this document - Oxford University Medical Education Fellows

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
Delivered by Health Education Thames Valley (HETV)
Validated by Oxford Brookes University
Dear Colleague
Thank you for your interest in the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
(PG Cert CE). This innovative and challenging programme has been developed
specifically to develop clinical educators capable of facilitating the vision of Health
Education Thames Valley ‘to ensure excellence in education and training to
develop a highly capable, flexible and motivated workforce that delivers
improvements in health for the population of Thames Valley’.
The programme welcomes qualified experienced clinicians from across all
disciplines (e.g. Dental, Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy) and clinicians in training from
advanced training grades. Interprofessional and interdisciplinary learning is
increasingly valued as it promotes collaborative learning and practice and leads to
improved patient care.
The PG Cert. Clinical Education places a strong emphasis on the principles of adult
and transformational learning and encourages a partnership approach between
course participants and facilitators based on self-awareness, negotiation and
mutual respect. Course participants are supported in developing as autonomous
educational practitioners, delivering cost-effective educational programmes
focused on high quality patient care, whilst critically analysing their practice and
commitment to their continuing personal development.
This programme mirrors recent developments in clinical education, recognising
the impact of local and national policies and strategies on educational provision as
well as an increased focus on learning organisations, interprofessional teamwork,
reflection and self-assessment.
Please get in contact if you have further questions
Dr Katy Newell-Jones,
Programme Director
Health Education Thames Valley (2013) Tomorrow’s People Today Workforce
Development Strategy (2013-2025)
Details for 2016 programme
 The PG Cert CE is a nationally recognised, academic programme consisting of three
modules each of 20 CAT* points at level 7 (M), giving a total of 60 CAT points.
 The programme is open to those involved in supporting learners in primary and
secondary care settings: GP Speciality Registrar Trainers, Educational and Clinical
Supervisors, Practice Managers, Primary Care nurses and Undergraduate Tutors.
 In 2016 there will be two cohorts running with the following dates for “residential
modules” taking place at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor Great Park.
Adults Learning
Educating Clinicians
Leading Learning in Clinical Education
Cohort 1
8-10 February 2016
Cohort 2
22-24 February 2016
20-22 June 2016
27-29 June 2016
7-9 November 2016
14-16 November
Entrants to the programme should:
be a registered health care professional with a registration acceptable to the relevant
United Kingdom professional body
hold an honours degree or a professional qualification equivalent to a first degree or
be able to provide evidence of their ability to study at level 7
have a minimum of two years professional practice experience
be employed in or have access to a health care setting that will enable the
achievement of the learning outcomes (i.e. hold a post which includes a significant role
as an educator/facilitator in a health care setting)
meet the English language requirements of Oxford Brookes University
*CAT = Credit and Accumulation Transfer
Course Structure
Module 2
Module 1: Adults Learning
*3 days residential (February)*
*20 CAT credits*
*Assessment: A Case Study*
*Building up teaching log*
Module 2: Educating Clinicians
*3 days residential (June)*
*20 CAT credits*
*Assessment: Portfolio*
Module 3: Leading Learning in Clinical Education
*3 days residential (November)*
*20 CAT credits*
*Assessment: Academic Essay*
For each module there is an opportunity to submit a draft to your tutor for comments and
deadlines are set at least two months after the residential to allow plenty of time to
complete each assignment.
Module 1: Adults Learning
Case study using an example from own practice of a single ‘learning scenario’.
Module 2: Educating Clinicians
Portfolio demonstrating progress and competence as a facilitator including:
A self-assessment as a teacher and facilitator of learning, based on feedback from
peers, colleagues and learners
Three examples of teaching sessions
A table of direct contact with learners
A reflective summary of own development as an educator
Activities contributing towards the portfolio commence in the first residential and continue
over a 7 month period.
Module 3: Leading Learning in Clinical Education
Academic essay:
Part A An analysis of the current context of a clinical education in own speciality, identifying
the driving forces for any inhibitors to change.
Part B A specific intervention designed to enhance clinical education in own speciality to
enhance the fitness for purpose and fitness for practice of the workforce.
Who to contact
Jenny Green (Programme Administrator)
01865 785581
Barbara Gow (GP School Manager)
01865 785583
Dr Katy Newell-Jones (Programme Director)
07765 254097
Dr Denis O’Leary (Secondary Care Link)
07799 641645
Enrolling on the programme
To enrol on the programme please complete the registration forms (parts A and B) in
Appendix 2.
If you are working in a Primary Care setting please also complete the pre-course
educational agreement in Appendix 3.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
All applications should be submitted by November 30th 2015.
Appendix 1
Course participants within the HETV area
£734.00 per module
Course participants outside the HETV area
£957.00 per module
This is a residential course.
An invoice will be sent out before the start of each Module and will come from Health
Education England.
If you would prefer alternative payment arrangements, please contact Barbara Gow, at the
School of General Practice to discuss .
To be looked at on individual basis.
Appendix 2
Health Education Thames Valley / Oxford Brookes University
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
Please send both parts A and B to:
Natasha Smith, School of General Practice, Health Education Thames Valley, Thames
Valley House, 4630 Kingsgate, Oxford Business Park South, Oxford OX4 2SU
Part A (for Oxford Brookes University)
Surname (up to 30 characters) ..............................................................................................
Forenames (up to 30 characters) ..........................................................................................
Title (up to 4 characters) ........................................................................................................
Gender (1 character) ..............................................................................................................
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) .....................................................................................................
Disability (a list of codes is provided below) ..........................................................................
Ethnicity (a list of codes is provided below) ..........................................................................
Home Address (please provide up to 5 lines of address information each with no more than
30 characters for each line of the address excluding the postcode).
Postcode (up to 10 characters) .............................................................................................
Telephone Number (up to 20 characters) .............................................................................
Email Address .......................................................................................................................
Title of course:
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
Course code
Course location
Cumberland Lodge
Preferred cohort (see page 3 for dates)
Cohort 1 / Cohort 2 (circle preference)
Mode of study
Part time
Date of entry
February 2016
Date of completion (intended)
January 2017
Wherever possible applicants will be offered a place in the cohort of their choice.
However, it is advisable to keep both sets of dates free until you receive final
confirmation in early December 2015.
Disability Codes:
No disability
Blindness/Partial Sight
Deafness/Impaired Hearing
Mobility difficulties/Wheelchair User
Need for personal care support
Mental health difficulties
Unseen disability
Multiple disabilities
Other disability not listed above
Ethnic Origin:
Black African
Black other
Asian other
Health Education Thames Valley / Oxford Brookes University
Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
Part B (additional information for HETV)
Workplace name:......................................................................................................................
GMC/GDC Number:...................................................................................................................
Number of years professional practice post qualification: .................................................
Title and date of degree or equivalent qualification: ...........................................................
Job title: ...................................................................................................................................
Please briefly explain the education element within your role: ..........................................
Invoicing name / institution:
Postal address:
Contact name and telephone:
Purchase Order Number:
Authorising signature: ………………………….……………………………………….............
I have read the course requirements on page 3 and confirm that I meet each of them.
Signature of course applicant: ...............................................................................................
Date: .........................................................................................................................................
Appendix 3
(Primary care course applicants)
Educational Agreement for participation on the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education
(PG Cert. CE) between the course participant and their workplace manager
This agreement specifies the commitment required by the course participant and their
workplace manager for the PG Cert. CE. It recognises that the support of other members of
the practice/team is vital in the creation of the ideal learning environment, and so requires the
signatures of the practice manager or a senior colleague. The agreement aims to aid and
enhance the educational process by clarifying the responsibilities of all parties.
……………………………………………………………… (course participant)
….………………………………………………………..... (workplace)
The course participant agrees to:
Discuss the programme requirements directly with colleagues in their workplace
Prioritise attendance at each of the nine compulsory contact days at Cumberland
Engage fully in programme activities which will include role play, simulated teaching,
large and small group work and on-line learning
Give feedback in an appropriate manner, when necessary, throughout the programme
Use teaching methods drawn from a wide range of sources, including video recording
of both consultations and tutorials
Access the programme web platform regularly to keep up to date on information about
the programme
Send draft assignments for feedback at least 10 days prior to the submission date
Complete pre-programme and module requirements within the stipulated timescales
Inform your group tutor or the programme director of any circumstances likely to impact
your involvement in the programme.
The workplace manager agrees to:
Provide protected teaching time for the whole of the nine programme contact days (the
modules have been designed as residential and evening work will be required as well
as full participation during the days)
Provide additional protected time for at least part of the assessed course work
Provide opportunities in the practice for the course participant to engage in teaching
and facilitation (e.g. through facilitating tutorials for trainees and members of staff)
Discuss the personal learning requirements of the course participant (e.g. access to
library resources)
Provide opportunities for the course participant to disseminate learning from the
programme to the practice.
This educational agreement has been agreed between the parties below:
Course Participant (print name)
Course Participant (signature)
Name of workplace
Workplace Manager / Colleague (print name)
Workplace Manager / Colleague (signature)
Date ………………………………………........................................................................
NB Completion of this form is a requirement of entry to the programme. It should be
uploaded onto the Moodle site by January 30th 2016.