State Reporting Overview for Administrators October 26, 2015 Copyright © 2014, FCMAT/California School Information Services Agenda CALPADS DATA MANAGEMENT RESOURCES Organizational Best Practices Training Key Roles Resources Common Problems System Documentation Background Data Components Design Required Annual Statewide Data Collections Reporting Schedule How Data Are Used State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Session Outcomes The intention of this training is to provide LEA administrators and other leaders with a high level overview of: – How CALPADS data are collected, what data are required to be reported annually, and how those data are used – How to foster good local data management practices, the key staff involved with CALPADS reporting, and – The resources available to support staff in CALPADS data collections and reporting State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System – The foundation of California’s K-12 education data systems Collects student enrollment, demographic, program participation, course enrollment and completion, discipline, certificated staff, and statewide assessment data Data are used to track students over time Fulfill state and federal reporting requirements Provide information about students and schools to state decision-makers, parents, community and researchers State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Working with CALPADS Web-based application Each LEA identifies a CALPADS LEA administrator who is responsible for Username and password are required Setting up user accounts Assigning roles Supporting users assigned accounts Contacting support for additional assistance Data from local SIS uploaded to CALPADS State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Other CALPADS Data Uploads and Matches Assessments • Assessment results loaded from Assessment Vendor • Matched to demographic/ enrollment data • Used in reporting and accountability calculations Direct Certification • Demographic/ Address data matched with CalWorks and Food Stamps databases to certify students as eligible for free meals • Used in LCFF calculations Foster Youth • Demographic data matched with Dept of Social Services database to identify foster youth • Used in LCFF calculations State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Data Extracts Demographic data is extracted from CALPADS to load into TOMS system for Smarter Balanced assessments Specific studentlevel data elements must be kept up-to-date in CALPADS, especially before and during testing windows Students who are not in CALPADS will not be able to access tests State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Submission Process Local Student Information System Upload files Data extracted from local SIS Uploaded files processed using Input Validation Rules and compared to CALPADS data Passed Records Fatal Errors Warnings Posted records processed Operational Data Store Processing Data Matches Assessments Staging Area Accountability State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Submission/Certification Process Local Student Information System Upload files Data extracted from local SIS Uploaded files processed using Input Validation Rules and compared to CALPADS data Passed Records Staging Area Fatal Errors Warnings Posted records processed Operational Data Store Processing Certification Reports Fatal Errors Report Review and 2-Level Certification Warnings State Reporting Snapshots State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Snapshot Collection Windows 2015-16 Information Day First Wed in Oct Final Deadline Feb 18, 2016 Initial Deadline Dec 18, 2015 Fall 1 Oct Nov Dec Submission Window Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Aug Sep Amendment Window Submission Window Am Window Submission Window Fall 2 Snapshots Available Nov 9, 2016 Jul Amendment Window EOY 1-4 Start of Submission May 23, 2016 Initial Deadline Mar 4, 2016 Final Deadline Apr 8, 2016 Initial Deadline TBD Final Deadline TBD State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Data Collections Fall 1 Fall 2 EOY 1 EOY 2 EOY 3 EOY 4 As of info day As of info day July 1–June 30 July 1–June 30 July 1–June 30 July 1–June 30 1.1 Enrollment Primary Status by Subgroups 2.4 English Learner Education Services Student Count Unduplicated 1.6 Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup 1.9 Completers and Dropouts Count 1.17 FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth Count 2.1 Title III Eligible Immigrants Count 2.8 English Language Acquisition Status Count by Primary Language 2.9 English Language Acquisition Status Census Comparison 2.12 English Language Acquisition Status ELs Reclassified RFEP 2.5 English Learner Education Services Unduplicated Count of Teachers Providing EL Services 3.4 NCLB Core Course Section Compliance Count by Content Area 3.6 Course Section Enrollment Count by Content Area 4.1 Staff Count and FTE by Job Classification 3.9 Course Sections Completed Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses 7.1 Discipline Incidents Count by Most Severe Offense 5.1 Program Participants Count 7.3 Disciplinary Actions Count 3.12 Career Technical Education Participants Count Disaggregated 3.14 Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers Count by Pathway 6.1 CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions Count 7.4 Discipline Actions Count by Offense 5.4 Homeless Students Enrolled Unduplicated Count by School 7.6 Discipline Actions Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Data Collections Fall 1 As of info day 1.1 Enrollment Primary Status by Subgroups 1.6 Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup 1.9 Completers and Dropouts Count 1.17 FRPM/English Learner/Foster Youth Count 2.1 Title III Eligible Immigrants Count 2.8 English Language Acquisition Status Count by Primary Language 2.9 English Language Acquisition Status Census Comparison 2.12 English Language Acquisition Status ELs Reclassified RFEP 10/7/15 8/16/15 - 8/15/16 10/2/14 – 10/7/15 12 State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Data Collections Fall 2 As of info day 2.4 English Learner Education Services Student Count Unduplicated 2.5 English Learner Education Services Unduplicated Count of Teachers Providing EL Services 3.4 NCLB Core Course Section Compliance Count by Content Area 3.6 Course Section Enrollment Count by Content Area 4.1 Staff Count and FTE by Job Classification 10/1/15 State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Data Collections EOY 1 July 1–June 30 3.9 Course Sections Completed Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses 3.12 Career Technical Education Participants Count Disaggregated 3.14 Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers Count by Pathway 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Data Collections EOY 2 July 1–June 30 5.1 Program Participants Count 5.4 Homeless Students Enrolled Unduplicated Count by School 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Data Collections EOY 3 July 1–June 30 7.1 Discipline Incidents Count by Most Severe Offense 7.3 Disciplinary Actions Count 7.4 Discipline Actions Count by Offense 7.6 Discipline Actions Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Data Collections EOY 4 July 1–June 30 6.1 CAHSEE Waivers and Exemptions Count 7/1/15 – 6/30/16 State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Sample Fall 1 Certification Report – 1.1 State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Sample Fall 1 Certification Report – 1.17 Supplemental funding counts are based on: 1. Being identified as FRPM Eligible or 2. Being classified as English Learners State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 How CALPADS Data are Used How CALPADS Data Are Used Purpose CA Dept of Finance Funding and Budget Planning CA Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) New Enrollments, program placement Operational Data CA Dept of Education Store (ODS) Non-certified Smarter Balanced data Graduation Cohorts, Accountability, Assessment Subgroups, Federal Reporting Student Demographics/Subgroups CA Dept of Social Services Direct Certification of students eligible for free meals and to identify Foster Youth CA Dept of Health Services Direct Certification of students eligible for free meals Various External Stakeholders After School programs, and other Miscellaneous Uses State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 How Certified CALPADS Data are Used Annual Submission Fall 1 State or Federal State State/Federal Data Usage LEA Impact if Not Certified DataQuest (Enrollment, Graduates, Dropouts, and SNOR) 0 counts School Accountability Report Card (SARC) No SARC prepopulation Department of Finance for LCFF Supplemental and Concentration funding 0 counts and impact on funding LCFF State Priority Snapshot 0 counts Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) funding 0 counts & 0 funding Department of Finance for budget projections 0 counts To address requests from policy makers, researchers, and other entities 0 counts State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 How Certified CALPADS Data are Used Annual Submission State or Federal State/Federal Data Usage LEA Impact if Not Certified Title I and Title II 0 counts & 0 funding for COEs and Direct Funded Charter schools NCLB Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) 0 counts NCLB Title III Limited English Proficiency Program 0 counts & 0 funding NCLB Title III Immigrant Program (SNOR) 0 counts & 0 funding Titles VI & IX reports for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 0 counts Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 0 counts Various U.S. Department of Education (ED) organizational websites 0 counts Eligibility to apply for various state and federal grants (especially those based on counts of socioeconomically disadvantaged students) 0 counts and ineligibility to apply for grants Federal Fall 1 State & Federal State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 How Certified CALPADS Data are Used Annual Submission State or Federal State Fall 2 State/Federal Data Usage LEA Impact if Not Certified DataQuest (Teacher Counts, Course Enrollments and EL Services) 0 counts CCR Title V, Section 97 (certificated staff) 0 counts EL Services 0 counts NCLB Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) 0 counts Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) 0 counts and potential placement on sanction list Federal State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 How Certified CALPADS Data are Used Annual Submission State or Federal State/Federal Data Usage LEA Impact if Not Certified DataQuest (Course Completion & CTE) 0 counts LCFF State Priority Snapshot 0 counts Carl Perkins Program (CTE Concentrators and Completers) 0 counts & grant eligibility DataQuest (Programs and Homeless) 0 counts Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title 1, Part A Neglected 0 counts & grant eligibility EDEN (Education Data Exchange Network) Reporting 0 counts NCLB Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) 0 counts DataQuest (Discipline) 0 counts NCLB Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) 0 counts NCLB Title IX - At Risk/Persistently Dangerous Schools 0 counts ESEA Title IV, Part A, Subpart 3, Section 4141 (e) - Firearm Offenses 0 counts Gun Free Schools Act Annual Survey 0 counts DataQuest (Waivers and Exemptions) 0 counts State EOY-1 Federal State EOY-2 Federal State EOY-3 EOY-4 Federal State State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 How CALPADS Data are Used Annual Submission State or Federal State/Federal Data Usage LEA Impact if Not Certified School Accountability Report Card (SARC) State Academic Performance Index (API) Base and Growth student groups Calculating the four-year graduation cohort rate used in the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) accountability measure. Accountability Federal Data are pulled from the ODS at Determining which students were continuously enrolled at the announced times and school or local educational agency (LEA), and which student used for these test scores to “roll back” from an alternative education program purposes (AEP) to the original school or LEA. Determining which students were enrolled in a U.S. school for five or more years for the purpose of calculating Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs). Assessments State Registering students for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 DATA MANAGEMENT State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Organizational Best Practices • Successful Reporting requires Collaboration • Required data crosses the LEA • Subject matter expertise is required • Points of failure • • • Data Owners are Accountable Establish a Data Management Calendar Responsibilities are Established State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Key Roles Site Staff •Data Entry •Course Data •Discipline Administration LEA Administrator •Data Verification •Certification •User Accounts •Training •Support HR Data Coordinator •Staff Info •HQT •Analytical Skills •Resources •Support Program Staff •Data Source •Verification State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Common Problems Staff do not have right skill set Understand local system Understand data and reporting requirements Coordination and communication Troubleshooting Self-directed Staff are not trained Responsibilities and expectations not clearly established Data collection and entry are an afterthought Single points of failure State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 RESOURCES AND SUPPORT State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Training Options Training Opportunities Basic courses • Advanced courses • Self-Paced Training Modules • Q&A • Data Management • Vendor Training and User Groups • State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Resources State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 CALPADS Documentation CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) – – CALPADS Code Sets – This document contains descriptions for each error generated when submitting data to CALPADS CALPADS Data Guide – This document shows codes that can only be used in specific combinations in CALPADS CALPADS Error List – Code Sets document includes the code set name, coded value, name, and description for each code value in the table CALPADS Valid Code Combinations – Two versions Includes an overview of the CALPADS file formats, an overview of the CALPADS data submission windows, the CALPADS submission calendar, descriptions of the document conventions, and a detailed outline of all CALPADS file formats This document provides guidance for LEAS regarding the collection and submission of data for CALPADS CALPADS User Manual – This document contains detailed instructions on “how to use” CALPADS, including “How to log in,” “How to navigate,” “How to enroll a student,” etc. State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Key Points CALPADS data are used for funding, accountability, state and federal reporting requirements, research and more Data are submitted throughout the year as students enroll and exit Data coordinator key to successful reporting Organizational coordination and collaboration required Multiple training and support options are available State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015 Training Evaluation Questions Please Complete Our Survey 35 State Reporting Overview for Administrators V2.0, 10/26/2015