Who can find a virtuous woman?

A Virtuous Woman
Proverbs 31:10-31
In this manual we will be discussing biblical points, concerning a virtuous woman.
The question is “Who can find a virtuous woman?”
After this manual is complete a true woman of God will be recognized easily.
Many men seek a woman who can not only fulfill their earthly desires but also
their spiritual desires that God has given them.
Let’s looking in the book of Genesis
Genesis 2: 21-24
And the Lord God cased a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took
one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof, And the rib, which the
Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be
called Woman because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave
his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one
Here in these verses it is clear that God’s ideal plan for marriage is one man for
one woman for one lifetime.
God’s pattern for martial happiness is evident when a man loves and leads his
family, with children who obey and reverence their parents, with a wife who
respects and supports her husbands’ leadership.
Now that we see the basis of the where woman came from in scripture, lets now
go to Proverbs chapter 31, to begin to analyze the woman’s role.
Please remember after the end of the manual the question “Who can find a
virtuous woman?” will be answered.
In verse 10, it says ask “Who can find a virtuous woman?” Then it goes to say her
price (worth) is far above rubies. Here we see that a true woman of God’s worth is
way more than any precious gem stone, or the best gold, or finest apparel, or
plasma T.V., her true worth is unmeasured by means of natural understanding.
So to find out her worth we must dig deeper, now let’s look at the spiritual scope.
Verse 11, says “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that he shall
have no need (lack of gain) of spoil.”
It is so evident here that this woman is so trustworthy, that there is nothing the
husband can not trust here with (finances), and he knows that it will be taken care
of. It says the heart of her husband, that’s the inner most being of a man.
Verse 12, says “She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.”
We see here that she loves him so much that her love overrides the fault of his
and she trust him enough to do no evil but always good in his sight.
Verse 13, says “She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.”
Here it shows that she is a hard worker, so hard of a worker she continues to seek
after work to please the needs of the household.
Verse 14, says “She is like a merchants ships; she bringeth her food from afar.”
This is a comparison to a merchant ship who travels far to bring back goods for
the villager. She is a woman who goes out searching far and brings the best food
for here household.
Verse 15, shows how she gets up in the late hour and makes food (late night
snack), not only for her household but for her maids.
Verse 16, she is enterprising
Verse 17, she is a strong woman, willing too do hard work.
Verse 18, she works long hours even into the late hours of the night.
Verse 19, willing to do work.
Verse 20, she is willing to help the needy; she is very loving and compassionate.
Verse 21, prepared for the future
Verse 22, a woman who can sew and knit well
Verse 23, she is married to a leader someone who is known among elders in high
Verse 24, here it says the woman is an entrepreneur.
Verse 25, not moved by circumstances or situations that may arise.
Verse 26, very wise a kind woman
Verse 27, Always goal oriented focuses on her duties first.
Verse 28, She does all that is pleasing to her family and her children and husband
will call her blessed
Verse 29, she doesn’t settle for what other women have done, she does beyond
the average.
Verse 31, is most praiseworthy, she even is recognized at her husband work for
being a woman of great standards.
Who can find a virtuous woman?
Many men seek many things and even within the Christian community men seek
after the outward beauty of woman and not seeking the inward virtuous woman.
These things that this woman accomplished and continued to accomplish wasn’t
established over night, but I am sure she worked hard and with love she
continued to strive until got to the place where these things became who she
Most importantly, no outward manifestation can change the inner man, you must
first change the inner man and what comes out of man is the product of God.
It is not about looks, clothes, and so forth for those things will soon fade away. It
is okay to see a woman as beautiful but you must see God in her and see her as
your sister.
Some may ask a sister, I would never marry my sister. Then you are out of
scripture. When you marry and if she is in the Body of Christ she is your sister and
therefore you marry your sister. God wants it kept in the family.
Women are Gods precious gift they are to be treated as such. Look around and
search for your good thing.