HOW ENZYMES WORK ENZYMES SPEED UP CHEMICAL REACTIONS Enzymes are biological catalysts – substances that speed a reaction without being altered in the reaction. Most enzymes are proteins. Enzymes are essential for life. Model of the surface of an enzyme. Enzymes Cofactors Coenzymes Holoenzyme Apoenzyme How Enzymes Work? • Body conditions(temperature, pressure etc.) not good for reaction • Only enzymes can catalyse the reactions in this conditions • A special environment inside enzymes for reaction ACTIVE SITE • Molecule binds active site SUBSTRATE Enzymes Lower a Reaction’s Activation Energy Each reaction has a transition state where the substrate is in an unstable, short-lived chemical/structural state. Free Energy of Activation is symbolized by ΔG‡. Enzymes act by lowering the free energy of the transition state Enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers Enzyme speed reactions by lowering EA. – The transition state can be reached at moderate temperatures. Enzymes do not change delta G. – It speed-up reactions that would occur eventually. Because enzymes are so selective, they determine which chemical processes will occur at any time Enzymes lower the free energy of activation by binding the transition state of the reaction better than the substrate The enzyme must bind the substrate in the correct orientation otherwise there would be no reaction Not a lock & key but induced fit – the enzyme and/or the substrate distort towards the transition state Induced Fit A change in the shape of an enzyme’s active site Induced by the substrate Lock and Key Model An enzyme binds a substrate in a region called the active site Only certain substrates can fit the active site Amino acid R groups in the active site help substrate bind Enzyme-substrate complex forms Substrate reacts to form product Product is released Enzyme Kinetics - Kinetics The study of the rate of change. - Enzyme Kinetics Rate of chemical reactions mediated by enzymes. Enzymes can increase reaction rate by favoring or enabling a different reaction pathway with a lower activation energy, making it easier for the reaction to occur. Michaelis-Menten kinetics V0 varies with [S] Vmax approached asymptotically V0 is moles of product formed per sec. when [P] is low (close to zero time) E + SESE + P Michaelis-Menten Model V0 = Vmax x[S]/([S] + Km) Michaelis-Menten Equation Determining initial velocity (when [P] is low) Steady-state & pre-steady-state conditions At equilibrium, no net change of [S] & [P] or of [ES] & [E] At pre-steady-state, [P] is low (close to zero time), hence, V0 for initial reaction velocity At pre-steady state, we can ignore the back reactions Michaelis-Menten kinetics (summary) Enzyme kinetics (Michaelis-Menten Graph) : At fixed concentration of enzyme, V0 is almost linearly proportional to [S] when [S] is small, but is nearly independent of [S] when [S] is large Proposed Model: E + S ES E + P ES complex is a necessary intermediate Objective: find an expression that relates rate of catalysis to the concentrations of S & E, and the rates of individual steps Start with: V0 = k2[ES], and derive, V0 = Vmax x[S]/([S] + Km) This equation accounts for graph data. At low [S] ([S] < Km), V0 = (Vmax/Km)[S] At high [S] ([S] > Km), V0 = Vmax When [S] = Km, V0 = Vmax/2. Thus, Km = substrate concentration at which the reaction rate (V0) is half max. Range of Km values Km provides approximation of [S] in vivo for many enzymes Lineweaver-Burk plot (double-reciprocal) Eadie-Hofstee plot Hanes-Woolf Plot Allosteric enzymes Allosteric enzymes tend to be multi-sub unit proteins The reversible binding of an allosteric modulator (here a positive modulator M) affects the substrate binding site Mechanism and Example of Allosteric Effect Kinetics R = Relax (active) Models Cooperation Allosteric site R vo (+) R S [S] R S S A (+) vo S Allosteric site S Heterotropic (+) Sequential X Heterotropic (-) Concerted T (+) R X [S] T T = Tense (inactive) Homotropic (+) Concerted I vo (-) (-) X T [S] T Enzyme Inhibitors • Specific enzyme inhibitors regulate enzyme activity and help us understand mechanism of enzyme action. (Denaturing agents are not inhibitors) • Irreversible inhibitors form covalent or very tight permanent bonds with aa at the active site of the enzyme and render it inactive. 3 classes: groupspecific reagents, substrate analogs, suicide inhibitors • Reversible inhibitors form an EI complex that can be dissociated back to enzyme and free inhibitor. 3 groups based on their mechanism of action: competitive, non-competitive and uncompetitive. Enzyme Inhibition Competitive inhibitors • Compete with substrate for binding to enzyme • E + S = ES or E + I = EI . Both S and I cannot bind enzyme at the same time • In presence of I, the equilibrium of E + S = ES is shifted to the left causing dissociation of ES. • This can be reversed / corrected by increasing [S] • Vmax is not changed, KM is increased by (1 + I/Ki) • Eg: AZT, antibacterial sulfonamides, the anticancer agent methotrexate etc Competitive Inhibition Kinetics of competitive inhibitor Ki = dissociation constant for inhibitor Increase [S] to overcome inhibition Vmax attainable, Km is increased V max unaltered, Km increased Non-competitive Inhibitors • Inhibitor binding site is distinct from substrate binding site. Can bind to free enzyme E and to ES • E + I = EI, ES + I = ESI or EI + S = ESI • Both EI and ESI are enzymatically inactive • The effective functional [E] (and [S]) is reduced • Reaction of unaffected ES proceeds normally • Inhibition cannot be reversed by increasing [S] • KM is not changed, Vmax is decreased by (1 + I/Ki) Mixed (Noncompetitive) Inhibition Kinetics of non-competitive inhibitor Increasing [S] cannot overcome inhibition Less E available, V max is lower, Km remains the same for available E Km unaltered, V max decreased Uncompetitive Inhibitors • The inhibitor cannot bind to the enzyme directly, but can only bind to the enzyme-substrate complex. • ES + I = ESI • Both Vmax and KM are decreased by (1+I/Ki). Uncompetitive Inhibition Substrate Inhibition Caused by high substrate concentrations E+S Km’ ES + S KS1 ES2 k2 E+P [ S ][ ES ] ' [ S ][ E ] K Si , Km [ ES2 ] [ ES ] v Vm [ S ] 2 [ S ] K m' [ S ] K S1 Substrate Inhibition At low substrate concentrations [S]2/Ks1<<1 and inhibition is not observed Plot of 1/v vs. 1/[S] gives a line Slope = K’m/Vm Intercept = 1/Vm Vm v ' Km 1 [ S ] ' m 1 1 K 1 v Vm Vm [ S ] Substrate Inhibition At high substrate concentrations, K’m/[S]<<1, and inhibition is dominant Plot of 1/v vs. [S] gives a straight line Slope = 1/KS1 · Vm Intercept = 1/Vm dv / d [ S ] 0 [ S ]max K m' K S 1 v Vm [S ] 1 K S1 1 1 [S ] v Vm K S 1Vm 1/V I>0 1/V I>0 I=0 I=0 1/Vm,app 1/Vm 1/Vm -1/Km -1/Km,app 1/[S] Competitive 1/V -1/Km,app-1/Km 1/[S] Uncompetitive I>0 1/V I=0 1/Vm,app -1/Km 1/Vm 1/Vm 1/[S] Non-Competitive -1/Km 1/[S] Substrate Inhibition Enzyme Inhibition (Mechanism) I Competitive I Non-competitive Equation and Description Cartoon Guide Substrate E I Inhibitor E S S Compete for active site E + S← → ES → E + P + I ↓↑ EI [I] binds to free [E] only, and competes with [S]; increasing [S] overcomes Inhibition by [I]. S I I Uncompetitive S E I I Different site E + S← → ES → E + P + + I I ↓↑ ↓↑ EI + S →EIS [I] binds to free [E] or [ES] complex; Increasing [S] can not overcome [I] inhibition. S I E + S← → ES → E + P + I ↓↑ EIS [I] binds to [ES] complex only, increasing [S] favors the inhibition by [I]. Enzyme Inhibition (Plots) I Competitive Non-competitive I Direct Plots Vmax vo I Double Reciprocal I [S], mM Km = Km’ Vmax decreased Km unchanged 1/vo 1/vo 1/Km I Vmax Vmax’ [S], mM Vmax unchanged Km increased Intersect at Y axis Uncompetitive Vmax vo Km Km’ I I Km’ Km Vmax’ [S], mM Both Vmax & Km decreased 1/vo I I Two parallel lines 1/ Vmax 1/[S] Intersect at X axis 1/Km 1/ Vmax 1/[S] 1/ Vmax 1/Km 1/[S] Factors Affecting Enzyme Kinetics Effects of pH - on enzymes - enzymes have ionic groups on their active sites. - Variation of pH changes the ionic form of the active sites. - pH changes the three-Dimensional structure of enzymes. - on substrate - some substrates contain ionic groups - pH affects the ionic form of substrate affects the affinity of the substrate to the enzyme. Effects of Temperature Reaction rate increases with temperature up to a limit Above a certain temperature, activity decreases with temperature due to denaturation Denaturation is much faster than activation Rate varies according to the Arrhenius equation v k2[ E ] k 2 Ae Ea / RT Where Ea is the activation energy (kcal/mol) [ E ] [ E0 ]e k d t [E] is active enzyme concentration k d Ad e Ea / RT v Ae Ea / RT E0 e k d t Factors Affecting Enzyme Kinetics Temperature - on the rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction d[ P] v k 2 [ ES] dt k2=A*exp(-Ea/R*T) T v k2 - enzyme denaturation T Denaturation rate: d[ E] kd [E] dt kd=Ad*exp(-Ea/R*T) kd: enzyme denaturation rate constant; Ea: deactivation energy REFERENCES Michael L. Shuler and Fikret Kargı, Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts (2 nd Edition),Prentice Hall, New York, 2002. 1. James E. Bailey and David F. Ollis, Biochemical Engineering Fundementals (2 nd Edition), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1986. ctures/Ch08B.ppt - – s/bio12/biochem/enzymes.pdf SB/powerpoint/enzymes.ppt 05_why_are_enzymes.pdf es.pdf - r-14001-enzymes-enzyme-ppt-educationpowerpoint/ r2/animation__how_enzymes_work.html tudent/animations/enzyme_kinetics/index.html