Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [1/45] Econometric Analysis of Panel Data William Greene Department of Economics Stern School of Business Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [2/45] 26. Modeling Heterogeneity in Classical Discrete Choice: Contrasts with Bayesian Estimation William Greene Department of Economics Stern School of Business New York University Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [3/45] Abstract This study examines some aspects of mixed (random parameters) logit modeling. We present some familiar results in specification and classical estimation of the random parameters model. We then describe several extensions of the mixed logit model developed in recent papers. The relationship of the mixed logit model to Bayesian treatments of the simple multinomial logit model is noted, and comparisons and contrasts of the two methods are described. The techniques described here are applied to two data sets, a stated/revealed choice survey of commuters and one simulated data set on brand choice. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [4/45] Random Parameters Models of Discrete Choice Econometric Methodology for Discrete Choice Models Classical Estimation and Inference Bayesian Methodology Model Building Developments The Mixed Logit Model Extensions of the Standard Model Modeling Individual Heterogeneity ‘Estimation’ of Individual Taste Parameters Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [5/45] Useful References Classical Train, K., Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation, Cambridge, 2003. (Train) Hensher, D., Rose, J., Greene, W., Applied Choice Analysis, Cambridge, 2005. Hensher, D., Greene, misc. papers, 2003-2005, Bayesian Allenby, G., Lenk, P., “Modeling Household Purchase Behavior with Logistic Normal Regression,” JASA, 1997. Allenby, G., Rossi, P., “Marketing Models of Consumer Heterogeneity,” Journal of Econometrics, 1999. (A&R) Yang, S., Allenby, G., “A Model for Observation, Structural, and Household Heterogeneity in Panel Data,” Marketing Letters, 2000. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [6/45] A Random Utility Model Random Utility Model for Discrete Choice Among J alternatives at time t by person i. j ′xitj ijt Uitj = j = Choice specific constant + + xitj = Attributes of choice presented to person (Information processing strategy. Not all attributes will be evaluated. E.g., lexicographic utility functions over certain attributes.) = ‘Taste weights,’ ‘Part worths,’ marginal utilities ijt = Unobserved random component of utility Mean=E[ ijt] = 0; Variance=Var[ ijt] = 2 Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [7/45] The Multinomial Logit Model Independent type 1 extreme value (Gumbel): F(itj) = 1 – Exp(-Exp(itj)) Independence across utility functions Identical variances, 2 = π2/6 Same taste parameters for all individuals Prob[choice j | i,t] = exp(α j +β'xitj ) Jt (i) j=1 exp(α j +β'xitj ) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [8/45] What’s Wrong with this MNL Model? I.I.D. IIA (Independence from irrelevant alternatives) Peculiar behavioral assumption Leads to skewed, implausible empirical results Functional forms, e.g., nested logit, avoid IIA IIA will be a nonissue in what follows. Insufficiently heterogeneous: “… economists are often more interested in aggregate effects and regard heterogeneity as a statistical nuisance parameter problem which must be addressed but not emphasized. Econometricians frequently employ methods which do not allow for the estimation of individual level parameters.” (A&R, 1999) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [9/45] Accommodating Heterogeneity Observed? Unobserved? The purpose of this study. Enter in the model in familiar (and unfamiliar) ways. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [10/45] Observable (Quantifiable) Heterogeneity in Utility Levels Uijt = α j +β'xitj + γj zit + ε ijt Prob[choice j | i,t] = exp(α j +β'xitj + γj zit ) Jt (i) j=1 exp(α j +β'xitj + γzit ) Choice, e.g., among brands of cars xitj = attributes: price, features Zit = observable characteristics: age, sex, income Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [11/45] Observable Heterogeneity in Preference Weights Uijt = α j +βi xitj + γjzit + ε ijt βi = β + Φhi βi,k = βk + φkhi Prob[choice j | i,t] = exp(α j +βixitj + γjzit ) Jt (i) j=1 exp(α j +βixitj + γzit ) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [12/45] ‘Quantifiable’ Heterogeneity in Scaling Uijt = α j +β'x itj + γ jz it + ε ijt Var[εijt ] = σ2j exp(δj wit ), σ12 = π2 /6 wit = observable characteristics: age, sex, income, etc. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [13/45] Heterogeneity in Choice Strategy Consumers avoid ‘complexity’ Lexicographic preferences eliminate certain choices choice set may be endogenously determined Simplification strategies may eliminate certain attributes Information processing strategy is a source of heterogeneity in the model. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [14/45] Modeling Attribute Choice Conventional: xk,ijt Uijt = ′xijt. For ignored attributes, set =0. Eliminates xk,ijt from utility function Price = 0 is not a reasonable datum. Distorts choice probabilities Appropriate: Formally set k =0 Requires a ‘person specific’ model Accommodate as part of model estimation (Work in progress) Stochastic determination of attribution choices Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [15/45] Choice Strategy Heterogeneity Methodologically, a rather minor point – construct appropriate likelihood given known information logL m1 iM logLi (θ | data,m) Not a latent class model. Classes are not latent. Not the ‘variable selection’ issue (the worst form of Familiar strategy gives the wrong answer. M “stepwise” modeling) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [16/45] Application of Information Strategy Stated/Revealed preference study, Sydney car commuters. surveyed, about 10 choice situations for each. 500+ Existing route vs. 3 proposed alternatives. Attribute design Original: respondents presented with 3, 4, 5, or 6 attributes Attributes – four level design. Free flow time Slowed down time Stop/start time Trip time variability Toll cost Running cost Final: respondents use only some attributes and indicate when surveyed which ones they ignored Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [17/45] Estimation Results Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [18/45] “Structural Heterogeneity” Marketing literature Latent class structures Yang/Allenby - latent class random parameters models Kamkura et al – latent class nested logit models with fixed parameters Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [19/45] Latent Classes and Random Parameters Heterogeneity with respect to 'latent' consumer classes Pr(Choicei ) = q=1 Pr(choicei | class = q)Pr(class = q) Q exp(xi,choiceβclass ) Pr(choicei | class = q) = Σ j=choice exp(xi,jβclass ) Pr(class = q | i) = Fi,q , e.g., Fi,q = exp(ziδq ) Σq=classes exp(ziδq ) Simple discrete random parameter variation exp(xi,choiceβi ) Pr(choicei | βi ) = Σ j=choice exp(xi,jβi ) Pr(βi = βq ) = Fi,q = exp(ziδq ) Σq=classes exp(ziδq ) ,q = 1,...,Q Pr(Choicei ) = q=1 Pr(choice | βi = βq )Pr(βq ) Q Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [20/45] Latent Class Probabilities Ambiguous at face value – Classical Bayesian model? Equivalent to random parameters models with discrete parameter variation Using nested logits, etc. does not change this Precisely analogous to continuous ‘random parameter’ models Not always equivalent – zero inflation models Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [21/45] Unobserved Preference Heterogeneity What is it? How does it enter the model? Uijt = α j +β'x itj + γ j z it + ε ijt + w i Random Parameters? Random ‘Effects’? Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [22/45] Random Parameters? Stochastic Frontier Models with Random Coefficients. M. Tsionas, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 17, 2, 2002. Bayesian analysis of a production model What do we (does he) mean by “random?” Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [23/45] What Do We Mean by Random Parameters? Classical Distribution across individuals Model of heterogeneity across individuals Characterization of the population “Superpopulation?” (A&R) Bayesian Parameter Uncertainty? (A&R) Whose? Distribution defined by a ‘prior?’ Whose prior? Is it unique? Is one ‘right?’ Definitely NOT heterogeneity. That is handled by individual specific ‘random’ parameters in a hierarchical model. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [24/45] Continuous Random Variation in Preference Weights Uijt = α j +βi x itj + γ jz it + ε ijt βi = β + Φhi + w i βi,k = βk + φkhi + w i,k Most treatments set Φ = 0 βi = β + w i Prob[choice j | i, t] = exp(α j +βi xitj + γj z it ) Jt (i) j=1 exp(α j +βi xitj + γz it ) Heterogeneity arises from continuous variation in βi across individuals. (Classical and Bayesian) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [25/45] What Do We ‘Estimate?’ Classical f(i|Ω,Zi)=population ‘Estimate’ Ω, then E[i|Ω,Zi)=cond’l mean V[i|Ω,Zi)=cond’l var. Estimation Paradigm “Asymptotic (normal)” “Approximate” “Imaginary samples” Bayesian f(|Ω0)=prior L(data| )=Likelihood f(|data, Ω0)=Posterior E(|data, Ω0)=Posterior Mean V(|data, Ω0)=Posterior Var. Estimation Paradigm “Exact” “More accurate” (“Not general beyond this prior and this sample…”) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [26/45] How Do We ‘Estimate It?’ Objective Mechanics: Bayesian: Posterior means Classical: Conditional Means Simulation based estimator Bayesian: Random sampling from the posterior distribution. Estimate the mean of a distribution. Always easy. Classical: Maximum simulated likelihood. Find the maximum of a function. Sometimes very difficult. These will look suspiciously similar. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [27/45] A Practical Model Selection Strategy What self contained device is available to suggest that the analyst is fitting the wrong model to the data? Classical: The iterations fail to converge. The optimization otherwise breaks down. The model doesn’t ‘work.’ Bayesian? E.g., Yang/Allenby Structural/Preference Heterogeneity has both discrete and continuous variation in the same model. Is this identified? How would you know? The MCMC approach is too easy. It always works. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [28/45] Bayesian Estimation Platform: The Posterior (to the data) Density Prior : f(β | Ω0 ) Likelihood : L(β | data) º f(data | β) Joint density : f(β,data | Ω0 ) = L(β | data)f(β | Ω0 ) Posterior f(β,data | Ω0 ) : f(β | data,Ω ) = f(data) 0 = L(β | data)f(β | Ω0 ) β L(β | data)f(β | Ω0 )dβ Posterior density of β given data and prior Ω0 Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [29/45] The Estimator is the Posterior Mean E[β | data,Ω0 ] = β β f(β | data,Ω0 ) dβ 0 L(β | data)f(β | Ω ) dβ = β 0 β L(β | data)f(β | Ω )dβ β Simulation based (MCMC) estimation: Empirically, 1 R ˆ E[β] = r=1βr | known posterior population R This is not ‘exact.’ It is the mean of a random sample. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [30/45] Classical Estimation Platform: The Likelihood Marginal : f(βi | data,Ω) Population Mean = E[βi | data,Ω] = βi f(βi | Ω)dβi βi = β = a subvector of Ω ˆ = Argmax L(β ,i = 1,...,N | data,Ω) Ω i ˆ Estimator = β Expected value over all possible realizations of i (according to the estimated asymptotic distribution). I.e., over all possible samples. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [31/45] Maximum Simulated Likelihood True log likelihood Ti Li (βi | datai ) = t=1 f(datai | βi ) Li (Ω | datai ) = βi Ti t=1 f(datai | βi )f(βi | Ω)dβi logL = i=1 log Li (βi | datai )f(βi | Ω)dβi N βi Simulated log likelihood logL S = i=1 N 1 R log r=1 Li (βiR | datai ,Ω) R ˆ = argmax(logL ) Ω S Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [32/45] Individual Parameters βi ~ N(β, Ω), i.e., βi = β + w i β ~ N(β0 , Ω0 ), i.e., β = β0 + w 0 Ω ~ Inverse Wishart(G0 , g0 ) ˆ i = Posterior Mean = E[βi | data,β0 , Ω0 , G0 , g0 ] β Computed using a Gibbs sample (MCMC) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [33/45] Estimating i “… In contrast, classical approaches to modeling heterogeneity yield only aggregate summaries of heterogeneity and do not provide actionable information about specific groups. The classical approach is therefore of limited value to marketers.” (A&R p. 72) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [34/45] A Bayesian View: Not All Possible Samples, Just This Sample Based on any 'classical' random parameters model, E[βi | This sample] = βi f(β i | datai ,Ω)dβ i βi ˆ i = conditional mean in f(βi | datai ,Ω) L(β | data )f( β | Ω) i i i dβ = βi βi L(βi | datai )f(βi | Ω)dβi i β = conditional mean conditioned on the data observed for individual i. Looks like the posterior mean Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [35/45] THE Random Parameters Logit Model Random Utility : Uijt = αi,j +βi x itj + γ i,j z it + ε ijt Random parameters : θi,k = θk + δk w i + σ kui,k Θi = Θ + Δw i +Σui , Σ a diagonal matrix Extensions : Correlation : Σ = a lower triangular matrix Autocorrelation : ui,k,t = ρui,k,t-1 + v i,k,t Variance Heterogeneity : σi,k = σk exp(γk fi ) Structural parameters : Ω = [θ, Δ, Σ, ρ,Γ] Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [36/45] Conditional Estimators ˆ = argmax N log 1 R Ω i=1 R r=1 Ti ˆ Lˆ = P (βˆ | Ω,data ) i ˆ E[β i,k t=1 ijt i t=1 Pijt (βir | Ω,datait ) it ˆ (1/R)ΣRr=1βi,k,r ΠTt=1Pijt (βˆ i | Ω,data 1 R it ) ˆ i,r βi,k,r | datai ] = = w r=1 R T ˆ ˆ (1/R)Σ Π P (β | Ω,data ) R r=1 ˆ 2 E[β i,k Ti t=1 ijt i it 2 ˆ (1/R)ΣRr=1βi,k,r ΠTt=1Pijt (βˆ i | Ω,data 1 R it ) 2 ˆ i,r βi,k,r | datai ] = = w r=1 ˆ (1/R)ΣR ΠT P (βˆ | Ω,data ) R r=1 t=1 ijt i it ˆ 2 | data ] - E[β ˆ Var[βi,k | datai ] = E[β i,k i i,k | data i ] 2 ˆ E[β i,k | datai ] ± 2 Var[β i,k | data i ] will encompass 95% of any reasonable distribution Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [37/45] Simulation Based Estimation Bayesian: Limited to convenient priors (normal, inverse Classical: Use any distributions for any parts of the gamma and Wishart) that produce mathematically tractable posteriors. Largely simple RPM’s without heterogeneity. heterogeneity that can be simulated. Rich layered model specifications. Comparable to Bayesian (Normal) Constrain parameters to be positive. (Triangular, Lognormal) Limit ranges of parameters. (Uniform, Triangular) Produce particular shapes of distributions such as small tails. (Beta, Weibull, Johnson SB) Heteroscedasticity and scaling heterogeneity Nesting and multilayered correlation structures Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [38/45] Computational Difficulty? “Outside of normal linear models with normal random coefficient distributions, performing the integral can be computationally challenging.” (A&R, p. 62) (No longer even remotely true) (2) MSL with dozens of parameters is simple Multivariate normal (multinomial probit) is no longer the (3) Intelligent methods of integration (Halton sequences) speed up (1) benchmark alternative. (See McFadden and Train) integration by factors of as much as 10. (These could be used by Bayesians.) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [39/45] Individual Estimates Bayesian… posterior” “exact…” what do we mean by “the exact Classical… “asymptotic…” These will be very similar. A theorem of Bernstein-von Mises: Counterpoint is not a crippled LCM or MNP. Same model, similar values. Bayesian ------ > Classical as N (The likelihood function dominates; posterior mean mode of the likelihood; the more so as we are able to specify flat priors.) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [40/45] Extending the RP Model to WTP Use the model to estimate conditional distributions for any function of parameters Willingness to pay = i,time / i,cost Use same method R T ˆ (1/ R ) WTP P ( r 1 ir t 1 ijt ir Eˆ [WTPi | datai ] (1/ R) R T P (ˆ r 1 t 1 ijt ˆ , data ) 1 R | it r 1 wˆ i ,rWTPir ˆ R ir | , datait ) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [41/45] What is the ‘Individual Estimate?’ Point estimate of mean, variance and range of random variable i | datai. Value is NOT an estimate of i ; it is an estimate of E[i | datai] What would be the best estimate of the actual realization An interval estimate would account for the sampling ‘variation’ in Bayesian counterpart to the preceding? i|datai? the estimator of Ω that enters the computation. Posterior mean and variance? Same kind of plot could be done. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [42/45] Methodological Differences Focal point of the discussion in the literature is the simplest possible MNL with random coefficients, Prob[choice j | i,t] = exp(αi,j +βixitj ) Jt (i) j=1 exp(αi,j +βixitj ) αi,j α j w i,αj = + β w β i i This is far from adequate to capture the forms of heterogeneity discussed here. Many of the models discussed here are inconvenient or impossible with received Bayesian methods. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [43/45] A Preconclusion “The advantage of hierarchical Bayes models of heterogeneity is that they yield disaggregate estimates of model parameters. These estimates are of particular interest to marketers pursuing product differentiation strategies in which products are designed and offered to specific groups of individuals with specific needs. In contrast, classical approaches to modeling heterogeneity yield only aggregate summaries of heterogeneity and do not provide actionable information about specific groups. The classical approach is therefore of limited value to marketers.” (A&R p. 72) Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [44/45] Disaggregated Parameters The description of classical methods as only producing aggregate results As regards “targeting specific groups…” both of these sets of methods NEITHER METHOD PRODUCES ESTIMATES OF INDIVIDUAL is obviously untrue. produce estimates for the specific data in hand. Unless we want to trot out the specific individuals in this sample to do the analysis and marketing, any extension is problematic. This should be understood in both paradigms. PARAMETERS, CLAIMS TO THE CONTRARY NOTWITHSTANDING. BOTH PRODUCE ESTIMATES OF THE MEAN OF THE CONDITIONAL (POSTERIOR) DISTRIBUTION OF POSSIBLE PARAMETER DRAWS CONDITIONED ON THE PRECISE SPECIFIC DATA FOR INDIVIDUAL I. Part 26: Bayesian vs. Classical [45/45] Conclusions When estimates of the same model are compared, they rarely Classical methods shown here provide rich model specifications Just two different algorithms. differ by enough to matter. See Train, Chapter 12 for a nice illustration and do admit ‘individual’ estimates. Have yet to be emulated by Bayesian methods The philosophical differences in interpretation is a red herring. Appears that each has some advantages and disadvantages