Politics and Economics 1971

Politics and Economics
1971 - 1980
Chapter 27
Learning Targets
• Students will be able to explain the policies and achievements of the
Nixon administration and the Watergate scandal that resulted in
Nixon’s resignation
• Students will be able to explain the administrations of Presidents Ford
and Carter
• Students will be able to explain the economic and social problems
impacting the US during the 1970’s
The Nixon Administration
• The Election of 1968
 Democratic nominee: Hubert
 Republican nominee: Richard
 Third-Party nominee: George
 Nixon’s Southern Strategy captured several Southern states
by promising to slow
desegregation and overturn some
Civil Rights policies
The Nixon Administration
• Nixon Policies
 Law & order – against expanding the
rights of accused criminals
 New Federalism – dismantled federal
programs giving more control to state
and local governments
 Revenue Sharing – federal funds
given to states (allowing the
imposition of conditions)
 Impounded funds – Nixon refused to
release money appropriated by
Congress for programs if he opposed
those programs
The Nixon Administration
• Nixon’s Foreign Policy
 Chose Henry Kissinger as his
National Security Advisor
 Détente – relaxation of tensions
 Nixon sought better relations with
the USSR and Communist China
 Nixon visited China in 1972 and
opened up trade/travel
 Summit – high-level meeting
 Nixon traveled to USSR and met
with Russian leaders and signed a
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
The Watergate Scandal
• Nixon secretive and suspicious of
• Had “Enemies List”
• Election of 1972 loomed – Nixon
wanted to ensure victory
• Five Nixon supporters broke into
Democratic Party offices at
Watergate Hotel – arrested by
• Authorities found that some of the
“burglars” were ex-CIA and worked
for the Committee to Re-elect the
President (CRP)
The Watergate Scandal
• President initiated a cover-up of
the incident
• Nixon denied involvement and won
election of 1972
• 1973 Trial of burglars – John Dean
ratted out Nixon
• Testimony revealed tape recordings
made in Oval Office
• Investigators sought tapes but
Nixon refused – cited Executive
Privilege – policy where
conversations should remain
confidential for national security
The Watergate Scandal
• Special Prosecutor appointed by
the court – Archibald Cox
• Cox demanded the recordings
• Nixon ordered his Attorney
General to fire Cox – he and his
assistant refused
• Cox fired by his Solicitor General
• This was called “Saturday Night
Massacre” by the press
The Watergate Scandal
• Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned
due to conviction for bribes
• Gerald Ford appointed VP
• New Special Prosecutor named –
Leon Jaworski
• Jaworski also demanded recordings
• Nixon forced by court to turn over
all tapes
• House Judiciary Committee voted to
impeach Nixon
• Nixon resigned - Ford now
Ford & Carter
• Economic Crisis of the 1970s
 Johnson’s high spending on Vietnam
War and the Great Society caused
inflation – rise in the cost of goods
 US support for Israel in 1973 Yom
Kippur War caused OPEC to embargo
(stop shipment) oil to US – caused gas
 Odd/Even days, national speed limit
of 55 mph
 Decline of manufacturing jobs in US
 “Stagflation” – combination of rising
prices and economic stagnation
Ford & Carter
• Ford Takes Over
 Pardoned Nixon – aroused
immense criticism
 Worst recession since Great
 Ford advocated using less oil/gas
and higher interest rates as part of
WIN policy (Whip Inflation Now)
 Made Kissinger Secretary of State
 Recognized borders of Eastern
Europe under Helsinki Accords
 Sent US Marines to rescue cargo
ship Mayaguez from Cambodia
Ford & Carter
• Election of 1976 – Governor of
Georgia, Jimmy Carter, won
• Created Department of Energy –
asked Americans to cut
consumption of oil
• Carter proved to be poor leader
• Signed treaty giving the Panama
Canal back to Panama (1999)
• Boycotted 1980 Moscow Olympics
Ford & Carter
• Carter brokered peace treaty
between Egypt and Israel in
Camp David Accords 1978
• Backed Shah of Iran
• Iran revolted against the Shah –
US embassy in Tehran stormed
and 52 Americans held hostage
• Authorized rescue attempt
(Desert One) that ended in
accident killing 8 US servicemen
• Iran kept hostages until Reagan
elected in 1980
Life in the 1970s – The “Me” Decade
• Americans becoming more
• New Age Movement – the
seeking of fulfillment
• Transcendental Meditation –
daily meditation and
repetition of mantras helped
achieve harmony and good
• Guru – mystical leader
• More women worked outside
the home, had fewer children,
and divorce rates doubled
Life in the 1970s – The “Me” Decade
• Cultural Trends
 Television – new perspectives on
blacks and women (The Jeffersons,
Good Times, Maude, Mary Tyler
 Music – less “message” music, rise
of Disco
 Fads – skateboards, mood rings,
CB radios, aerobics, running
• Presidential Assessment
 Students will research the following presidents: Nixon, Ford, and Carter
 Students will create a PowerPoint that meets the following criteria
o Name of president and picture with beginning and end dates of administration
o Short biography (not longer than one slide)
o A minimum of five positive actions/events (explain them – why are they important?)
o A minimum of five negative actions/events (explain them – why are they important?)
o Use appropriate pictures/charts/graphs/etc. in explanation
o Overall conclusion – your opinion of his presidency supported by facts
 Students may work individually or in pairs
 Students will turn in the work by the end of the period Friday, 27 March