
COMM 2380
Public Relations Specialist
Thai Thi Anh Thy
Due date: 22nd September 2009
1. Online Profile……………………………………………………………01
2. Proposal…………………………………………………………………02
3. Position Paper………………………………………………………….06
Pizza Hut ‘s online Profile
(, this website will be decorated in the simple theme but expressive
color such as red, dark brown and black. The website will includes sevens folder: About us,
what‘s new, our menu, member special, other services, Hut location and feedback. In the folder
“About Us”, there will be an online profile with Hut’s mission, Hut‘s milestones, Hut in Vietnam
and company’s FAQ. In this official website, we attach link to view Pizza Hut on Face Book and
YouTube – the two famous social networks in the world.
In Vietnam, although joining the market later than Blog or other social networks, Face Book,
together with its marvelous function helping people more open to the world, becomes the most
favorite page. The majority of Face Book‘s user in Vietnam is young generation, who has a high
requirement in social network with various applications and a power tool to integrate with the
whole world. Similar to Face Book with huge number of users, You Tube – a video sharing
website, allows young people express themselves to the world through sharing and uploading
their own video and receiving international comments. Due to the global benefits of these
famous social networks and their fascination to youths – Pizza Hut’s target audience, we decide
to choose them to promote our brand name and increases consumer purchase frequency. To Face
Book, the company will set up an online profile with bellowed information:
Company‘s foundation: Briefly about Pizza Hut biography, mission and objective
Product categories: Updating image of new product line, its unique features and price list
Photos and video gallery: campaigns, members, CEO ‘s speech, Pizza Hut production.
Fan page: for people with same interest on food & beverage
Applications: mini game and online ordering service.
Links : Pizza Hut ‘s other links in official website and YouTube.
To You Tube, company will up load previous/latest 30s TVC, short interview/ image report
about audience or celebrity opinion about pizza Hut, which can attract viewer (the young
generation) to a new lifestyle or eating trend. In every up dated video clip, company receives
hundred comments which can helps it to catch audience‘s mind.
Pizza Hut‘s Proposal
Executive Summary
Pizza Hut Vietnam was first launched in 1995 and expanded to 50 outlets in the whole country.
Since that day, obesity issues among young Vietnamese become our top concern. Obesity has
become one of the most significant problems in the world including Vietnam. Dr. Nguyen Cong
Khang, director of National Institute of Nutrition Vietnam, estimates there is about 20% of
population with obesity in the three biggest cities: Hanoi, Hai phong and Ho Chi Minh.
Therefore, Pizza Hut wants to run an online campaign through popular social networks such as
official website, Face Book and YouTube to help preventing obesity problems. The online
campaign will last for one year from December 2009 to December 2010. Through this campaign,
Pizza Hut aim to be the prominent fast food brand concerning on young generation‘s health. In
detail, we will increase Pizza Hut’s fan and viewer to 3 millions people and encourage them to
eat well-balanced meal. In order to achieve that, we will create mini game, funny quiz, online
ordering with free film voucher, creative application etc on official page, Face Book and
YouTube. We strongly believe that these social networks with their marvelous functions, social
applications top chosen from youth and our effort will create a big change in eating trends –
healthy food among young community from 18 to 29.
Aim: to be the prominent fast food brand concerning about customers’ health in Vietnam
Increase Pizza Hut‘s fan and viewer on official website, Face book and YouTube to 3
millions people within 10 first months of online campaign.
Encourage young people among 18-29 years old to eat well-balanced meal.
“Increase Pizza Hut’s fan and viewers on Face book and YouTube”
To attract the young community to come and join Pizza Hut online pages, we should understand
their interests and trends. Today, the youth consider Face Book and YouTube as key social
networks of their daily routines because at those places, they have chances to express themselves
to the world, share their feeling, improve life knowledge and become more mature. Catching that
trend, firstly, Pizza Hut will create one mobile game with colorful and stylish theme relating to
Pizza Hut: One day in Hut’s kitchen (reproduce as the game Hell Kitchen). The game will be put
on Face Book and official website. The game’s size is not too much heavy to ensure a smooth
downloading and it is enabling for the fan of Pizza Hut to download the game only. In this game,
players will take the role of Major Chef and waiters to create and serve pizza to customers.
Moreover, players have chance to observe and learn how to make a pizza from the cooking
process, which is modified as a real Pizza Hut‘s kitchen, the ingredient putting in pizza require to
reach a balance nutrition, if players put too much oil for example, they lose mark. Secondly,
Pizza Hut logo and brief of its information will appear on the right side of Face Book user‘s
page, ask them if they want to be a fan. In order to accomplish, the company need to contact with
Face Book‘s moderator. Thirdly, the Pizza Hut‘s follower on face book have chance to be 3
lucky people receiving free healthy combo every month.
On YouTube, beside 30s TVC, we create qualified interviews and video clips about celebrities’
opinions about Pizza Hut and their tips to keep body fit – the key element in helping youth feel
confident in public. These singers or actors must be ones who are admired most among youth
communities. Our suggestions are Dong Nhi, Thuy Tien, Wanbe Tuan Anh etc. The scene could
be in Pizza Hut store, singer‘s private house or working place. Viewers can see what their idols
order, how they enjoy it and their opinions / feelings after having Pizza Hut. That could be a
trend in youth communities because they often follow what their idols do. The entire video clip
on YouTube will be placed on Face Book and official website as well.
“Encourage young people among 18-29 years old to eat well-balanced meal”
In official website, we will organize contest called: “Football Frenzy”. In this contest, when
viewers successfully order a healthy combo, they have chance to win the 10 lucky draws
monthly to join a trip called: “One day with football star”. These footballers must be ones who
are admired most among young community such as Cong Vinh, Tai Em, Thanh Binh etc. During
this day, together with superstar, ten winners will spend their time playing football on stadium,
eating free Pizza Hut’s healthy combo and learning about obesity issues. The purpose of contest
is to force and encourage young generation to do more physical activity base on specific sport.
The images of campaign and winner will be updated and posted on official page, Face Book and
YouTube as well.
Obesity is a serious problem on over the world, in order to empower the young generation anti
obeseness and eat well-balanced meal, they must understand their food choices, number of body
and serious impact of obesity. Pizza Hut will establish a Face book fan page that included an
application to order pizzas online without having to leave the site. This application keep member
stay longer on site and have chance to look at detailed table about nutrition ingredient and
calories that are attached directly in online menu, besides, we supply member a simple
formulation to calculate their own BMI (Body Mass Index). If their number is X, how much
calories do they need to balance themselves in a day. A list of well-balance meal will be creating
base on BMI as well. If the BMI is normal, members should eat combo A plus doing exercise 15
minutes a day. If the number is over standard, he/she should enjoy combo B plus 1 dish of fruit
or salad and 30 minutes of doing exercise every day. A message on status will be broadcasted
every month reminding members to eat healthy, do physical activities and take care of their
body‘s number. Pizza Hut also creates online interview between company and health professors
talking about obesity‘s impact such as related diseases, the video will be put on both Face Book
and YouTube. When planning for this online menu and the healthy combo suggestion for each
BMI, we figure that viewer / consumer rarely follow the psychological instruction. They need
real event in which makes them feel relevant. Therefore, company decides to sponsor for “Run
for health and heart” event. When joining the running, each consumer already donates 5,000
VND for The Charity Organization. The event will be promoted through selected online social
net works.
For inquiry please contact:
Ms. Thai Thi Anh Thy
Public Relations Manager
Tell: 0939 774 799
Pizza Hut Vietnam goes against obesity issues
Today, obesity is an emergency problem that is taking place all over the world including
Vietnam. According to National Institute of Nutrition Vietnam, the obesity rate from 18 to 29
years old is increasing quickly within the last 4 years. In 2007, a national survey in 7,600-house
hold shows that there is around 25% of population suffering from the obese symptom and the
majority of them are from rural areas such as Ha noi, Hai Phong and Ho Chi Minh City. The two
major reasons that lead to the growth of obesity problem are physical inactivity and high calories
food. Many people from 18 to 29 years old do not realize the health risks associate with obesity
such as high blood pressure, heart disease , breast cancer even death.
Realizing this issue to be the top emergency problem, Pizza Hut co-operate with Vietnam health
Institution to propose solutions relating to daily well-balance meal.
As one of the world's largest pizza restaurant company with 6,200 restaurants in the United
States and more than 4,000 restaurants in 100 other countries, Pizza Hut pride to receive many
supports and reward from beloved customer and international health organization. Pizza Hut
Vietnam was first launched in 1995 and expanded to eight outlets in the whole country.
People often link obesity with fast food, which is now a daily product for people with busy life
especially young generation. Therefore, Pizza Hut aims to be the prominent fast food brand
concerning on young generation‘s health. The company believes eating sensibly, combining with
appropriate exercise, is the best solution for a balanced lifestyle with down obesity issues, and,
pizza can be a part of that well-balanced meal. Our pizza include protein, complex
carbohydrates, Vitamin A and calcium which are items from four major food groups - meat,
dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and grains which are necessary nutritious for young people
‘s activity in a day.
We understand that we have an important role in tackling the obesity issue in Vietnam. We are
proud to be the premier brand facing with this challenge. The company matches word with action
in the food choice and information we offer to customers. Our target audience people is from 1829, therefore, we choose Pizza Hut official website, Face Book and YouTube as the best way to
interact with this young generation. By the campaigns against obesity promoting through these
online social net works, we have made the improvement in supplying customer with wellbalanced meals, which are always containing vegetable or fruit. The online menu always
describes detailed nutritious values in every dish and helps people figure out their BMI together
with solutions. Moreover, we encourage people with more physical exercises by forcing them to
running campaign and specific sport, the message for fighting against obesity appears in any
menu, combo; it is remind monthly in face book‘s status. In 2008, Pizza Hut Vietnam achieves
the healthy food award, which is about the best meal with balanced nutrition by Vietnam Health
Finally, with the great contribution for years, Pizza Hut Vietnam continues to try harder in
encouraging the young generation from 18 to 29 to do more physical activities, understand their
food choices. We also call for the Government and all Vietnamese to fight against obesity right
now through mass communication. Later on, we will make research on new cooking oil with low
fat and sugar with low buns and apply them in Pizza Hut cooking system as soon as possible.