Some Challenges in Thermoscience Research
and Application Potentials
Energy Ecology Economy
Tsinghua University, XJTU, and HUST
China 2013: Beijing, Xi’an, Wuhan, June 14-28, 2013
Prof. M. Kostic
Mechanical Engineering
Slide 1
Some Challenges in Thermoscience Research
and Application Potentials
Energy Ecology Economy
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China, June 17, 2013
Prof. M. Kostic
Mechanical Engineering
Slide 2
Some Challenges in Thermoscience Research
and Application Potentials
Energy Ecology Economy
School of Energy and Power Engineering
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi’an, China, June 24, 2013
Prof. M. Kostic
Mechanical Engineering
Slide 3
Some Challenges in Thermoscience Research
and Application Potentials
Energy Ecology Economy
School of Energy and Power Engineering
Huazhong University of
Science and Technology
Wuhan, China, June 26, 2013
Prof. M. Kostic
Mechanical Engineering
Slide 4
Thank you for the opportunity
to present a holistic,
phenomenological reasoning
of some challenging issues
in Thermoscience.
Slide 5
Among distinguished invites were five keynote
speakers from China and seven international
keynote speakers: three from the USA and one
each from Japan, United Kingdom, Singapore,
and Spain; including four Academicians and
six university Presidents/vice-presidents.
It has been my great pleasure and honor
to meet Profs. ZY Guo, WQ Tao and
other distinguished colleagues,
and even more so to visit
again and meet friends now!
Slide 6
Thank you for invitation …
…It is my pleasure and honor
to share my knowledge and experience and
to learn about the Chinese people,
research, education and culture
Slide 7
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Slide 9
Slide 10
Electrical Engineering
Industrial and Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Technology & Eng. Tech.
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Slide 14
Some Challenges in Thermoscience:
More details in my following lectures/discussions
Nature of Thermo-Mechanical energy transfer (Electro-magnetic …Photons, Phonons, Thermons)
Thermal energy concept as property (decoupling from thermo-mechanical internal energy):
Caloric, Exergy, Entransy
Back to Caloric (Thermal Energy), caloric processes (conserved caloric regardless of
irreversibility if complete)…Heat is Unique (all else is Work) and Universal (all works ultimately
dissipate/convert to heat)
Reversible adding work or heat results in different final states (different types of
internal energies). However, reversible work between two states path is independent!
Entropy is dimensionless ratio (!) since temperature is a micro-particle kinetic energy!
Isentropic processes conserve entropy, thus when a work is extracted the remaining
thermal energy at lower temperature is at constant (conserved) entropy.
Produced entropy cannot be “destroyed” by any means, it could only be transferred
with thermal energy, thus entropy production is irreversible!
Entropy is increasing with irreversible conversion of any work-potential (including
thermal work potential) the latter due to non-equilibrium, thus terminal and maximum
at equilibrium.
Carnot principle defines the both: work potential and reversible heat transfer
Useful or Available Energy - Exergy is additive state function for a given reference
(dead state of surrounding-ultimate equilibrium: Po, To, MUo), just like other state functions (energy, etc.).
Slide 15
Energy and Environmental
Landscape …
… could be substantially enhanced with
improved efficiency and diversification
of energy sources, devices and processes.
We are now in transitional era where further progress
cannot be continued with existing technology. The
difficulties that will face every nation and the world in
meeting energy needs over the next several decades will
be more challenging than what we anticipate now.
Slide 16
Challenges are many …
… but so are potentials for innovative solutions
based on further development of science and
As new paradigms are to be developed, the
thermoscience (thermodynamics and heat
transfer), being “the heart and soul” of all energy
sciences, holds the key to provide vision and
check-and-balance methods for optimizations and
further innovations.
Slide 17
From Fundamentals
to Innovations
The fundamental Laws of Thermodynamics
and comprehensive analysis and
optimization are the most effective way for
the improvements and could lead to
innovative development.
… our
objective is to motivate young
researchers/students to be excited and
be persistent to reason and value
fundamentals in order to innovate
Slide 18
The Fundamental Laws of Nature
• The fundamental Laws of Nature are
exceptionally simple but they appear in
exceptionally many different forms, which
explain universality and unity of simplicity
and complexity, but also difficulties to
recognize simplicity in complex diversity
Slide 19
Cause Is Adequate to the Effect …
• The philosophic axiom
"causa aequat effectum,"
[the cause is adequate to the effect]
is traced to ancient philosophers and
represents the most universal and
fundamental law of nature, including
existence and future, i.e. past and future
Slide 20
Phenomenological Laws
• Furthermore, the phenomenological Laws
of Thermodynamics, and in general, have much wider,
including philosophical significance and implication, than
their simple expressions based on the experimental
observations – they are the Fundamental Laws of Nature.
• They are defining and unifying our comprehension of all
existence in universe and all changes in time (all processes,
including life).
Einstein stated that,
“After mathematicians invaded (and
explained) my Theory of Relativity, I do not
understand it any more.”
Slide 21
The Fundamental Laws of Nature:
The Laws of Thermodynamics have much wider, including philosophical
significance and implication, than their simple expressions based on the experimental
observations, they are:
The Fundamental Laws of Nature:
• The Zeroth (equilibrium existentialism),
• The First (conservational transformationalism),
• The Second (forced-directional, irreversible transformationalism),
• The Third (unattainability of emptiness).
The Laws are defining and unifying our comprehension of all existence and
transformations in the universe.
Solving practical problems helps "really" understand theory, so that one can then solve other
problems more effectively. If we can not solve a problem, that "proves" we do not "truly"
understand theory -- the key is integration/synergy of theory and practice, the
"true" UNDERSTANDING! If one thinks theory is boring, that means one is not really interested
in understanding to solve practical problems.
Slide 22
Thermal energy versus Internal energy concepts
in Thermodynamics:
The T, Cth, Entropy are related to internal thermal
energy, not any internal energy (the latter obvious
for incompressible substances), but is more subtle
for compressible gases due to coupling of internal
thermal energy (transferred as heat TdS) and
internal elastic-mechanical energy (transferred as
work PdV). Entropy is NOT related to any other
internal energy type, but thermal (unless the former
is converted/dissipated to thermal in a process).
Slide 23
Mechanical and Thermal
Are Distinguishable Within
Internal Energy!
DU12s= DU12v
T2s=T2v (for Ideal Gas)
Ps>Pv; Ss<Sv
Uth,s<Uth,v & Umech,s>Umech,v
Exs>Exv etc.
FORCE applied
or HEAT applied
© M. Kostic
2009 January 10-12
Slide 24
Thermal and Mechanical energies
1 kJ heating is NOT the SAME as 1 kJ compressing!
Thermal and Mechanical energies are distinguishable,
NOT the same Internal energy (as argued by some)!
© M. Kostic
Slide 25
Heat Is Transfer of Thermal Energy
• Philosophically, you cannot transfer
something that does not exist.
For example, you cannot transfer water unless you have
water. You cannot transfer energy (type) without having
it somewhere (stored) to transfer and store it somewhere
else. In the process (while transferring) you may
convert/reprocess (modify the "original structure") while
conserving the underlying substructure (true elementary
particles): existential conservationism.
• Denying existence of thermal energy is the
same as denying existence of heat transfer!
© M. Kostic
Slide 26
Useful Energy: Work potential,
Exergy (and Entransy) concept(s)
Two systems in non-equilibrium have potential of extracting work (useful
energy). The maximum work potential is if they are reversibly brought to
mutual equilibrium while the work is extracted (entropy is conserved,
thus over-all isentropic), otherwise part or in-whole that work potential
will dissipate via heat to thermal energy and generate entropy.
If one system is fixed, an infinite thermal reservoir and taken as a
reference (like environment at To & Po) then that maximum work potential
depends on the other system state, i.e., it is independent of the process
path, thus the system property, called Exergy.
Note that there will be a need to reversibly exchange heat (and entropy)
at the reference temperature or reversibly regenerate heat internally,
except for isentropic processes.
Slide 27
Note :
QIrr ο€½ QGen ο€½ WLoss ο€½ TRef SGen ( any)
Slide 28
All reversible processes are
“over-all isentropic” (entropy conserved)!
Exergy analysis to minimize
and optimize irreversibility
Entransy analysis to maximize
and optimize heat transfer
Slide 29
Slide 30
The Concept of "Entransy" May Be More
Important Than What It Appears at First
… but it has to be "properly" related to existing concepts
of Thermal energy (not precisely defined yet, see
elsewhere), Exergy and Entropy, as well as irreversibility
and reversibility.
Entransy concept and analysis have some unique
advantages over other approaches. There is a need to
define Entransy as a property (how it relates to other
thermodynamic properties) and as process energy flux
(how it relates to heat & work transfer and entropy transfer
& generation). We also could advance and synergize your
"Thermomass" concept with my work in that area.
Slide 31
What is Energy ?
More important than what it appears to be
If one could expel all energy out of a physical system …
… then empty, nothing will be left …
Mass (m) and energy (E) are manifestation of each other and are equivalent;
they have a holistic meaning of “mass-energy”
Slide 32
What is Energy ?
“From the Sovereign Sun to the deluge of photons
out of the astounding compaction and increase of
power-density in computer chips …
Mass-Energy represents motion of a system structure, i.e., its representative
particles at different space and time scales, and ultimately motion of photons.
Slide 33
Humanity’s Top Ten Problems
for next 40 years
1. ENERGY (critical for the rest nine)
Terrorism & War
Over 7 Billion People
2050: ~ 10 Billion ( 1010 +) People
Slide 34
The two things are certain
even if man-made Global Warming is debatable
• (1) the world population and
their living-standard expectations
will substantially increase
(over 7 billion people now,
in 50 years 10-11 billion - energy may double)
• (2) fossil fuels’ economical reserves,
particularly oil and natural gas,
will substantially decrease
(oil may run out in 30-50 years)
Slide 35
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
• We are in 'energy transition era'
from fossil fuels to alternative
(including nuclear) and renewable
energy sources (including solar,
biomass, hydro, wind, and
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
• In this transitional era, the energy
energy storage) is the most “effective"
and thus the most viable/profitable
option in initial and mid-range period,
until alternative and renewable energy
infrastructure is developed and matured,
and even more so beyond.
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Global/National Urgency:
• Energy issue is among the highest
global and national priority:
(economical, ecological and security).
• Funding/Stimulus for education,
research, development and
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Other Institutions and Existing Activities:
• Many educational and other institutions and industry
have been positioning their strategic and
development activities in energy related area
• Campus Green Sustainable Initiatives
• Energy-related Educational Programs
• Energy-related Research, Development and
Efficient and Sustainable
134 Million
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Prof. Kostic’s Research & Scholarly Interests and Activities
Fundamentals and Application of Energy
Slide 44
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Efficient and Sustainable… economically
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Efficient and Sustainable Energy
Energy/Economy/Ecology Challenges and Opportunities
Thermodynamic Efficiency:
Integration and Optimization
Nanofluids Research:
Critical Issues & Application Potentials
Follow-up and update from original ASME Presentations in Honolulu, Hawaii
Advanced Flow and Heat Transfer Fluids
Resistively Heated
Cooling System
Kostic and Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Laureate
Deionized water prior to Oil prior to (left) and
Presented at: University of Hawaii at Manoa
after (right)and
(left) and after (right)
ASME Multifunctional Nanocomposite
of Int.
Cu nanoparticles
dispersion of Al2O3 2006
Prof. M. Kostic
Mechanical Engineering
Critical Issues in Nanofluids Research
and Application Potentials
Advanced Flow and Heat Transfer Fluids
Presented at:
Resistively Heated
Norwegian University for Science and Technology - NTNU
NTNU Nanomechanical Lab, Trondheim, Norway, 16 May 2012
at: prior to Oil prior to (left) and
after -(rigKTH
ht) evaporation
after (right)
Royal Institute(left)
of Cu
of Al2O
Nanocharacterization Center – Functional
21 May 2012
Cooling System
Prof. M. Kostic
Mechanical Engineering
One-Step Nanofluid Production Improvement
NIU in Collaboration with
Argonne National
S. Choi
J. Hull,
and others
Insulated and
vertically-adjustable boatheater evaporator
Rotating drum with
moving nanofluid
cooling plate with coils and
FIG. 2: Proposed improvements for the one-step,
direct-evaporation nanofluid production apparatus
Locking Nut
(calibrated weight for required
spring tension)
Power Supply Connector
To the Data Acquisition System
Connectors and
Calibration Guage Holder
Special Shape Sliding Fit Hole
(avoids turning of spring)
D-Type Connector
Cell Cap with Rectangular Cuts
(for wire outlet)
Hot-Wire Voltage Output Wires
T-Type Thermocouples
Tension Spring
(spring constant 0.02 N/mm)
Constant Voltage Input Wires
Sliding Tube
(aligns the hot-wire)
Wire Holder
Striped Stranded Copper Wire
(to provide flexiblity and avoid backlash)
Hot-Wire Guiding Block
Inner Wire Guide
Soldered Joint # 1
Wire Protection Clip # 1
Outer Shell
(test-fluid reservoir)
Teflon Coated Platinum Hot-Wire
Ø 0.0508 mm
Coating Thickness 0.0245 mm
Measurement Section
149.2 mm
Best Paper for the 6th WSEAS International Conference on
Ningbo, China, January 10-12, 2009
Computerized, Transient Hot-Wire Thermal Conductivity (HWTC)
Apparatus for Nanofluids, pp.71-78
M. Kostic, Kalyan C. Simham
Calibration Gauge
(to guard spring rod and
calibrate the spring tension)
Spring Rod with Threading
Aegis Technologies
Advanced Cooling Technology Applications
Soldered Joint # 2
Off-Centered Alignment Ring
Teflon Sealing
Cell Base Plate
Inner Semi-Circular
Hot-Wire Holder
Wire Protection Clip # 2
Threaded Nut
Thermocouple at the Bottom
Wire Protection Clip # 3
Insulated Copper Wire
Ø 0.254 mm
Threaded Hole in Base Plate
(Assembly and Cleaning)
Nanofluid Flow & Heat Transfer
Premature Judgment …
• The nanofluids were hyped-up in the
past, but it would be a mistake
to hype-down nanofluids now and
make premature judgments based on
inconsistent and incomplete research
Electromagnetic Nature
of Thermo-Mechanical Mass-Energy Transfer
during “believed-massless” heat conduction
or mechanical work transfer, there has to be electromagnetic,
i.e., photon mass-energy propagation
(since they are not gravitational and not nuclear interactions)
through involved material structures, from a mass-energy source to a
sink system. Otherwise, the mass-energy equivalence and Physics
law of forced interactions will be violated!
International Forum on Frontier Theories in Thermal Science
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, December 18-20, 2011
Prof. M. Kostic
Mechanical Engineering
Slide 55
Fig.1: Electromagnetic
Nature of ThermoMechanical Mass-Energy
Transfer Due to Photon
Diffusive Re-Emission and
Propagation: Steady-state,
mass-energy transfer is
depicted through heat
conduction plate (right-above)
and rotating shaft (right-below).
Energy transfer (i.e., Einstein’s
mass-energy equivalency
transfer, πΈπ‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘› = π‘šπ‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘› 𝑐 2 ) has
to be electromagnetic by
photon transfer, either as
photon electromagnetic waves
on-long range through
space/vacuum (π‘„π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘ =
π‘šπ‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘‘ 𝑐 2 ), or photon “on-contact”
transfer within material
structures, e.g., through heat
conduction plate (rt.-above) and
turbine shaft work (rt.- below).
Otherwise, Einstein’s mass-energy
equivalency and the fundamental
force/interactions in Physics will be
Slide 56
“The Second Law
of Thermodynamics
is considered one of the central laws of science,
engineering and technology.
For over a century it has been assumed to be
inviolable by the scientific community.
Over the last 10-20 years, however, more than two
dozen challenges to it have appeared in the
physical literature - more than during any other
period in its 150-year history.”
Second Law Conference: Status and Challenges
with Prof. Sheehan in Sun Diego, CA June 2011
Slide 57
© M. Kostic <www.kostic.niu.edu>
The Second Law Symposium has been a unique
gathering of the unorthodox physicist and
inventors (to avoid using a stronger word)
Slide 58
The “Key Fundamental
Concepts” are much more
important than what they
appear to be
Fig. 8: Significance of the Carnot’s
reasoning of reversible cycles is in many
ways comparable with the Einstein’s relativity
theory in modern times. The Carnot Ratio
Equality is much more important than what it
appears at first. It is probably
the most important equation in
Thermodynamics and among the most
important equations in natural
Slide 59
20 December 2013
Slide 60
Entropy, the thermal displacement
property, dS=dQrev/T (or dQcal/T) with J/K unit,
is “a measure” of thermal dynamic-disorder
or thermal randomness, and may be expressed as
being related to logarithm of number of “all
thermal, dynamic-microstates”, or to their
logarithmic-probability or uncertainty, that
corresponds, or are consistent with the given
thermodynamic macrostate. Note that the
meanings of all relevant adjectives are deeply
important to reflect reality and as such it has
metaphoric description for real systems.
Slide 61
A system form and/or functional
A system form and/or function related order or disorder is
not thermal-energy order/disorder, and the former is not
the latter, thus not related to Thermodynamic entropy.
Entropy is always generated (due to ‘energy dissipation’)
during production of form/function order or disorder,
including information, i.e., during any process of creating
or destroying, i.e., transforming any material structure.
Expanding entropy to any type disorder or information is
unjustified, misleading and plain wrong.
Slide 62
Entropy and Disorder …
S=S(T,V) not of other type of disorder:
If Tleft=Tright and Vleft=Vright οƒž Sleft=Sright
Entropy refers to dynamic thermal-disorder of its micro
structure (which give rise to temperature, heat capacity, entropy
and thermal energy. It does not refer to form-nor functionaldisorder of macro-structure: For example, the same
ordered or piled bricks (see above) at the same temperature
have the same entropy (the same Thermodynamic state)!
Slide 63
The Boltzmann constant is a
conversion factor:
Temperature is (random kinetic) thermal-energy of a (microthermal) particle (with Boltzmann constant being the
conversion factor between micro-thermal energy and macrotemperature),
… thus entropy is ration between macro (multi-particle)
thermal energy and a representative particle thermal-energy,
thus dimensionless.
π‘˜π΅ =
πΈπ‘‘β„Ž π‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘–π‘π‘™π‘’ [
πΈπ‘‘β„Ž 𝐴𝑙𝑙
𝐸𝑇 π‘’π‘ž π‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘–π‘π‘™π‘’ [𝐾] = 𝐸𝑇 π‘’π‘ž π‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘–π‘π‘™π‘’
= [J/(Kοƒ— π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘Ÿ)]
The thermal-energy used for entropy is without its ‘useful’ part or
work potential, thus include pressure-volume influence. In that
regard, a single particle entropy without thermal-interactions
is zero (no random-thermal motion), but also infinity (as if in
infinite volume, taking forever to thermally interact).
© M. Kostic
2009 January 10-12
Slide 64
Entropy Generation (Production)
Entropy Generation (Production) is always irreversible in
one direction only, occurring during a process within a system
and stored as entropy property. Entropy cannot be destroyed
under any circumstances, since it will imply spontaneous
heat transfer from lower to higher temperature or imply higher
efficiency than the ideal Carnot cycle engine
Slide 65
YES! Miracles are possible !
It may look ‘perpetuum mobile’ but miracles are real too …
Things and Events are both, MORE but also LESS complex
than how they appear and we ‘see’ them -- it is
natural simplicity in real complexity
… we could not comprehend energy conservation
until 1850s:
(mechanical energy was escaping “without being noticed how”)
… we may not comprehend now new energy conversions
and wrongly believe they are not possible:
(“cold fusion” seems impossible for now … ?)
…….Let us keep our eyes
and our minds ‘open’ ………..
… but,
the miracles are until they are comprehended and understood !
Slide 66
Slide 67
EEE-Global & Physics articles
• More Encyclopedia Articles
Slide 68
Global Energy and Future:
Importance of Energy Conservation and
Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources
Solar 1.37 kW/m2, but only 12% over-all average 165 W/m2
www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/ * Key World Energy Stats
2000 kcal/dayο‚»100 Watt
World over 7 billion
2,400 Watt/c
350 Wel /c
USA over 0.3 billion
10,000 Watt/c
1,500 Wel /c
Slide 69
World automobile population
is expected to grow substantially
Source: OTT Analytic Team
Slide 70
Vehicle Energy Efficiencies
… from 15-25 MPG Classical … to 50 MPG Hybrid
It is possible !!!
Slide 71
Coal Energy Must Be Efficient
to be competitive
… from 30% Classical
… to 60% Combined Cycle
Gas/Steam Turbine Power Plant
or even 85% Combined Power-Heat Plant
Slide 72
Efficient: do MORE with LESS
Improve true (2nd Law) efficiency
by conserving energy potentials: REGENERATE
before “diluting” and loosing it!
Low efficiency
Indirectly Regenerated
Heat & CO2
“Waste” Heat &
Directly Regenerated
& CO2
High Efficiency
Slide 73
About 20%
About 0.2 %
… also first
steam engine
Slide 74
Slide 76
Slide 77
Slide 78
Slide 79
The energy “difficulties” …
• (1) will be more challenging
than what we anticipate now
• (2) NO traditional solutions
• (3) New knowledge, new technology,
and new living habits and expectations
will be needed
Slide 80
What Are We Waiting For?
• Another Energy Crisis ?
• A Global Environmental Problem?
• or
Slide 81
The biggest single challenge
for the next few decades by 2050
• (1) ENERGY for 1010 people
• (2) At MINIMUM we need additional
10 TeraWatts (150 Mill. BOE/day)
from some new clean energy source
• We simply can not do this
with current technology!
• We need
Slide 82
How To “Use” Energy ?
Slide 83
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
1. Creative adaptation and innovations, with change
of societal and human habits and expectations
(life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life)
Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude) and large potentials,
particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs
Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency)
Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 84
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits
and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
2. Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy
management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of
environment and life)
Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude) and large potentials,
particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs
Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency)
Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 85
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits
and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life)
3. Energy conservation and regeneration have
unforeseen (higher order of magnitude) and large
potentials, particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs
Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency)
Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 86
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
1. Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits
and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
2. Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life)
3. Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude) and large
potentials, particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
4. Nuclear energy and re-electrification
for most of stationary energy needs
5. Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency)
6. Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
7. Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
8. Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 87
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits
and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life)
Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude) and large potentials,
particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs
5. Cogeneration and integration of power generation
and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting
environment and increasing efficiency)
Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 88
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits
and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life)
Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude) and large potentials,
particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs
Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency)
6. Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons
for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 89
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
1. Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits
and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
2. Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life)
3. Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude) and large
potentials, particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
4. Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs
5. Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency)
6. Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
7. Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels,
advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
8. Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 90
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
1. Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits
and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
2. Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life)
3. Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude) and large
potentials, particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
4. Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs
5. Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency)
6. Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
7. Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
8. Redistributed solar-related and other renewable
energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 91
Energy Future Outlook:
…a probable scenario … in the wake of a short history of fossil fuels’
abundance and use (a bleep on a human history radar screen),
the following energy future outlook is possible…
1. Creative adaptation and innovations, with change of societal and human habits
and expectations (life could be happier after fossil fuels’ era)
2. Intelligent hi-tech, local and global energy management in wide sense
(to reduce waste, improve efficiency and quality of environment and life)
3. Energy conservation and regeneration have unforeseen (higher order of magnitude)
and large potentials, particularly in industry
(also in transportation, commercial and residential sectors)
4. Nuclear energy and re-electrification for most of stationary energy needs
5. Cogeneration and integration of power generation and new industry at global scale
(to close the cycles at sources thus protecting environment and increasing efficiency)
6. Renewable biomass and synthetic hydro-carbons for fossil fuel replacement
(mobile energy, transportation, and chemicals)
7. Advanced energy storage (synthetic fuels, advanced batteries, hydrogen,…)
8. Redistributed solar-related and other renewable energies (to fill in the gap…)
Slide 92
Slide 93
More information at:
Solar 1.37 kW/m2, but only 12% over-all average 165 W/m2
However, regardless of imminent shortages of fossil fuels, the outlook for future
energy needs is encouraging. Energy conservation “with existing technology”
(insulation, regeneration, cogeneration and optimization with energy storage) has
real immediate potential to substantially reduce energy dependence on fossil
fuels and enable use of alternative and renewable energy sources. There are
many diverse and abundant energy sources with promising future potentials, so
that mankind should be able
to enhance
its activities,
standard and quality of
living, by diversifying energy sources, and by improving energy conversion
and utilization efficiencies, while at the same time increasing safety and
USA Prod.
reducing environmental
After all, in the wake
of a short
history of fossil 12,000
fuels’ abundance
and use (a blip on
a human history radar screen), the life may be happier after the fossil fuel era!
275 Welec/p
1500 Welec/p
More at: www.kostic.niu.edu/energy
Slide 94
Thank you! Any Questions ?
Slide 95
Stretching the mind further …
Slide 96
Stretching the mind further …
Mass may be a special tensor-like quantity due to "over-allisotropic in all-directions" motion of elementary particles (that
make up its structure) and thus give rise to inertia if accelerated
in any direction, i.e., resisting change of motion in any and
all directions with equal components (the isotropic mass inertia).
There may be anisotropic masses, with bulk linear or rotational
motion, being the extreme cases. Note that fundamental particles
(without inertial mass, like photons and similar, but with
relativistic masses E/c^2) has to always move with ultimate
speed of light in vacuum, and such particles (some yet to
be discovered) might be moving (orbiting with twisting, string-like
vibration and rotation) within virtually infinitesimal spaces and
thus making-up other "massive" so-called elementary particles
Slide 97
Force and Forcing …
Force or Forcing is a process of exchanging
useful-energy (forced displacement) with netzero exchange at forced equilibrium. The
Second Law provides conditions and limits
for process forcing (energy exchange
Slide 98
Deterministic vs. Probabilistic
All interactions in nature are physical and based on
simple cause-and-effect conservation laws, thus
deterministic and should be without any exceptional
phenomenon. Due to diversity and complexity of large
systems, we would never be able to observe
deterministic phenomena with full details but have to
use holistic and probabilistic approach for observation;
therefore, our observation methodology is holistic and
probabilistic, but phenomena have to be deterministic,
not miraculous nor probabilistic
Slide 99
Elementary Particles: Electron?
There is no proof that an electron, or any other elementary
particle, has or does not have a structure. The concept of
elementary particle is intrinsically problematic (just because we
cannot observe or reason a structure which exhibits certain
phenomena, does not mean it does not exist). Past and recent
history proved us to be wrong every time. Particularly
problematic is the current theory which requires elementary
particle annihilation/creation (“miraculous creationism”) while
using conservation laws. At the very least (in phenomenological
view) the elementary particles should be conserved and be the
building structure for other particles and systems. Note that many
concepts (in modern physics) are "virtual" entities that are part of
the mathematical theory, but are not directly observable.
Boundary Forces …
There is no such thing as a unidirectional force or a force that
acts on only one body (no imaginary boundary vectorforces). Put it very simply: a forcing (force-flux cause-and-effect
phenomena) acts between an interface of pair of objects (forced
interaction: action-reaction, including process-inertial forces), and
not on a single object. The Newton Laws and the Laws of
Thermodynamics imply that all forces are massenergy interactions (forced displacements with momentum and
energy transfer and conservation) between different particulate
bodies due to non-equilibrium (available energy or work
potential, cause of forcing) towards the equilibrium.
No Perfect Rigidity …
All matter must be somewhat elastic (can be
compressed or stretched). If bodies could be
perfectly rigid we'd have infinite forces acting with
infinite speeds for infinitesimal times (if you pushed
on one end of a perfectly rigid stick, the other end
would move instantaneously). System components
(bodies) that exert forces have to be massive
(2nd Newton Law) and with accompanying
reaction forces (3rd Newton Law).
Energy is bound by forced motion …
Energy is possessed (thus equilibrium property) by material
systems and redistributed (transferred) between and within
system(s), due to systems' non-equilibrium, via forceddisplacement interactions (process) towards the equilibrium
(equi-partition of energy over mass and space); thus energy is
conserved (the 1st Law) but degraded (the 2nd Law).
Effects are consequences of Causes except at Equilibrium they are
equal (reversible). The existence in space and transformations in
time are manifestations of perpetual mass-energy forced displacement
processes: with net-zero mass-energy transfer in equilibrium
(equilibrium process) and non-zero mass-energy transfer in nonequilibrium (active process) towards equilibrium. System components
(particles and bodies) that exert forces have to be massive (2nd
Newton Law) and with accompanying reaction forces (3rd Newton
Processes … Miracles
"Nothing occurs locally nor in the universe without
mass-energy exchange/conversion and irreversible
entropy production.
It is crystal-clear (to me) that all confusions related to the
far-reaching fundamental Laws of Thermodynamics, and
especially the Second Law (Abstract), are due to the lack
of their genuine and subtle comprehension."
The miracles are until they are comprehended and
The Concept of "Entransy" May Be More
Important Than What It Appears at First
… but it has to be "properly" related to existing concepts
of Thermal energy (not precisely defined yet, see
elsewhere), Exergy and Entropy, as well as irreversibility
and reversibility.
Entransy concept and analysis have some unique
advantages over other approaches. There is a need to
define Entransy as a property (how it relates to other
thermodynamic properties) and as process energy flux
(how it relates to heat & work transfer and entropy transfer
& generation). We also could advance and synergize your
"Thermomass" concept with my work in that area.
For further Info
you may contact Prof. Kostic at:
or on the Web:
Prof. M. Kostic
Mechanical Engineering
© M. Kostic
Thank you! Any Question ?