Distilling Your Scholarly Research Introductions & Q.A.B.s Mimi Beck Program Director, Graduate Student Life Rev. Kevin J. Sandberg, C.S.C., Ph.D. Director, Common Good Initiative, Center for Social Concerns Mike Westrate, Ph.D. Program Director, Grad School Office of Grants & Fellowships Getting to Know You, Q&A 1. How many are from the college of… 2. How many are 1st years… 3. How many are international students? 4. How many have been to one of my events? Fr. Kevin’s? A Grad Life event? 5. How many plan to compete in 3MT? THE TYPOLOGY OF SELF-PRESENTATIONS Selling Yourself and Your Research It is all the same genre • Research pitches can be oral or written, in person or online, in videos or in cover letters. • Whether 3MT Pitch, Fellowship Application, Grant Proposal, Thesis or Dissertation Proposal, Elevator Pitch, or Job Application, it is all the same type of communication! • Winning skills in this area can be learned and perfected—and the best part is, you can practice and improve while winning competitions, making more money, and building your personal brand Typology of Oral Presentations It is all the same genre • Homily (~3 minutes during the week, ~7-10 on Sunday) • Classroom Lecture (30-90 minutes) • Job Interview (~20 minutes first round, ~72 hours in last round visit) • Job Talk (40-60 minutes) • Elevator Pitch (30 seconds to 3 minutes) • 3MT (3 minutes [recommended: ~2.9 minutes]) What areFormat the primary differences? Audience (requires analysis) Audience Analysis Who will they be? What will they expect? Analyzing the 3MT Audience Who will they be? • Big names from the faculty • VIPs from administration • Industry leaders • Community leaders Analyzing the 3MT Audience What will they expect? • Were the thesis topic, results and implications communicated in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience? • Did the presenter pique your curiosity/interest to want to know more about their research? • Did the presenter avoid trivializing or overgeneralizing their research? THE CONTEXT: Q.A.B. Question Answer Benefits Q.A.B. Question/problem Answer/evidence Benefits/limitations Q.A.B. My doctoral study was concerned with [p] the neglect of listening and its restoration. It argues that listening is an exercise in responsibility. As such, listening is best described as a gift of self in the face of uncertainty. It is a critical means by which we unknow, become, and value. Yet listening is a topic about which contemporary religious educators have said very little. Nevertheless listening has a strong presence in religious traditions. King Solomon asked for a listening heart, Jesus enjoined whoever has ears to hear, and St. Benedict summoned the novice in religious life to listen carefully. If, as Parker Palmer has said, “the first task of an educator is not to talk but to listen,” then listening should be a topic of research, a curricular concern, and a pedagogical disposition, lest our efforts to teach remain structurally undermined from the very beginning. Q.A.B. My doctoral study was concerned with [p] the neglect of listening and its restoration. Or, [Q] what is the role of religious education in the neglect and restoration of listening? Q.A.B. My doctoral study was concerned with [p] the neglect of listening and its restoration. It argues that [A] listening is an exercise in responsibility. As such, listening is best described as a gift of self in the face of uncertainty. It is a critical means by which we unknow, become, and value. Yet listening is a topic about which contemporary religious educators have said very little. Nevertheless listening has a strong presence in religious traditions. King Solomon asked for a listening heart, Jesus enjoined whoever has ears to hear, and St. Benedict summoned the novice in religious life to listen carefully. If, as Parker Palmer has said, “the first task of an educator is not to talk but to listen,” then listening should be a topic of research, a curricular concern, and a pedagogical disposition, lest our efforts to teach remain structurally undermined from the very beginning. Q.A.B. My doctoral study was concerned with [p] the neglect of listening and its restoration. It argues that [A] listening is an exercise in responsibility. As such, listening is best described as a gift of self in the face of uncertainty. It is a critical means by which we unknow, become, and value. Yet [p] listening is a topic about which contemporary religious educators have said very little. Nevertheless [e] listening has a strong presence in religious traditions. King Solomon asked for a listening heart, Jesus enjoined whoever has ears to hear, and St. Benedict summoned the novice in religious life to listen carefully. If, as Parker Palmer has said, “the first task of an educator is not to talk but to listen,” then listening should be a topic of research, a curricular concern, and a pedagogical disposition, lest our efforts to teach remain structurally undermined from the very beginning. Q.A.B. My doctoral study was concerned with [p] the neglect of listening and its restoration. It argues that [A] listening is an exercise in responsibility. As such, listening is best described as a gift of self in the face of uncertainty. It is a critical means by which we unknow, become, and value. Yet [p] listening is a topic about which contemporary religious educators have said very little. Nevertheless [e] listening has a strong presence in religious traditions. King Solomon asked for a listening heart, Jesus enjoined whoever has ears to hear, and St. Benedict summoned the novice in religious life to listen carefully. If, as Parker Palmer has said, “the first task of an educator is not to talk but to listen,” then listening should be a topic of research, a curricular concern, and a pedagogical disposition, lest our efforts to teach remain structurally undermined from the very beginning. Q.A.B. My doctoral study was concerned with [p] the neglect of listening and its restoration. It argues that [A] listening is an exercise in responsibility. As such, listening is best described as a gift of self in the face of uncertainty. It is a critical means by which we unknow, become, and value. Yet [p] listening is a topic about which contemporary religious educators have said very little. Nevertheless [e] listening has a strong presence in religious traditions. King Solomon asked for a listening heart, Jesus enjoined whoever has ears to hear, and St. Benedict summoned the novice in religious life to listen carefully. If, as Parker Palmer has said, “the first task of an educator is not to talk but to listen,” then listening should be a topic of research, a curricular concern, and a pedagogical disposition, lest our efforts to teach remain structurally undermined from the very beginning. Q.A.B. My doctoral study was concerned with [p] the neglect of listening and its restoration. It argues that [A] listening is an exercise in responsibility. As such, listening is best described as a gift of self in the face of uncertainty. It is a critical means by which we unknow, become, and value. Yet [p] listening is a topic about which contemporary religious educators have said very little. Nevertheless [e] listening has a strong presence in religious traditions. King Solomon asked for a listening heart, Jesus enjoined whoever has ears to hear, and St. Benedict summoned the novice in religious life to listen carefully. If, as Parker Palmer has said, “the first task of an educator is not to talk but to listen,” then [B/l] listening should be a topic of research, a curricular concern, and a pedagogical disposition, lest our efforts to teach remain structurally undermined from the very beginning. Exemplars Mara Gotz Univ. of Edinburgh 2014 Winner Andrew Farrer Univ. of Adelaide 2015 Winner Exercise #1 [5 min] 1. What were their questions? 2. What were their answers? 3. What are the benefits of their research? 4. Why did they win? Please stay in your groups THESIS COMPONENTS To Compose a Thesis: Topic Thesis To Compose a Thesis: Topic problematize it contextualize it particularize it relativize it Thesis To Compose a Thesis: Topic problematize it contextualize it particularize it relativize it Thesis Problematize Contextualize Particularize Relativize Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Concise Meaningful Intriguing Memorable Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Concise Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Concise What is the average length watched of a single video on internet? Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Concise What is the average length watched of a single video on internet?—2.7 minutes Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Concise What is the average length watched of a single video on internet?—2.7 minutes Which is absorbed more readily: a longer or shorter sentence? Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Concise What is the average length watched of a single video on internet?—2.7 minutes Which is absorbed more readily: a longer or shorter sentence?—shorter Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Concise What is the average length watched of a single video on internet?—2.7 minutes Which is absorbed more readily: a longer or shorter sentence?—shorter Does jargon create barriers or engage people? Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Concise What is the average length watched of a single video on internet?—2.7 minutes Which is absorbed more readily: a longer or shorter sentence?—shorter Does jargon create barriers or engage people?—barriers Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Intriguing Be distinctive. Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Intriguing Be distinctive. Be heuristic—enable the person to enter the discovery process. Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Intriguing Be distinctive. Be heuristic—enable the person to enter the discovery process. A speaker's commitment begets a listener's interest. Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Meaningful Be transparent—don't bury the lead; reveal your hand early. Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Meaningful Be transparent—don't bury the lead; reveal your hand early. Don't merely state an observation; incite discussion. Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Meaningful Be transparent—don't bury the lead; reveal your hand early. Don't merely state an observation; incite discussion. All stories are true, and some of them took place. Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Memorable Be attentive to what sticks; provide a hook. Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Memorable Be attentive to what sticks; provide a hook. Listenability depends on timing as well as vocal hangers; build anticipation. Characteristics of a Thesis Statement Memorable Be attentive to what sticks; provide a hook. Listenability depends on timing as well as vocal hangers; build anticipation. Facts are retained; stories retold. –Scott Ginsburg Exercise #2 Please Write Your Own Q.A.B. [10 min] Andrew Farrer Q. How do human events effect the bacteria that live on human bodies? A. I am collecting historical dental plaque to analyze bacteria in relationship to human events. B. The results will help guide natural improvements in digestion, vitamin production, and immune function. This will help free us from reliance on antibiotics. Mara Gotz Q. How do ideas transfer and spread? A. I am studying ideas that transferred from Sociology to Translation Studies. B. The results will help individuals, groups, and markets effectively transfer and spread knowledge, both inside and outside academia. Exercise #2 Present Your Q.A.B. [10 min] 1. 2-3 people present from each group [1 min each] 2. Feedback for each person [2-3 min each] How can they improve in each of these categories? Was it concise? Was it meaningful? Was it intriguing? Was it memorable? Let’s Play… The Game of Benefits [to 11:55] Intellectual Merit (your field) and Broader Impacts (everybody else) Recap The Distillation Process 1. Determine your format 2. Know your audience! 3. Know your: Question/problem Answer/evidence Benefits/limitations Know that you can do it!