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<div id="propcont">Loading...</div>
<div id="zipquestion" title="What do you want to call your Zip File?">
<div id="zipcont">FileName: <input type="text" id="zipfilename" />.zip</div>
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<div id="googlesignin" title="Sign into Google Docs">
<div>Once you have signed into Google, HAP+ will upload the selected file to your
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<label for="googleuser">Username: </label>
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<li id="con-rename">Rename</li>
<li id="con-preview">Preview</li>
<li id="con-properties">Properties</li>
<li id="con-unzip">UnZIP</li>
<li id="con-zip">ZIP</li>
<li id="con-google">Send to Google Docs</li>
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<input type="file" multiple="multiple" id="uploadedfiles" />
<iframe style="width: 300px; height: 180px"></iframe>
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<button id="mediumicons">Medium Icons</button>
<button id="largeicons">Large Icons</button>
<button id="details">Details</button>
<div id="Tree" class="tile-border-color">
<div id="MyFilesHeaddings">
<span class="name">Name</span><span class="type">Type</span><span
class="extension">Extension</span><span class="size">Size</span></div>
<div id="MyFiles" class="tiles" data-role="content">
<div> <script type="text/javascript"> var items = new Array(); var subdrop = false; var
showView = 0; var viewMode = 0; var keys = { shift: false, ctrl: false }; var lazytimer = null; var
temp, clipboard = null; var table = null; var uploads = new Array(); var curitem = null; var curpath =
null; $(window).hashchange(function () { $("#filter").val(""); if (window.location.href.split('#')[1] !=
"" && window.location.href.split('#')[1]) { curpath = window.location.href.split("#")[1]; if (typeof
(window.FileReader) != 'undefined') $("#MyFiles").attr("dropzone", "copy f:application/x-msaccess
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stream f:application/pdf f:application/x-zip-compressed"); if (viewMode == 1) {
$("#MyFiles").addClass("details"); $("#MyFilesHeaddings").show(); } else if (viewMode == 2)
$("#MyFiles").addClass("small"); else if (viewMode == 3) $("#MyFiles").addClass("medium"); else
if (viewMode == 4) $("#MyFiles").addClass("large"); } else { curitem = curpath = null;
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f:application/msaccess f:application/ f:application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet f:application/ f:application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument.spreadsheetml.template f:text/html f:text/html f:image/jpeg f:image/gif
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rge"); $("#MyFilesHeaddings").hide(); } Load(); }); function Zip(zipfile, index) { temp = { Index:
index, File: zipfile }; var a = '"' + SelectedItems()[index].Data.Path.replace(/\.\.\/download\//gi,
"").replace(/\\/g, "/") + '"'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/Zip')
+ '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType: 'json', data: '{ "Zip": "' + zipfile + '", "Paths":
[' + a + '] }', contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { temp++;
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/zip/zipingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items")); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index /
SelectedItems().length) * 100 }); if (temp < SelectedItems().length) Zip(temp.File, temp.index);
else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } },
error: hap.common.jsonError }); } function UnZip(overwrite) { if (overwrite == null) overwrite =
false; var a = SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path.replace(/\.\.\/download\//gi, "").replace(/\//gi, "\\\\");
a = (a.match(/\.zip\\/gi) ? (a.split(/\.zip\\/gi)[0] + ".zip") : a); a = '"' + a + '"'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST',
url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/UnZip') + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json', data: '{ "ZipFile" : ' + a + ', "Overwrite": "' + overwrite + '" }', contentType:
'application/json', success: function (data) { $("#progressstatus").dialog("title",
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/unzipping") + " " + SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name);
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: 80 }); temp = null; Load();
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); }, error: function (xhr,
ajaxOptions, thrownError) { if
(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "Destination Folder
Exists") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists2") + "\n" +
Unzip(true); else {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/unzipping") + " " +
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: 50 });
temp = null;
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); }
} else if (xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "File Exits in
Destination") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists2")))
else {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/unzipping") + " " +
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: 50 });
temp = null;
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); }
} else if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/error1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name + ", " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/error2") + "\n\n" +
hap.common.getLocal("errordetails") + ":\n\n" +
xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent)) {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/unzipping") + " " +
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: 50 }); temp
= null;
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } else {
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/unzipping") + " " + SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name);
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: 50 }); temp = null;
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } }); } function
Copy(index, target, overwrite) { temp = { "index": index, "target": target }; if (overwrite == null)
overwrite = false; var a = '"' + SelectedItems()[index].Data.Path + '"'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url:
hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/Copy') + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json', data: '{ "OldPath" : "' + SelectedItems()[index].Data.Path.replace(/\\/gi, '/') + '",
"NewPath": "' + (target.replace(/\//gi, '\\') + '\\' +
/\\\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\/gi, '/') + '", "Overwrite": "' + overwrite + '" }',
contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { temp.index++;
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items")); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index /
SelectedItems().length) * 100 }); if (temp.index < SelectedItems().length) Copy(temp.index,; else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
if (xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "Destination Folder
Exists") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[temp.index].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists2") + "\n"
+ hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/merge")))
Copy(temp.index,, true); else {
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " + (temp.index + 1) + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items"));
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index / SelectedItems().length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < SelectedItems().length) Copy(temp.index,;
else { temp = null;
Load(); setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } } else if
(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "File Exits in
Destination") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[temp.index].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists2")))
Copy(temp.index,, true); else {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " +
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index
/ SelectedItems().length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < SelectedItems().length) Copy(temp.index,;
else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } } else if
(confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/error1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[temp.index].Data.Name + ", " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/error2") +
"\n\n" + hap.common.getLocal("errordetails") + ":\n\n" +
xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent)) { temp.index++;
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items")); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index
/ SelectedItems().length) * 100 }); if (temp.index < SelectedItems().length) Copy(temp.index,; else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } else {
console.log(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[2]); temp = null; Load();
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } }); } function
CopyClipboard(index, target, overwrite) { temp = { "index": index, "target": target }; if (overwrite
== null) overwrite = false; var a = '"' + clipboard.items[index].Data.Path + '"'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST',
url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/Copy') + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json', data: '{ "OldPath" : "' + clipboard.items[index].Data.Path.replace(/\\/gi, '/') + '",
"NewPath": "' + (target.replace(/\//gi, '\\') + '\\' +
/\\\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\/gi, '/') + '", "Overwrite": "' + overwrite + '" }',
contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { temp.index++;
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items")); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index /
clipboard.items.length) * 100 }); if (temp.index < clipboard.items.length)
CopyClipboard(temp.index,; else { clipboard = null; temp = null; Load();
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } }, error: function (xhr,
ajaxOptions, thrownError) { if
(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "Destination Folder
Exists") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists1") + " " +
clipboard.items[temp.index].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists2") + "\n"
+ hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/merge")))
CopyClipboard(temp.index,, true);
else {
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " + (temp.index + 1) + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items"));
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index / clipboard.items.length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < clipboard.items.length) CopyClipboard(temp.index,;
else { temp =
null; Load(); setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } } else if
(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "File Exits in
Destination") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists1") + " " +
clipboard.items[temp.index].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists2")))
CopyClipboard(temp.index,, true); else {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " +
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index
/ clipboard.items.length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < clipboard.items.length)
else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } } else if
(confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/error1") + " " + clipboard.items.Data.Name + ", " +
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/error2") + "\n\n" + hap.common.getLocal("errordetails") +
":\n\n" + xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent)) {
temp.index++; $("#progressstatus").dialog("title",
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " + (temp.index + 1) + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items"));
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index / clipboard.items.length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < clipboard.items.length) CopyClipboard(temp.index,; else { clipboard
= null; temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } }
else { console.log(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[2]); clipboard = null; temp = null;
Load(); setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } }); } function
Move(index, target, overwrite) { temp = { "index": index, "target": target }; if (overwrite == null)
overwrite = false; var a = '"' + SelectedItems()[index].Data.Path + '"'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url:
hap.common.resolveUrl('api/MyFiles/Move') + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType:
'json', data: '{ "OldPath" : "' + SelectedItems()[index].Data.Path.replace(/\\/gi, '/') + '", "NewPath":
"' + (target.replace(/\//gi, '\\') + '\\' +
/\\\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\/gi, '/') + '", "Overwrite": "' + overwrite + '" }',
contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { temp.index++;
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/movingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items")); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index /
SelectedItems().length) * 100 }); if (temp.index < SelectedItems().length) Move(temp.index,; else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
if (xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "Destination Folder
Exists") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[temp.index].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists2") + "\n"
+ hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/merge")))
Move(temp.index,, true); else {
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " + (temp.index + 1) + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items"));
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index / SelectedItems().length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < SelectedItems().length) Move(temp.index,;
else { temp = null;
Load(); setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } } else if
(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "File Exits in
Destination") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[temp.index].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists2")))
Move(temp.index,, true); else {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/copy/copyingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " +
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index
/ SelectedItems().length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < SelectedItems().length) Move(temp.index,;
else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } } else if
(confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/error1") + " " +
SelectedItems()[temp.index].Data.Name + ", " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/error2") +
"\n\n" + hap.common.getLocal("errordetails") + ":\n\n" +
xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent)) { temp.index++;
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/movingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items")); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index
/ SelectedItems().length) * 100 }); if (temp.index < SelectedItems().length) Move(temp.index,; else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } else {
console.log(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[2]); temp = null; Load();
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } }); } function
MoveClipboard(index, target, overwrite) { temp = { "index": index, "target": target }; if (overwrite
== null) overwrite = false; var a = '"' + clipboard.items[index].Data.Path + '"'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST',
url: hap.common.resolveUrl('api/MyFiles/Move') + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json', data: '{ "OldPath" : "' + clipboard.items[index].Data.Path.replace(/\\/gi, '/') + '",
"NewPath": "' + (target.replace(/\//gi, '\\') + '\\' +
/\\\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\/gi, '/') + '", "Overwrite": "' + overwrite + '" }',
contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { temp.index++;
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/movingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items")); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index /
clipboard.items.length) * 100 }); if (temp.index < clipboard.items.length) Move(temp.index,; else { clipboard = null; temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
if (xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "Destination Folder
Exists") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists1") + " " +
clipboard.items[temp.index].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists2") + "\n"
+ hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/merge")))
MoveClipboard(temp.index,, true);
else {
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/movingitem1") + " " + (temp.index + 1) + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items"));
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index / clipboard.items.length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < clipboard.items.length) MoveClipboard(temp.index,;
else { temp =
null; Load(); setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } } else if
(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent == "File Exits in
Destination") { if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists1") + " " +
clipboard.items[temp.index].Data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/fileexists2")))
MoveClipboard(temp.index,, true); else {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/movingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " +
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index
/ clipboard.items.length) * 100 });
if (temp.index < clipboard.items.length)
else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } } else if
(confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/error1") + " " +
clipboard.items[temp.index].Data.Name + ", " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/error2") +
"\n\n" + hap.common.getLocal("errordetails") + ":\n\n" +
xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[1].children[0].textContent)) { temp.index++;
$("#progressstatus").dialog("title", hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/movingitem1") + " " +
(temp.index + 1) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items")); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp.index
/ clipboard.items.length) * 100 }); if (temp.index < clipboard.items.length) Move(temp.index,; else { clipboard = null; temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } else {
console.log(xhr.responseXML.documentElement.children[2]); clipboard = null; temp = null; Load();
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } } }); } function
Delete(index) { temp = index; var a = '"' +
SelectedItems()[index].Data.Path.replace(/\.\.\/download\//gi, "").replace(/\\/g, "/") + '"'; $.ajax({
type: 'POST', url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/Delete') + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType: 'json', data: '[' + a + ']', contentType:
'application/json', success: function (data) { if (data[0].match(/i could not delete/gi))
alert(data[0]); temp++; $("#progressstatus").dialog("title",
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/delete/deletingitem1") + " " + (temp.index + 1) + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items"));
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (temp / SelectedItems().length) * 100 }); if
(temp < SelectedItems().length) Delete(temp); else { temp = null; Load(); setTimeout(function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 500); } }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } function
Upload(file, path) { this.File = file; this.Path = path; this.Start = function() { if
('.') == -1) {
uploads.pop(this); return false; } else if ("Access Database - *.mdb;*.accdb\n Excel Documents *.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlt;*.xltx\n HTML Files - *.html;*.htm\n Images - *.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.jpeg\n Word
Documents - *.doc;*.docx;*.dotx;*.dot;*.txt;*.rft;*.pdf\n ZIP Files *.zip".toLowerCase().indexOf('.')).toLowerCase()) ==
-1 && " f:application/x-msaccess f:application/msaccess f:application/
f:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet f:application/
f:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template f:text/html f:text/html
f:image/jpeg f:image/gif f:image/png f:image/bmp f:image/jpeg f:application/msword
f:application/msword f:text/plain f:application/octet-stream f:application/pdf f:application/x-zipcompressed" != "") { alert( + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/upload/filetypewarning") + "\n\n Access Database -
*.mdb;*.accdb\n Excel Documents - *.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlt;*.xltx\n HTML Files - *.html;*.htm\n Images *.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.jpeg\n Word Documents - *.doc;*.docx;*.dotx;*.dot;*.txt;*.rft;*.pdf\n ZIP
Files - *.zip"); uploads.pop(this); return false; } if(this.File.size > 2147482624) {
alert( + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/upload/filesizewarning"));
uploads.pop(this); return false; } $("#progresses").append('<div id="upload-' +[\\'\. \[\]\(\)\-]/g, "_") + '"><div class="progressbar" style="display: inlineblock; width: 100px; height: 20px; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"></div> ' +
+ '</div>'); $("#upload-" +[\\'\. \[\]\(\)\-]/g, "_") + "
.progressbar").progressbar({ value: 0 }); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url:
hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/Exists/') + this.Path.replace(/\\/gi,
"/").replace(/\.\.\/Download\//gi, "") + '/' + + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json', context: this, contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { if
(data.Name == null || confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/upload/fileexists1") + " " + + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/upload/fileexists2")))
this.ContinueUpload(; else {
$("#upload-" +[\\'\.
\[\]\(\)\-]/g, "_")).remove();
if (uploads.length == 1) $("#uploadprogress").slideUp('slow');
uploads.pop(this); } }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); return true; }; this.xhr = new
XMLHttpRequest(); this.ContinueUpload = function(a) { var id = a.replace(/[\\'\. \[\]\(\)\-]/g, "_");
this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); = id; this.xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress",
this.onProgress, false); this.xhr.addEventListener("progress", this.onProgress, false);
this.xhr.onprogress = this.onProgress;'POST', hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/myfilesupload/') + this.Path.replace(/\\/g, '/') + '/', true); this.xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if
(this.readyState == 4) { var item = null; for (var i = 0; i < uploads.length; i ++) if
(uploads[i][\\'\. \[\]\(\)\-]/g, "_") == item = uploads[i]; if (this.status !=
200) alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/upload/upload") + " " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/upload/failed") + "\n\n" +
this.responseText.substr(this.responseText.indexOf('<title>') + 7,
this.responseText.indexOf('</title>') - (7 + this.responseText.indexOf('<title>')))); $("#upload-" + + " .progressbar").progressbar("value", 100 ); $("#upload-" + id).delay(1000).slideUp('slow',
function() { $("#upload-" + id).remove(); if (uploads.length == 0)
$("#uploadprogress").slideUp('slow'); }); if (curpath.substr(0, curpath.length - 1).replace(/\//g,
"\\") == item.Path || curpath.replace(/\//g, "\\") == item.Path) Load(); uploads.pop(item); } };
this.xhr.setRequestHeader('X_FILENAME',; this.xhr.send(this.File); };
this.onProgress = function (e) { var percent = parseInt((e.loaded / * 100); for (var i = 0; i <
uploads.length; i++) if (uploads[i].File.size == uploads[i].updateProgress(percent); };
this.updateProgress = function (e) { $("#upload-" +[\\'\. \[\]\(\)\-]/g, "_") +
" .progressbar").progressbar("value", e); }; } function Drive(data) { this.Data = data; this.Id = "";
this.Render = function () { this.Id = this.Data.Path.substr(0, 1); $("#MyFiles").append('<a id="' +
this.Id + '" href="#' + this.Data.Path + '" class="Drive"><span class="icon">' + this.Data.Path.substr(0,
1) + '</span><span class="label">' + this.Data.Name + '</span>' + (this.Data.Space < 0 ? '' : '<span
class="progress"><label>' + this.Data.Space + '%</label><i style="width: ' + this.Data.Space +
'%"></i></span>') + '</a>'); }; this.Refresh = function () { $("#" + this.Id).attr("href", "#" +
this.Data.Path).html('<span class="icon">' + this.Data.Path.substr(0, 1) + '</span><span
class="label">' + this.Data.Name + '</span>' + (this.Data.Space < 0 ? '' : '<span
class="progress"><label>' + this.Data.Space + '%</label><i style="width: ' + this.Data.Space +
'%"></i></span>')); $('#nav-' + this.Id + ' > a').attr("href", '#' + this.Data.Path); $('#nav-' + this.Id +
' > a > span').html(this.Data.Name); }; } function SelectedItems() { var val = new Array(); for (var i
= 0; i < items.length; i++) if (items[i].Selected) val.push(items[i]); return val; } function
RefreshToolbar() { var cut, copy, paste, download, open, unzip, zip; zip = cut = copy = del =
SelectedItems().length > 0; paste = curitem.Actions == 0 && clipboard != null; zip = zip ?
curitem.Actions == 0 : zip; unzip = download = open = SelectedItems().length == 1; unzip = unzip ?
curitem.Actions == 0 : unzip; for (var i = 0; i < SelectedItems().length; i++) { var item =
SelectedItems()[i]; if (item.Data.Actions == 0 && cut) cut = true; else cut = false; if
(item.Data.Type == "Directory") download = false; else open = false; if
(item.Data.Path.match(/\.zip/gi)) unzip = true; else unzip = false; } if (curpath.match(/\.zip/gi)) {
cut = copy = pase = del = download = zip = unzip = false; } if (cut && $("#toolbar-cut").css("display")
== "none") { $("#toolbar-cut").css("display", "").animate({ width: 30 }); $("#toolbardelete").css("display", "").animate({ width: 51 }); } if (!cut && $("#toolbar-cut").css("display") !=
"none") { $("#toolbar-cut").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbarcut").css("display", "none") } }); $("#toolbar-delete").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete:
function() { $("#toolbar-delete").css("display", "none") } }); } if (copy && $("#toolbarcopy").css("display") == "none") $("#toolbar-copy").css("display", "").animate({ width: 43 }); if
(!copy && $("#toolbar-copy").css("display") != "none") $("#toolbar-copy").animate({ width: 0 }, {
duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-copy").css("display", "none") } }); if (paste &&
$("#toolbar-paste").css("display") == "none") { $("#toolbar-paste").css("display", "").animate({ width:
46 }); $("#toolbar-clear").css("display", "").animate({ width: 20 }); } if (!paste && $("#toolbarpaste").css("display") != "none") { $("#toolbar-paste").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration: 500,
complete: function() { $("#toolbar-paste").css("display", "none") } }); $("#toolbar-clear").animate({
width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-clear").css("display", "none") } }); } if
(download && $("#toolbar-download").css("display") == "none") $("#toolbardownload").css("display", "").animate({ width: 72 }); if (!download && $("#toolbardownload").css("display") != "none") $("#toolbar-download").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration: 500,
complete: function() { $("#toolbar-download").css("display", "none") } }); if (open && $("#toolbaropen").css("display") == "none") $("#toolbar-open").css("display", "").animate({ width: 44 }); if
(!open && $("#toolbar-open").css("display") != "none") $("#toolbar-open").animate({ width: 0 }, {
duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-open").css("display", "none") } }); if (unzip &&
$("#toolbar-unzip").css("display") == "none") $("#toolbar-unzip").css("display", "").animate({ width:
48 }); if (!unzip && $("#toolbar-unzip").css("display") != "none") $("#toolbar-unzip").animate({
width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-unzip").css("display", "none") } }); if
(zip && $("#toolbar-zip").css("display") == "none") $("#toolbar-zip").css("display", "").animate({
width: 30 }); if (!zip && $("#toolbar-zip").css("display") != "none") $("#toolbar-zip").animate({
width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-zip").css("display", "none") } }); }
function Item(data) { this.Data = data; this.Id = ""; this.Show = true; this.Clicks = 0; this.Render
= function () { this.Id = (this.Data.Name + this.Data.Extension).replace(/\s|[^a-z|^A-Z|^0-9|\-]/gi,
"_"); var label = this.Data.Name; var h = '<a id="' + this.Id + '" title="' + this.Data.Name + '" '; if
(this.Data.Type == 'Directory') h += 'class="Folder Selectable" '; else h += 'class="Selectable" '; h
+= 'href="' + (this.Data.Path.match(/\.\./i) ? this.Data.Path.replace(/\\/g, "/") : '#' + this.Data.Path) +
'"><img class="icon" src="' + this.Data.Icon + '" alt="" /><span class="label">' + label + '</span><span
class="type">'; if (this.Data.Type == 'Directory') h += hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/filefolder");
else h += this.Data.Type + '</span><span class="extension">' + this.Data.Extension + '</span><span
class="size">' + this.Data.Size; h += '</span></a>'; $("#MyFiles").append(h); if (this.Data.Actions
== 0) $("#" + this.Id).draggable({ helper: function () { return $('<div id="dragobject"><img
/><span></span></div>'); }, start: function (event, ui) { var item = null; for (var x = 0; x <
items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == $(this).attr("id")) item = items[x]; if (!item.Selected) for (var x =
0; x < items.length; x++) if (items[x].Selected) { items[x].Selected = false; items[x].Refresh(); }
item.Selected = true; item.Refresh(); $("#dragobject").show(); $("#dragobject
img").show().attr("src", item.Data.Icon); $("#dragobject span").text("").hide(); } }); if
(this.Data.Type == 'Directory' && this.Data.Actions == 0) $("#" + this.Id).droppable({ accept:
'.Selectable', activeClass: 'droppable-active', hoverClass: 'droppable-hover', drop: function (ev, ui) {
var item = null; for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == $(this).attr("id")) item =
items[x]; var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < SelectedItems().length; i++) s +=
SelectedItems()[i].Data.Name + "\n"; $("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true,
title: hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/" + ((keys.ctrl) ? "copy/copying" : "move/moving")) + " 1 " +
hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items") });
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (1 / SelectedItems().length) * 100 }); if
(keys.ctrl) Copy(0, item.Data.Path); else if
(confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/question1") + "\n\n" + s)) Move(0, item.Data.Path);
else $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); keys.ctrl = keys.shift = false; }, over: function (event, ui)
{ var item = null; for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == $(this).attr("id")) item =
items[x]; $("#dragobject span").text(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/" + ((keys.ctrl) ? "copy/copy" :
"move/move")) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("to") + " " + item.Data.Name).show(); }, out: function
(event, ui) { $("#dragobject span").text("").hide(); } }); if (typeof (window.FileReader) !=
'undefined' && this.Data.Type == 'Directory' && this.Data.Actions == 0) { $("#" +
this.Id).attr("dropzone", "copy f:application/x-msaccess f:application/msaccess f:application/vnd.msexcel f:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet f:application/vnd.msexcel f:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template f:text/html
f:text/html f:image/jpeg f:image/gif f:image/png f:image/bmp f:image/jpeg f:application/msword
f:application/msword f:text/plain f:application/octet-stream f:application/pdf f:application/x-zipcompressed").bind("dragover", function () { var item = null; for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++)
if (items[x].Id == $(this).attr("id")) item = items[x];
$("#uploadto").text(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/upload/upload") + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("to") + " " + item.Data.Name); return false; }).bind("dragleave", function
() { $("#uploadto").text(""); return false; }).bind("dragend", function () {
$("#uploadto").text(""); return false; }); $("#" + this.Id)[0].ondrop = function (event) { if
( != null || event.dataTransfer != null) {
subdrop =
var item = null;
for (var x = 0; x <
items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == $(this).attr("id")) item = items[x];
for (var i = 0; i <
( || event.dataTransfer.files).length; i++) {
var file = new
Upload(( || event.dataTransfer.files)[i], item.Data.Path);
if (uploads.length == 0) $("#uploadprogress").slideUp('slow');
return false; } }; } $("#" + this.Id).bind("click",
this.Click).bind("dblclick", this.DoubleClick).contextMenu('contextMenu', { onContextMenu:
function (e) { var element = $(; if (!"a")) element = element.parent("a");
var item = null; for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == element.attr("id")) item =
items[x]; if (!item.Selected) for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++) if (items[x].Selected) {
items[x].Selected = false; items[x].Refresh(); } item.Selected = true; item.Refresh(); return
true; }, onShowMenu: function (e, menu) {
if (curitem.Actions != 0) { $("#con-delete",
menu).remove(); $("#con-skydrive", menu).remove(); $("#con-google", menu).remove(); $("#conrename", menu).remove(); $("#con-zip", menu).remove(); $("#con-unzip", menu).remove(); } if
(curitem.Actions == 3) { $("#con-download", menu).remove(); if (SelectedItems().length != 1 ||
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Type != 'Directory') ("#con-open", menu).remove(); $("#con-properties",
menu).remove(); $("#con-zip", menu).remove(); $("#con-unzip", menu).remove(); } if
(SelectedItems().length > 1) { $("#con-unzip", menu).remove(); $("#con-download", menu).remove();
$("#con-open", menu).remove(); $("#con-rename", menu).remove(); $("#con-properties",
menu).remove(); $("#con-preview", menu).remove(); $("#con-google", menu).remove(); $("#conskydrive", menu).remove(); } else {
var remgoogle = false;
(SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".txt" && SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".xlsx" &&
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".docx" && SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".xls" &&
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".csv" && SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".png" &&
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".gif" && SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".jpg" &&
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".jpeg" && SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".bmp") {
$("#con-preview", menu).remove();
if (SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".ppt" &&
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".pptx" && SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".pps" &&
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".doc" && SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".rtf") $("#congoogle", menu).remove();
if (SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension != ".zip") $("#con-unzip",
menu).remove(); } return menu; }, bindings: { 'con-open': function (t) {
(SelectedItems().length > 1) { alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/only1")); return false; }
(SelectedItems()[0].Data.Type == 'Directory') window.location.href = "#" +
else if (SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension == ".zip")
window.location.href="#" + (curitem.Location.replace(/:/gi, "").replace(/\//gi, "/") +
"\\").replace(/\\\\/gi, "\\") + SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name + ".zip";
else window.location.href =
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path; }, 'con-download': function (t) {
if (SelectedItems().length > 1)
{ alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/only1")); return false; }
if (SelectedItems()[0].Data.Type ==
'Directory') window.location.href = "#" + SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path;
else window.location.href
= SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path; }, 'con-delete': function (t) {
autoOpen: true, modal: true, title: hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/delete/deletingitem1") + " 1 " +
hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items") });
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (1 / SelectedItems().length) * 100 });
var s =
for (var i = 0; i < SelectedItems().length; i++) s += SelectedItems()[i].Data.Name + "\n";
(confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/delete/question1") + "\n\n" + s)) Delete(0);
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); }, 'con-rename': function (t) {
if (SelectedItems().length
> 1) { alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/only1")); return false; }
var item = SelectedItems()[0];
$("#renamebox").val(item.Data.Name).css("display", "block").css("top", $("#"
+item.Id).position().top).css("left", $("#" + item.Id).position().left).focus().select(); }, 'conproperties': function (t) {
if (SelectedItems().length > 1) {
alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/only1")); return false; }
$("#properties").dialog({ autoOpen:
true, modal: true, buttons: {
"OK": function () {
type: 'GET',
hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/Properties/') + SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path.replace(/\\/gi,
"/").replace(/\.\.\/Download\//gi, "") + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data) {
var s = '<div><img src="' +
data.Icon + '" alt="" style="width: 32px; float: left; margin-right: 40px;" />' + ((data.Type == "File
Folder") ? '<a href="' + hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/myfiles-permalink/" +
data.Location.replace(/\\/g, "/") + "/" + data.Name.replace(/&/g, "^")) + '">' + data.Name + '</a>' :
data.Name) + '</div>';
s += '<hr style="height: 1px; border-width: 1px" />';
if (data.Type ==
"File Folder") {
s += '<div><label>' + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/type") + ': </label>' +
data.Type + '</div>';
s += '<div><label>' + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/location") + ':
</label><a href="' + hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/myfiles-permalink/" +
data.Location.replace(/\\/g, "/") + "/") + '">' + data.Location + '</a></div>';
s += '<div><label>' +
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/size") + ': </label>' + data.Size + '</div>';
s += '<div><label>' +
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/contains") + ': </label>' + data.Contents + '</div>';
s += '<hr
style="height: 1px; border-width: 1px" />';
s += '<div><label>' +
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/created") + ': </label>' + data.DateCreated + '</div>';
} else {
s += '<div><label>' + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/typeoffile") + ': </label>' + data.Type + ' (' +
data.Extension + ')</div>';
s += '<hr style="height: 1px; border-width: 1px" />';
s +=
'<div><label>' + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/location") + ': </label><a href="' +
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/myfiles-permalink/" + data.Location.replace(/\\/g, "/") + "/") + '">' +
data.Location + '</a></div>';
s += '<div><label>' + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/size") + ':
</label>' + data.Size + '</div>';
s += '<hr style="height: 1px; border-width: 1px" />';
s +=
'<div><label>' + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/created") + ': </label>' + data.DateCreated + '</div>';
s += '<div><label>' + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/modified") + ': </label>' + data.DateModified +
s += '<div><label>' + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/accessed") + ': </label>' +
data.DateAccessed + '</div>';
}, error: hap.common.jsonError
}); }, 'con-preview': function (t) {
if (SelectedItems().length > 1) {
alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/only1")); return false; }
$("#preview").dialog({ autoOpen:
true, height: 600, width: 900, modal: true, buttons: {
"OK": function () {
$("#previewcont").html(hap.common.getLocal("loading") + "...");
type: 'GET',
url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/Preview/') +
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path.replace(/\\/gi, "/").replace(/\.\.\/Download\//gi, "") + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data) {
}, error: hap.common.jsonError
}); }, 'con-unzip' : function (t) {
$("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true,
title: hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/unzipping") + ": " + SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name });
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: 10 });
UnZip(); }, 'con-zip' : function (t) {
$("#zipquestion").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true, buttons: {
"ZIP": function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true, title:
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/zip/zipping") + " 1 " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " +
SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items") });
.progress").progressbar({ value: 1 });
Zip(curpath + "\\" + $("#zipfilename").val() + ".zip", 0);
}, "Close": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }
$("#zipfilename").val(SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name).focus(); }, 'con-google' : function (t) {
(SelectedItems().length > 1) { alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/only1")); return false; }
$("#googlesignin").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true, buttons: {
"Signin": function() {
$("#googlesignin .progress").height(16).width(16).addClass("loading");
url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/SendTo/Google/') +
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path.replace(/\\/gi, "/").replace(/\.\.\/Download\//gi, "") + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json',
data: '{ "username" : "' +
$("#googleuser").val() + '", "password": "' + $("#googlepass").val() + '" }',
success: function (data) {
.progress").height(0).width(0).removeClass("loading");, "googledocs");
error: hap.common.jsonError
}, "Close": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } }
}); }, 'con-skydrive' : function (t) {
if (SelectedItems().length > 1) {
alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/only1")); return false; }
WL.init({ client_id: '', redirect_uri:
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/myfiles/oauth.aspx"), scope: 'wl.skydrive_update', response_type:
'token' });
WL.login({scope: 'wl.skydrive_update' }, function () { console.log("Windows Live
Logged In");
$("#loadingbox").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true });
type: 'POST',
url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/SendTo/SkyDrive/') +
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path.replace(/\\/gi, "/").replace(/\.\.\/Download\//gi, "") + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json',
data: '{ "accessToken" : "' +
WL.getSession().access_token + '" }',
contentType: 'application/json',
function (data) {
}); } } }); }; this.Refresh = function () {
$("#" + this.Id).attr("href", (this.Data.Path.match(/\.\./i) ? this.Data.Path.replace(/\\/g, "/") : '#' +
this.Data.Path)).attr("title", this.Data.Name); if (this.Selected) $("#" + this.Id).addClass("Selected");
else $("#" + this.Id).removeClass("Selected"); var label = this.Data.Name; var h = '<img
class="icon" src="' + this.Data.Icon + '" alt="" /><span class="label">' + label + '</span><span
class="type">'; if (this.Data.Type == 'Directory') h += hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/filefolder");
else h += this.Data.Type + '</span><span class="extension">' + this.Data.Extension + '</span><span
class="size">' + this.Data.Size; h += '</span>'; $("#" + this.Id).html(h); if (this.Show) $("#" +
this.Id).removeAttr("style"); else $("#" + this.Id).css("display", "none"); }; this.Selected = false;
this.ClickTimer = null; this.DoubleClick = function (e) { $('#jqContextMenu').css("display", "none");
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items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == $(this).attr("id")) item = items[x]; if (item.Data.Type !=
'Directory' && item.Data.Actions == 3) return; if (item.Data.Type != 'Directory')
alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/downloadwarning")); var item = null; for (var x = 0; x <
items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == $(this).attr("id")) { item = items[x]; break; }
window.location.href = (item.Data.Path.match(/\.\./i) ? item.Data.Path.replace(/\\/g, "/") : '#' +
item.Data.Path); }; this.Click = function (e) { e.preventDefault();
$('#jqContextMenu').css("display", "none"); $('#jqContextMenuShadow').css("display", "none");
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items[x]; clearTimeout(item.ClickTimer); item.Clicks++; item.ClickTimer = setTimeout("for (var x
= 0; x < items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == '" + item.Id + "') items[x].Clicks = 0;", 500); if (item.Clicks
== 1) { var i = -1, z = -1; for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++) { if (items[x].Id ==
$(this).attr("id")) { z = x; } else if (items[x].Selected && keys.shift) { if (i == -1) i = x; } else if
(items[x].Selected && !keys.ctrl) { items[x].Selected = false; items[x].Refresh(); } } item.Selected
= !item.Selected; item.ClickCount = 1; if (i != -1 && z != -1 && keys.shift) { if (i > z) { var ti = i; i
= z; z = ti; } for (var x = i; x < z; x++) {
items[x].Selected = true;
items[x].Refresh(); } }
item.Refresh(); RefreshToolbar(); } else { } return false; }; } function Load() { $(".contextmenu").remove(); if (typeof (window.FileReader) != 'undefined')
$("#MyFiles").unbind("dragover").unbind("dragleave").unbind("dragend").unbind("drop"); if
(curpath == null) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: hap.common.resolveUrl('~/api/MyFiles/Drives') + '?'
+ window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json;',
success: function (data) { items = new Array(); $("#MyFiles").html(""); for (var i = 0; i <
data.length; i++)
items.push(new Drive(data[i])); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
items[i].Render(); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } else { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url:
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/MyFiles/") + curpath.replace(/\\/gi, "/") + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', success:
function (data) { items = new Array(); $("#MyFiles").html(""); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
items.push(new Item(data[i])); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) items[i].Render();
$("#toolbar").slideDown(); $("#MyFilesHeaddings .name").css("width", $("#MyFiles > a
.label").width() + $("#MyFiles > a img").width() + 4); $("#MyFilesHeaddings .type").css("width",
$("#MyFiles > a .type").width() + 2); $("#MyFilesHeaddings .extension").css("width", $("#MyFiles >
a .extension").width() + 2); $("#MyFilesHeaddings .size").css("width", $("#MyFiles > a
.size").width() + 2); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url:
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/MyFiles/info/") + curpath.replace(/\\/gi, "/") + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', success:
function (data) { curitem = data; if (curitem.Actions == 0) { $("#newfolder").animate({ opacity:
1.0 }, 500, function () { $("#newfolder").show(); }); $("#newfoldertext").blur();
$("#upload").animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 500, function () { $("#upload").show(); }); } else {
$("#newfolder").animate({ opacity: 0 }, 500, function () { $("#newfolder").hide(); });
$("#newfoldertext").blur(); $("#upload").animate({ opacity: 0 }, 500, function () {
$("#upload").hide(); }); } if (typeof (window.FileReader) != 'undefined' && curitem.Actions == 0)
{ $("#MyFiles").attr("dropzone", "copy f:application/x-msaccess f:application/msaccess
f:application/ f:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
f:application/ f:application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument.spreadsheetml.template f:text/html f:text/html f:image/jpeg f:image/gif
f:image/png f:image/bmp f:image/jpeg f:application/msword f:application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument.wordprocessingml.document f:application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument.wordprocessingml.template f:application/msword f:text/plain f:application/octetstream f:application/pdf f:application/x-zip-compressed").bind("dragover", function () {
$("#uploadto").text("Upload To " + curitem.Name);
return false; }).bind("dragleave", function
() {
return false; }).bind("dragend", function () {
return false; }); $("#MyFiles")[0].ondrop = function (event) {
( != null || event.dataTransfer != null) {
if (subdrop)
{ subdrop = false; return; }
for (var i = 0; i <
( || event.dataTransfer.files).length; i++) {
var file = new
Upload(( || event.dataTransfer.files)[i], (curpath.length == 2 ?
curitem.Location.substr(0, curitem.Location.length -1 ) : curitem.Location).replace(/:/g, ""));
} }; }
setTimeout(function () { RefreshToolbar(); }, 500); }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } } function
searchres(data) { var re = new RegExp("(" + $("#filter").val().replace(/\*/g, ")(.*)(").replace(/ /g,
")(.*)(").replace(/\(\)/g, "") + ")", "i"); return data.match(re); } $(function () {
$("#properties").dialog({ autoOpen: false }); $("#loadingbox").dialog({ autoOpen: false });
$("#preview").dialog({ autoOpen: false }); $("#zipquestion").dialog({ autoOpen: false });
$("#progressstate").dialog({ autoOpen: false }); $("#uploaders").dialog({ autoOpen: false });
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$("#Tree").dynatree({ imagePath: "../images/setup/", selectMode: 1, minExpandLevel: 1, noLink:
false, children: [{ icon: "../myfiles-i.png", title: hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/mydrives"), href: "#",
isFolder: true, isLazy: true}], fx: { height: "toggle", duration: 200 }, onLazyRead: function (node) {
if ( == "#") { $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/MyFiles/Drives") + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data) {
res = [];
(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
res.push({ title: data[i].Name + " (" + data[i].Path.substr(0, 1) + ")",
actions: data[i].Actions, icon: "../drive.png", href: "#" + data[i].Path, isFolder: true, isLazy: true,
noLink: false, key: data[i].Path });
}, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } else { $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/MyFiles/") +\\/g, "/") + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data) {
res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
if (data[i].Type ==
"Directory") {
res.push({ title: data[i].Name, href: "#" + data[i].Path, actions: data[i].Actions,
isFolder: true, isLazy: true, noLink: false, key: data[i].Path });
}, error:
hap.common.jsonError }); } }, onRender: function (dtnode, nodeSpan) { if
( != "#") { $(nodeSpan).children("a").attr("href","click",
function () { window.location.href = $(this).attr("href"); }); if ( != null && == 0) {
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activeClass: 'droppable-active', hoverClass: 'droppable-hover', drop: function (ev, ui) {
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for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++) if (items[x].Id == $(this).attr("id")) item = items[x];
var s = "";
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((keys.ctrl) ? "copy/copying" : "move/moving")) + " 1 " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " +
SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items") });
.progress").progressbar({ value: (1 / SelectedItems().length) * 100 });
if (keys.ctrl) Copy(0,
else if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/question1")
+ "\n\n" + s)) Move(0, $(this).attr("href").substr(1));
else $("#progressstatus").dialog("close");
}, over: function (event, ui) {
$("#dragobject span").text(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/" +
((keys.ctrl) ? "copy/copy" : "move/move")) + " " + hap.common.getLocal("to") + " " +
temp = $(this);
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clearTimeout(lazytimer); lazytimer = null; }, 1000);
}, out: function (event, ui) {
if (lazytimer != null) {
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if (typeof (window.FileReader) != 'undefined') {
$(nodeSpan).children("a").attr("dropzone", "copy f:application/x-msaccess f:application/msaccess
f:application/ f:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
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officedocument.spreadsheetml.template f:text/html f:text/html f:image/jpeg f:image/gif
f:image/png f:image/bmp f:image/jpeg f:application/msword f:application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument.wordprocessingml.document f:application/vnd.openxmlformatsofficedocument.wordprocessingml.template f:application/msword f:text/plain f:application/octetstream f:application/pdf f:application/x-zip-compressed").bind("dragover", function () {
$("#uploadto").text(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/upload/upload") + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("to") + " " + $(this).text());
return false;
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() {
return false;
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return false;
$(nodeSpan).children("a")[0].ondrop = function
(event) {
if ( != null || event.dataTransfer != null) {
var files;
if ( != null) files =;
else if (event.dataTransfer != null && event.dataTransfer.files != null) files =
if (files == null) { $("#uploadto").text(""); return; }
for (var i = 0; i
< files.length; i++) {
var file = new Upload(files[i], $(this).attr("href").substr(1));
} } } }
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secondary: "ui-icon-carat-1-s"} }); $("#backup").click(function () { history.go(-1); return false;
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$("#newfolder").click(function () { if ($("#newfolder span").text() ==
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/newfolder")) { $("#newfolder
span").text(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/create")); $("#newfoldertext").val("").show().animate({
width: 150, opacity: 1.0 }).focus(); } else { if (temp != null) { clearTimeout(temp); temp == null; }
$("#newfoldertext").addClass("loading"); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url:
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/MyFiles/Exists/") + curpath.replace(/\\/gi, "/") +
(curpath.replace(/\\/gi, "/").match(/\\$/g) ? '' : '/') + $("#newfoldertext").val() + '/' + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType: 'json', context: this, contentType:
'application/json', success: function (data) {
if (data.Name != null) {
alert(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists1") + " " + data.Name + " " +
} else {
type: 'POST',
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/MyFiles/New/") + curpath.replace(/\\/gi, "/") +
(curpath.replace(/\\/gi, "/").match(/\\$/g) ? '' : '/') + $("#newfoldertext").val() + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data) {
$("#newfoldertext").animate({ width: 0, opacity: 0.0 }).css("margin", "0");
} }, error: hap.common.jsonError }); } });
$("#newfoldertext").focusout(function () { temp = setTimeout(function () {
$("#newfoldertext").removeClass("loading"); $("#newfoldertext").animate({ width: 0, opacity: 0.0
}, 500, function() { $("#newfoldertext").hide() }); $("#newfolder
span").text(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/newfolder")); }, 1000); }).focusin(function() { if (temp
!= null) { clearTimeout(temp); temp == null; } }).trigger("focusout").keydown(function (event) { var
keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : (event.which ? event.which : event.charCode)); if
(keycode == 9 || keycode == 59 || keycode == 188 || keycode == 190 || keycode == 192 || keycode
== 111 || keycode == 220 || keycode == 191 || keycode == 106 || (keycode == 56 && keys.shift) ||
(keycode == 50 && keys.shift)) { event.preventDefault(); return; } else if (keycode == 27) {
$("#newfoldertext").blur(); event.preventDefault(); } else if (keycode == 13) {
$("#newfolder").trigger("click"); return false; } }); $("#toolbar-cut").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration:
500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-cut").css("display", "none") } }).click(function () { var its = [];
for (var i = 0; i < SelectedItems().length; i++) its.push(SelectedItems()[i]); clipboard = { mode:
"cut", items: its }; RefreshToolbar(); return false; }); $("#toolbar-copy").animate({ width: 0 }, {
duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-copy").css("display", "none") } }).click(function() {
var its = []; for (var i = 0; i < SelectedItems().length; i++) its.push(SelectedItems()[i]); clipboard =
{ mode: "copy", items: its }; RefreshToolbar(); return false; }); $("#toolbar-paste").animate({
width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-paste").css("display", "none") }
}).click(function () { var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < clipboard.items.length; i++) s +=
clipboard.items[i].Data.Name + "\n"; $("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true,
title: hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/" + ((clipboard.mode == 'copy') ? "copy/copying" :
"move/moving")) + " 1 " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " + clipboard.items.length + " " +
hap.common.getLocal("items") }); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: (1 /
clipboard.items.length) * 100 }); if (clipboard.mode == 'copy') CopyClipboard(0, (curpath.length ==
2 ? curitem.Location.substr(0, curitem.Location.length -1 ) : curitem.Location).replace(/:/g, ""));
else if (confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/move/question1") + "\n\n" + s)) MoveClipboard(0,
(curpath.length == 2 ? curitem.Location.substr(0, curitem.Location.length -1 ) :
curitem.Location).replace(/:/g, "")); else $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); return false; });
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modal: true, title: hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/unzip/unzipping") + ": " +
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name }); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({ value: 10 });
UnZip(); return false; }); $("#toolbar-zip").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete:
function() { $("#toolbar-zip").css("display", "none") } }).click(function () { $("#zipquestion").dialog({
autoOpen: true, modal: true, buttons: { "ZIP": function() {
$("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true, title:
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/zip/zipping") + " 1 " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " +
SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items") }); $("#progressstatus
.progress").progressbar({ value: 1 }); Zip(curpath + "\\" + $("#zipfilename").val() + ".zip", 0); },
"Close": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } });
$("#zipfilename").val(SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name).focus(); return false; }); $("#toolbarclear").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-clear").css("display",
"none") } }).click(function () { clipboard = null; RefreshToolbar(); return false; }); $("#toolbaropen").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-open").css("display",
"none") } }).click(function () { window.location.href = "#" + SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path; return
false; }); $("#toolbar-download").animate({ width: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function() {
$("#toolbar-download").css("display", "none") } }).click(function () { if
(SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path.match(/\.zip\//gi)) window.location.href =
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path.split(/\.zip\//gi)[0] + ".zip"; else window.location.href =
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path; return false; }); $("#toolbar-delete").animate({ width: 0 }, {
duration: 500, complete: function() { $("#toolbar-delete").css("display", "none") } }).click(function () {
$("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: true, title:
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/delete/deletingitem1") + " 1 " + hap.common.getLocal("of") + " " +
SelectedItems().length + " " + hap.common.getLocal("items") }); $("#progressstatus
.progress").progressbar({ value: (1 / SelectedItems().length) * 100 }); var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i <
SelectedItems().length; i++) s += SelectedItems()[i].Data.Name + "\n"; if
(confirm(hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/delete/question1") + "\n\n" + s)) Delete(0); else
$("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); return false; }); $("#renamebox").focusout(function() { if
(temp == "esc") { temp = null; return; } else {
temp = "esc"; if (SelectedItems()[0].Data.Name
== $(this).val()) { $("#renamebox").css("display", "none"); return; } $("#renamebox").css("display",
"none"); $("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: false, title:
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/checking") + "..." }); $("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({
value: 0 }); var p = SelectedItems()[0].Data.Path; if (p.match(/^..\/download\//gi)) p =
p.split(/^..\/download\//gi)[1].replace(/\//g, '\\'); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url:
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/MyFiles/Exists/") + (p.substr(0, p.lastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\" +
$("#renamebox").val() + (SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension == null ? '\\' :
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension)).replace(/\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\/gi, "/") + '?' +
window.JSON.stringify(new Date()), dataType: 'json', context: this, contentType:
'application/json', success: function (data) {
if (data.Name != null) {
$("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: false, title:
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/waiting") + "..." });
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({
value: 10 });
confirm(data.Name + " " + hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/folderexists2"));
} else {
$("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true,
modal: false, title: hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/renaming") + "..." });
.progress").progressbar({ value: 50 });
type: 'POST',
hap.common.resolveUrl("~/api/MyFiles/Move") + '?' + window.JSON.stringify(new Date()),
'{ "OldPath": "' + p.replace(/\\/gi, "/") + '", "NewPath": "' + (p.substr(0, p.lastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\" +
$("#renamebox").val() + (SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension == null ? '\\' :
SelectedItems()[0].Data.Extension)).replace(/\\\\/gi, "\\").replace(/\\/gi, "/") + '" }',
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function (data) {
$("#progressstatus").dialog({ autoOpen: true, modal: false, title:
hap.common.getLocal("myfiles/waiting") + "..." });
$("#progressstatus .progress").progressbar({
value: 100 });
temp = null;
setTimeout(function() { $("#progressstatus").dialog("close"); },
error: hap.common.jsonError
} }, error:
hap.common.jsonError }); } }).keyup(function(event) { var keycode = (event.keyCode ?
event.keyCode : (event.which ? event.which : event.charCode)); if (keycode == 27) { temp = "esc";
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event.which : event.charCode)); if (keycode == 9 || keycode == 59 || keycode == 188 || keycode
== 190 || keycode == 192 || keycode == 111 || keycode == 220 || keycode == 191 || keycode ==
106 || (keycode == 56 && keys.shift) || (keycode == 50 && keys.shift)) { event.preventDefault();
return; } else if (keycode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); $("#renamebox").blur(); } });
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items[x].Show = true; items[x].Refresh(); } else { for (var x = 0; x < items.length; x++) { if
(searchres(items[x].Data.Name + items[x].Data.Extension)) items[x].Show = true; else items[x].Show
= false; items[x].Refresh(); } }
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img").width() + 4); $("#MyFilesHeaddings .type").css("width", $("#MyFiles > a .type").width() + 2);
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ails"); } else if ($(this).attr("id") == "smallicons") { viewMode = 2;
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mall"); } else if ($(this).attr("id") == "mediumicons") { viewMode = 3;
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