Genetics of the Laboratory Mouse David G. Besselsen, DVM, PhD University Animal Care The University of Arizona Molecular Genetics DNA (DexoyribioNucelic Acid) – major component of chromosomes – encode protein sequences (“genetic code”) RNA (RiboNucleic Acid) – RNA produced from DNA via “transcription” – RNA acts as messenger (mRNA) to transport DNA code from cell nucleus to cytoplasm where proteins are synthesized Protein – synthesized from building blocks called “amino acids” – produced via “translation” of messenger RNA (mRNA) – each protein has one or more specific functions Gene Gene – DNA sequence that encodes for a specific protein product – gene “expression” means protein product is being made via transcription and translation (DNA to RNA to protein) Promoter – non-coding DNA sequence linked to the gene – cellular proteins bind to this sequence in a cell type specific manner and “turn on” expression of that gene – specifies which genes are expressed in which cell types Repressor – protein that binds to and “turns off” a specific promoter, thereby turning off expression of that gene Naming Genes No defined nomenclature system so very confusing named after gene function (often enzymes) – Nos2, Sod1 named after size of gene product – p53, p21 named after phenotype – Apc, Rb, Mom1 many synonyms – name may change when gene function identified (Min) – single gene with multiple functions given multiple names Alleles DNA sequence variations within a specific gene – when translated these sequence variations result in slightly different amino acid sequences – therefore slightly different protein structures – stuctural changes affect protein function, ultimately phenotype Numerous alleles may exist among a population for any given gene, an individual animal has only two alleles for each gene (one allele from each parent) “homozygous” = both alleles for a gene are identical, Nos2+/+ or Nos2-/– “wildtype” sometimes used to infer homozygous dominant, esp. in knockouts “heterozygous” = two different alleles for a gene, Nos2+/“hemizygous” = only one allele present (transgenes), Tg+/0 Genotype/Phenotype Genotype – narrow sense = allele composition of one (or several) specific gene(s) in one animal – broad sense = the entire set of alleles for all genes in an animal, e.g. it’s entire genetic background or “genome” Phenotype – narrow sense = specific characteristic of an animal that results from the allele composition for a specific (or several) gene(s) in that animal looking for “altered” phenotype in genetically altered rodents – broad sense = the combined anatomic, physiologic, and behavioral characteristics of an animal resulting from its genome History of the Laboratory Mouse 1100 BC190919291962198019891990sknockouts, project 2002- color-variant mice (China) first inbred strain The Jackson Laboratory nude mouse first transgenic mouse first knockout mouse conditional/inducible knock-in, mouse genome RNA interference knockouts? Mouse Coat Color Genetics Where it all began... 4 genes (ABCD) primarily responsible for mouse coat color phenotype – A = agouti (+) a = non-agouti (a) – B = black (+) b = brown (Tyrp1b) – C = color (+) c = albino (Tyrc) – D = non-dilute (+) d = dilute (Myo5ad) BALB/c Coat Color Genetics A = Agouti b = Brown c = Albino (dominant to other genes) D = non-dilute C3H Coat Color Genetics A = Agouti (when C allele fixed, A is dominant to B) B = Black C = Color D = Non-dilute C57BL/6 Coat Color Genetics a = Non-agouti B = Black C = Color D = Non-dilute DBA Coat Color Genetics a = Non-Agouti b = Brown C = Color d = Dilute 3 genetic loci fixed with recessive genes = dba Mouse “Genomics” Genomics = study of the complete set of genes (genome) Human genome ~3 billion bp Mouse genome ~ 3 billion bp Genome size of other common genetic models – Fruit fly ~ 140 million bp (21-fold less) – Roundworm ~ 97 million bp (31-fold less) – Brewer’s yeast ~ 12 million bp (250-fold less) – Bacteria (E. coli) ~ 5 million bp (600-fold less) Mouse “Genomics” Mouse is #1 animal model for determination of human gene function – C57BL/6, BALB/c, C3H most commonly used strains historically – C57BL/6, 129, FVB most commonly used for genetically engineered strains genome sequences now available for several strains – C57BL/6 (NIH Mouse Sequencing Consortium) – A/J2, DBA/2, 129X1/SvJ, 129S1/SvImJ (Celera Genomics) Mouse “Genomics” The mouse genome consists of an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 different genes (~2000 per chromosome) – minimum of 50% of these homologous (e.g. have similar sequence and function) to human genes (Celera Genomics) – nomenclature for mouse gene homologs of human genes Nitric oxide synthase 2 Human gene = NOS2 (italicized, all caps) Mouse gene = Nos2 (italicized, only first letter capitalized) Protein = NOS2 (not italicized, all caps) Daunting task to determine function/interactions of these genes and the various alleles for each gene Mouse Functional Genomics genotype-driven or “forward” genomics – induce known mutation in mouse genome (genetic engineering) – screen for alterations in phenotype (comprehensive recommended, but often limited screen for expected phenotype) – investigator bias since expected outcome phenotype-driven or “reverse” genomics – observe altered phenotype after spontaneous mutation OR – induce point mutations randomly in mouse genome (by ENU) and screen for altered phenotypes – map gene location associated with altered phenotype – identify unknown genes, gene functions – requires comprehensive screening for altered phenotype or Rodent Genetic Terminology Genetic backgrounds – – – – outbred stock inbred strain F1 hybrid recombinant inbred strains – consomic strain Mutants (single gene) – coisogenic – transgenic tissue-specific inducible – targeted mutations knockout knock-in conditional knockout – congenic Categories of Genetic Crosses Gene with two alleles, A and a Designation Mating Offspring Gen# Incross strain (1) A/A x A/A (1) A/A (F1,F2) Inbred (2) a/a x a/a (2) a/a Outcross Hybrid A/A x a/a A/a Intercross analysis A/a x A/a A/A, A/a, a/a (F1,F2) Linkage F1 Use F1 Outbred Stock closed population, genetically variable – genetically defined in terms of alleles present in population – < 1% loss of heterozygosity per generation – representative of large population with differing genotypes mating – random mating with large numbers of breeding pairs – systematic mating of small numbers of breeding pairs Hsd:NIHS-bg-nu-xid – source designation (Hsd = Harlan Sprague Dawley) – stock designation (NIHS = NIH Swiss) – mutations (bg-nu-xid = triple immunodeficient) Inbred Strain closed population, genetically identical – compare/contrast incidence/progression of specific phenotypes 20 generations of brother/sister (parent/offspring) matings – inbreeding depression (fixation of recessive alleles) substrains – if line separated between 20 and 40 generations – if line separated from parent strain for >100 generations sublines – colonies maintained separately from source colonies – no genotypic or phenotypic differences from source colony Inbred Strain Nomenclature Strains indicated by all capitalized letters – AKR, CBA, DBA, etc. Many exceptions to this rule since many strains named before standardized nomenclature rules – 129, C3H, BALB/c (the /c is part of the strain designation) C57BL/6J – – – – C57BL = strain designation (black offspring of female C57) /6 = substrain designation J = source (The Jackson Laboratory), subline designation also microbiological status sometimes included in brackets [BR] = barrier reared, [GF] = germ free, [GN] = gnotobiote, etc. Inbred Strain Abbreviations F1 hybrids, recombinant inbred, consomic, congenic strains Also used for genetically engineered mice developed from 2 strains, e.g. B6,129 AKR BALB/c CBA C3H C57BL C57BL/6 = AK =C = CB = C3 =B = B6 C57BL/10 DBA/1 DBA/2 SJL SWR 129 = B10 = D1 = D2 = S or J = SW = 129 F1 Hybrid Genetically uniform, maximum heterozygosity – mimics “wildtype” since minimizes recessive traits – hybrid vigor longer lifespan, stronger disease resistance, larger litters, etc. – frequently used in toxicology studies – offspring of two inbred strains (intercross) (C57BL/6xDBA/2) F1 or B6D2F1 – female parent first, male parent second, F1 = 1st generation – D2B6F1 is NOT genetically identical to B6D2F1 (why?) Recombinant Inbred F2 generation of two inbred strains brother/sister (parent/offspring) mated for > 20 generations – “new” inbred strains with recombinant or “hybrid” chromosomes (variable regions of each chromosome derived from each of the two parental inbred strains) – used for gene mapping, linkage – compare altered phenotypes to original inbred strains, other RI AKXD2-1, AKXD2-2, etc. – original inbred strains = AKR (AK), DBA/2 (D2) – capital “X” denotes recombinant inbred strains – -1, -2 indicate two distinct RI strains Recombinant Inbred Consomic Differ from inbred strain by one chromosome – mapping genes, gene linkage C.B-17 – chromosome 17 from C57BL (B) – other chromosomes from BALB/c (C) – strain on which Prkdcscid mutation spontaneously arose Coisogenic Spontaneous mutation within a strain – differs from original strain at only one genetic loci – evaluate altered phenotype induced by that gene – extremely valuable historically, but low frequency of occurrence and/or identification C.B-17 Prkdcscid – scid mutant allele originally arose in C.B-17 consomic strain – Prkdc = gene (DNA activated protein kinase enzyme) – scid = mutant allele (allele is superscripted; homozygous genotype implied) Transgenic Foreign gene (transgene) linked to known promoter – inject DNA into 1 cell embryo, random integration into genome insertional mutation – transgene present in every cell of animals body – evaluate altered phenotypes from gene “overexpression” – transgene expression can be localized to specific tissues or cell types by cell-specific promoters turned on and off by inducible promoter/repressor systems (tetracycline) C57BL/6J-TgH(SOD1-G93A)1Gur – “Tg” = transgenic; “H” = mode of insertion (H, R, N) – (transgene designation); “1” = line; “Gur” = laboratory – abbreviated B6TgH1Gur Targeted Mutants Targeted mutation (tm) in specific gene – generated on mixed genetic background – – – – mutant DNA into ES cells (129) homologous recombination of mutant DNA into ES cell genome ES cells into blastocyst (B6) analysis of gene underexpression or expression of mutant allele “knockout” = target gene deleted in all cells “knockin” = wildtype allele replaced with a specific mutant allele “conditional knockout” = gene deleted in subset of cells in body C57BL/6J-Nos2tm1Lau – “tm” = targeted mutation, “1” = tm line, “Lau” = laboratory Congenic Mutant gene transferred to a different inbred background from coisogenic, transgenic, or targeted mutant strain – evaluation of mutation on a different or defined genetic background – mutant offspring backcrossed to desired inbred strain for 8 to 12 generations – short DNA sequences flanking mutant gene also transferred NOT the same as coisogenic closely linked genes from donor strain also present C57BL/6J Prkdcscid (congenic from coisogenic) – C57BL/6 Nos2tm1Lau (congenic from knockout) Congenic Development 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 % C.B-17 % C57BL/6 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N8 congenic has 99.6% of the desired genetic background –0.4% of genome represents ~120 genes Speed Congenic Development # Mice (N=33) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 62- 65- 68- 71- 74- 77- 80- 8364 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 % C57BL6/J background at N2 Bell curve of percent desired genetic background at N2 Select breeder mice with highest % desired genetic background by marker assisted genotyping analysis at Speed Congenic Development 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 % C.B-17 % C57BL/6 N1 At N2 N3 N4 N5 N5 speed congenic has 99.9% of desired genetic background (equivalent to N10 of traditional congenic) Speed Congenic Development 30 25 20 Time in months 15 10 5 0 Congenic Speed Congenic Speed congenic requires half the time to generate – decreased mice and per diems, quicker progress to goals Must screen multiple (8-12) male offspring at N2 to N4 Simple Interfering RNA Transgenic Mice Post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) – innate eukaryotic cellular defense system – 21-23 bp dsRNA complimentary to mRNA approximately 50-100 nt downstream of start codon of targeted gene – Effective in plants and non-mammalian animals – Effective in mammalian cells, though not yet reported in mammalian animals Potential alternative to knockout mice – Could be conditional or inducible by linking to tissuespecific or inducible promoter Eliminates need to produce congenics – Can produce transgenics on several inbred lines Feasibility? Factors that Alter Genotype Genetic drift – spontaneous mutations – substrain and subline designations – loss of transgene or knockout mutation Genetic contamination (“shift”) – accidental introduction of breeder of different genetic background (strain/stock) Husbandry Quality Control – alternate strains of different color if in same room – use different color cage cards for different strains – escapees euthanized (not replaced) Genetic Monitoring Conventional – Biochemical Isoenzyme Analysis – Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) serology for MHC antigens tail allograft transplants – Mandibular Measurements Molecular Methods (“DNA fingerprinting”) – simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLP) microsatellite DNA – restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) minisatellite DNA – PCR genotyping for specific gene mutations Genetic Monitoring Factors that Alter Phenotype Observed phenotype is not always the result of the genetic mutation!! Genetic background – hydrocephalus, microphthalmia (small eyes) in B6 – corpus callosum absence in 70% of BALB/c and 129 strains – retinal degeneration (blindness) in C3H after weaning Infectious agents – Helicobacter-induced IBD in IL-2, IL-10, Tcr knockouts Behavior – C57BL/6 barbering -> ulcerative dermatitis -> immune stimulation/antibody production -> early onset amyloidosis