Under an organization called the House Plan students work with a team of staff members. There are three houses (House A, B & C), each consisting of counselors and an assistant principal. Each house team has been placed in a single location so that each member can help you in different ways:
Role of Counselor
Your counselor wants to help you in any areas of concern or interest, including programming and scheduling of classes, college and career information, guidance, graduation requirements, and the transition to Beverly Hills High School. You will be required to meet with your counselor once a year; however, you are welcome to schedule appointments at any time. Students are encouraged to see their counselors before or after school, nutrition & lunch time.
Role of Assistant Principal
Your assistant principal will monitor your progress and attendance to help you succeed.
Guidance Counselor
Guidance Counselor
Assistant Principal
Guidance Counselor
Guidance Counselor
Assistant Principal
Guidance Counselor
Guidance Counselor
Assistant Principal
Ali Norman-
Room 288
Room 273
Room 292
Per 2
Per 3
Per 4
Per 6
Per 7
Per 8
Mon/Tue Wed/Thurs/Fri Odd Block (Wed) Even Block (Thur)
All classes meet daily Monday through Friday except on block days.
9:10 (HR)
10:15 -10:20
Per 2 8:05
Per 3
Per 3
Per 4 9:50 - 11:20
Per 4
Per 5
Per 6
Per 5 st
12:10 period.)
Lunch 1:05-1:45 Lunch 1:05
Per 6
3:20 Per 7 1:55-2:46
Per 7 1:55-2:46
4:25 Per 8 2:56-3:47
Per 8 1:50
Incoming Seniors: Class of 2013
English 4 years
Social Studies 3 years
Foreign Language 2 years (of same language)
Biology 1 year
Physical Science 1 year
Mathematics 3 years (through Geometry)
Fine Arts 1 year
Health 1 semester
Physical Education 2 years (and pass fitness exam)
Credits Must earn total of 230 credits
CAHSEE California High School Exit Exam must be passed to receive diploma
Incoming Sophomores: Class of 2015
English 4 years
Social Studies 3 years
Foreign Language 2 years (of same language)
Biology 1 year
Physical Science 1 year (including Chem. or Physics)
Mathematics 3 years (through Algebra II)
Fine Arts 1 year
Health 1 semester
Physical Education 2 years (and pass fitness exam)
Credits Must earn total of 230 credits
CAHSEE California High School Exit Exam must be passed to receive diploma
Incoming Juniors: Class of 2014
English 4 years
Social Studies 3 years
Foreign Language 2 years (of same language)
Biology 1 year
Physical Science 1 year
Mathematics 3 years (through Algebra II)
Fine Arts 1 year
Health 1 semester
Physical Education 2 years (and pass fitness exam)
Credits Must earn total of 230 credits
CAHSEE California High School Exit Exam must be passed to receive diploma
Incoming Freshmen: Class of 2016
English 4 years
Social Studies 3 years
Foreign Language 2 years (of same language)
Biology 1 year
Physical Science 1 year (including Chem. or Physics)
Mathematics 3 years (through Algebra II)
Fine Arts 1 year
Health 1 semester
Physical Education 2 years (and pass fitness exam)
Credits Must earn total of 230 credits
CAHSEE California High School Exit Exam must be passed to receive diploma
230 Credits are required for graduation from BHHS. BHHS graduation requirements are aligned with the UC/CSU A-G requirements.
Explanation of Grading System
Grades are assigned using letter symbols as follows:
A Superior or Advanced Proficient
Above Average or Proficient
Average or Basic
Below Average
Fail (not passing) or Far below basic
Incomplete work due to absence must be made up by the end of the succeeding quarter or the grade becomes “F”
(no credit) and NM (no mark) symbols are used also, according
WF to school policy.
Special classes only (lab, tech, tutors, lab. Assistants, pass/fail options)
Withdraw Pass
Withdraw Fail
Progress Grade Reports are mailed every five weeks throughout the semester.
Conduct Evaluation
Your conduct evaluation is a part of your total grade.
S – Satisfactory
N – Needs to improve
– Unsatisfactory
To earn an S grade, you must consistently:
Obey rules, respect public and personal property and actively promote the general welfare.
2. Maintain courteous relations with teachers and fellow pupils and work without disturbing others.
3. Assume responsibility for having necessary tools and materials and go to work immediately.
4. Maintain an excellent attendance record by avoiding unnecessary absence or tardiness.
5. Maintain appropriate standards of personal dress and grooming as established by District policy.
Grades of N and U indicate degrees of failure to meet the standards in 1-5.
ATTEND CLASS EVERY DAY: Missing school can often mean you will be missing on course lectures, taking notes, participating in class discussions and activities or projects, as well as important dates for assignments, tests, and quizzes. You may be skilled in making up missed work; however, you can never fully make up all that you miss out on when you are absent. In order to get good grades and to be most successful, you must attend school every day.
If you are absent, your parent or guardian must contact the Attendance
Office (310-551-5125) to excuse your absence.
1 unexcused absence = 3% deduction from your grade!
2 unexcused absence = 6 % deduction from your grade!
3 unexcused absence = 9% deduction from your grade!
Students are expected to be in class when the tardy bell rings. Tardy students cause classroom disruption and affect the continuity of instruction. Students are considered tardy if they arrive late to class without a written note from a school official. Tardiness will result in the following progressive penalties.
Each tardy shall be counted as 1/5 of an unexcused absence (0.6% deduction from a semester grade)
Business Office
The Business Office, located in the Student Store, handles all class and club accounts and ticket sales for special events.
The Cafeteria serves a wide variety of foods available at nutrition and lunch. The facility is closed briefly during the morning for maintenance purposes. Students desiring to work for their lunches may apply to the
Cafeteria office. The Cafeteria operates under supervision of the Board of
The mission of the High School Library is to ensure that students acquire a lifelong interest in reading, are effective users of ideas, information, and technology, and have access to a rich diversity of literature and resources.
Student Store
The Student Store is located on the third floor. The store is open before school, during nutrition and lunch. It serves as the sales headquarters for
Associated Student Body Cards, special event tickets, payment for athletics or tests, P.E. apparel purchase, and much more.
Career Center
The center, located in Room 292, has college and career information available for all students to begin exploring their options for the future.
This center is staffed by a credentialed, full time Regional Occupational
Program/Career Counselor to provide career guidance and counseling services, assisting students with career planning and college exploration.
The ROP Counselor is available to assist students with career interest surveys, career research, information, and goal setting.
College Center
The center, located in Room 273, is a resource for students inquiring about college opportunities. Students can take advantage of college workshops, college admissions representatives, group presentations, and much more. Students in all grade levels are encouraged to take advantage of the college center.
NormanAid Center
The NormanAid Center (room 288) is a great place to come if you need to speak with someone about anything. At the NormanAid Center, Mrs. Norman-Franks is available to meet with you, as well as peer counselors, counseling interns, and therapists from the Maple Counseling Center. You can make an appointment to speak with someone or walk in. Topics that the NormanAid Center staff are comfortable talking about include: abuse, alcohol, bullying, death, drugs, LGBTQ support, peer pressure, religion, sex, suicidal thoughts, and more. Students also come to the NormanAid Center to get support in school (academics, study skills, issues with teachers/classes, organization skills, time management, etc.). Because your safety is the number one priority, a staff member may need to consult with colleagues or break confidentiality if they are concerned that a student is harming themselves, someone else, or someone is hurting them. Please stop by the
NormanAid Center at any time!
All new students are assigned a locker which they use while enrolled at
BHHS. Students are encouraged not to share lockers or locker combinations. Lockers needing repairs should be reported to the Attendance
Lost and Found
Articles found on campus should be taken immediately to the Attendance
Students must complete a “Loss of Personal Property” slip.
Textbooks are obtained in the Textbook Room.
Fall Sports
Cheer, Cross Country, Football, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball
Boys Water Polo
Winter Sports
Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Water Polo, Wrestling
Spring Sports
Baseball, Boys Golf, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Boys Tennis, Track,
Softball, Swimming
Summer conditioning is offered during summer school in the afternoons.
Please contact Jason Newman, Co-Athletic Director with questions at jnewman@bhusd.org
Being a well-rounded person is important.
Our goal is that 100% of the student body will be involved in an activity, club, or organization.
Activities outside of class are where you may actually acquire and practice skills like problem solving, communication skills, and teamwork.
Experiment with clubs or activities to find out what is right for you; however there should be something you start and stay with for at least a couple of years. This demonstrates commitment.
A complete list of available activities, clubs, and organizations is available on the BHHS website.
Please contact Loren Newman, Director of Student Activities at lnewman@bhusd.org
if you have additional questions.
Seniors – Aug 14 th Juniors – Aug 15 th Sophomores – Aug 16 th Freshmen – Aug 17 th
Appointment Times:
Athletes 7:45-9:00am
A-C 9:00-9:45am
N-S 1:15-2:15pm
T-Z 2:15-3:15pm
Closed for Lunch 11:30-12:30pm
Textbook Rm Closed 12:00-1:00pm
*August 21st – New Student Orientation (8:00 am – 1:00 pm) (students only)
First Day of School – August 27th
For more information visit the Beverly Hills High School website and click on Counselors’ Corner.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF: Students don’t always have the self-confidence they need to achieve their goals because they may worry that they won’t measure up to standards (either their own, someone else’s, or society’s) or because they fear competition. You may be standing in our own way! If you believe in yourself and your abilities, it is much easier to achieve your goals.
BE PREPARED: Show up to class every day ready to learn. You need to bring your textbooks, paper, pencils, etc. In order to learn, participate, and to make the most out of every class, you must do your assigned work before each and every class. Being prepared also means that you come to class physically and mentally alert. In order to do this, you need to eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep. This will make it easier for you to focus during class.
CHOOSE YOUR SEAT WISELY: It is easier to pay attention in class if you are sitting in an area with limited distractions. Avoid sitting next to someone who may interrupt you or a friend who might distract you. You may also want to avoid sitting near windows or doorways that could draw your attention away from what is going on in the classroom.
PEER SUPPORT : Ask at least one person in each class for his or her phone number. That way you can reach out to someone if you have a question about work for the class, find out what you have missed if you were absent, or form a study group. It’s also a good way to stay connected with your peers and to make new friends.
USE A NORMAN PLANNER: Students find it helpful to use an assignment notebook to get organized and to better manage their time. Planners are extremely useful in helping you plan your week and get things done in entirely and on time. Norman Planners can be purchased at the Student Store.
LEARN HOW TO ADAPT: Every teacher is different, just like every student is different. Each teacher will have his or her own set of rules, personality, and teaching style. It does not matter if you agree with these rules; it only matters that you follow and adapt to them. Counselors will not change your class if you are not getting along with a teacher. If you are having difficulty adapting, communicate and work with your teacher or set up a parent meeting to resolve the issue.
TIPS FOR APPROACHING A COUNSELOR: If you have a quick question, drop by their office during nutrition, lunch or after school, or you can send an email. If you have a question or issue that will take longer to discuss, set up a meeting with your counselor instead of just dropping in, as counselors are extremely busy. Write an e-mail or note stating that you would like to make an appointment.
NORMANAID STUDENT SUPPORT BLOG: Beginning the journey into Beverly Hills High
School can be both exciting and anxiety-producing. Students may worry about classes, grades, friends and peer-pressure. If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to anonymously ask, please visit our NormanAid Support Blog. To access the NormanAid Blog, go to www.normanaid.blogspot.com.
VISIT OUR LIBRARY: The BHHS Library is a terrific place to study, full of all the materials you need: textbooks, reference books, computers and printers, copier, school supplies (rulers, hole-punch, staples, glue, etc.), and many other resources. It is also the only distraction-freezone on campus; with guaranteed “quiet zones” for concentrating and a quiet talking area for group projects and tutoring.
NORMAN GUIDE: Read the Norman Guide to become familiar with Beverly Hills High
School’s policies, classes, programs, and activities.
BHHS APP: BHHS has an app which is very helpful and easy to use. You can view our daily bulletins, calendar, bell schedule and lots more. Don't forget to check it out!
JUPITER GRADES: Jupiter Grades lets students and parents check their current grades and homework online anytime. Everyone has their own password, so grades are always private.
It is recommended that you check Jupiter Grades regularly.
EMAIL: Teachers and staff send announcements through email. It is recommended that parents and students check their email regularly to not miss important information.