PowerPoint - University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago

Continuing Medical Education
A Guide for CME Applications
February 2013
Used with permission from the author,
Dr. Bharat Gopal
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Continuing Medical Education
UIC’s CME program continually seeks to
enhance the educational environment for
physicians through programming designed
to improve the competence of
participants, their performance in
practice, and the outcomes of the patients
they serve.
- UIC CME Mission Statement
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
University of Illinois
College of Medicine
Toward the fulfillment of this
mission, we aim to support and
facilitate the implementation of
learning activities for physicians
that address identified clinical,
research, and/or administrative
practice gaps, relevant to to the
professional activities of those
who attend our events.
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Accreditation Requirements
ACCME – Accreditation Council for Continuing
Medical Education
UICOM - University of Illinois College of Medicine
Office of CME at the University of Illinois College of
Medicine at Peoria (UICOMP)
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Types of CME Activities
Live activities
Enduring materials
Journal-based CME
Case Review
Grand Rounds, M & M, Tumor Board
Performance Improvement CME activity
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Types of CME Activities at UICOMP
Live activity:
– Certified CME activity occurring at specific time
– Participation may be in person or remotely
Enduring material:
– Certified CME activity enduring over specific time
– Participation may occur at convenience of learner
Performance Improvement CME
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UICOMP CME Roles and Responsibilities
Lois Hill, CME Coordinator
Manages UICOMP’s CME program to ensure compliance with the UICOMP
and ACCME criteria and maintains application files
Dr. Stan Bugaieski, Chair, Advisory Committee on CME
Manages the Advisory Committee on CME and resolves any
potential conflicts of interest
Advisory Committee on CME
Reviews all CME applications for the Peoria area and sends
those on to the Executive Committee on CME for approval.
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
UICOMP CME Roles and Responsibilities
Activity Coordinator
Manages individual activities and submits material to CME
Activity Director (Physician)
Leads individual activities to ensure high-quality and
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Application Process
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Continuing Medical Education
Application Process
Initiate contact with Office of CME
Complete eCME application and corresponding paperwork
Submit draft application and paperwork through eCME
Office of CME reviews and provides recommendations
Submit final draft application and attachments
Review by Advisory Committee on CME
Review by Executive Committee on CME
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Continuing Medical Education
Application Overview
Online application
Meets ACCME and University of Illinois criteria
Detailed instructions and definitions
Several additional attachments required (planning
committee and speaker disclosures, evaluation,
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 1
General Information
New or renewal application?
Physician activity director?
Planning committee?
Type of activity?
Does this activity meet the definition of CME?
Does this activity meet CME mission statement?
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 2
Target Audience
Who is this activity targeted for?
– Physicians? (Specialty)*
– Other healthcare
professionals, such as PA-C,
APN’s and nurses?
How many in attendance?
(MD/DO and non-MD/DO)
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 3
Gap Analysis
What are the identified professional practice gaps this
activity will address?
– Why of activity
– Data with sources (research,
performance measures, quality data)
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 3
Gap Analysis
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major health concern in the United States.
Approximately one in four women in the U.S. report experiences of violence by a
current or former intimate partner during her lifetime, with an estimated two
million injuries yearly.1 Therefore, based on the 2000 census data for Brown
County, approximately 22,000 women in Brown County may be victims of
domestic violence.2 Physicians at Memorial Hospital are in unique position to
assist victims of intimate partner violence as survivors as they are likely to see
patients with injuries and other adverse health problems in practice. During a
recent chart audit, Memorial primary care physicians screened only one out of
every ten patients for violence and abuse in the home. Therefore, the identified
professional practice gap is screening for intimate partner violence.
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 3
Gap Analysis
What is activity trying to do?
– Increase knowledge
– Improve performance
– Improve patient outcomes
Linked to learning objectives
and evaluation
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 3
Gap Analysis
State the desired change for educational need selected:
Knowledge: Recognize signs and symptoms of violence
Performance: Increase screening for violence
Patient outcomes: Decrease instance of violence
Knowledge easier to assess
Patient outcomes more difficult
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 3
Gap Analysis
What are potential barriers to applying knowledge to
change performance or improve patient outcomes?
Why won’t change occur?
Societal norms
What can we do about it?
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Part 4
Learning Objectives
Fill gap identified in gap analysis
Connect to identified educational need
Use verb list to begin each objective
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 4
Learning Objectives
Identify signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism
Perform the diagnostic workup for hypothyroidism
Patient outcomes
Decrease adverse outcomes of patient
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 5
Desirable Physician Attributes
Activities developed in context of desirable
physician attributes in the activity
Articulate how attributes incorporated into planning
and content
Developed by Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education (ACGME)
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 5
Desirable Physician Attributes
Patient care
Medical knowledge
Practice-based learning and improvement
Interpersonal and communication skills
Systems-based practice
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 6
Methodology and Format
Rationale for selecting particular activity
Should facilitate expected results
Patient outcomes
• Lecture
• Panel
• Simulation
• Case studies
• Performance
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Part 7
Planning Committee members
need to be identified at time of
application (usually not the
Speaker(s), if known, should be
identified on brochure/flyer
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 8
Commercial Support
If seeking commercial support for symposium,
contact Office of CME for letter of agreement and
use of commercial support form
Unrestricted funds must be provided
Contact CME Office for
more information
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 9
Standard CME evaluation
Optional secondary evaluation to measure
Follow-up questionnaire
Patient chart audits
Collection of quality data
Pre- and post-test
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 9
Patient Outcomes
Pre/post test
Demonstration of skill
Patient chart audits
Collect quality data
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 10
Promotional Materials
Promotion materials must be submitted to Office of
CME prior to print/distribution
If advertising for CME, include the following:
UICOMP logo and Organization(s) logo
Learning Objectives
# of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ Accreditation Information
Agenda/Schedule Speakers Date, Place & Time of Event
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Accreditation Statement
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of
Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council
for Continuing Medical Education to provide
continuing medical education for physicians. The
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) College of
Medicine designates this live educational activity for
a maximum of _____ AMA PRA Category 1
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 11
Disclosure and Resolution of COI
Disclosure forms submitted for coordinator, director,
and planning committee with application
Disclosure forms submitted for all faculty two weeks
prior to start of activity
If need to resolve conflict of interest, contact Office
of CME to guide through process
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Part 11
Disclosure and Resolution of COI
Ensures educational activity
planned without commercial
Memo communicates
requirements to faculty
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Part 12
Include estimation of activity
budget in application
Some Regularly Scheduled
Sessions (RSS) may be $0
Final budget required at close of
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Approval Process
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Review and Approval
Advisory Committee on CME reviews applications monthly
If approved, the application is sent to the Executive Committee
on CME
If approved by the Executive
Committee, administrative
contact receives reporting
requirements for approved CME
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Accreditation and Designation
Carle Foundation Hospital designates this live activity for a
maximum of [insert credits*] AMA PRA Category I Credits(s)™.
Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the
extent of their participation in the activity.
*Include number of credits
No advertising can be done with this designation until final
approval by the Executive Committee on CME.
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Faculty Requirements
Completed Conflict of Interest form
If faculty discloses personal financial relationship
related to activity, resolution must occur*
Evidence of communication to faculty member with
objectives (template available)
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Event Requirements
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Event Requirements
Disclosure communication
Attendance record
* Required quarterly for RSS’s
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Disclosure Expectations
Disclosure made to learners of each activity (include
name of person, company and relationship)
Must disclose if no relationship (include name of
person and indication of no relationship)
Encourage audience disclosure in writing on printed
materials (eg, sign-in sheet or handouts) and send
to Office of CME for files
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Examples of Language
John Smith, MD, chair discloses
no relationships with commercial
Mary Jones, coordinator discloses
that she is on the Speakers
Bureau for First Medical Supply.
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Examples of Disclosure
– Sign-in sheet
– Handouts (eg, agenda)
– Signs
– Slide
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Required to evaluate activity using evaluation form
after event
Evaluations retained by CME activity host with a
summary of all evaluations sent to the Office of CME
on a monthly or quarterly basis, depending on
frequency of CME activity
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Post-Event Wrap-Up
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Submission of Materials
Attendance record/sign-in sheet – please be sure these are
Summary of attendance
Evidence of disclosure
Post-activity reports
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS)
Includes Grand Rounds, Morbidity and Mortality,
and other activities
Approved for period of one year with renewal
occurring on regular schedule – post-activity reports
and narrative summary required annually as well as
Required to submit documentation after each
iteration of RSS (attendance)
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Compliance Assurance
– Receive reminders of required paperwork from Office of
File audits
– CME Office audits all files and notes any missing
documents to activity coordinator
– Activity may be monitored by Office of CME for compliance
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Step one
Step two*
Step three
Step four
Submit completed application
 Disclosures from planning committee
 Sources of gap analysis data
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Step one
Step two*
Step three
Step four
Promotional materials
Completed disclosures for faculty
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Step one
Step two*
Step three
Step four
Disclose conflict of interest
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Step one
Step two*
Step three
Step four
Submit materials
 Sign-in sheet
 Proof of disclosure (if not using sign-in sheet)
Completed evaluation summary
Final budget (for courses and symposiums)
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Office of CME
Track event from start to finish
Maintain files of activity
Ensure ACCME compliance
Manage attendance database
Monitor activities
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
We are here to help!
The Office of CME will assist you
throughout course of application
and event, but particularly with:
1. Commercial support
2. Potential conflict of interests
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Questions and Answers
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
What is the role of the activity coordinator?
Oversee quality of activity
Manages individual activity
Oversees ACCME compliance
Attends CME Committee meetings
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Which of the following is part of
the UIC-COM CME Application?
Needs assessment
Gap analysis
Promotional materials
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What is the purpose of a disclosure?
Ensure faculty member is qualified
Determine strengths of presentation
Evaluate effectiveness of the presentation
Identify and resolve conflicts of interest
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What would be the most appropriate
evaluation to measure knowledge?
Patient chart audits
Pre-test and post-test
Collection of data
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Which of the following must be submitted
with the UIC-COM CME Application?
Completed evaluation summary
Faculty disclosures
Promotional materials
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Best Practices
– Included in PowerPoint
– Included on sign-in sheet
– Included when entering room
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Best Practices
– Complete UIC-COM CME evaluation and sign
(required for CME credits to be awarded)
– Provide summary of evaluations to Office of CME
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Best Practices
– Submitted in advance
– Used standard UIC-COM statement
– Included all required information
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education
Thank you!
Of f ice of Continuing Medical Education