Speech 1315 Syllabus Fall 2011 (2)

Houston Community College Systems
Speech 1315
Public Speaking
Aug 27, 2011---TO----Dec 18, 2011
5:30PM ---TO--- 8:30PM
Fall 2011
Instructor: Jaballa M. Hasan.PhD.phone (281) 235-6572
Welcome to :
.SPCH 1315
It was industrialist Charles M. Schwab who said” I’ll pay more for a person’s ability to
speak and express himself than for any other quality he might possess”
Public Speaking is designed to develop proficiency in public speaking situations;
emphasis upon content, organization, and delivery of speeches for various occasions. To provide
students with knowledge to improve their communication practices. To begin the lifelong
process of becoming ethical and critical communicators. Throughout the course of the semester
you will work with and share with your classmates, and I can guarantee that you will make
friends here, some of whom you will probably keep in touch with for a while to come. All
speeches will require an outline submitted before the speech is given. Outlines are part of your
grade. The exact requirements of each will be discussed in class. All speeches are given before
the class and each student whether speaking or not must attend on those days.
SPCH 1315
Is designed to enable students to examine the principles of speech making and to
examine the importance of public speaking as communication skill, so that they will be able to
research, organize, and deliver material effectively. Through a series of lectures, performance –
based on group activities, group debates, Interview Technique and in independent study,
integrating interpersonal, small group and speaker– audience situations, the student moves from
informal communication encounters to the traditional speaker – audience communication
situation. Select the speech title, state the goal, limit the subject area, and analyze the speech
occasion and the audience, which will eventually help you to demonstrate decision-making skill.
Use the library or a variety of sources to effectively research a speech , employing technology
and active learning .Organize the speech body and develop an effective speech outline..
Listen to and evaluate the contents of others speeches, help you to polish your listening and
critical thinking skills. Deliver a thoughtful and well organized
speech will demonstrate
learning and communication skills.
Course Outcomes:
(1) To identify a variety of styles of delivery.
(2) To demonstrate mastery of selected styles of delivery
(3) To demonstrate mastery of selected types of speeches
(4) To examine and demonstrate ethical standards in oral
(5) To select topics appropriate for specific speaking occasions
(6) To appraise and analyze perspective audiences
(7) To apply appropriate organizational skills for selected types of
(8) To select and incorporate appropriate supporting materials
(9) To demonstrate effective use of voice and body.
Tests and Exams
The First Mid Term
Chapters 1 - 10
The Second Mid
Term 11-20
Final Exam
Chapters 21-35
Multiple choice, and True/ false
Multiple choice, and True/ false
Multiple choice, and True/ false
Speeches, Attendance, Job Interview techniques, Class
Participation and Group Dynamics
The First mid Term Exam Chapters 1-10
The Second mid Term Exam chapters 11-20
Final Exam 21- 35
14 Points Each 60%
This is fundamentally a practical and group dynamic class .You may need to ask
questions and comment. After one (1) unexcused absence, each unexcused absence will results in
lowering your grade. After you miss more than (10) percent (2 classes), you lose one letter grade
for each unexcused absence thereafter.
SPCH 1315:
Is a performance – based class and as such REQUIRES that the student be present
for EACH class meeting. Students who are absent for more than 8 hours of instruction, as stated
in the catalogue, may be withdrawn or dropped. Absences defined as non attendance during the
regularly scheduled class period for whatever reason, illness notwithstanding. Students are
responsible for next assignments as though they had been present. It must be noted that the
student must file all required in paperwork in order to drop this class.
NOTE: The instructor will not administratively drop the student for nonattendance. Failure of
the student to officially drop this class will result in a grade of “F” for the course.
Punctuality in college classes is important, just as it would be in the workplace.
Students are expected to be in the classroom ready to begin at or before 5:30PM. All class
activities will begin promptly at 5:30PM.
NOTE WELL Any student entering the room during another student’s speech will be penalized
one letter grade on his /her speech.
Assignments are due on the date that is called for by the Instructor. Assignments
include selected reading materials, which include strategizing and preparing for the Job
Interview Technique, written and oral preparation of speeches. This also includes completing
reading assignments and participating in class discussion and activities. Graded assignments
and examinations are designed to facilitate the learning process. Each student will be expected to
comment on other’s Speeches/Job Interview as well as to be similarly critiqued by his or her
class peers. Your participation as an effective critical thinker is almost equal to your
presentation as a speaker, since the interactive process requires both elements. Thus, it is of
utmost importance that you are in class to support your classmates, as well as to critique them.
Note: Assignments are not accepted after the date assigned. And all must be typed.
Job Interview Techniques:
The aim of this techniques is to help you to learn how successfully navigate a job
interview situation. This practical part is conducted in pairs so you will have the opportunity to
be both the interviewer and interviewee. You will be expected to thoroughly research your
company and put together a resume for your partner. You must dress professionally. Each
interview should last between 6 and 8 minutes.
Dress for success:
Interview techniques and speeches are to be given in appropriate attire. Students
are required to dress professionally for both interview techniques and speeches.
Students Conduct:
1-Don’t enter the class room when a student delivery his/ her speech.
2-Don’t eat in the classroom.
3-Please turn off all cell phones and pagers.
4-Please demonstrate attentive, courteous, and proper classroom behavior.
5-No laptop allowed in the classroom.
6- NOTE: 10 points will be deducted from current assignment for each violation of the previous
Each student received a copy of the class syllabus which outlines the class
assignments and activities for the semester. The syllabus becomes the official assignment
instrument for the class and the student is responsible for meeting the requirements for each
class activity as those requirements are detailed in the syllabus unless altered by the instructor.
Grade Values
Numerical Grades:
90- 100 = A
80 – 89 = B
70 – 79 = C
60 – 69 = D
0 – 59 = F
A = 95
B =85
C =75
D =65
F =50
Dan O’Hare, Rob Stewart and Hannah Rubenstein. A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking. Third
Edition Bedford/ ST.Martinis. Most of the reading will come from the text book.
Jaballa M. Hasan The Job Interview Manual: Interviewee Perspective. First
Edition. University Readers. San Diego CA 2009
Library Assignment
1315 requires that the student research materials necessary for
preparing and delivering their speeches, and job interview techniques in the class; therefore, the
student is required to perform library research and specific assignments relating to library
work. The student should be prepared to spend several hours out of class on these assignments.
Academic Integrity:
Houston Community College is committed to a high standard of academic integrity
among its faculty and students. In becoming a part of the Houston Community College
academic community students are responsible for honesty and independent effort. The following
will not be accepted or allowed: Plagiarizing written work or project, cheating on exams or
assignments, collusion among students on an exam or project without specific permission from
the instructor, or misrepresentation of credentials or prerequisites when registering for a course.
Cheating includes looking at or copying from another student exam, having another person take
the exam or complete a project or assignment for you, bringing unauthorized notes, texts, or
other materials into class with you for an exam, or obtaining or distributing an unauthorized
copy of an exam or any part of an exam. Plagiarism means the unauthorized use of another’s
writings, thoughts or ideas, without proper documentation and includes copying material from
another source or submitting a paper, report, or project that someone else has prepared. These
definitions are not exhaustive.
When there is clear evidence of cheating, plagiarism, collusion, or misrepresentation,
disciplinary action may be taken, including but not limited to, the students presenting an oral
defense, resubmitting the assignment in question, receiving a zero or a F on the assignment, or
being withdrawn from the course or expelled.
Ringing cellular phones or sounding beepers constitute a major disruption of
instruction .Student must remember to turn off cell phones and beepers while they are in class.
Methods of Instructions
A-Two Conventional speeches, one is persuasive, the other one is informative.
B-Class participation and group dynamics.
C- Job Interview Techniques. (2 rounds)
D-Vidéos tape critique.
E-Student Performances.
Speech Requirement Description:
1-Speech of Information:
Prepare an informative speech. Your topic should be carefully narrowed,
reflective of your interests, and interesting to us…Your introduction should get our attention
and orient us, your body should have 3-5 well organized points, and your conclusion should
summarize and wrap up your speech. Document your sources See syllabus for date of
2-Speech of Persuasion:
Prepare a speech to convince or persuade. This speech must include at least 4
pieces of evidence from at least 4 different sources. Your topic should be carefully narrowed,
reflective of your interests, and interesting to us…Your introduction should get our attention
and orient us, your body should have 3-5 well organized points, and your conclusion should
summarize and wrap up your speech Document your sources. See syllabus for date of
Oral Presentation
Informative/ Persuasive Speeches 6-8 Minutes.
Students will expand their professional speaking skills with an oral presentation regarding
current topics in the business and professional environment or other areas relevant to the
local or global community.
The informative speeches require a minimum of four sources that will be cites during the
presentation. The minimum four sources must be from each of the following areas or as
determined by your topic:
1. Current and / or past academic research journals.
2. Current publication from professional organizations.
3. Internet ~ upon approval of instructor.
4. Current and / or past newspaper articles.
5. Interview (s) of field – related individuals.
6. Other current and /or past relevant sources.
You cannot read your presentation.
You must speak 6-8 minutes but not longer than 9 minutes.
You must be professional.
You must follow and meet assignment instructions.
You must be appropriately attired.
6. Your language (word choice) and grammar must be appropriate.
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback
is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be
asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to
instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your
professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the
survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end
of the term.
Class Calendar
Fall 2011
This calendar is subject to change as circumstances and wild ideas dictate!
T-peS- 03
T-peS -02
T- tcO -4
T- tcO-38
T-tcO - 05
T-voN- 3
Introduction to Class
The important of Communication & Speech outline Format
Library research assignment “Researching and collecting data for
your first speech outline.
First Speech outline due & Video tape critique “Speeches from
different campuses”
Speech # (I) Presentation Begin
Speech # (I) Presentation Continuation
Speech # (I) Presentation Continuation
Video Tape critique Job Interview Technique (Show case from
different Campuses)& First Midterm Chapters1-10
Job Interview Technique first round
Job Interview Technique first round
Library research assignment “Researching and collecting data for
your second speech outline.
Second Speech outline due , Second Midterm Chapters 11-21 &
dou RoOeoNce Tecnoceue pecooJ IouoJ
T-voN -00
T-cec -6
TnhoHoHAcNcoA soscJhT
Speech # (II) Presentation Begin
Speech # (II) Presentation Continuation
T-cec- 30
Final Exam Chapters 22-35