
Reviewing The Chart
Abdominal Incisions
Week 8
Pre-Operative Check List
• Purpose:
Correct patient
Correct surgeon
Correct procedure
Correct location
The Pre-Op Check List
• Patient Identification
ID bracelet
• Reviewed
Nursing history
History and Physical
NPO since…
MD orders
Site/Procedure verified
Metal pins, plates, joints
The Pre-op Check List
• Allergies
foods, medications,
latex, other
• Personal items
• Lab values
• Diagnostic Imaging
• Electrodiagnostic
Laboratory Values
• CBC (complete blood count)
• Red blood cells (erythrocytes - RBC)
RBC levels: male
4.3 - 5.9
3.5 - 5
• Cells that deliver oxygen throughout the body and make blood look
• A low RBC can indicate anemia, which can lead to fatigue.
• A high RBC may indicate congenital heart disease, dehydration,
obstructive lung disease, or bone marrow over-production.
5,000 - 10,000
White blood cell: One of the cells the body makes to help fight infections.
A low WBC is called leukopenia (decrease in the number of
these cells can place patients at increased risk for infection)
A high WBC is termed leukocytosis (very common in acutely
ill patients.) Although it may be a sign of illness,
leukocytosis in-and-of itself is not a disorder, nor is it a
Hgb (hemoglobin) substance inside red blood cells that binds to
oxygen and carries it from the lungs to the tissues.
13.5 - 18
11.5 - 15.5
Hct (hematocrit) measures how much space in the blood is
occupied by red blood cells.
40 - 52%
35 - 46%
Plt (platelets) cells found in the blood that are needed to control
130 – 400
Laboratory Values Continued
• PT (prothrombin time) is a blood test that measures
how long it takes blood to clot by measuring the activity of
prothrombin. Used in initiating and maintaining oral anticoagulant therapy (Coumadin (Warfarin)).
10 – 15 seconds in a normal adult
• PTT (partial thromboplastin time) Partial
thromboplastin time (PTT) is a clotting deficiency/disorder
test. Often used to determine if heparin therapy is effective.
If a person is taking blood thinners, clotting takes up to
two and a half times longer.
60 – 70 seconds in a normal adult
Clotting Cascade
• Site of injury
• Platelets arrive first and begin to dam up the
• Fibrin is formed through a combination of various
processes including 12 clotting factors
• The fibrin acts to roll the platelets up like they are
being spun into a sticky web
• The web acts to collect RBCs, WBCs and other
platelets floating by creating a solid clot to staunch
the bleeding
I hear INR instead….
• You will also here the term INR. INR =‘s
International Normalized Ratio
Normal is 1 for healthy patients
Range 0.8-1.2
2-3 in patients on anti-coagulants
3-4 patients with mechanical heart valves
Measures the time it takes blood to clot and
compares it to an average.
• The higher, the longer it takes blood to clot which
can lead to uncontrolled bleeding
• The lower, the greater chance of clot and
complications such as stroke or PEs
INR levels
• So for someone with a 2, 3 or 4, their clotting time is
2, 3, or 4 times longer than a normal person’s
• If you hear your patients INR is above this range, your
case may be canceled, postponed or cell saver may be
called as bleeding will be a problem intra-operatively.
If you must do your case and INR
is too high…..
• Can give the patient FFP (Fresh Frozen Plasma) aka thawed plasma
which is the plasma taken from a unit of whole blood.
• Plasma transfusion is indicated in patients with documented
coagulation factor deficiencies and active bleeding, or who are about
to undergo an invasive procedure.
• Can also give Vitamin K (not potassium) as a reversal agent.
• Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin. The vitamin K present in plant
foods is called phylloquinone; while the form of the vitamin present in
animal foods is called menaquinone. Both of these vitamins are
absorbed from the diet and converted to an active form called
dihydrovitamin K.
Laboratory Values Continued
• Blood Chemistry
3.5 – 5.0
• Potassium to high =‘s Hyperkalemia which can be fatal
because it can cause cardiac arrest or kidney failure.
• Potassium to low =‘s Hypokalemia - you can become weak
as cellular processes are impaired, muscles would not
move, heart would not beat.
• The kidney is the main organ that controls the balance of
potassium. It removes excess potassium into the urine.
135 – 145
High sodium levels =‘s Hypernatremia. Symptoms =
lethargy, weakness, irritability, and edema. With more
severe elevations of the sodium level, seizures and coma
may occur.
Low sodium levels =‘s Hyponatremia ( aka water
intoxication) . Symptoms = nausea, vomiting, headache
and malaise. As the hyponatremia worsens, confusion,
diminished reflexes, convulsions, stupor or coma may
• Type & Crossmatch
Type- blood type (A, B, AB, O) and Rh
factor (positive or negative)
Crossmatch- determines compatibility of
with recipient’s blood
Laboratory Values Continued
• UA (urinalysis)
Diagnostic Imaging
• X-Rays
Identify abnormalities or foreign bodies
Find lost needle, sponge, instrument
Visualize fluid or air in cavities such as the
plural cavity or peritoneal cavity
Assist with broken bone realignment
Assist with implantation of prosthetics
Identify correct placement of catheters,
drains, or tubes
Diagnostic Imaging Continued
• Portable X-Ray equipment needed in the
• A cassette will be placed under or beside
the area to be x-rayed
• Will be taken to radiology department and
read by a doctor of radiology
Diagnostic Imaging Continued
• Fluoroscopy
portable C-arm X-ray machine with a
monitor screen
allows for visualization of areas being
x-rayed by the surgeon as a procedure
is being done with the use of a contrast dye
Examples: ortho, neuro, vascular
procedures, cholangiograms, and urography
Diagnostic Studies For Vascular
and Heart Surgeries
Stress Test
Cardiac Catheterization
Electrodiagnostic Studies
• EKG or ECG (electrocardiogram)monitors and evaluates normal and
abnormal heart rhythm as well as how well
the heart is functioning
• EEG (electroencephalogram)-monitors and
evaluates brain activity
Abdominal Divisions
• Anatomy of the Abdomen
RUQ (right upper quadrant) contents:
head of pancreas
right kidney and adrenal
part of ascending and transverse colon
Anatomy of Abdomen Continued
• LUQ (left upper quadrant) contents:
left lobe of liver
body of pancreas
left kidney and adrenal
part of transverse and descending colon
Anatomy of Abdomen Continued
• RLQ (right lower quadrant) contents:
right ovary and fallopian tube
right ureter
right spermatic cord
Anatomy of Abdomen Continued
• LLQ (left lower quadrant) contents:
part of descending colon
sigmoid colon
left ovary and fallopian tube
left ureter
left spermatic cord
Anatomy of Abdomen Continued
• Midline of Abdomen:
Anatomy of the Abdominal
• Subcuticular (skin)
• Subcutaneous (fatty/adipose layer)
• Anterior fascia (thin or thick membrane over the
• Muscle
• Posterior fascia (thin or thick membrane under the
• Peritoneum (shiny membrane covering the
abdominal cavity)
• Contents of abdominal cavity (organs)
Procedure for Opening
Abdominal Cavity
Skin incised
Blood vessels cauterized
Fascia incised
Muscle layers divided or separated
Fascia incised
Peritoneum incised
Abdominal cavity contents exposed
Abdominal Incisions
Abdominal tumor
Abdominal Incision Type
• Surgeon selects incision that will best
expose the structure to be operated on
• Surgeon selects incision that will create
minimal trauma and post-operative pain
• Surgeon selects incision that will allow for
wound closure strength as closed by
primary wound healing
Abdominal Incision Types
• Right Subcostal
gallbladder, biliary system
• Left Subcostal
• Median Upper Abdominal
stomach, duodenum, pancreas
• Median Lower Abdominal
uterus, adnexa (ovaries, fallopian tubes),
Abdominal Incision Types
• Right Upper Paramedian
stomach (lower), duodenum, pancreas
• Left Upper Paramedian
stomach, duodenum, pancreas
• Left Lower Paramedian
pelvic structures, colon
• McBurney
• Left Oblique Inguinal
inguinal hernia repair
• Lower Transverse (Pfannensteil)
uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes
• Port-Sites
Bowel Resection
• Equipment/Room-Set-Up
Anticipating Potential Problems
With Abdominal Surgery
• Any time you are cutting into the body there is a
risk of something being cut that was not meant to
be cut
• Depending on what structure is accidentally cut
into, will determine what is needed by the surgical
• Vascular structures will require sutures that are
non-absorbable such as silk, prolene or ticron on a
tapered needle
• Other structures can often be repaired with
chromic, vicryl or dexon on a tapered needle
Nursing Process
• Surgery is an on-going process of
assessment of needs, plan of action,
intervention or implementation of the
plan, and evaluation to determine what
could be done to better prepare next time
Reviewing the Chart
Pre-op Check List
History and Physical
Laboratory Values
Diagnostic Tests
• Abdominal Incisions
• Anatomy of Abdomen
• Anatomy of
Abdominal Wall
• Abdominal Incisions
• Laparoscopy
• Anticipation of
Potential Problems