THREE CATEGORIES OF THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT THREE CATEGORIES OF THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT SPIRITUALISM THREE CATEGORIES OF THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT SPIRITUALISM MENTALISM THREE CATEGORIES OF THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT SPIRITUALISM MENTALISM DIVINATION SPIRITUALISM Communication with the dead/spirit world, especially by mediums. SPIRITUALISM Seances, channeling, table lifting, physical manifestations, and out of body experiences “Connect to the otherside with John Edward and witness his unique ability to reunite people in the physical world with loved ones that have crossed over.” MENTALISM MENTALISM Study of Parapsychology, ESP, and other paranormal mental abilities. PARAPSYCHOLOGY Term coined in German by Max Dessoir (1889) and adopted by J. B. Rhine in English to refer to the scientific study of paranormal psi. Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980) Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980) The "Father of Modern Parapsychology." Along with his wife Dr. Louisa E. Rhine, the Rhines studied the phenomena now known as parapsychology at Duke University in Durham, NC. MENTALISM 1. EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION: (ESP) A term coined by Dr. J. B. Rhine. The unproven ability to communicate, gain knowledge and information outside the use of the five senses, or cause things to happen using only the power of the mind. MENTALISM 2. CLAIRVOYANCE: Seeing things that are out of sight; beyond physical vision; also called second sight and sometimes the "sixth sense." MENTALISM 3. MIND CONTROL: Supposed psychic ability for one person's mind to influence, alter, or control another person's mind, and therefore their thoughts and actions. MENTALISM 4. MIND READING: The psychic ability for one person to read the thoughts of another person without communication except by use of the mind. MENTALISM 5. PRECOGNITION: The attempt to see future events before they happen. MENTALISM 6. PARAKINESIS: Also known as PK, this is the attempt to control objects by the power of the mind or will; clock stopping, spoon bending, etc., sometimes also referred to as "mind over matter." MENTALISM 7. PSYCHOKINESIS or TELEKINESIS: Supposed ability to cause an object to move by the power of the mind. MENTALISM 8. PSYCHOMETRY: To divine information about the writer of a message or the owner of an object, by handling some possession belonging to the author or owner. MENTALISM 9. TELEPATHY: One or two-way psychic transmission, reception, or communication of one mind to another without the use of the five senses. DIVINATION The attempt to predict, The attempt to predict, foretell, or “divine” the future; one who practices fortune telling. PALMISTRY PALMISTRY Foretelling of the future through the study of the shape, color, texture, temperature and lines of the hand. SCRYING SCRYING Also called "crystomancy" (or Crystal Ball Gazing), the diviner gazes into any shiny object (such as a crystal ball, mirror, or shiny stone) to determine the future and see things past. Originally diviners used shiny objects only as a means to induce themselves into a trance-like state to enable them to see visions and foretell the future. Scrying has now evolved where the diviner supposedly sees the future in the object itself. TAROT CARDS TAROT CARDS Tarot (pronounced "taro") are the predecessors of modern day playing cards. TAROT CARDS Tarot cards date back to fifteenth century Italy and a card game called "triumphs." TAROT CARDS The deck usually consists of two sets of cards. One (the major arcana) has 22 pictures such as the Fool, the Devil, the Sun, the Lovers, the Hanged Man and Death. The other set has 56 cards (the minor arcana) with kings, queens, knights, and knaves. Some facts about “cartomancy” (or Tarot card reading). The meanings of the figures and numbers on tarot cards vary greatly among tarot card readers. The way the cards are shuffled, dealt, and "read" by diviners are as varied as the practitioners themselves. Interpretations vary greatly and rarely do two practitioners interpret the cards in the same way. OUIJA BOARD OUIJA BOARD It is a device used in fortune telling that consists of a small board on legs that moves about on a larger board with numbers, letters, and words. OUIJA BOARD The term “ouija” is a nonsense word from the French word "oui" meaning "yes," and the German word "ja" meaning "yes." OUIJA BOARD The Ouija Board is actually an American trademark owned by Parker Brothers, a division of Hasbro toys. The Ouija Board was patented in 1892 by Isaac Fuld, a cabinet maker who owned a small toy factory in Baltimore. OUIJA BOARD How does it work? OUIJA BOARD 1. The “planchette” moves on the board as the result of the operators either consciously or unconsciously selecting what is read. OUIJA BOARD 2. Sub-consciously the two individuals push the “planchette” around on the board as the result of minute muscular finger movement known in science as "ideomotor movement.” OUIJA BOARD 3. The movement of the planchette is not caused by paranormal forces but rather by the unnoticeable finger movements of those controlling the pointer. OUIJA BOARD 4. Even Isaac Fuld who patented the Ouija Board stated clearly that either one or both of the operators knowingly push the planchette about on the board, or . . . OUIJA BOARD . . . unknowingly push the planchette about on the board due to “involuntary muscular actions.” OUIJA BOARD 6. Proof that this is true: (a) the board won’t answer if the operators don’t know the answers, (b) if the operators are blindfolded and can’ t see the board, the result is usually garble. OUIJA BOARD: The Question! Since there are no supernatural agencies at work moving the planchette around on the board, does this mean it is ok for Christians to “play” with the Ouija board toy? OUIJA BOARD: The Answer! NO! While no supernatural or Satanic power causes the planchette to move, what Satan can do is to use the psychological and emotional influences that result from the Ouija Board's use. Satan can use the Ouija board or any other New Age practice to distract a believer’s trust in God. Satan will use virtually anything to inspire disbelief, rebellion, and hinder the work of God. Satan will use any means at his disposal to wage war against you on the spiritual level to try and disable the work of Christianity. ASTROLOGY ASTROLOGY A type of divination based on the theory that the positions and movements of the stars, planets, sun, and moon at the time of a person's birth have direct influence on a person's life. One of the keys of astrology is the zodiac. In western astrology, the zodiac refers to twelve zones in the sky and each zone has a star constellation that originally fell within its zone. Each zone has a name (such as Gemini, Taurus, Leo" etc), and each zone has a symbol. A horoscope is forecast based upon astrology. Facts about Astrology. The process whereby someone looks at the stars to determine a forecast or horoscope is extremely varied. Daily horoscopes are rarely similar and usually differ greatly from each other. Astrology is no more accurate in predicting future events than mere chance. Horoscope predictions use generalities and are usually very vague. Astrologers leave it up to the reader to "read into the predictions" to make the horoscope predictions "come true." THE ONLY TWO CATEGORIES THE ONLY TWO CATEGORIES SUPERNATURAL THE ONLY TWO CATEGORIES SUPERNATURAL Things attributed to real super supernatural agencies, their effects and knowledge about them. Such supernatural phenomena in new age practices are extremely rare. THE ONLY TWO CATEGORIES PSEUDO SUPERNATURAL THE ONLY TWO CATEGORIES PSEUDO SUPERNATURAL That which has the appearance of being accomplished by supernatural means, but in reality is accomplished by natural, physical, and psychological means THE WORK AND POWER OF 1. Satan is real. Jesus talked about Satan as a matter of fact. 2. Satan is a tempter. He tried to tempt Jesus three different times during Jesus’ 40 day wilderness experience. 3. Jesus called Satan a deceiver, the father of lies, and said that there is no truth in him. 4. The majority of the time, the Christian’s battle is in the spiritual realm. 5. Satan works as an Angel of Light. 6. Satan tries to disable God’s people to make them ineffective when it comes to impacting the kingdom of God. 7. Satan wages a spiritual war to keep people from becoming Christians. Remember, Satan uses the psychological and emotional influences that result from NAM practices. BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE NAM BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE NAM 1. Inherently because of their very nature and definition, NAM practices point to the supernatural. BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE NAM 1. Inherently because of their very nature and definition, NAM practices point to the supernatural. 2. It is often hard to distinguish whether a NAM activity is supernatural or pseudosupernatural. BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE NAM 1. Inherently because of their very nature and definition, NAM practices point to the supernatural. 2. It is often hard to distinguish whether a NAM activity is supernatural or pseudo-supernatural. 3. NAM practices are not easy to understand or explain, based upon normal everyday experience. BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE NAM 1. Inherently because of their very nature and definition, NAM practices point to the supernatural. 2. It is often hard to distinguish whether a NAM activity is supernatural or pseudo-supernatural. 3. NAM practices are not easy to understand or explain, based upon normal everyday experience. 4. The NAM always deals with emotions, feelings, longings, and psychological manipulation to create their magical experiences. BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE NAM 1. Inherently because of their very nature and definition, NAM practices point to the supernatural. 2. It is often hard to distinguish whether a NAM activity is supernatural or pseudo-supernatural. 3. NAM practices are not easy to understand or explain, based upon normal everyday experience. 4. The NAM always deals with emotions, feelings, longings, and psychological manipulation to create their magical experiences. 5. NAM practices cannot be validated by the scientific method. BASIC FACTS ABOUT THE NAM 1. Inherently because of their very nature and definition, NAM practices point to the supernatural. 2. It is often hard to distinguish whether a NAM activity is supernatural or pseudo-supernatural. 3. NAM practices are not easy to understand or explain, based upon normal everyday experience. 4. The NAM always deals with emotions, feelings, longings, and psychological manipulation to create their magical experiences. 5. NAM practices cannot be validated by the scientific method. WHY DO PEOPLE GET INVOLVED IN THE NAM? WHY DO PEOPLE GET INVOLVED IN THE NAM? 1. To foresee the future. WHY DO PEOPLE GET INVOLVED IN THE NAM? 1. To forsee the future. 2. To get counsel and advice. WHY DO PEOPLE GET INVOLVED IN THE NAM? 1. To forsee the future. 2. To get counsel and advice. 3. An effort to be like God. WHY DO PEOPLE GET INVOLVED IN THE NAM? 1. To forsee the future. 2. To get counsel and advice. 3. An effort to be like God. 4. To try and frame a sincere & personal faith. HOW TO RESPOND TO THE NAM AND THE PEOPLE INVOLVED HOW TO RESPOND TO THE NAM AND THE PEOPLE INVOLVED 1. Do not be ignorant about the NAM. Do not be afraid of it. Study it, learn about it, understand it, but do not adopt its practices. HOW TO RESPOND TO THE NAM AND THE PEOPLE INVOLVED 2. Always be biblical in your responses. Where the Bible is apparently silent, look for biblical principles. HOW TO RESPOND TO THE NAM AND THE PEOPLE INVOLVED 3. Do not attack. Your job as a Christian is to witness and tell the Good News that Jesus Christ is Lord. WHY SHOULD CHRISTIANS AVOID PRACTICING THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT? 1. It can detract you from your dependence, trust, and even faith in God. 2. Curiosity can lead to adoption. 3. Your witness to the nonChristian and the “babe in Christ” will be reduced. 4. The Bible is adamantly opposed to NAM practices. “Let no one be found among you who . . . casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.” Dt 18:10 "A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.” Lv 20:27 ". . . do not practice divination or sorcery.” Lv 19:26 "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.” Lv 19:31 THE SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE OF THE CHRISTIAN THE SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE OF THE CHRISTIAN “. . . for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 (NASV) THE SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE OF THE CHRISTIAN “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God, and the peace of God that surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Galatians 2:20 (NASV)