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Accounting for Absentee’s
DA Pam 710-2-1 Unit supply system
AR 700-84 Issue and sale of Personal Clothing
CTA 50-900, Clothing and Individual Equipment
Account for Absentee’s Clothing, Equipment, and
Personal Effects
You are assign to the unit as a Unit Supply
Specialist / Supply Sergeant. Your duties
and responsibilities include accounting for
absentee’s soldiers clothing and
equipment. You have receive notification
that an individual is missing from your
company. What do you do?
Inventory, verify, and secure absentee's
clothing, equipment , and personal clothing
without losing supply accountability.
Upon notification that an individual is
missing from the unit, the unit
commander has the responsibility of
ensuring the SM clothing and equipment is
inventoried and safeguarded.
What are some of the reasons a SM
can be absent?
 Absent
Without Leave (AWOL)
 Dropped from rolls (DFR)
 Reassigned for compassionate reasons
while overseas
 Confined
 Hospitalized
 On Emergency leave
 Dead or Missing
The abandon property
of the soldier absent
from the unit will be
inventoried without
delay! These
procedures only apply
if an enlisted soldier
resides in the
Inventory Cont.
The Unit commander can delegate the
following persons to perform the
Commissioned officer
Warrant Officer
Supply personnel
Noncommissioned Officers (E-5 through E9)
DA Form 3078.
Prepare a DA Form 3078, in original and 3
copies. Record on this form the items and
quantities of personnel clothing issued
The person conducting the inventory will
enter the words “Inventoried by” in the
REMARKS block of the DA Form 3078
The witness, and the CDR or designated
representative will verify and initial this
DA Form 3078 Cont.
Place the original copy of the inventory in
the members duffel bag or suitable
Place the other 3 copies in the unit
suspense file pending further investigation
Inventory cont.
NOTE  The Inventory Officer will make
sure the clothing is not exchanged for any
other clothing of any other enlisted
Personal Effects.
Personal civilian and property clothing will
be inventoried on plain bond paper in four
copies, identified with the soldiers name
rank or grade, and social security number
High dollar value items will be recorded by
make model , serial, color, ect., and a
notation will be made as to the condition
of each item
Personal Effects cont.
All copies will be signed by the individual
conducting the inventoried and the
The unit CDR will initial all copies.
OCIE (TA-50) will follow the same
procedures with the exception of the
form being used
1. Prepare two copies of DA Form
2. Enter the words “inventoried according
to DA PAM 710-2-1” in the NAME block
of these forms
OCIE cont.
Record the items and quantities of OCIE
on the forms
Sign and date the form in the signature
& date block
Put the original copy with the soldiers
TA-50. File the copy in the unit absentee
Currency found during the inventory will be
turned in to the local Finance Accounting
Office (FAO) with a prepared cash
collection voucher (DD Form 1131)
Hospitalized Personnel
When a SM is hospitalized at a medical treatment
facility at his duty installation, The following
actions are taken:
a. The facility commander advises the unit CDR
within 24 hours
b. The unit CDR, without delay, has personal
effects immediately secured
c. If the SM does not return within 120 hours,
the clothing and personal effects will be
inventoried as outlined
Transferred to an Off Post Hospital
When a SM is transferred to an off post
hospital, personal clothing accompanies
the individual, or the unit commander
must ensure that the SM’s clothing is
taken directly to the medical facility. The
service member must acknowledge receipt
of the property by signing the request for
issue (DA Form 3161) or the unit retain
copy DA Form 3078.
NOTE If the soldiers physical condition
prevents him from or her from signing the
medical officer designates an officer to
acknowledge receipt on behalf of the
enlisted soldier.
Transferred to a Holding medical
The unit commander will prepare a
statement on letter sized paper outlined in
figure 12-4 in AR 700-84
The unit CDR signs the statement. The
statement is attached to the true copy of
DA Form 3078
The copy is then forwarded the medical
holding detachment
Emergency Leave
The SM is responsible for the safekeeping of his
clothing and equipment not accompanying him
The unit commander will provide necessary
storage for the SM use during authorized leave
If the SM is transferred while on emergency leave,
unit CDR, after receiving notification, must have
the clothing and personal effects shipped at the
governments expense. (excludes OCIE items)
Alterations Facilities
Articles of personnel left by soldiers in
Government repair shops (AAFES) for
alteration or repaired are considered
abandoned after 120 days. Items are
dropped from laundry accountability.
Deceased Personnel
Authority for obtaining Class A uniform and
component items for burial of eligible
deceased military personnel is found in
AR 600-8-1
The Mortuary Affairs Coordinator willa. Take a serviceable uniform from the
personnel effects or one will be issued
from Military Clothing & sales
Deceased Personnel cont.
b. Prepare a DA form 3078 according to
para 5-2, AR 700-84, showing the items
of military clothing required. The MO
may approve DA form 3078 pertaining to
the deceased.
c. Request insignia and awards through
normal supply channels.
d. Refer to chapter 13 in AR 700-84 for
alterations at government expense
Reasons to conduct
DA Form 3078
Personal Clothing &
OCIE items
Summary cont.
Hospitalized personnel transferred Off Post
Transferred to a Holding Medical Facility
Emergency Leave
Unclaimed Laundries
Deceased Personnel