Biography in a Box

Biography in a Box
Due May 4th, 2015
Renaissance / Reformation / Scientific Revolution / Age Exploration/ Enlightenment
Project Guidelines
Your project will include:
___ 1) A box (shoe boxes work best):
___ a. decorated to look as if it could belong to the person you are researching
___ b. On the LID of the box
___ 1. Name of the person you researched of the box.
___ 2. Title or category of person
___ 3. Your name, class period and date.
___2) 5 artifacts that could have been the personal belongings of your person.
___ 3) An index card for each artifact with a paragraph explaining it’s
importance typed or in ink.
___ 4) workscited for each index card showing where you found your
information using MLA style with three (3) sources for each card.
Part I. Chose Your Historical Person Due: ___________
Look through chapters 28-35 and choose a historical character that you find the most
interesting (a list is on the next page). Write an excellent paragraph telling me why
you want to do your project on this person.
Part II. Two Column Notes
Due: __________
You need to find three (3) sources for each of the questions that confirm the
information is accurate. Use the left side of your notes for the main ideas and the
source information. Write down the following for the sources your use:
-Name of book or website
-author or entire website address
-date book was published OR you used the website
Look for specific examples & evidence for each and J.O.T. it down on the right side
of your notes.
1. Why is your person famous?
2. What was their childhood/background?
3. What hardships or difficulties did they have to overcome to be successful?
4. What was it like where they lived at that time? What is the history of the home
country? What was the government like? What religion did they practice? Was it
peaceful or wartime?
Part III. Creating Your Artifacts
Due: ___________
Your 5 artifacts can be handmade or items already in existence include:
a) ___ Two (2) artifacts that symbolize why this person is famous (what they
are known for, what they created or contributed to society.
b) ___ An artifact (1) that is a symbol of the person’s childhood.
c) ___ An artifact (1) that symbolizes a hardship or something this person
had to overcome to become successful.
d) ___ An artifact (1) that is a symbol of a person or thing that shaped and
influenced this person’s life (politically, religiously or economically).
Part IV. Notecards and Workscited
Due: ___________
1. One index card for each artifact with:
___ - A well-written paragraph answering one of the questions about your
historical figure using your two column notes.
___ - Cards should be written legibly in ink (or typed).
___ - Use examples, evidence and explanations to elaborate (3 e’s).
2. Workscited in MLA Style (Modern Language Association)
___ -On the back of each index card list your “workscited”
___ -includes sources for notes
(i.e.. URL of web page, name and author of book, date).
___ -Minimum of 3 separate sources for each.
Final Project and Presentations
Due: ___________
Biography in a Box: Topics and Historical Figures
Literature / Writers Scientists/Inventor Monarchs/Gov’t
Sandro Botticelli
Miguel de Cervantes
Galileo Galilei
Catherine de Medici
Leonardo da Vinci William Shakespeare Francis Bacon
Lorenzo de Medici
Niccolo Machiavelli
Nicolaus Copernicus
King Henry VIII
Sir Thomas More Sir Isaac Newton Queen Elizabeth I
Pieter Brueghal
Francesco Petrarch
Andreas Vesalius Queen Isabella
Filippo Brunelleschi Dante Alighieri
Johann Gutenberg
King Ferninand
Desiderus Erasmus
Emperor Charles V
Philip II of Spain
Mary of Guise
Mary, Queen of Scots
Mary I (Bloody Mary)
Enlightenment Thinkers
Vasco de Gama
Martin Luther
Michael Praetorius
Thomas Hobbes
Henry the Navigator John Calvin
John Dowland John Locke
Ferdinand Magellan Catherine of Sienna William Bryd
Baron de Montesquieu
Amerigo Vespucci Pope Julius II
Hernan Cortez
John Wycliff
Cesare Beccaria
Francisco Pizarro
Pope Leo X
Madame Geoffrin
Sir Francis Drake
Mary Wollstonecraft
Sir Walter Raleigh
Olympe de Gouges
Biography in a Box Rubric
Each artifact is historically accurate and creative.
1 Two artifacts that symbolize why this person is famous.
2. One artifact that is a symbol of the person’s background.
3. One artifact that symbolizes a something they overcame
4. One artifact of something/one that influenced them.
5. Index cards are historically accurate, well-written and in ink.
6. Each card has a MLA Style workscited with three sources.
7. Box is decorated in a creative way that gives the impression it
could belong to the historical figure. Includes all required info.
Biography in a Box Rubric
Each artifact is historically accurate and creative.
1 Two artifacts that symbolize why this person is famous.
2. One artifact that is a symbol of the person’s background.
3. One artifact that symbolizes a something they overcame
4. One artifact of something/one that influenced them.
5. Index cards are historically accurate, well-written and in ink.
6. Each card has a MLA Style workscited with three sources.
7. Box is decorated in a creative way that gives the impression it
could belong to the historical figure. Includes all required info.
Biography in a Box Rubric
Each artifact is historically accurate and creative.
1 Two artifacts that symbolize why this person is famous.
2. One artifact that is a symbol of the person’s background.
3. One artifact that symbolizes a something they overcame
4. One artifact of something/one that influenced them.
5. Index cards are historically accurate, well-written and in ink.
6. Each card has a MLA Style workscited with three sources.
7. Box is decorated in a creative way that gives the impression it
could belong to the historical figure. Includes all required info.
Biography in a Box Rubric
Each artifact is historically accurate and creative.
1 Two artifacts that symbolize why this person is famous.
2. One artifact that is a symbol of the person’s background.
3. One artifact that symbolizes a something they overcame
4. One artifact of something/one that influenced them.
5. Index cards are historically accurate, well-written and in ink.
6. Each card has a MLA Style workscited with three sources.
7. Box is decorated in a creative way that gives the impression it
could belong to the historical figure. Includes all required info.