Environments, learners, processes and outcomes Dave Putwain Environment/ Situation Characteristics: Physical environment Psycho-social environment Relationships/ relatedness Promotion of value/ utility of learning and outcomes Learning Behaviours/ Processes: Metacognition Self-regulation (learning, behaviour and emotions) Appraisal and coping Effort, persistence, task-focus Learner characteristics Competence beliefs (self-efficacy/ concept, growth mindset) Motivation/ Goals Competence-related emotions (learning and assessment) Resilience/ buoyancy (1) Motivational messages made prior to high-stakes tests and exams Putwain & Symes You need to get at least a C in GCSE maths to get into college. Your maths GCSE is only 1 month away now, you need to start revising. If you don’t work hard, you will fail GCSE maths. If you don’t pass maths GCSE you won’t get a good job. Motivational messages… • Achievement outcome Focus: attaining success vs. avoiding failure • Achievement outcome Values: why are GCSEs important? • Response efficacy: what behaviours are required to attain success/ avoid failure? • Self efficacy: encouragement to perform those behaviours Predicts lower grades on tests Low self-efficacy Predict lower autonomous motivations High Value/ Fear Threat Appraisal Messages High Value of GCSE outcome Predicts mixed effects on goals Increases worry and anxiety in tests Aims of this project: Examine how value judgements and selfefficacy are related to: • Threat Appraisals • Challenge Appraisals • Discounting Appraisals • Study 1: • In vivo with 252 Year 11 students from 2 secondary schools • Ask them to report teachers’ use of value-promoting messages and their appraisal • Examine relations with academic self-efficacy and value judgements • Higher ecological validity/ no causality • Study 2: • In vitro with 371 Year 12/13 students from 4 sixth form colleges • Give them scenarios in which value academic self-efficacy and value judgements are manipulated • Ask them how a fictional student would respond • Lower ecological validity/ causality possible Study 1 Step 1: Revise existing measure Scale Example Loadings α Frequency How often do your teachers tell you that unless you work hard you will not get a grade C in maths GCSE and be able to go to college or 6th form? .57 - .87 .72 Timing How often do your teachers tell you that your maths GCSE exam is getting nearer? .51 - .92 .72 Threat Do you feel worried when your teachers tell you that maths GCSE is important in order to get a good job? .66 - .91 .90 Challenge Do you feel inspired to pass GCSE maths when your teachers tell you it is important in order to get a good job? .72 - .90 .85 Step 2: Examine correlations with value and academic self-efficacy Frequency Frequency of Messages of Messages re Failure re Timing Self-efficacy Intrinsic Value Attainment Value Extrinsic Value * p <.05, ** p <.01 -.05 -.06 -.02 -.03 -.03 -.03 -.02 -.05 Threat Appraisal Challenge Appraisal -.20** -.25** -.26** -.10** .32** .39** .51** .40** Study 2 High Low High Vignette A Vignette C Low Value Academic Self-Efficacy Vignette B Vignette D An example: Sarah is a hard working Year 11 student who is good at maths. She finds the work done in lessons challenging, but usually does very well. In her Year 10 maths exam she got a grade A and is predicted a grade A in her GCSE maths. Sarah believes that maths is an important subject to do well in. She wants to go to college to study A levels and knows she must get at least a pass in GCSE maths. She also knows that maths is a useful skill to have in daily life to help with things like bills. When the teacher says this, how much would Sarah think, “what the teacher says isn’t relevant to me?” Put an X on the line below to indicate how you think Sarah would respond: Not at all relevant Very much relevant 180 Anaologue Reponses 160 140 120 100 Discounting 80 Challenge 60 Threat 40 20 0 High SE/ High Value High SE/ Low Value Low SE/ High Value Low SE/ Low Value What we have shown 1. Challenge appraisals are linked to high value of GCSE outcomes and high academic self-efficacy 2. Threat appraisals are linked to high value of GCSE outcomes and low academic self-efficacy 3. Messages are disregarded when GCSE outcomes are not valued and academic self-efficacy is low (2) Exam related anxiety, buoyancy coping and GCSE grades Putwain, Chamberlain, Daly & Sadreddini Analytic Approach: A mediated moderational model Test Anxiety Academic Buoyancy Test Anxiety x Academic Buoyancy Exam Coping Approach GCSE achievement Structure of the study Prior Measure of Educational Attainment: KS2 SAT Grades (English, science and maths) T1 Measures: Test anxiety and academic buoyancy T2 Measures: coping with pre-exam anxiety Educational achievement outcome: GCSE grades (English, science and maths) Participants… • 325 Year 11 students • male n = 142, female n = 183 • mean age of 15.3 years (SD = .61) • Drawn from 10 secondary schools • 14.3% FSM (English mean = 15.9%) • 12.0% EFL (English mean = 12.3%) • 61.9% 5 x GCSE passes (English mean = 59.4%) Measures: Academic Buoyancy (α = .76, ρI = .01) ‘I think I’m good at dealing with schoolwork pressures’ Worry (α = .76, ρI = .02) ‘During exams I find myself thinking about the consequences of failing’ Tension (α = .83, ρI = .01) ‘I start feeling very uneasy just before getting an important exam grade back’ Social Derogation (α = .88, ρI = .01) ‘I am worried that if I fail an exam my parents will not like it’ Task Focus (α = .78, ρI <.01) ‘I put other activities to one side and concentrate on the exams coming up’ Social Support (α = .78, ρI = .01) ‘I talk to others to find out more about the exam’ Avoidance (α = .70, ρI = .05) ‘I go to the movies or watch TV so I don’t think about the exams so much’ Indirect Effect B = -.07, SE = .03 [-.02 to -0.15] Worry Results -.20 -.47 Tension .38 Indirect Effect B = .05, SE = .03 [.01 to 0.11] Worry x Academic Buoyancy .15 Task focus & orientation .14 GCSE achievement Moderating role of buoyancy 6 Mean GCSE Grade 5.5 5 High Buoyancy (+1SD) 4.5 Mid Buoyancy (Mean) 4 Low Buoyancy (-1SD) 3.5 3 Low (-1SD) High (+1SD) Worry Simple slopes: High Academic Buoyancy: B = .09, t = -0.64, p = .52 Mid Academic Buoyancy: B = -.39, t = -3.30, p = .001 Low Academic Buoyancy: B = -.69, t = -4.88, p <.001 What we have shown 1. Indirect negative relationship between worry and GCSE achievement partly due to less use of task focus 2. Indirect positive relationship between tension and GCSE achievement due to more use of task focus 3. High academic buoyancy protects achievement from high worry (3) An ITC-based multimodal intervention for reducing test anxiety Putwain, Daly, Chamberlain & Sadreddini Strategies to Tackle Exam Pressure & Stress • Six session programme • Combines CBT, Stress Inoculation Training and Cognitive Skills Deficit Training • IT-based resource (CD or school server) • Booklet for self-reflection tasks The six sessions: 1. What is exam stress and anxiety 2. Identifying negative thoughts, replacing them with positive thoughts 3. Controlling physiological reactions to stress 4. Revision and test-taking skills 5. Motivation and goal setting 6. Identifying what works for you? Outcome Study Design 10 schools, Years 10 and 11 (N =3111) Intervention (n =1602) Non-intervention (n =1519) Time 1: Baseline assessment of whole sample – TA/ AB questionnaire administered Completed STEPS (992 were given STEPS as homework and 399 as classwork) Time 2: Assessment of whole sample – TA questionnaire administered Complete STEPS (N=1445) Intervention group participants • 219 (13.7%) completed the entire programme • 409 (25.5%) partially completed the programme • 974 (60.8%) chose not to complete any of the programme Study participation • More likely if scheduled into school curriculum (p < .001) • Did not differ by gender (p >.05) • Did not differ by level of pre-intervention test anxiety (p >.05) High TA: Intervention vs. Control 4 Worry/ Tension Scores 3.5 3 Control 2.5 Intervention 2 1.5 1 Pre- Worry Post- t(329) = 4.89, p < .001, d = .63, Pre- Tension Post- t(329) = 3.46, p = .001, d = .53 High TA: Completers vs. Non-completers 4 Worry/ Tension Scores 3.5 3 Intervention: No Sessions 2.5 Intervention: Completers 2 1.5 1 Pre- Worry Post- t(95) = 3.93, p < .001, d = .89 Pre- Tension Post- t(95) = 2.82, p = .006, d = .49 What we have shown 1. The development of a multimodal ICT delivered resource 2. Has potential to reduce worry and tension in high TA students