Client-Side Scripting

Client-Side Scripting
CSE 591 – Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Spring 2015
Adam Doupé
Arizona State University
Content of some slides provided by Giovanni Vigna of UCSB, with approval
• So far, we've looked at the technologies of
the web
– URIs
• Then, we looked at how to dynamically
generate HTML pages
– Server-side code languages
– SQL databases
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
• Original HTML had
– images
– tables
– font sizes
• Content was static
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
HTML Design
• HTML designed to describe a text
document with hyperlinks to other
• How to do fancy animations or pretty web
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Java Applets
• A way of including a Java application as part of a web
• Included by Sun in the first version of Java
– May 23rd 1995, the same day that MySQL was released
• Applet is Java bytecode that is downloaded and run on
the client's machine
• Because Java is cross-platform, you can now
distribute a Java program over the Internet using a
web page
• The applet runs in a sandbox
– Because running arbitrary code from the Internet is a bad
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Java Applets – Java Code
• Subclass java.applet.Applet
• Applet is a subclass of java.awt.Panel
– This means that you can use AWT to draw to the
• Unlike a Java application, a Java applet has
no main method
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Java Applets – HTML
• applet element was historically used to include an applet
<applet code='Example' archive='Example.jar' width=300
height=300>Shows in case applet not loaded.</applet>
– applet is deprecated (too specific)
• object element allows to include any type of third-party
<object type="application/x-java-applet">
<param name="code" value="Example">
<param name="archive" value="Example.jar">
<param name="width" value=300>
<param name="height" value=300>
Shows in case applet not loaded.
• Browser can instantiate JVM and pass parameters
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
public class HelloWorld extends Applet {
// Print a message on the screen (x=20, y=10).
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString("Hello CSE 591!", 20, 10);
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Java Applet Example</title>
<object type="application/x-java-applet">
<param name="code" value="HelloWorld.class">
<param name="width" value=300>
<param name="height" value=300>
Shows in case applet not loaded.
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Java Applets – Example
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Java Applets – Example
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Java Applets – Example
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Java Applets
• First approach at adding client-side
processing to web pages
• Applets are typically ugly
– AWT means that applets do not use native lookand-feel
• Applets are a security nightmare
– Flaw in the sandbox or JVM means attacker can
execute arbitrary code on your machine
• Severe restrictions in place now
– Applet must be signed and the user must trust
the applet
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
ActiveX Controls
• Binary, OS-specific, programs that are
downloaded and executed in the context
of a web page
• First proposed by Microsoft in 1996
(possibly as a challenge to Java Applets)
• Supported by Windows-based browsers
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
ActiveX Controls
• ActiveX evolved out of COM (Component
Object Model) and OLE (Object Linking and
– Allows ActiveX controls to be implemented in any
• Included in HTML using the object tag
<object classid="clsid:7A080CC5-26E2-101B-AEBD04021C009402" id="Testing" height=100 width=100>
– classid ID references the GUID of the ActiveX control
– id gives it a name to be referenced in JavaScript
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
ActiveX Controls
• Originally, the browser would download and
run the code automatically
• Once executed, ActiveX controls have
complete access to the client's environment
• Eventually, the security problems with
automatically downloading and running
binary code were realized
• Code is signed using the Authenticode
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
ActiveX Controls
• ActiveX is used to implement many
browser plug-ins on Windows
– Adobe PDF
– Adobe Flash
– Silverlight
– Quicktime
– Java applets
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adobe Flash
• Fundamentally a vector graphics and animation
• Originally created "SmartSketch" as a way to
create animations for pen computing in 1993
• Pen computing and SmartSketch failed
• Rewrote and rebranded as "FutureSplash" to work
as a Netscape plugin May 1996
• December 1996 sold FutureSplash to
Macromedia, and became Macromedia Flash 1.0
• Adobe acquired Macromedia for $3.4 billion,
December 2005
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adobe Flash
• Used to create animations, videos, or games
• Combines vector graphics, animation, video,
and scripting language
• Scripting language is ActionScript, which is
related to JavaScript
• Used in the early web to completely write a
web page or web site, rather than use HTML
• Adobe claims "1 billion connected desktops
across browsers and operating systems"
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
• Microsoft Flash competitor and
replacement/upgrade to ActiveX
• First released in 2007
• Idea was to write application in .NET
language and the application would run in
your browser on the Silverlight run time
• Currently deprecated (and basically dead)
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Client-Side scripting language for interacting and manipulating HTML
Created by Brendan Eich at Netscape Navigator 2.0 in September 1995 as
Renamed to "JavaScript" in December 1995 and is (from the Netscape
Press Release)
– "announced JavaScript, an open, cross-platform object scripting language for the
creation and customization of applications on enterprise networks and the Internet"
JavaScript is a (from wikipedia) "prototype-based scripting language with
dynamic typing and first-class functions"
– Does this sound like Java?
Questions over why the name change
– Marketing ploy to capitalize on the "hot" Java language?
– Collaboration between Sun and Netscape?
By August 1996, Microsoft added support for JavaScript to Internet Explorer
– Microsoft later changed the name to JScript to avoid Sun's Java trademark
Submitted to Ecma International for standardization on November 1996
ECMA-262, on June 1997, standardized first version of ECMAScript
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
• Lingua fraca of the web
• Eventually supported by all browsers
• Language organically evolved along the
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Code can be embedded into HTML pages using the script element and
(optionally storing the code in HTML comments)
<!-var name = prompt('Please enter your name below.', '');
if (name == null) {
document.write('Welcome to my site!');
else {
document.write('Welcome to my site ' + name + '!');
<script type="text/javascript">
<script language="javascript">
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
• You can also include external JavaScript files in
your HTML
– As opposed to the inline JavaScript that we saw in the
previous example
• <script src="<absolute or relative
• When the browser parses this HTML element, it
automatically fetches and executes the JavaScript
before continuing to parse the rest of the HTML
– Semantically equivalent as if the JavaScript was
directly in the page
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Document Object Model (DOM)
• The Document Object Model is a programmatic interface in
JavaScript to the manipulation of client-side content
• Created a globally accessible in JavaScript document object
– The document object is used to traverse, query, and manipulate the
browser's representation of the HTML page as well as handle events
• DOM 0, released in 1995 with original JavaScript
– Very basic
• Intermediate DOM began in 1997 with Microsoft and Netscape
releasing incompatible improvements to DOM
• W3C stepped in and started to define standards
DOM 1, October 1998
DOM 2, November 2000
DOM 3, April 2004
DOM is now a W3C Living Standard, and various snapshots of the
standard will turn into DOM 4
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
DOM Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>DOM Example</title>
<h1>DOM Example</h1>
<div id='insert_here'>
var hr = document.createElement('HR');
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Using the DOM
• Coding proper DOM access in a cross-browser
approach is a nightmare
– Some highlights from
• "Internet Explorer does not replace   or HTML char code
160, you need to replace its Unicode equivalent \u00a0"
• "In Firefox a dynamically created input field inside a form
(created using document.createElement) does not pass its value
on form submit."
• "document.getElementById in Internet Explorer will return an
element even if the element name matches. Mozilla only returns
element if id matches."
• jQuery is an amazing library that provides a uniform
interface and handles all the DOM cross-browser
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Browser Object Model (BOM)
• Programmatic interface to everything
outside the document (aka the browser)
• No complete standard (the term BOM is
• Examples
– = "New name"
– window.close()
– window.location = ""
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
JavaScript vs. DOM and BOM
• JavaScript the language is defined separate from the DOM
and BOM
– DOM has its own specification, and much of the BOM is
specified in HTML5 spec
• In the web context, these are often confused, because they
are used together so often
• However, now with JavaScript popping up all over the place,
it's an important distinction
Server-side code using Node.js
Database queries (MongoDB)
Flash (ActionScript, which has its own DOM-like capabilities)
Java applications (javax.script)
Windows applications (WinRT)
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
JavaScript – Object-based
• Almost everything in JavaScript is an object
– Objects are associative arrays (hash tables), and
the properties and values can be added and
deleted at run-time
var object = {test: "foo", num: 50};
object['foo'] = object;
object.num = 1000;
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Live Demo
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
JavaScript – Recursion
function factorial(n) {
if (n === 0) {
return 1;
return n * factorial(n - 1);
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
JavaScript – Anonymous Functions
and Closures
var createFunction = function() {
var count = 0;
return function () {
return ++count;
var inc = createFunction();
var inc2 = createFunction();
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
JavaScript – Run-Time Evaluation
• JavaScript contains features to interpret a string as code and
execute it
var foo = "bar";
eval("foo = 'adam';");
var x = "console.log('hello');";
var test = new Function(x);
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
JavaScript Uses – Form Validation
• How to validate user input on HTML
• Traditionally requires a round-trip to the
server, where the server can check the
input to make sure that it is valid
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
JavaScript Uses – Form Validation
if ($_GET['submit']) {
$student = $_GET['student'];
$class = $_GET['class'];
$grade = $_GET['grade'];
if (empty($student) || empty($class) || empty($grade)) {
echo "<b>Error, did not fill out all the forms</b>";
else if (!($grade == 'A' || $grade == 'B' || $grade == 'C' ||
$grade == 'D' || $grade == 'F')) {
echo "<b>Error, grade must be one of A, B, C, D, or F</b>";
else {
echo "<b>Grade successfully submitted!</b>";
} ?>
Student: <input type="text" name="student"><br>
Class: <input type="text" name="class"><br>
Grade: <input type="text" name="grade"><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit">
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
empty class field
wrong grade format
correct submission
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
JavaScript Uses – Form Validation
function check_form() {
var form = document.getElementById("the_form");
if (form.student.value == "" || form.class.value == "" || form["grade"].value == ""){
alert("Error, must fill out all the form");
return false;
var grade = form["grade"].value;
if (!(grade == 'A' || grade == 'B' || grade == 'C' ||
grade == 'D' || grade == 'F')) {
alert("Error, grade must be one of A, B, C, D, or F");
return false;
return true;
<form id="the_form" onsubmit="return check_form()">
Student: <input type="text" name="student"><br>
Class: <input type="text" name="class"><br>
Grade: <input type="text" name="grade"><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit">
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
correct submission
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Client-Side Validation
• Now that we're doing validation on the client, can we get rid of
all those PHP checks in our server-side code?
– No!
– No guarantee that client-side validation is performed
• User disables JavaScript
• Command-line clients (Assignment 1 Part 2, curl)
• Otherwise, users could enter arbitrary data that does not
conform to your validation
– Could lead to a security compromise or not
• So the validation must remain on the server-side and the
– Brings up another problem, how to perform consist validation
when server-side and client-side written in different languages
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
• Using JavaScript with HTML was called
Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
– Change images
– Validate forms
– Hide or add content based on user input
• However, all the HTML data was sent to the
user in one HTTP request
• Had to make additional HTTP requests to
load additional data, which would also have
to send an entire page
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
The XMLHttpRequest Object
• Microsoft developers working on Outlook Web Access for Exchange
– An example is
• Scalability problems with traditional web application
• They created a DHTML version (circa) 1998 using an ActiveX
control to fetch bits of data from the server using JavaScript
• OWA team got the MSXML team (MSXML is Microsoft's XML library,
and it shipped with IE) to include their ActiveX control (hence the
XML in the name)
– Shipped in IE 5, March 1999
• Exchange 2000 finally released in November 2000, and OWA used
the ActiveX Object
• Added by Netscape in December 2000 as XMLHttpRequest
• Find the full story here:
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
The XMLHttpRequest Object
• Allows JavaScript code to (asynchronously) retrieve data
from the server, then process the data and update the
• Because of the origin (ActiveX control on windows and
included in Netscape's DOM), used to need two different
ways to instantiate the control
– Most browsers:
• http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
– Internet Explorer
• http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Creating an XMLHttpRequest
• Using the onreadystatechange property of an
XMLHttpRequest object one can set the action to be
performed when the result of a query is received
– http_request.onreadystatechange = function(){
<code here
• Then, one can execute the request
'', true);
• http_request.send();
• Note that the third parameter indicates that the request is
asynchronous, that is, the execution of JavaScript will
proceed while the requested document is being downloaded
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
XMLHttpRequest Lifecycle
• The function specified using the "onreadystatechange"
property will be called at any change in the request
0 (uninitialized: Object is not initialized with data)
1 (loading: Object is loading its data)
2 (loaded: Object has finished loading its data)
3 (interactive: User can interact with the object even
though it is not fully loaded)
– 4 (complete: Object is completely initialized)
• Usually wait until the status is “complete”
– if (http_request.readyState == 4) {
operates on data} else {
not ready, return}
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
XMLHttpRequest Success
• After having received the document (and
having checked for a successful return
code – 200) the content of the request can
be accessed:
– As a string by calling:
– As an XMLDocument object:
• In this case the object can be modified using the
JavaScript DOM interface
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
XMLHttpRequest Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>AJAX Example</title>
<h1>AJAX Example</h1>
<div id='insert_here'>
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
XMLHttpRequest Example
if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined") {
var http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
var http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (typeof console == "undefined") {
console = { "log" : function (text) { alert(text); } };
http_request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (http_request.readyState === 4) {
var text = http_request.responseText;
var new_node = document.createTextNode(text);
console.log("Before Request");'GET', 'ajax_test.txt', true);
console.log("After Request");
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
XMLHttpRequest with jQuery
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>AJAX jQuery Example</title>
<h1>AJAX jQuery Example</h1>
<div id='insert_here'>
<script src="">
$.get( "ajax_test.txt", function( data ) {
$( "#insert_here" ).html( data );
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
• Can now make web applications that
asynchronously fetch only the required
data from the server
– Can also respond to user input (clicks, form),
and potentially load data
• First reference to the term AJAX
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Client Side Scripting Technologies
Java Applets
ActiveX Controls
Adobe Flash
JavaScript – DOM
JavaScript – XMLHttpRequest
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis
Percent Encoding
HTTP Request
HTTP Response
HTTP Authentication
HTML Character References
Form Urlencoding
Java Applets
ActiveX Controls
Adobe Flash
JavaScript – DOM
JavaScript – XMLHttpRequest
Adam Doupé, Security and Vulnerability Analysis