Experience Sampling

Experience Sampling Application
Bayer, Katrin und Rodopmann, Erce | 24.10.2015
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Experience Sampling | 24.10.2015
A short follow up: Experience Sampling
Experience Reconstruction Method
Technical part: Development of an application
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Follow up: Ambulatory Assessment (Trull & Ebner-Priemer, 2013)
AA represents „a methodological umbrella that encompasses (…)
methods of experience sampling (…), ecological momentary
assessment (…), and continuous psychophysiological, biological,
and behavior monitoring”
Types of AA:
• Self-report AA (e.g. Experience Sampling Method, ESM)
• Observational AA (e.g. Electronically Activated Recorder, EAR)
• Physiological AA (e.g. ambulatory ICG, BP) and behavioral AA (e.g.
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Follow up: Experience Sampling (Trull, Ebner & Priemer, 2013; Bolger et al., 2003)
Experience Sampling is a methodological umbrella for collecting selfreport data
• in daily real-world environments
• current or very recent
multiple assessments of each individual over time:
event based (initiated by the individual based on instructions), interactive
(initiated by physiological signals detected by monitoring devices), time based,
randomly prompted (as well as combinations of these)
measurement of “processes of interest” (e.g. mood, alcohol use)
AND characteristics of the environment (e.g., location, time, social
Useful for the combination with other methods (e.g. behavioral,
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Follow up: Two methods collecting ambulatory self-report data
Experience Sampling Method (ESM) (Csikszentmihalyi, Larson & Prescott, 1977)
Developed by Csikszentmihalyi
Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) (Kahneman, Krueger, Schkade, Schwarz & Stone,
Developed by Kahneman
For continuous ambulatory psychophysiological
measurement: which one to use?
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Existing ambulatory psychophysiological methods
Measurement of physiology:
• Existence of various methods
• Can be at specific time points (e.g. Hawkley, Burleson, Berntson & Cacioppo,
2003) or continuous (e.g. Houtveen & van Doornen, 2007)
But without context information, physiological data can’t be
interpreted (Wilhelm & Grossman, 2010)
Self-report data by Experience Sampling Method
At specific time points
• Houtveen & van Doornen (2007): every 1,5 hour
• Loeffler, Myrtek und Peter (2013): every 10 to 20 minutes
No continuous context information without many interruptions:
data loss or many interruptions
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Existing ambulatory psychophysiological methods
Self-report data by activity diaries (Vrijkotte, van Doornen & de Geus, 2000, 2004; Riese et
al. 2003):
• At specific time points, e.g. every 30 minutes
• Report about the last 30 minutes concerning time, activity,
position, amount of alcohol, coffin and cigarettes
Continuous context information, but without a psychological
Need for a strategy, collecting continuous self report data for
context information and a psychological variable without many
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The Experience Reconstruction Method (ERM)
Experience Reconstruction Method
Is one method under the umbrella term Experience Sampling
Was developed in the Department of Social Psychology, University of
should be a method collecting
• Ambulatory and continuous self-report data
• Without data loss and less recall bias
• For the combination with continuous physiological data
combination of Experience Sampling Method and Day
Reconstruction Method = Experience Reconstruction Method
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Experience Reconstruction Method
(Dis-) Advantaged of ESM / DRM for the combination with physiological
Without interruptions
Less biased
Accurate and continuous
Interruption for participants
Only one a day
Data loss
Combination of the advantage of an accurate, chronological
and continuous report (DRM) with the less recognition biased
structure of the ESM
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Experience Reconstruction Method - procedure
It’s like DRM with some modifications:
• Sampling by smartphones
• A signal every 60 minutes (Two reminding signals after 10 minutes each)
• Reconstruction of the last 60 minutes / until the last answered
• Questions about
Amount of episodes
Start and end of the episodes
All and main activity/activities
All and main position/positions
Amount of coffin
Interesting psychological variable
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Experience Reconstruction Method - procedure
Application starts with
• Demographic variables
• Whole iteration of one questionnaire
• Next ‘real’ signal 60 minutes after starting time
Procedure of a questionnaire:
1. Amount of Episodes
2. Start time of episode 1
3. End time of episode 1
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Experience Reconstruction Method - procedure
4. What kind of activities have you done in episode 1? (multiple
answers out of 16 categories)
5. What activity have you mainly done in episode 1? (single answer
out of the previous)
6. In what position were you in episode 1? (multiple answers out of
4 categories)
7. In what position were you mainly in episode 1? (single answer
out of the previous)
8. Have you consumed coffeine? Yes or no?
9. Five items about the feeling and interesting psychological
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Experience Reconstruction Method - procedure
Procedure of a questionnaire:
1. Amount of Episodes
2. Start time of episode 1 2
3. End time of episode 1
4. What kind of activities have you done in episode 1? (multiple answers out of 16
5. What activity have you mainly done in episode 1? (single answer out of the
6. In what position were you in episode 1? (multiple answers out of 4 categories)
7. In what position were you mainly in episode 1? (single answer out of the previous)
8. Have you consumed coffeine? Yes or no?
9. Five items about the feeling and interesting psychological variable
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Experience Sampling | 24.10.2015
Experience Reconstruction Method: But what kind of tool?
Sampling by smartphones -> need for an application which is:
• Flexible: not like classical experience sampling
• Adaptive: with different number of repetitions
Until now such a tool is not available
Project of developing an Experience Sampling Application
which can be used for any combination of various ambulatory
methods collecting self-report data
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Experience Sampling | 24.10.2015
Structure of this Presentation
Some Technical Terms.
Who are we.
Motivation and Limitation of Given Software Solutions.
Overall Structure and Architectural Decisions.
Where are we.
Some Technical Details.
Perspective and Current Timeline.
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Some Technical Terms (1)
Operating System (e.g. Windows, Android, IOs).
A Croncrete and Given Technical Infrastructure (OS + Hardware +
„used Technologies“).
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Some Technical Terms (2)
Software Design and Software Architecture:
The Inner Structure of a Software Product from a Programmers Point
of View.
Both Terms Can be Seen as Synonyms Though they are Differing in
Some Respect.
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Some Technical Terms (2)
Anybody who Uses the Software Product. Here: Both, Participants
and Researchers.
GUI := Graphical User Interface:
Everything a User Sees and Interacts With While Using the Software
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Some Technical Terms (3)
User Story:
A Standardized Sentence That Defines a (= One) Functionality. It Is
Written for Humans and Should be Understandable for Both
Developers and (Later) Users.
Structure and Example:
As a [Role] I want to [Goal] in Order to [Aim]
e.g.: As a Researcher I Want to be Able to Add Slides and Questions
In Order to Make Up a Questionaire.
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Some Technical Terms (4)
Assessment Testing:
Generally Speaking:
• The Sum of All Requirements (~ User Stories) Requested and to
be Met by the Developers.
• The Process at the End of Each Programming Phase where
„Clients“ Check if Requirements were Met.
German Translation: „Endabnahme“.
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Who are we
Alexander Pöschl
Bachelor Thesis (Computer Sciences)
Console Application
Willi Döhring:
Bachelor and Master Thesis (Computer Sciences)
Android Application
Haluk Erce Rodopman
Employed Programmer
Project Management, Architecture, Administration, Refactoring, etc.
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Motivation and Limitation of Given Software Solutions
Domain Specific (Psychological) Motivation (S. Diefenbacher, K. Bayer).
Given Software Solutions Didn‘t Offer Requested and Envisioned
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What were the (main) Limitations
Reduced and ‚out of date‘ OS support.
Minimalistic Functionality which did not meet Requests.
Buggy Implementation with Poor Support.
Dead Projects.
Serious Data Security Concerns.
No Given Software Solution Allowed the Requested Flexibility and
Control Over Timing.
AND ...
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All Ready-To-Use Solutions were Closed Source Implementations.
Not Extensible (e.g. Timer).
No Way to Debug.
Impossible to Port Given Solutions to Contemporary OS versions.
Slow to No Development Due to a Lack of Human Resources.
Practically No Significant Documentation (Source Code).
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Overall Structure and Architectural Decisions
Project Guideline.
Overall Structure.
Architectural Decisions.
Architectural Restrictions and Limitations.
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Project Guideline
Open Source and Free Software (GPL v. 3).
Userfriendly Creation of Simple Studies.
Ability to Create Complex and Very Specific Studies by Experienced
Userfriendly Investigation of Study Results.
Possibility to Port On Any Available OS and Plattform.
Control on Timing.
Greatly Inspired by „PsychoPy“ (Hands-on).
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Overall Structure
Online Data Base
Questionaire Design
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The Build Process
Two Options are Given for the Build Process:
Compile to App:
• This Applies to Simple Studies.
Prepare a Project Map:
• For Complex Studies.
• For Adding New Functionality.
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Experience Sampling | 24.10.2015
Architectural Decisions
• Allows a Central Unit for
Administration (Console).
• Requires Network Access.
• Flexibility.
• Requires Advanced
Programming Skills for Complex
• Full Control Over Data.
• Full Responsibility Over Data.
• Individual Control Over Each
• Each Study is Implemented as
an Individual App (per default).
• Reliable Result Storage.
• Potentially High Energy
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Experience Sampling | 24.10.2015
Where are we
Currently the Project is „Preliminarily Implemented“ (~ pre-alpha).
Ca. 45.000 Lines of Code (Just Below „Enterprise Size“).
3 Seperate Programming Branches.
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Overall Structure
Online Data Base
Questionaire Design
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Where are we
Implementation of Most Functionality.
- Exception: Build Process.
Android Implementation of Most Functionality.
- Main Exception: Data Base Controlled Timer.
Preliminary Implementation of Missing Functionality is Scheduled for
November the 15th.
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Some Technical Details
Programming Details.
Implementation Details.
Project Details.
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Programming Details
Data Base:
- MySQL.
- Currently Implemented in Java. Will Switch to Scala.
(Android) App:
- Android Studio (~ Java).
- Local Data Storage: SQLite.
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Implementation Details
Data Base:
- Communication Will be Provided Through JSON / PHP.
- This Part Will be Deployed as an Appliance (either docker.io or
vagrant or both).
- Will be Deployed Stand-Alone.
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Project Details
‚git‘ Based.
- Repository Will be Either Self-Hosted (gitolite) or Hosted on
github.com After Announcement.
Console Will use ‚sbt‘ for Building.
(Basic) Testing Will be Provided Through ‚xUnit‘ and ‚ScalaTest‘.
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Perspective and Current Timeline
Current Timeline.
Request For Help.
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Implementation for IOs.
Implementation For PCs.
Simple Questionaires (Without Timing).
Internationalizability (One App That Serves for a Range of
Languages and „Alphabets“).
Further App Widgets.
Katrin Bayer Will Join Our Team (Domain Specialist, Project Owner).
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Current Timeline
02.11.2015: Start of IOs Implementation.
15.11.2015: Functional Freeze; End of Preliminary Implementation
(Console, Data Base and Android App).
15.11.2015 ...: Final Implementation and Refactoring.
~ January 2016: Alpha-Release.
~ January / Febuary 2016: Announcement.
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Request For Help
After Announcement We Would be Glad to Receive Help by:
Programming Support.
Provision of ‚User Stories‘ (~ Requests for New Functionality).
Advertisment ;-)
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Technical Contact:
• Me: erce.rodopman@uni-ulm.de
Domain Specific Contact:
• Katrin Bayer: katrin.bayer@uni-ulm.de