dead f*cking
last), or just about anything.
9. Awards are exchanged between the old winner and the new winner at the down down
ceremony. Both will enter the circle with their beverage of choice and exchange the
award while consuming their beverage.
10. At Circle after trail, the circled hashers will sing a song and then the hasher in the circle
will drink his/her beverage. If at any time the beverage leaves the lips prior to its entire
contents being drank, then the remainder must be dumped over the head of the
drinker. Having finished your beverage, you tip it upside down over your head to show
the other hashers your drinking skill and you may exit the circle.
11. The religion will be performed at the end of each run. This is called “circle”. The events
of the circle are controlled by the GM and the RA in the center. It is proper hash
etiquette to refrain from jaw jacking while the circle is being conducted. Uncontrolled
talking is considered to be a private party and is rewarded by a trip to the circle, or
12. Virgins are normally brought to the hash by a hasher. This hasher is considered to be
their sponsor and they are responsible for any stupid acts their virgin may commit up
until the time their virgin is named. Virgins will drink at the down-down and their
sponsors will normally perform a down-down to educate them on the procedure.
13. Hashers are named after they have completed 6 hash runs and have hared at least one
run…or pretty much whenever the mood strikes us.
14. At the down-down, bullshit skills, tall tales, and frame-ups which cause a fellow hasher
to enter the circle are considered par for the course.
15. The HBH3 is an adult hash where drinking and bad language flourish. We do not
contribute to the delinquency of minors so those under 21 need to get their beer from
their parents. If you bring children or animals to the hash, you are responsible for
them. There are sometimes unscheduled but tasteful displays of nudity.
16. Hashers normally wear outlandish or tasteless clothing to the hash. Hash shirts are
preferred. Color coordinated running suits are not and could earn you a trip to the
17. We end each hash with, “May the hash go in peace! May the hash get a piece!”
18. Drama is the enemy of the hash.