Tender No: AIESL/TRV/15-1 Date: 07 JAN 2015 Due Date: 28 JAN 2015 Sub: Contract for external cleaning and internal cleaning of B737-800 NG Aircraft of Air India at Trivandrum Introduction Air India Engineering Services Ltd (AIESL) invites sealed tender in two-bid system from agencies rendering deep cleaning services of aircraft - external, cabin and toilets. AIESL will scrutinize your technical bid, submitted against this tender. The commercial bids of only technically qualified firms will be opened. Scope Of Work And General Requirements A. Name of the work: External cleaning & internal cleaning of B 737-800 NG Aircraft. B. Date of the release of tender: 07.01.2015 C. Period of Contract: Three Years, (approx 100 Aircraft P.A) extendable by two years. D. Location: Air India Hangar facility near International Airport, Chakka, Trivandrum E. Work Scope: Air India is having BOEING 737-800 NG aircraft. Trivandrum Hangar is equipped for it’s major maintenance. The parties are requested to visit the aircraft or see the BOEING website to know the configuration of this aircraft. For information of the parties- there are 186/189 passenger seats, three toilets (A, D & E) and one forward cargo, one rear cargo for all our aircraft. F. Daily Workload: On an average, two to three Aircrafts shall have to be attended/cleaned every week. G. Description of aircraft cleaning: i. Details of Exterior Areas for Cleaning: Fuselage: Entire upper Exterior Fuselage including cabin window, panes, lower Fuselage, Radome, External door sill area aft fuselage including APU compartment and service panels. Page 1 of 18 Wings: Lower and upper surface of wings including flaps and slats (after flaps fully down and flap flaring, wing to fuselage belly fairing, wheel well areas. Landing Gears: Main & nose landing gears doors sets, shock strut and other struts of main/nose landing gears, wheel and brake assembly. Engine: Engine Fairing and nose cowl, engine fan blades. Vertical Fin: As and when required. ii. Cabin Deep Up-keep Maintenance: Cleaning of Cabins; It includes dry foam cleaning of side panels, including windows blinds with chemicals and detergent as per approved specifications. Cleaning of all partitions including toilet partitions with approved chemicals and detergent, cleaning of overhead storage bins (internally and externally) to remove the dirt and surface stains, cleaning of aircraft ceiling panels, drop tables, chair fairings, seat pockets/ash trays, crossing of seat belts, seat cushions/seat parts & cleaning of cockpit seats/and cockpit floor. Cleaning of Galleys: It includes deep cleaning of ceiling, vent, filter screens, inside of all compartments and drawers, ovens and surrounding areas, wash basin, table tops, trolleys etc. Vacuuming of Carpets: Vacuuming of carpets is to be done by vacuum cleaner followed by sprinkling perfumed fragrance on the carpet for air freshness in the aircraft. Vacuum cleaners are to be provided by the party. Carpet Shampooing: It is to be done by dry foam shampooing machine. Shampooing machine is to be provided by the party. Component Cleaning: Deep cleaning of Cabin chairs assembly, cabin side panels etc in disassembled form. iii. Deep Toilet Cleaning: It includes cleaning and disinfestations of ceiling, lights, mirrors, washbasin, toilet bowls, rim seats waste bins, sidewalls etc with approved cleaning agents/disinfectants. iv. Cleaning of Cargo Hold: It includes cleaning of forward/rear cargo hold manually with vacuum as well as cleaners, sidewalls and ceiling with approved detergents. Page 2 of 18 v. Cleaning Of Wheel well area: It includes cleaning of grease /dirt on the aircraft units of wheel well area. Notes: External Cleaning must be done under the supervision of Air India Aircraft Engineers or Technicians to prevent any external damage. Interested party may participate in the pre-bid meeting and seek clarification if any. H. List of Equipments, chemical material for cleaning to be used: i. Equipment/Materials: Spraying Equipment, Non-Metallic Scrapper Sponge & Lint Free cloth, paper towels, soft brushes, medium and stiff fiber bristles. Vacuum cleaner heavy duty and battery operated vacuum cleaner, paper towels, brushes –soft, medium and containers. All the raw material required for cleaning shall be provided by the service provider only. ii. Specification of chemicals /cleaning Agents to be used: The successful bidder should use the material and equipments as stipulated in Aircraft Maintenance Manual of B737-800NG Aircraft. Copies of the same may be obtained from the office of Base Maintenance Manager, Trivandrum if required on 16 Jan 2015 during pre-bid meeting. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Cabin window cleaner: AMS- 1535 Interior general plastic cleaner: AMS 1550 Carpet and fabric cleaner: AMS 1630 General Solvent Cleaner: LOTOXANE Solvent: Methyl Alcohol Detergent general purpose and aircraft exterior: Natal SL-8 Stain remover: Turco Airtec 23. Notes: All the cleaning materials or their equivalent must be approved by Quality Manager of Air India. Any chemicals /solvents/detergents used for aircraft cleaning must be noninflammable, non-corrosive and non-toxic to human life. Page 3 of 18 I. General Requirements: Service Provider is required to fulfil the following criteria: i. The service provider is required to carry out the work mainly at Trivandrum extendable to Cochin/ Calicut. ii. The service provider should have sufficient skilled /semiskilled personnel with experience in this line of service industry. iii. The service provider should be in a position to obtain all the equipments spelt out under heading ‘H- List of Equipments, chemical material for cleaning to be used’. iv. The service provider should be in the business and should have experience in providing cleaning services for min. Three years. v. The Service Provider must give a Declaration that all activities awarded will be carried out by personnel who are their employees and are on the payrolls of the Service Provider. vi. The Service Provider shall arrange for Police verification and all necessary entry permits for their staff and will ensure validity of such permits at all the times till the period of contract Air India will issue necessary letter for obtaining this permits. vii. The Service Provider should also obtain necessary Security Clearance from Govt. Regulatory Authorities for providing services at Trivandrum Airport. viii. The Service provider must give a declaration that he would comply with statutory requirement under Labour Law as well as notifications issued by the Ministry of Labour under various applicable Acts. ix. It will be the responsibility of the service provider to ensure that the service provided will not violate any rules of AIESL or any other concerned authorities at the Thiruvananthapuram Trivandrum Airport. The service provider should ensure that personnel deployed by them will not indulge in pilferage or any illegal activities. x. The service provider shall be fully responsible and liable for compensation for injury / death caused during the period of contract in Trivandrum Airport premises or on AIESL duty and will make their own arrangement to meet such eventuality as per existing Govt. rules, regulation etc. AIESL will neither be responsible nor liable to pay any compensation for the above. xi. Staff should be willing to work in night also as per company requirement. Page 4 of 18 J. General Terms & Conditions: i. ‘AIR INDIA ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD’ as used in the Tender document is a subsidiary of AIR INDIA LTD. ii. The “Tenderer” and/or “Party”, as used in the Tender document, shall mean the one who has signed the tender form and submitted the quotation in response to our tender notice. iii. It is further clarified that individual signing the tender or other documents in connection with the tender must certify whether he signs as: 1) 2) 3) 4) A "Sole Proprietor" of the firm or constituted attorney of such sole proprietor. A partner of the firm if it is a partnership must have authority to refer to arbitration, disputes concerning the business of the partnership either by virtue of the partnership agreement or a power of attorney. In the alternative, all the Partners should sign the tender. Constituted attorney of the firm, if it is a Company Authorized signatory of the firm iv. Tenderers are advised to study the tender documents carefully. Submission of tender shall be deem to have been done after careful study and examination of the tender document with full understanding of its implications, nature and character of the work to be carried out, operating conditions and other pertinent matters, which may affect the contract and / or the cost. v. Conditional Bids will not be accepted. vi. The technical bid (part-1) will be opened first. Commercial bid and Undertaking for Bids (part-2 & part-3) of only those tenderers who qualify in the technical bid will be opened. Intimation will be sent to only those tenderers who qualify in the technical bid. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Offers should be valid for our acceptance for a period of 90 days from the closing date of the tender. vii. This tender document is not transferable. viii. Any tender given in a different name shall be liable for disqualification and shall be rejected. ix. Tenders should be filled in prescribed forms duly signed and stamped and prices be clearly written / typed both in words and figures without any overwriting. Overwriting, if any, should be counter signed by the tenderer. Page 5 of 18 x. Issue of Tender form does not necessarily mean that the Tenderer is eligible or technically qualifies for participation in the tender process. xi. Bids received by AIESL after the prescribed time and last date of submission of bids will not be considered. xii. Tenderer shall give the official mailing Address, email and Fax Numbers to which all correspondences shall be sent by AIESL. In the event of a change of address the same shall be intimated to AIESL. xiii. AIESL reserves the right to accept/or reject any/or all bids, annul the tender process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award of Contract without incurring any liability to the Tenderer(s) or without any obligation to inform the Tenderer(s) of the grounds for its action. xiv. AIESL reserves the right to accept/or reject any/or all bids, annul the tender process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award of Contract without incurring any liability to the Tenderer(s) or without any obligation to inform the Tenderer(s) of the grounds for its action. xv. No sub-contracting will be allowed. xvi. The Tenderer shall be solely responsible for the acts and deeds of personnel deployed by him. AIESL will, in no way, be responsible for violation of any rules / regulations / instructions of the various agencies / authorities and/or for any loss or damage caused by its workmen and any such loss or damage shall have to be compensated / borne by the tenderer. xvii. AIESL will not be responsible for any injury sustained by tenderers personnel during the performance of their duties and also any damage or compensation due to any dispute between them and its personnel. Any expenditure incurred by the AIESL to handle the situation arising out of the conduct of personnel deployed by the Tenderer will be made good from Security Deposit / Bills. xviii. Tenderer will deploy his own personnel for operational requirement and Supervision of the work. xix. The tenderer shall provide an undertaking that AIESL/third party authorized by AIESL can conduct surprise checks anytime without prior intimation. Page 6 of 18 K. Eligibility: The Bids prepared by the tenderer must contain all requisite information along with supporting documents as required in Technical Bid Form - Part 1. The tenderer should ensure to fulfil the following conditions: i. The tenderer must have experience in this line of business (cleaning) for minimum three years as on date of application. ii. The tenderer must have an establishment/branch office in Kerala. iii. The tenderer must have a turnover of Rs.25 lakh per annum for last 3 Fin. years. iv. The tenderer must have Income Tax Registration & should furnish PAN/GIR No. along with IT returns for the last three accounting years. v. The tenderer must have Service Tax No. vi. The contractor must furnish proof of having ESI and PF registration number and pay-in accounts. Proof of employee’s payments made viz. copies of wage sheets, ESI, PF for last three months and copies of ESI/ PF annual returns for 2013-14 may be attached. vii. The tenderer must also give an undertaking that the services will be provided as per AIESL Requirement and as per Work scope of the tender. viii. Tenders not accompanying required information and documents shall be rejected. Any request for subsequent submission of any information/documents will not be entertained. L. Earnest Money Deposit(to be submitted along with Technical Bid): You are required to pay an EMD of Rs.22, 000/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand only) by bank draft drawn in favour of Air India Engineering Services, payable at Trivandrum. This bank draft should be enclosed along with your technical bid. The EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned only after opening of the commercial bid and evaluation of the same. In case of the successful bidders, the EMD will be adjusted against security deposit. M. Security Deposit: Successful tender will have to pay Security Deposit at 5% of the Annual value of the contract or alternatively they shall furnish a bank guarantee for an equivalent amount which will be refunded/ released on completion of the contract. Page 7 of 18 N. Payment Terms: Bills (in duplicate) against services have to be raised on monthly basis. Payment shall be made within 30 days from the date of receipt of certified bills, provided there is no discrepancy. O. Validity of Quotation: Validity of quotation should be for a minimum period of 90 days. P. Penalties: Timely completion and good quality cleaning job is the essence of the contract. In case cleaning is not done as per Work Scope and to the satisfaction of Engineer in charge. i. The party shall be liable for the payment of penalty @ Rs. 500/- per occasion for non-performance /unsatisfactory performance of job or conditions of the contract. ii. In case the party fails wholly or partly to carry out the assigned job within assigned time or job is not performed to the satisfaction of Air India Engg, the same shall be arranged through other agencies at the risk and cost of the party. iii. In case the party fails wholly or partly to carry out the assigned job within three weeks of award of contract or at any time in between the currency of contract, the party will have to forgo the Security Deposit. Q. Exit Clause: The contract may be terminated under the following circumstances: i. In the event of unsatisfactory performance during the contract period contract shall be terminated with one month’s advance notice. ii. If there is change in Air India Engineering requirement, the contract shall be terminated with three-month advance notice. iii. If the selected contractor needs to discontinue their contract with AIESL, they have to inform AIESL at least before three months and the contractor will not be allowed to quote for any tender/contract with AIESL for the next three years. R. Award Criteria: The bidder whose net price for all the items covered under commercial bid format is lowest shall be the L1 bidder. S. Fall in price: Price should remain firm till completion of contract period. Page 8 of 18 T. Compliance with Statutory Provisions: i. The Tenderer shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with provisions related to Labour Laws (Central/State) which shall include Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, PF Act, ESI Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Contract Labour (R&A)) Act, Workmen Compensation Act, etc. in addition to other such legislation as applicable from time to time. ii. The Tenderer shall be solely responsible for any cost and consequences on account of any breach and/or non-compliance of any of the provisions of the Labour Laws. The Tenderer shall indemnify AIESL against any claims/ cost/ damages and penalties in respect of breach of any of the provisions of the Laws in force. The employee of the Service Provider shall not be deemed to be employee of AIESL; hence the compliance of the Laws will be his responsibility. iii. It shall be the responsibility of tenderer to comply with all liabilities arising out of any provisions of Labour Acts/Enactments hitherto in force or enacted from time to time during the execution of this agreement. iv. This being a job contract, AIESL will not take onus of Labourer’s leave and standard strength deployed should remain same all along the contract period. v. All records, documents under various statutory provisions maintained by the Tenderer shall be open for inspection by an authorized representative of AIESL and Tenderer shall produce the same as and when required for inspection. vi. AIESL shall not be responsible to provide any, canteen, medical and / or transport facility to any personnel of the tenderer. AIESL shall not be responsible for any injury/ death caused to the service provider’s personnel during the performance of their duties and also any damage or compensation due to any dispute between them. Any expenditure incurred by the AIESL to handle any such situation arising out of the conduct of deployed personnel or otherwise shall be deducted from the bills / security deposit of service provider. In case of injury or loss to our staff members, due to any act or deed by your employees or due to any accident, the service provider shall make arrangements to pay suitable compensation to such AIESL employees or their legal heirs as per the existing government rules, laws and regulations. The insurance claim settlement shall be the sole responsibility of the service provider. The legal cost involved shall be fully borne by the service provider for the acts of commission and omission resulting into the above. U. Compliance of Security regulations: i. The Tenderer shall be responsible for getting all necessary clearance, if any, from Govt. Agencies/Legal Authorities. ii. All staff employed by the tenderer should obtain a NOC from local police authorities for antecedent’s verification. Page 9 of 18 iii. It will be the responsibility of the Tenderer to ensure that no unauthorized personnel gains access to the Airport premises where the services are to be provided. V. Indemnification: i. The Tenderer shall indemnify AIESL against payment of penalty /third Party claims/damages /loss of property of AIESL, AAI, any other party / penalty due to mishandling on the part of personnel provided by the Tenderer. The tenderer shall also indemnify for any liability arising out of any accident /incident and shall reimburse any loss or damage to AIESL / concerned party. In case, any such amount is not deposited / paid to AIESL, the same shall be deducted from his monthly Bills/ Security Deposit / Future payments due to the Tenderer. ii. The tenderer shall also indemnify to AIESL for making good any claim /penalty /loss or damages including costs there for in respect of any breach or violation on any of the provisions of any law including labour laws governing the employee of the tenderer. In case of failure to make good above losses / expenses to AIESL, the same shall be deducted from the monthly bills / security deposited / future payments due to the tenderer. W. Settlement of Disputes: i. Any dispute or difference whatsoever arising between the parties out of or relating to the construction, interpretation, application, meaning, scope operation or effect of this contract or the validity or the breach thereof, shall be settled by conciliatory arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the “SCOPE Forum of Conciliation and Arbitration” and the award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties. ii. Any dispute whatsoever shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Trivandrum Courts only. X. Submission of tender: Please submit your quotation in three envelopes as follows: i. The Technical Bid- as Part 1 (for tender document and Attachment-1) along with Demand Draft/s for EMD of Rs 22,000/- in a sealed envelope, superscribing “TECHNICAL Bid for Tender No.: AIESL/TRV/15-1 Dated 07.01.2015 ”. ii. The Financial bid- as Part 2 (for Attachment-2), to be submitted separately in another sealed envelope superscribing “FINANCIAL Bid for Tender No.: AIESL/TRV/15-1 Dated 07.01.2015”. iii. The Undertaking- as Part 3 (for Attachment-3) to be submitted in a third envelope superscribing “UNDER TAKING of Technical Bid & Financial Bid for Tender No.: AIESL/TRV/15-1 Dated 07.01.2015”. Page 10 of 18 The above three envelopes must be placed in a Master envelope in sealed condition, clearly indicating, “BID FOR AIESL ENGG TRV, Tender No.: AIESL/TRV/15-1 Dated 07.01.2015”. Notes: Technical Bid should not contain any price details. Commercial bid should be submitted exactly in the format of commercial bid (Attachment-2) enclosed along with this tender document and shall contain the price details only. The price bid shall not contain any further technical details apart from what are offered in the technical bid. If any such information is mentioned in the commercial bid, the same will be ignored by AIESL. Y. Schedule Of the tender Tender No Tender No: AIESL/TRV/15-1 Date of Issue January 07, 2015 Pre-Bid Meeting January 16, 2015 - 1130 hrs Last Date / Time for submission of Tender January 28, 2015 – 1600 hrs Opening Date/Time of Tender – Part 1 January 29, 2015 – 1100 hrs Venue for submission of Tender / Opening of Tender Office of the Base Maintenance Manger Air India Engineering Services Ltd Air-India Hangar Chakkai, Trivandrum-695 007 Tel. 0471- 2500 617 Page 11 of 18 Z. Intention to quote: You are requested to confirm your intention to quote/regret preferably by email to the undersigned on email: K.Sethumadhavan@airindiaexpress.in / KN.Radhakrishnan@airindia.in . In case you have forwarded your quote please advice courier details in advance. Your quotation must reach the office of the undersigned at above address on or before 28.01.2015 at 1600hrs. Yours Sincerely, For AIR INDIA ENGINEERING SERVICES K SETHUMADHAVAN BMM-AIESL TRV Tel- 0471-250 7271 Encl: Attachment- 1, Attachment- 2 & Attachment- 3 Page 12 of 18 Attachment- 1 TECHNICAL BID FORMAT Name of Work: External cleaning /internal cleaning of B737-800NG Aircraft at Trivandrum. Indicate Sr. Status the page Description Furnish Information Here No. Y/N no. of proof enclosed 1 Name of the Company 2 Full address of the Regd. Office 3 Contact Address 4a Telephone Numbers 4b Name of the Contact person and Designation 4c Email address & Mobile number of the Contact Person 5 Nature of the company (Whether Proprietorship Firm / Partnership Firm / Limited Company / Corporation / Any Other -Specify) (Enclose Proof) 6 Must have an establishment Kerala 7 EMD DD @Rs 22,000/Enclosed DD Nbr: ____________________ DD Date: ___________________ Page 13 of 18 Sr. No. 8 8a 8b 8c 8d 8e 8f 8g 8h 9a 9b 9c 10 Description Particulars of Registration -Issued in the name of the Tenderer Status Y/N Furnish Information Here Indicate the page no. of proof enclosed If Yes, give details Number Date of Issue Valid up to Labour License [under Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970] PF Registration with No. & details ESI Registration with No. & details PAN / GIR No. with details Service Tax Registration No. with details WCT / VAT Registration No. with details Registration with other Agencies, if any, with details Last 3 months wage sheet enclosed with PF, ESI etc distribution details Three years experience in Cleaning services (as on the date of Application) List of clients with phone numbers and contact person, where similar services are being provided. Copy of Contracts in support of 9a & 9b, duly certified by hiring company / self attested enclosed Details of Organizational set up & office manpower (Tech & Non-Tech) Tech : _______ Non Tech: ____ Page 14 of 18 Sr. No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Description Annual Turnover for three Financial Years: 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 (Copy of Audited Balance Sheet and P&L A/c duly signed by Proprietor / Director should be enclosed in support) Copy of IT Returns for last three Financial Years : 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Has any Director / Partner / Proprietor been convicted by a Court of law. Has the Company been issued with any Show Cause Notice or Termination notice by AIESL or AIR INDIA or Government Departments / Organizations / Undertakings Has your company been Blacklisted by any agency of the airport or elsewhere? Whether any Director / employee on your payroll belongs to AIESL or Air India or any of its subsidiaries (if yes give details) Undertaking for indemnification against any claims made by Employees of the contractor Status Furnish Information Here Indicate the page no. of proof enclosed If yes, give details If yes, give details If yes, give details Page 15 of 18 Sr. No. 18 19 Description Status Furnish Information Here Indicate the page no. of proof enclosed List of customers with phone numbers and contact person, where similar cleaning is provided to scheduled airlines having aircraft with min. 50 seats capacity Any other information which Tenderer may like to furnish (Separate Sheet may be enclosed if required. Notes: All documents/pages of the technical bid have to be signed by the tenderer. It is confirmed that I have carefully gone through and understood the tender document and hereby agree to abide by all the General Terms & Conditions, Work Scope and Specifications governing this tender. I hereby confirm that I am authorized to sign this tender document and the information given in the tender is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing is concealed. SIGN: NAME: ______________________________________________ Designation: ______________________________________________ (Sole Proprietor / Constituted Attorney / Partner / Authorized Signatory) Strike out whichever is not applicable. Company Name & Seal: Place: __________ Date: __________ Page 16 of 18 Attachment- 2 COMMERICIAL BID FORMAT Name of Work: External cleaning /internal cleaning of B737-800NG Aircraft at Trivandrum. Sl.No Job description Rate / Job in INR A External Cleaning /polishing as described in ‘G. (i)’ B Cabin deep Up-keep maintenance as described in ‘G. (ii)’ C Deep cleaning of aircraft toilets as described in G.(iii) D Cleaning of Fwd/aft cargo hold & Wheel well areas as described in ‘G. (iv) & G. (v)’ resptly. E Applicable Taxes and levies if any: 1. 3. 2 (like Service tax)- indicate in percentage also & break up Total Cost in INR** - (A+B+C+D+E) **Notes: The above ‘total cost’ is the cost per cleaning for one aircraft. Total cost should be inclusive cost of all the necessary chemicals agents which will be used for cleaning and also the applicable taxes and levies. I hereby confirm that I am authorized to Sign this tender document. SIGN: NAME: ______________________________________________ Designation: ______________________________________________ (Sole Proprietor / Constituted Attorney / Partner / Authorized Signatory) Strike out whichever is not applicable. Company Name & Seal: Place: __________ Date: __________ Page 17 of 18 Attachment- 3 UNDERTAKING FOR TECHNICAL BID AND FINANCIAL BID I have carefully gone through and have understood and hereby agree to all the Terms & Conditions, Work scope & Specifications governing the Tender, as per the Technical Bid. I hereby confirm that I am authorized to Sign the Tender Documents and this Financial Bid is valid for 90 days from the date of opening of the Tender (Financial Bid). SIGN: NAME: ______________________________________________ Designation: ______________________________________________ (Sole Proprietor / Constituted Attorney / Partner / Authorized Signatory) Strike out whichever is not applicable. Company Name & Seal: Place: __________ Date: __________ ************ Page 18 of 18