Services in a Converged
Accessing the WAN – Chapter 1
ITE I Chapter 6
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 Describe how the Cisco Enterprise Composite
Model (ECNM) provides integrated services
over an Enterprise network.
 Describe the key WAN technology concepts.
 Identify the appropriate WAN technologies to
use when matching ECNM best practices with
typical enterprise requirements for WAN
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe How ECNM Provides Integrated
Services over an Enterprise Network
 Explain the purpose and function of WANs
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe How ECNM Provides Integrated
Services over an Enterprise Network
 Business growth
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe How ECNM Provides Integrated
Services over an Enterprise Network
 Cisco Enterprise Network Architecture Modules
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe How ECNM Provides Integrated
Services over an Enterprise Network
 Explain the purpose of Cisco Enterprise Architectures
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe the Key WAN Technology
 Describe WAN functions in terms of the OSI Reference
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe the Key WAN Technology
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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WAN Data-Link-Layer protocols
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe the Key WAN Technology
 Describe the switching technologies used for WANs in
an Enterprise setting
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Connecting subscribers to WAN link
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Select the Appropriate WAN Technology to meet
ECNM Requirements
 Describe how Enterprises use leased line services to
provide a WAN connection
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Circuit Switching options
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Packet switching options
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Factors to consider in WAN
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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 A WAN is defined as
A data communications network that operates beyond the
geographic scope of a LAN
 WAN primarily operate on layer 1 & 2 of the OSI model
 WAN technologies include
–Leased line
–Frame relay
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 Cisco Enterprise Architecture
–This is an expansion of the hierarchical model that further
divides the enterprise network into
•Physical areas
•Logical areas
•Functional areas
 Selecting the appropriate WAN technology requires
considering some of the following:
–WAN’s purpose
–Geographic scope of WAN
–Traffic requirements
–If WAN uses a public or private infrastructure
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Point-to-Point Protocol
Accessing the WAN – Chapter 2
ITE I Chapter 6
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Describe the fundamental concepts of point-to-point serial
communication including TDM, demarcation point, DTE-DCE
functions, HDLC encapsulation, and serial interface
Describe PPP concepts including PPP layered architecture, PPP
frame structure, PPP session establishment, multiprotocol
encapsulation support, link control protocol (LCP), network
control protocol (NCP), and Internet Protocol Control Protocol
Configure PPP on a serial interface including enabling PPP
encapsulation, verifying the PPP connection and troubleshooting
encapsulation problems.
Configure PPP authentication including explaining PAP and
CHAP authentication protocols, configuring PPP authentication
using PAP and CHAP, and troubleshooting PPP authentication
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe the Fundamental Concepts of
Point-to-Point Serial Communication
 Describe the concept of serial communication as the
basis of WAN technologies
ITE 1 Chapter 6
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Describe the Fundamental Concepts of
Point-to-Point Serial Communication
 Explain how two or more data streams are transported
across a single physical connection using TDM
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe the Fundamental Concepts of
Point-to-Point Serial Communication
 Define the location of the demarcation point relative to
customer and service provider networks
ITE 1 Chapter 6
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Describe the Fundamental Concepts of
Point-to-Point Serial Communication
 Explain the terms DTE and DCE with relative to the
location of devices in a network
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe the Fundamental Concepts of
Point-to-Point Serial Communication
 Describe how high-level data link control (HDLC) uses
one of three frame types to encapsulate data
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe the Fundamental Concepts of
Point-to-Point Serial Communication
 Explain when and how to configure HDLC
encapsulation on a router
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe Point-to-Point Concepts
 Describe PPP in terms of its use in WAN links
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe Point-to-Point Concepts
 Describe the general function of each layer of PPP
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe Point-to-Point Concepts
 Define the three phases of PPP session establishment
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Describe Point-to-Point Concepts
 Explain the role of the LCP in PPP
ITE 1 Chapter 6
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Describe Point-to-Point Concepts
ITE 1 Chapter 6
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Configuring PPP with Authentication
 Differentiate between PAP and CHAP
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configuring PPP with Authentication
 Describe how to use PAP to authenticate a PPP
ITE 1 Chapter 6
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Configuring PPP with Authentication
 Describe how to use CHAP to authenticate a PPP
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configuring PPP with Authentication
 Outline the PPP encapsulation and authentication
process on a flow chart
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configuring PPP
ITE 1 Chapter 6
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Configuring PPP with Authentication
 Explain how to configure a PPP connection with
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configuring PPP with PAP Authentication
Left(config)# interface Serial 0/0
Left(config-if)# ip address
Left(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Left(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
Right(config)# interface Serial 0/0
Right(config-if)# ip address
Right(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Right(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
Configuration of Serial interface, addressing scheme
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configuring PPP with PAP Authentication
Left(config)# interface Serial 0/0
Left(config-if)# ip address
Left(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Left(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
Right(config)# interface Serial 0/0
Right(config-if)# ip address
Right(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Right(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
Activation of PPP encapsulation, specify authentication type
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configuring PPP with PAP Authentication
Left(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Left(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
Left(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username Left password LE
Right(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Right(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
Right(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username Right password RI
Set credentials that are sent during authentication
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configuring PPP with PAP Authentication
Left(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Left(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
Left(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username Left password LE
Left(config)# username Right password RI
Right(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Right(config-if)# ppp authentication pap
Right(config-if)# ppp pap sent-username Right password RI
Right(config)# username Left password LE
Set credentials, that are verified during authentication
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configuring PPP with CHAP Authentication
Left(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Left(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
Left(config-if)# ppp chap hostname Left
Left(config-if)# ppp chap password LE
Left(config)# username Right password RI
What is the difference when
Configuring the same witch CHAP?
Right(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Right(config-if)# ppp authentication chap
Right(config-if)# ppp chap hostname Right
Right(config-if)# ppp chap password RI
Right(config)# username Left password LE
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Configure PPP on a Serial Interface
 Explain the output of the show interfaces serial
ITE 1 Chapter 6
© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Configure PPP on a Serial Interface
 Explain the output of the debug ppp command
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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Debugging PPP
 Explain the output of the debug ppp authentication
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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 PPP is a widely used WAN protocol
 PPP provides multi-protocol LAN to WAN connections
 PPP session establishment – 4 phases
Link establishment
Link quality determination
Network layer protocol configuration negotiation
Link termination
 WAN Encapsulation
–HDLC default encapsulation
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 PPP authentication
•2 way handshake
•3 way handshake
–Use debug ppp authentication to confirm authentication
 PPP configuration
–Done on a serial interface
 After PPP configuration, use show interfaces command
to display:
–LCP state
–NCP state
ITE 1 Chapter 6
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ITE 1 Chapter 6
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