Indiana Counties Pizza Box Projects RULES: No shoes allowed on the map. Please have students remove shoes before walking on the map. Socks Required. No writing utensils on map. Grade Level: Grades 6-12 Purpose: To broaden the students’ awareness of their county as well as the counties in the state of Indiana through research and creative thinking. Estimated Time: Allow approximately two weeks for completion of the project (only three days of in-class time; the remainder should be out-of class work at home or in library or computer lab). Indiana Social Studies Standards Addressed: 2.1.4 Identify and describe community celebrations, symbols and traditions and explain why they are important. 2.2.3 Identify community leaders, such as mayor and city council. 2.3.3 Compare neighborhoods in your community and explain how physical features affect the people living there. 2.4.5 Research goods and services produced in the local community and describe how people can be both producers and consumers. 3.1.2 Explain why and how the local community was established and identify its founders and early settlers. 3.1.3 Describe the role of the local community and other communities in the development of the state’s regions. 3.1.6 Use a variety of resources to gather information about your region’s communities; identify factors that make the region unique, including cultural diversity, industry, the arts and architecture. 3.1.8 Describe how your community has changed over time and how it has stayed the same. 3.4.2 Give examples of goods and services provided by local business and industry. 4.3.4 Map and describe the physical regions of Indiana and identify major natural resources and crop regions. 4.3.6 Describe Indiana’s landforms, water features, and plants and animals. 4.3.12 Create maps of Indiana at different times in history showing regions and major physical and cultural features; give examples of how people in Indiana have modified their environment over time. 4.3.13 Read and interpret texts (written, graphs, maps, timelines, etc.) to answer geographic questions about Indiana in the past and present. 8.3.1 Read maps to interpret symbols and determine land forms and human features that represent physical and cultural characteristics of regions in the United States. Indiana English/Language Arts Standards Addressed: Grades 2-5: W.5 Build knowledge about the research process and the topic under study by conducting short research. SL.1 Develop and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening. SL.2 Develop and apply reciprocal communication skills by participating in range of collaborative discussions. SL.4 Develop and apply speaking skills to communicate ideas effectively in a variety of situations. Grades 6-12 W.1 Write effectively for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences. W.5 Build knowledge about the research process and the topic under study by conducting research. SL.1 Refine and apply effective communication skills through speaking and active listening. SL.2 Refine and apply reciprocal communication skills by participating in a range of collaborative discussions. SL.3 Refine and apply active listening and interpretation skills by using various strategies. SL.4 Refine and apply speaking skills to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. Objectives: Students will demonstrate knowledge of Indiana and Indiana counties. Students will use various research methods, materials, and sources. Students will follow "pizza box project" directions. Students will use oral and written skills to create a presentation. 1 Materials: Large pizza box-1 per student (Pizza Hut or Papa John’s work the best) Construction paper Glue Indiana travel magazines, newspapers, brochures, etc. Markers, crayons, colored pencils Indiana map of counties, county maps Various shapes cut-outs Atlases Procedures: 1. Have the students use the Giant Map of Indiana to determine how many counties there are in Indiana. 2. Using the Giant Map of Indiana have the students locate the largest and smallest counties. 3. Distribute pizza boxes to the students. Have them write their name and class period (in INK) on the bottom of the box. 4. Have the students select a county and put the name of the county on the bottom of the box next to their name. 5. Have the students identify their county on the Giant Map of Indiana. 6. Distribute Pizza Box Project outline and grade contract information sheets to the students. 7. Review the documents and discuss the project with the class. 8. Schedule library or computer lab for student research. 9. Upon completion have the students share with the class the information about their county. 10. Display the pizza boxes for all to review. Additional Activities: Students present projects to class. Display projects at local library, local businesses, or school library. Add additional information "pizza" slices. Have students create a historical timeline of their county. Create a "map" of Indiana using the county pizza boxes in the correct location. Have students us butcher paper to create a Giant Map of their county. Assessment: Pizza box product creativity, appropriate information included, and completed project. Resources: (full of information) (U.S. Census info) (Maps of counties) (various information) (agriculture statistics) 2