Pregnancy & Domestic violence

Group Work compiled
 Sarah Donaldson
 Jasmine Phan
 Rhiannon Sands
 Nicole Williams
Violence against women is defined by the United Nations as “Any act of
gender based violence that results or is likely to result in physical, sexual, or
psychological harm or suffering to women” (United Nations, 1993). Domestic
Violence on women’s health is shattering and has the potential to
significantly affect general, reproductive and the psychological health of a
woman (McMurray & Tower, 2006). Domestic Violence against women is
recognised as a global issue forcing countries to implement strategies to
reduce the social, health and economic damage (Victorian Health
Promotion Foundation (VicHealth), 2008). In evidence of this; studies
demonstrate 10-69% of women report being physically assaulted by an
intimate male partner at some point in their lives (WHO, 2002).
Shockingly, studies also found that 36% of women reported domestic
violence occurring during pregnancy and for 17% of these women it was
their first experience of domestic violence (Australian Bureau of Statistics
(ABS), 2006). These statistics initiated the focus of our presentation, in
highlighting the need to help people understand how pregnant women
may be affected and the astounding health ramifications domestic
violence can have.
The purpose of this presentation is to expand the knowledge
about health issues of pregnant women who are exposed to
domestic violence. This presentation identifies the link
between domestic violence against pregnant women and
evaluates the impact on their health and wellbeing during
and after pregnancy and the health issues it can leave on
themselves and their baby. The approach being taken in this
presentation is to identify the current nursing problems by
using facts and statistics and create awareness and
education for pregnant women and provide support
networks, groups and assistance they may require. In
addition to this, the presentation should enhance nursing
practice in helping healthcare providers identify women at
risk and indicators to provide appropriate antenatal and
postnatal care
Nurses and other health professionals are often the first point of contact
for women who are experiencing domestic violence (Fahcsia, 2012). It is
of great importance that health care workers are able to provide
informative, supportive and empathetic services to victims of domestic
violence at all levels of the health system (NSW Health, 1999). Nurses are
in a position to perform domestic violence screening in a safe
environment without being judgmental and show genuine interest
(O'Reilly, 2007). NSW Health states that any female aged 16 or over who
attends an antenatal or early childhood class must be screened for
domestic violence (NSW Health, 2010).
Domestic violence during pregnancy can lead to anaemia, preterm
labour, infections, low birth weight babies and post-natal depression.
Victims of domestic violence have greater risk of incurring physical injury
and mental health issues as well as an increased risk of suicide, suicide
ideation and homicide (NSW Health, 2010). Therefore, as nurses, it is
important to identify women at risk and prevent further health
complications to themselves and their unborn baby.
If there are any children to the woman
experiencing domestic violence and they live at
home, nurses are obligated to contact the
Department of Community Services should the
nurse have concerns that the children are at
risk of harm (NSW Health, 2006). No research
could be found suggesting that victims of
domestic violence or health staff must report
abuse to NSW Police or other authority.
Domestic violence is a crime which can be defined as:
A person using abusive, violent or intimidating
behaviour against another person to dominate, control
or maintain control of that person (Baird, 2011;
Gibbons, 2011). For pregnant women this could be a
partner, family member or anyone they share an
intimate relationship with or have previously. This can
come in the form of:
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
Psychological/emotional abuse
Social control/abuse
Financial abuse
The various forms of
abuse are often used
simultaneously and can
cause fear, physical and
emotional trauma
(FAHCSIA, 2012).
Children and young
people living with
domestic violence are
often impacted greatly
and may constitute as a
form of child abuse
(Lawlink NSW, 2007).
An ADVO is for protection. It is an order made
by the court ordering a person to stop hurting
or harassing you. It may include yourself and
your children or other family members. This
type of Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) is
made when the people involved are related , in
a relationship or previously been in a
relationship. AVO’s can also be made so you
can continue living with your partner (Lawlink
NSW, 2007).
Domestic Violence line
1800 656 463
Department of Community Services Domestic Violence Line
1800 656 463
Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCASs) Access this service
through Legal Aid or Law Access for local area information
Domestic and Family Violence Intervention Service (DAFVIS)
1300 888 529
Womens refuge resource centre
Emotional distress
Inadequate/late prenatal care
Higher incidence of UTIs and STDs
Stomach/Back pain
Bleeding during first and second trimesters
Low self-esteem
Low maternal weight gain
Foetal-maternal haemorrhage
Increased susceptibility to infections due to a weaker immune system
Uterine rupture
Exacerbation of chronic illnesses
Labour complications
Death (Homicide) in extreme cases
Placenta damage
Pre-term labour
Foetal death
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Low birth weight (may be secondary to factors such
as maternal smoking, inadequate nutrition or
substance abuse)
Potential developmental delays
Child abuse
Almost 40% of Indigenous women experience domestic
violence during their lives.
Indigenous women experience homicide at a rate nine times
higher than non-Indigenous women.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women experience
double the number of foetal deaths and low birth weight
babies compared with non-Indigenous women.
Indigenous women with large extended families may be
fortunate enough to receive necessary care and support.
However, the remoteness of some Australian communities
makes it difficult for women to seek outside assistance.
In the period 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2004, Indigenous women
were hospitalised due to domestic violence at a rate 47 times
higher than non-Indigenous women.
In conclusion, pregnant women affected by DV are
more likely to be exposed to complications and
increased health risks in both pregnancy and post
partum. DV against pregnant women not only
affects the mother but also has devastating effects
on their unborn child (VicHealth 2008). The
information in this presentation reinforces the
need to create more awareness, provide education
and support networks, develop management plans
and gain the attention of healthcare providers to
enhance nursing practice at an international level.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2006). Personal safety survey: Summary of results, Australia 2005 (No. 4906.0). Retrieved from
Baird, K. (2011). Working with women and children experiencing domestic violence [Electronic Version]. Primary Health Care, 21(1), 16-21.
Barry, J., Harrison, J., & Ryan, P. (2009). Hospital admissions of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians due to interpersonal violence, July 1999
to June 2004. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 33(3):215-222
FAHCSIA (2012). National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women. Retrieved 14 April 2012 from
Fraser, K. (2003). Domestic violence and women’s physical health. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse Retrieved from
Gibbons, L. (2011). Dealing with the effects of domestic violence [Electronic Version]. Emergency Nurse, 19(4), 12-17.
Lawlink NSW, (2007). Domestic Violence. Retrieved 19 April 2012 from
NSW Health (1999). Domestic Violence Policy Discussion Paper. Australia: NSW Health.
NSW Health (2010). Women's health plan 2009-2011. Retrieved 13 April 2012 from
NSW Health (2006). Domestic violence: Identifying and responding. Australia: NSW Health, pp. 1-2.
O'Reilly, R (2007). Domestic violence against women in their childbearing years: A review of the literature. Contemporary Nurse, 25(1), pp. 13-21.
McMurray, A. (2005). Domestic Violence: Conceptual and Practice Issues. Contemporary Nurse, 18(3), 219-232.
McMurray, A., & Tower, M. (2006). Domestic Violence, health and healthcare: Women’s accounts of their experiences. Contemporary Nurse, 21(2),
Mulroney, J. (2003). Australian statistics on domestic violence. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse Retrieved from
Shah, P., & Shah, J. (2010). Maternal exposure to domestic violence and pregnancy and birth outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Journal of Women’s Health, 19(11):2017-2031
United Nations. (1993). Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against women. (Report no. A/RES/48/104). Retrieved from
Victorian Health Promotion Foundation. (2008). Violence against women in Australia: As a determinant of mental health and wellbeing (Research
Summary. 4). Melbourne: VicHealth.
World Health Organisation. (2002). World Health Organisation: World Report on Violence and Health. Retrieved March 10, 2012 from