Building Good Character University of Scouting November 9, 2013 Dr. Thomas Lickona Center for the 4th and 5th Rs SUNY Cortland PowerPoint available on website Reader’s Digest (Dec., 1995) Lost Wallet Study 1,100 wallets were “lost”—each with $50 and the owner’s ID and phone number. Wallets were left on sidewalks, and in phone booths; in front of office buildings, discount stores, and churches; and in parking lots and restaurants. Worldwide: • 56% were returned with the contacts intact. • 44% were not. Wallets Returned • • • • • • • • • Norway & Denmark Singapore New Zealand Australia & Japan U.S. & England France & Holland Taiwan & Malaysia Switzerland & Italy Mexico 100% returned 90% 83% 70% 67% 60% 50% 35% 21% Wallets Returned, U.S. Cities • Seattle: 90% • Concord, NH & Cheyenne, WO: 80% • St. Louis, Boston, & Greensboro, NC 70% • Houston, Las Vegas, and Dayton, OH 50% Culture matters. CULTURE MATTERS • Culture shapes character. • If we shape the culture, we can shape the character. WHAT ELSE MATTERS Wallet returners cited: Parents teaching them to “do the right thing.” • Their religious beliefs. • Empathy for the wallet’s owner. • Do you wish to learn the trees as the forester knows them? Do you wish to have well-developed muscles, not those of a great athlete, but those of a sound body that will not fail you? Would you like to be an expert camper who can always make himself comfortable out of doors, and a swimmer that fears no waters? Do you desire the knowledge to help the wounded quickly, and to make yourself cool and self-reliant in an emergency? Do you believe in loyalty, courage, and kindness? Would you like to form habits that will surely make your success in life? Then you belong in our ranks, for these are the thoughts in Scouting. —Boys Scouts of America Handbook, 1911 HOW SCOUTING STARTED • Born in London, Robert Baden-Powell (18571941) joined the Army, was stationed in India and Africa, and excelled in map-making, scouting, and reconnaissance. He was soon asked to train other soldiers in these methods. • When he returned to England in 1903, he found that his training handbook was being used by youth leaders to teach youth the same skills. He rewrote it as Scouting for Boys. It has since been published in 35 languages. Today Scouting serves 28 million boys in 216 countries and territories. “A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens.” —Robert Baden-Powell Does Scouting really build character? EAGLE SCOUTS: Merit Beyond the Badge 2012 Baylor University Study • Since 1912, 4% of young men who were Scouts have earned the rank of Eagle. • More than 2 million boys have become Eagle Scouts. EAGLE SCOUTS: Merit Beyond the Badge • Poll conducted by Gallup. 81,409 potential respondents were contacted. • Of those who agreed to do a telephone interview, a random nationwide sample of 2,512 adults was selected. – 134 were of the sample were Eagle Scouts – 853 were Scouts but not Eagles – 1,502 were non-Scouts Eagle Scouts, as adults, were more likely than other Scouts and non-Scouts to: 1. Have “extremely close” friends. 2. Have a disaster kit in their home. 3. Volunteer time to religious and non-religious org’s. 4. Work with neighbors to address a problem. 5. Be active in a group that protects the environment. 6. Have held a leadership position in the workplace and in the community. 7. Believe it’s impt. to learn something new every day. 8. Report achieving a “personal goal” and a “spiritual goal” in the past year. 9. Say they always try to exceed others’ expectations. 10. Say they always treat people of other religions with respect. POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Scouting is viewed by contemporary researchers as an example of positive youth development (PYD), which focuses on building 5 C’s (competence, confidence, character, connection, and caring) that enable youth to contribute to self, family, community, and society. Tufts U. & Baylor U. 3-Year Study • Does Cub Scouting affect the character, health, and academic achievement of boys? A new study will compare 7, 8, 9 and 10year-old boys in urban and rural areas, from 3 groups in and around Philadelphia: – 36 randomly selected Cub Scout packs with full-time executives to help train leaders, recruit and retain youth, and fund raise – 36 packs without full-time executives – Comparable samples of non-Scout boys. Why does character matter? You may fill your head with knowledge or skillfully train your hands, but unless it is based on upright character, it will amount to nothing. —Booker T. Washington, American Hero, Character is power. —Booker T. Washington • Good character=Virtues. • Virtues are objectively good human qualities—good for the individual person and good for society. Virtues are not mere thoughts, but habits we develop by performing virtuous actions. —Aristotle Children develop character by what they see, what they hear, and what they are repeatedly led to do. —James Stenson THE SCOUT LAW’S VIRTUES A Scout is: Trustworthy Loyal Helpful Friendly Courteous Kind Obedient Cheerful Thrifty Brave Clean Reverent TEN ESSENTIAL VIRTUES 1. WISDOM: The Master Virtue Wisdom enables us to discern correctly. We cannot do right unless we first see correctly. —Richard Gula Wisdom includes: Good judgment (knowing right from wrong) Knowing how to put the other virtues into practice Knowing what’s important in life (what really makes us happy?) Moral reasoning (why is something right or wrong?) Sources of True Happiness Affirmed Across Cultures 1. Maturity of character—becoming the best person we can be 2. Loving relationships 3. Contributing to the lives of others. —Tony Devine (Ed.), Cultivating Heart and Character Why is cheating wrong? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It’s a lie—it misrepresents what you know or can do. It violates trust. It’s not fair to the people who aren’t cheating. It will lower your self-respect. It changes the kind of person you are becoming. You’re becoming a cheater. Wisdom tells us when to act, how to act, and how to put the other virtues into practice even when they conflict. 2. JUSTICE: Treating others as they deserve to be treated. Justice includes: Fairness Respect for self, others, animals, property, & the environment Responsibility for self and others; duty Honesty Courtesy and civility Good citizenship; obedience to legitimate authority and law Tolerance: Respect for cultural, racial, and religious diversity and for freedom of conscience that does not violate others’ rts THE GOLDEN RULE Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.—Christianity What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man. —Judaism Desire for others what you desire for yourself. —Islam Do nothing unto others which would cause you pain if done to you. —Hinduism Hurt not others in ways you yourself would find hurtful.—Buddhism 3. FORTITUDE: Inner Toughness Tough times never last. Tough people do. —Robert Schuller Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. —Winston Churchill Fortitude includes: Confidence Courage Perseverance Patience Resilience Endurance Ability to handle hardship, overcome obstacles, deal with disappointment, grow from setbacks, and withstand pain. Fortitude enables us to do what is right in the face of difficulty. Do the hard right instead of the easy wrong. —Sign in a school 4. SELF-CONTROL: The ability to govern ourselves. Self-control includes: Self-discipline Controlling our emotions (e.g., anger), appetites, and impulses Ability to delay gratification Ability to resist temptation Chastity (sexual self-control) Moderation in the pursuit of even legitimate pleasures THE MARSHMALLOW TEST An experiment by Stanford psychologist Walter Mischel described in Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ • Some ate the marshmallow right away. Some struggled to resist but gave in. About a third went the full 15 minutes and earned the second marshmallow. The Marshmallow Test High school seniors who showed self-control on the marshmallow test at age 4 were: Still better able to delay gratification Better able to make plans & follow through More likely to persevere in face of difficulty Better able to concentrate Better able to handle stress Academically stronger (SATs 100 pts higher). Performance on the Marshmallow Test at age 4 was twice as powerful as IQ in predicting teenagers’ SAT scores. Self-control is a key character strength whose foundation is laid down in the preschool years. THE GOOD NEWS: The self-control strategies— such as averting one’s eyes and self-talk—used by those who delayed gratification can be taught and learned. S.T.A.R. When you have to make a decision: -Stop -Think (What are my choices?) -Act -Review (Did I make the best choice?) Be a Character Coach 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Demonstrate the skill. Let the student try it. Give feedback. Have the student practice it with you. Have the student practice it in real-life situations, with you observing/guiding. Independent practice. —Skillstreaming by Arnold Goldstein A parent’s success with S.T.A.R. Two brothers were fighting over the last ice cream sandwich. The older brother said, “Wait, let’s STOP and THINK about this.” They talked it through and decided to cut the sandwich in half. Either we rule our desires, or our desires rule us. —Old Proverb We can choose to stay free of addictions to drugs, alcohol, or pornography. “Pornography is the addiction of the 21st century. (Recent poll: 70% of college-age males are users.) “Have the courage to walk away, throw it away, or turn it off. You are better than that.” —Sean Covey, The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make (includes chapter on addictions) What’s Wrong with Porn? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. It violates the dignity of persons by treating people as sex objects. It takes something beautiful and makes it dirty. It puts images in your mind that you can’t get rid of. It’s addictive; it brings short-term pleasure but then starts to run your life. For males, it is usually accompanied by the habit of masturbation. Both habits will lower your self-respect. Pornography can cause problems in marriage. MIND OVER MATTER Study of college students’ responses to sexually provocative pictures Reading, several times a day, a list of the reasons why pornography goes against one’s highest values has helped people break free of the addiction. T. G. Morrow Achieving Chastity in a Pornographic World 5. LOVE: Acting in ways that benefit others without seeking anything for ourselves. Love—selfless love that expects nothing back—is the most powerful force in the universe. —F. Washington Jarvis, With Love and Prayers: A Headmaster Speaks to the Next Generation Love includes: Empathy Compassion Helpfulness/Kindness Friendliness and Cheerfulness Generosity: willingness to sacrifice for the sake of others Service Loyalty Patriotism (love of what is noble in your country) Forgiveness We must put love into action. —Mother Teresa Kindness gives birth to kindness. —Sophocles 6. POSITIVE ATTITUDE: A Choice We Get to Make Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. —Charles Swindoll You get to choose your attitude in any situation. Positive Attitude includes: Hope Enthusiasm Adaptability Sense of Humor 7. HARD WORK Hard work includes: Ambition Initiative Effort Diligence: the habit of doing things well Resourcefulness Don’t measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your abilities. —John Wooden, UCLA basketball coach Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. —Anon. 8. INTEGRITY Integrity includes: Following your conscience Standing up for what’s right Keeping your word Honesty with yourself Being “whole,” morally consistent The most dangerous form of deception is selfdeception. —Josh Billijngs 9. GRATITUDE Gratitude includes: The habit of being thankful; counting your blessings Recognizing how you benefit from others Not complaining No duty is more important than giving thanks. —St. Ambrose Gratitude, like love, is an act of the will. We choose to be grateful, just as we choose to love. —Ann Husted Burleigh I thank God for my handicaps. Through them, I found myself, my work, and my God. —Helen Keller, blind from age 2 The Gratitude Journal “The first thing when my kids arrived, I asked them to write in their Gratitude Journal 5 things they were thankful for in the past 24 hours.” “It took just a few minutes, but it made a noticeable difference in their attitude.” THE NO COMPLAINTS CHALLENGE Go 24 hours without complaining about anything. 10. HUMILITY: The Foundational Virtue Humility includes: The desire to be a better person. Being aware of your strengths and areas for improvement Not being proud or conceited Ability to accept criticism gracefully. Being willing to admit and correct your mistakes. Humility is recognizing both our abilities and inadequacies and pressing our abilities into service without attracting attention or expecting applause. —David Isaacs, Character-Building: A Guide for Parents and Teachers Pride is the worst vice, because it blinds us to our faults. —David Brooks YouTube: “The Architecture of Character” Humility drives the quest for character because it motivates us to be the best person we can be. CHASTITY: A POSITIVE VIRTUE Chastity is the virtue that enables us to use reason to control our sexual desires, and to use the gift of our sexuality with true respect for self and others. Chastity enables us to save all sexual intimacy for a truly committed love relationship (historically known as marriage). Chastity is a positive lifestyle that includes a clean mind and heart that shows in all of our actions. BSA Membership Standards Resolution : Membership in any program of the Boy Scouts of America requires the youth member to: (a) subscribe to and abide by the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law (b) subscribe to and abide by the precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle (duty to God) (c) demonstrate behavior that exemplifies the highest level of good conduct and respect for others and is consistent at all times with the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Membership Standards Resolution (cont.) Any sexual conduct, whether homosexual or heterosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting. mbershipStandards/Resolution/ px Medical Institute of Sexual Health ( Sexual activity for unmarried youth is not healthy regardless of who their partner is. All young persons, regardless of sexual orientation, should therefore practice abstinence to avoid the risks of uncommitted sexual activity. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL • Since 2001, a majority (51-55%) of U.S. high schools students say they have not had sexual intercourse. • Only 1/3 say they are currently sexually active. • ¼ of sexually active teens have an STD. • 1 of 3 girls gets pregnant at least once by age 20. One-third of those get an abortion. • Two-thirds of teens who have had sex say they wish they had waited. • Sexually active teens are more likely to manifest a “problem behavior syndrome” that includes drug abuse and anti-social behavior. “The Shadow Side of Sexual Liberation” “Many young adults are confused, hurting, and sometimes ashamed because of sexual experiences played out in a culture that told them simply to go for it and feel good.” —Lost in Transition: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood 10 Tips for Living a Chaste Life 1. Practice modesty in your speech, dress, and actions. Modesty sends a message. 2. Find at least one good friend who has made the commitment to live a chaste life; support each other. 3. Date only people who share your values, and mostly in groups rather than singly. 4. When you do date singly, plan your dates and avoid sexual temptation. Avoid situations like the back seat of a car or being alone together at home, in a dark room, or on a bed. Avoid sexual stimuli such as most "R"-rated movies. 5. Make a list of 10 ways you can have fun together that won’t create temptation. 6. Limit physical affection to light hugs and kisses. YOU’RE GOING TOO FAR WHEN • Your hands start roaming • Either person starts to remove clothing • You are doing something you wouldn’t be doing if your mother or grandmother were there. • You’re arousing feelings that will reduce your self-control and your ability to make the right decision. 7. Tap into support systems, websites such as:,,,,,,, and . Read a good book that supports waiting, such as Sean Covey’s The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make . Read a magazine that supports waiting, such as Just for Girls or Just for Guys ( 8. Know how to resist sexual pressure. Be ready with “comeback lines.” Comeback Lines “If you loved me you would.” “If you loved me, you wouldn’t ask.” “I’ll stop whenever you say.” “How about right now?” “Everybody’s doing it.” “Then you shouldn’t have any trouble finding somebody else.” 9. Have a Start Over Game Plan A. C. Green, former NBA Lakers basketball star known for his stance on chastity, recommends 5 steps for “getting back in the game”: 1. Make a commitment to start over. List the reasons you are choosing to change. 2. Find out who your teammates are. Find friends who will support you. 3. Communicate. Tell the people you date about your commitment. 4. Stay within the boundaries. Set limits. 5. Focus on your future. When chastity gets difficult, remember your future goals and the reasons you have chosen to wait. 10. Pray. If you believe in God, make personal prayer a daily habit and ask God in your prayer time for help in leading a chaste life. Keep in mind the words of Mother Teresa: “Purity is the fruit of prayer.” Real Love Character Test 1. Does this person treat me, my friends, and my family with respect? 2. Does this person ever shove, shake, hit, or emotionally bully me? 3. Does he always want to get his own way? 4. Can I trust this person? 5. Does this person ever pressure me to do something I don’t want to do? “10 Emotional Dangers of Premature Sex” (Character-Based Sex Education Tab) • Two-thirds of teens who have been sexually involved say they wish they had waited. —National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy “Since that first night, my boyfriend expects sex on every date. When I don’t feel like it, we end up in a big argument. “I’d like to end this relationship and date others, but after being so intimate, it’s awfully tough.” —16-year-old girl College girl: “I lost my virginity when I was 15. Once my boyfriend and I began having sex, it completely destroyed any love we had. “I felt he was no longer interested in spending time with me—he was interested in spending time with my body.” The attempted suicide rate for 12- to16-year-old girls who have had sexual intercourse is six times higher than for peers who are virgins. D. Orr, M. Beiter, & G. Ingersoll, “Premature sexual activity as an indicator of psychosocial risk,” Pediatrics, 87, 141-147. 26-year-old husband: “I wish someone had been preaching abstinence in my ear when I was in high school. That’s when my sexual activity started. “I don’t even want to think about my college years.” THE REWARDS OF WAITING Waiting will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Make your relationships better Increase your self-respect Gain you the respect of others Teach you to respect others Give you a clear conscience (no regrets) Help you develop virtues such as good judgment, self-control, modesty, courage, and genuine respect for self and others 7. Help you find a person of character to be your marriage partner and the father or mother of your children. Why Wait? “Sex is so special, it deserves a special home. It is most meaningful when it’s part of something bigger. When you are married, your sexual intimacy expresses your total commitment to each other. “The ultimate intimacy belongs within the ultimate commitment.” LOVE WAITS • Love is patient; love is kind. Love wants what is best for another person. Love will never cross the line between what's right and wrong. It's wrong to put one another in danger of having to deal with hard choices, choices that could change your lives forever. • Having sex before marriage may feel right for the moment. But the possible costs of an unexpected pregnancy, abortion, and sexually transmitted disease—as well as the deep hurts that can come from a broken relationship—outweigh the feelings of the moment. The feelings are temporary; their consequences are long-lasting. All good things are worth waiting for. Waiting until marriage to have sex is a mature decision to control your desires. If you are getting to know someone—or are in a relationship—remember: If it's love, love waits. Highest stage of moral reasoning about sex: • Deep Respect for the Rights and Dignity of All Persons • Understanding of Sex as Self-Gift—Part of a Total, Loving Commitment—and Desire to Save Oneself for That Relationship • Understanding of Love As Wanting What is Truly Best for the Other If you keep in mind the person you will some day meet and marry, you’ll wait for them. In the meantime, you won’t do anything to disrespect or hurt a person who will someday be another person’s husband or wife. Keep in mind how you will expect a young man to treat your daughter one day. By listening to your conscience in this way, you’ll have a good idea of where to draw the line. —Jason Evert In her book, Keep Love Real, Lora TanGarcia writes: If you’re a guy, ask yourself, “Do I want some other guy putting his hands all over my future wife?” Then don’t put your hands all over someone else’s future wife. Starting Over You can’t change the past, but you can choose the future. No one can build your character for you. It’s an “inside job.” Parents can give good advice and put their children on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands. —Anne Frank, The Diary of Anne Frank Deb Brown, kindergarten teacher: “You are responsible for creating your character by the daily decisions you make.” She and her 5-year-olds practice wise sayings: • “Actions speak louder than words.” • “Honesty is the best policy.” • “If you want to have a friend, be a friend.” “Before you make a decision…” • Stop and think. • Use a wise saying to make a good decision. One of Mrs. Brown’s students was Cody. Cody’s dad was in prison for murder. “I just know that if he had your class, he wouldn’t be where he is now. “He would have made better decisions.” Character has two big parts: performance character and moral character. Performance Character: Doing Our Best Work Moral Character: Being Our Best in Relationships 121 122 A group that supports and challenges (positive relationships and norms) Self-Study (self-assessment, goalsetting) Other-Study (learning from example) Public performance/presentation KEY 1: A Community/Group That Supports and Challenges (This builds the culture that shapes the character) The Importance of Relationships • Research shows kids are most influenced by those persons to whom they have an emotional attachment. • Adults who have warm and caring relationships with kids are more effective role models. Research on Resilience Resilient kids possess 4 strengths: 1. Social competence 2. Problem-solving skills 3. A sense of identity 4. Hope for the future. They often cite a special teacher, coach, or other adult who was a confidant and an inspiring role model. BUILD BONDS WITH EVERY KID “In the second it takes me to shake a hand, I renew my relationship with that kid.” 127 “Help Me Know Your Child” A 4th-grade teacher sends home a questionnaire: • List 5 words that describe your child’s character or personality. • What motivates your child? • What upsets your child? • What are your child’s interests? • What else should I know? Who are you? Your answers will remain private. Skip any you wish. Feel free to ask me the same Q’s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What’s your favorite leisure-time activity? What’s something you do well? What are two words that describe you? What is your best quality? What co-curricular activities are you involved in? What else would you like me to know about you? —Hal Urban, Lessons from the Classroom: 20 Things Good Teachers Do Build Positive Peer Relations I used the first 4 minutes of class during the first month to have kids do paired 2-minute interviews: 1. What’s something you own that’s special to you? 2. What’s your proudest achievement so far? 3. What’s an important goal you have? 4. A special interest? 5. Who is someone you greatly admire? Why? —Hal Urban, Lessons from the Classroom A TOUCHSTONE Our “Way” THE SPARTAN WAY At Selah Junior High School: • We stand up for each other and challenge one another to be our best. • We treat each other with respect. • We work hard, develop our talents, and aim for excellence. • We do the right thing even when no one is looking. • We strive to make our school a positive place for everyone. Character-Based Discipline • • • Promotes positive behavior and good character Deters and corrects negative behavior 3 essentials: 1. High expectations 2. Clear rules 3. Clear consequences. 133 Gary Robinson, 4th, 6th, and 9thgrade teacher: • Hello-Goodbye Rule COMPACT FOR EXCELLENCE 1. Put kids in groups of 4. Give each a large sheet of paper and marker. 2. “Write down 2 rules that will help us DO OUR BEST WORK and 2 rules that will help us TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT AND CARE.” 3. Guide the group in combining the ideas into one Compact. 135 Sample Compact for Excellence To Help Everyone Feel Respected and Cared About, We Will: 1. Treat others the way we want to be treated. 2. Think before we act. 3. Apologize when we do something hurtful. To Help Everyone Do Their Best, We Will: 1. Never settle for less than our best. 2. Ask for help when we need it. 3. Have a positive attitude (bounce back). 136 To make the Compact effective: 1. Have everyone sign it. Post it. 2. Review it regularly. 3. Stop and ask, “What are we forgetting?” when necessary. 4. Assess: “How are we doing on (a particular Compact item), on a scale of 15?” (Each kid rates it.) 5. Set a goal: “What part of the Compact should we work on next week?” 137 Signs as Reminders • • • • • • • No one ever went wrong by being polite. No Put-Downs Compliments Spoken Here Positive Attitude Respect for Others Hard Work The Golden Rule rules. “If someone forgets a rule, I knock on the pertinent sign.” Ask-Don’t-Tell Use questions to get kids to think and take responsibility: • • • • • What’s the rule about _____________? What are you forgetting? What am I thinking? How does he feel when you do that? How can you solve this problem? Discipline That Builds Character Discipline should help kids: 1. Experience a logical consequence (such as time out). 2. Understand why their behavior was wrong. 3. Plan how to avoid making the same mistake in the future (and meet later to discuss how the plan is working). 4. Make restitution--repair the harm done (“What can I do to make up for it?”). TIME OUT 1. Calm down. 2. Make a plan so you don’t make the same mistake. 3. Show your plan to the “coach” (leader). 4. Get back in the game. RESTITUTION: “If a student calls someone a name, or is unkind in any other way, I ask that child to write a sincere letter of apology to the person he or she has offended.” 142 Individual Behavior Plan 1. I will sit away from Joe when we have individual work to do. 2. If we both get our assignments in on time, we can work together on the group project at the end of the week. Signed: Carlos Date: September 15, 2011 143 Behavior contracts have proved helpful with kids who bully. “I will not hit or hurt anyone. If I do, I will have to call my parents and report what I did.” 144 Why Follow Through Matters • “Most people don’t follow through. If you talk to a kid, you have to follow up, check in, hold them accountable. “Who does a young person feel most valued by? The person who follows through.” —Phil Caruso, high school counselor and college baseball coach TEACHING EMPATHY Five-year-old Brian called Jonathan, a kindergarten classmate, “Tan Man”— because his skin was light brown. Jonathan’s mother called the teacher and said that the name-calling upset Jonathan so much, he didn’t want to go back to school. “Brian, there are two kinds of hurts: outside hurts that you can see, like a cut or a bruise, and inside hurts that you can’t see—like a hurt feeling. “The inside hurts actually hurt more and last longer.” “When you call Jonathan ‘Tan Man,’ it hurts him so much he doesn’t want to come back to school. “Our class has to be a safe place for everyone. I wouldn’t let anyone make that kind of inside hurt for you. And I can’t let you make an inside hurt for Jonathan. “Now tell me what I said.” • Use children’s literature to teach empathy and caring. 149 One teacher reads the book, Teammates (the story of baseball players Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese) and asks: • Who in the story showed caring? • Who did not show caring? 150 She then challenges her class: • “Remember this story, and make it a goal to show caring toward each other during the rest of the day.” • When a child behaves in a caring way, she publicly compliments that child. • When a child behaves in an uncaring way, she privately corrects that child: – “Did that behavior show caring?” – “Remember our story, remember our discussion.” 151 On each subsequent day of the week, she reads a different book about caring and repeats this process. She says: “By the end of the week, caring has been established as an expectation in my class.” 152 Language and Character “I have high standards for language. I list ‘taboo words’: – suck – shut up – stupid – retard “I explain that these words are counterproductive to an environment of respect and kindness.” Thinking About Language High school teacher Hal Urban asked: • Would you think differently about me if I used a lot of swear words? • Are people who use swear words in public places polite or rude? • What do you reveal about yourself when you use a lot of bad language? “I challenged my kids to keep count of the number of times they use swear words in a day—even to see if they could go for a day without swearing. “Many have said to me that they’ve cut down on their use of swearing and are glad they did.” CIRCLE MEETINGS • We build character by giving kids voice— involving them in shared decision making that gives them real responsibility for making the troop, pack, or patrol the best it can be. • The chief means of fostering this shared responsibility is the circle meeting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Set the meeting rules: “What rules do we need in order to have good talking and good listening?” “What should we do if someone doesn’t follow those rules?” Set the agenda; ask kids to describe the problem: “What’s been happening when we line up?” Pose the challenge: “How can we, working together, solve this problem?” Conduct interactive discussion: “Who would like to comment on John’s idea?” Reach consensus on a plan of action. Agree on consequences for not following the plan: “What should we do if someone doesn’t follow our plan? What’s a fair consequence?” Ask all students to sign the plan. Plan a time for a follow-up meeting. “When should we meet again to evaluate how our plan is working?” Post the plan where all can see it. • Teach conflict resolution TALK IT OUT SPACE 1. Stop and cool down. 2. Take turns talking (“Make an Istatement.”) 3. Listen and find out what you both need. 4. Think of ways to solve the problem. 5. Choose the idea you both like. KEYS 2 & 3: Other-Study and Self-Study Other-Study: Learning by Example To become a person of character, observe and study persons of character. CHARACTER QUOTATIONS 1. What does it mean? (Put it in your own words.) 2. Self-assess: How well do you put this into practice? 3. Make a plan to do one thing to practice this more consistently. 4. Share your plan with a partner. Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it. —Charles Swindoll CHARACTER INTERVIEW Interview someone whose character you admire: 1.Why is it important to have a good character? 2.Who helped you develop your character? 3.How did you help yourself? 4.What tips would you give to kids today about developing character? Character Interview Post and discuss: What were 3 important things you learned from your interview? Goal-Setting Bulletin Board 1. Find a story about someone who set and achieved a goal. 2. Bring in your story to add to our Goal-Setting Bulletin Board. “Kids learn that goal-setting helps people succeed in life. The next week, I teach them how to set their own goals.” Hal Urban, a high school teacher: You create your character by the choices you make. The story of Bob Wieland • At age 19, he got a contract to play baseball with the Pittsburgh Pirates. • In Vietnam, he lost both of his legs in a mine explosion. • In the hospital, he sank into a deep depression. • “It won’t help me to focus on what I can’t do. What can I do?” • He began to lift weights, and went on to set a world record by bench-pressing 500 pounds.” • Then he learned to walk on his hands. • On September 8, 1982, he left his California home and set out to walk across America on his hands. • He got thousands of people to sponsor his walk, with the proceeds going to relieve hunger. • It took him three 3 years, 8 months, and nearly 5 million hand steps to reach his destination of Washington, D.C. “I wanted to show that through faith in God and dedication, there’s nothing a person can’t achieve.” The Story of Liz Murray • Her parents were drug addicts. • When she was 15, her mother died of AIDS. • She dropped out of school and was homeless on the streets of New York City. She asked herself: “Am I going to end up like my mother, or am I going to do something different with my life?” • She went back to school, studied hard, and got accepted into Harvard University. • Her story is told in the You-Tube video, “Homeless to Harvard.” “You make choices, then your choices make you.” THE GIRAFFE HEROES PROJECT • More than a thousand stories of everyday heroes of all ages who stuck out their necks for others. • • Project: Find and interview giraffes in your community. • Project: Become a giraffe in your community, or work with others to be giraffes together. Craig Kielburger: A Giraffe Hero 12-year-old Craig Kielburger in Toronto read about the murder of a Pakistani boy who had spoken out against child slavery in his country. Craig started “Free the Children,” a movement dedicated to ending child slavery worldwide. He raised money, spoke out, and even went on a global fact-finding trip. After the media picked up his story, several major companies pledged not to buy products made by child labor. James Ale: A Giraffe Hero 8-Year-old James and his friends used to play in the street because there were no playgrounds in their part of town in Savie, Florida. Then one of the kids got hit by a car. Upset, James spent a year and a half trying to persuade City Hall to build a park in his neighborhood. They finally did. Uncommon Champions: Fifteen Athletes Who Battled Back Marty Kaminski 50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet Dennis Denenberg & Lorraine Roscoe KEY 4: Public Performance • When we publicly share—even with just one other person—our goals and the progress we are making toward them, our motivation increases. Study Your Hero; Become Your Hero Give a group report: 1. Why did you choose this person as your hero? 2. How are you like your hero? Not like your hero? 3. What, specifically, are you doing to try to become more like your hero? 4. Report on your progress in 2 months. 186 SELF-STUDY Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development • Conducted by Richard Lerner, Tufts Univ. • Involves 7,000 youth and 3,500 parents from 41 states; in its 8th year. “The strengths of young people can be measured by: 1. Theirs selection of goals 2. Optimization (strategies for reaching goals) 3. Overcoming obstacles in the face of failure or blocked goals.” The Power of Goal-Setting • Lewis Terman study • Dad who helped kids set goals Practice Goal-Setting At the end of the day, kids take out their Character Record Book and answer 3 questions: 1. How did I show kindness* today? 2. How did I not show kindness? 3. How will I show kindness tomorrow? * The focus virtue changes weekly. GOOD DEEDS JOURNAL At the start of the day, all students take out their Good Deeds Journal and write: 1. A good deed I did yesterday . . . 2. A good deed I will do today . . . Teachers make connections to the good deeds theme through current events, literature, etc. “I like the Good Deeds Journal because it helps me be more aware of helping others. “I can also see an improvement in my friends.” Practice Altruism • 8th-graders saw clips from movies such as “The Miracle Worker” depicting altruism. They discussed: “Who showed altruism? What was the effect of their altruism on others?” • Daily homework: “Carry out an altruistic act of your own choosing and observe its effects. Record this in a journal.” Increased Altruism • On a pre-post survey, students showed a significant increase in how important they thought it was to be altruistic. • Many commented on the impact on their self-concept. One boy: “I know I’m a good person, because I do good things.” GOAL STRIPS • Fold a colored strip of paper into 3 sections. • Write I will on the first section, what you will do on the second section, and when you will do it on the third section. • “I will say only positive things about others this week.” • I will do a kind deed for someone each day this week.” • “I will report or try to stop any bullying I see this week.” 195 A Monthly Virtue Choose one virtue—such as patience, kindness, courage, self-control, perseverance, or organization—to work on for the whole month. • Set small daily goals. • At the end of the day, assess how you did. 100 Goals 1. Write 100 goals you’d like to achieve in your lifetime (consider education, career, family, adventure, travel, service, creating, spiritual growth, and major accomplishments). 2. List your 10 most important goals. 3. Write a paragraph about your #1 goal. Why is it so important to you? —Hal Urban, Lessons from the Classroom: 20 Things Good Teachers Do ( Hal Urban: I’ve had students write to me 10 or 15 years after graduation, sending me their list of 100 goals with the ones checked off that they’ve already achieved. They say: “If you didn’t have us do this assignment, I never would have even dreamed of most of these goals, let alone achieved them.” A Personal Mission Statement 1. What kind of person do I want to be? 2. What contributions do I want to make? 3. What unchanging values will guide me? 4. What would I like people to say about me at my funeral? One Boy’s Mission Statement • • • • • • • Have confidence. Be kind and respectful to everyone. Stay focused on my goals. Never take simple things for granted. Ask questions. Speak with my actions. Help the less fortunate. “During my junior year, I couldn’t concentrate on anything because I had a boyfriend. He wanted to have sex, and I didn’t. “In one of my classes, we had to write a mission statement. It gave me a focus and the courage to stick by my standards.” —17-year-old girl USING ALL 4 KEYS Ron Berger: An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship 203 Work of excellence is transformational. After students have had a taste of excellence, they’re never quite satisfied with less. —Ron Berger 204 Practices That Motivate Quality Work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Work that inspires Models of excellence A culture of critique (feedback) Multiple revisions Opportunities to present one’s work to classmates and other audiences. 205 Senior Biography Project Berger had each of his 6th-graders: 1. conduct a series of interviews with a senior citizen 2. write that person’s biography in the form of a small, bound book 3. give that as a gift to the senior citizen. 206 The Power of Work That Matters Berger comments: “Because my students’ work was going to be presented to someone else (the senior citizen), they read the drafts of their biographies to the whole class for their suggestions. They did many drafts of their cover designs. They wanted their books to be perfect.” 207 Rules for the Culture of Critique: • Be kind. • Be specific. • Be helpful. 208 Steps in the Culture of Critique 1. Presenter: “I would especially like your suggestions on . . .” 2. The class first gives positive feedback. 3. Students then offer suggestions, often in the form of questions: “Would you consider . . .?” “Have you thought of . . .?” 209 In Berger’s classroom, students are: • Developing personal responsibility by striving to do their best work • Developing social responsibility by helping each other do their best work (by giving each other feedback on projects). 210 Within the character of the citizen lies the welfare of the nation. —Cicero For free resources on fostering character development: Center for the 4th and 5th Rs BREAKOUT SESSION Raising Kids of Character: 10 Things Parents Can Do GEN 103 Period 3, Room 106