Parent Orientation

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Welcome to Third Grade
Supporting Our Community Through
the Learner Profile
Third Grade Teachers
Anne Acosta and Mariana Brea
Nora Jolay and Fiorella Perazzo
Dianne Reategui and Milagros Landivar
Gabriella Scollo and Patty Luna
Deb Whitney and Myriam Lay
PYP Learner Profile
In third grade at FDR it’s 80%
Attitude and 20% Aptitude!
• We are Enthused about using cursive handwriting
and practicing keyboarding.
• We Independently make choices about books,
about what’s healthy to eat and about how to save
• We are Curious about explorers and their early
• We will become Confident with the concept of
multiplication and multiplying numbers up
through the 12’s.
• We Appreciate many authors, genre and read
chapter books!
• We are Committed to reading to learn: finding
“treasure words” and using note-taking.
• We will find the magic of stories through
Creative writing and illustrating!
• We will Confidently give oral
presentations so that people can hear and
understand what we want to say.
• We Appreciate and Respect each person’s
unique talents and differences.
• We take Responsibility for our work and
our actions.
Third Grade
PYP Units of Study
Who We Are:
Healthy Choices
Aug. 2 to Sept. 14
A balance between nutrition, exercise,
water intake and sleep.
Where We Are in Place and Time:
Sept. 17 to Nov. 2
Throughout history humans have
Sharing the Planet:
Water, Water, Everywhere!
Nov. 5 to Dec. 21
Our planet has limited resources that are
unevenly distributed.
How We Express Ourselves:
Magic of Stories
Feb. 28 to Apr. 11
Traditional stories are told to help people make
sense of the world and to teach values that are
still important today.
How the World Works:
Simple Machines
Apr. 14 to May 16
All simple machines transfer force, which makes
our lives easier.
How We Organize Ourselves:
Market Place
May 19 to June 27
A market place is a system of exchange that
serves the needs of a community.
• Things that Come in Groups: Multiplication
and Division
• Flips, Turns and Area: 2D Geometry
• From Paces to Feet: Measuring and Data
• Landmarks in the Hundreds: The Number
• Combining and Comparing: Addition and
• Fair Shares: Fractions
• Math Enrichment “Math Choice Time”
Language Arts
 I Spy! Daily Oral Language: the Evan Moor
Grade 3 Daily Language Review
 Grammar, Spelling and Cursive
Handwriting: Grade 3 Scholastic Literacy
Place Integrated Language Arts
 Spelling: program emphasizes homonyms,
high frequency words, frequently
misspelled words
 write fiction and non-fiction
 use the writing process to organize
and communicate ideas
 Reading at Home and SSR
 Journey through Genre
 Literature-based program
 Guided reading instruction moving to
Literature Circles
What is “Good Listening?”
What is a “Great Oral Presentation?”
Student Expectations:
Respect Others!
 Essential Agreements are posted in
the classroom. These are the studentgenerated rules that the class agrees
to live by.
What Parents Can Do to Help!
Empower your child
 focus on caring for this month of August
 give your child some responsibilities at home
 ask your child to pack up his/her backpack
the night before
 assign the responsibility for homework to
your child
 quiet and well-lighted environment
 daily homework schedule
 about one hour
 reading time
 questioning
 sign student planner
 call the school office
 send an e-mail or note
 send your child to bed early (they need
between 9 – 11 hours of sleep)
 start the day with a good breakfast
 send a healthy lunch (12:05 –12:50)
 send a healthy snack (10:05 am)
Special Activities
 Field trips: extend learning for each of the units
 Reading and Treats: in October and December
we will invite parents to read during S.S.R.
 Simple Machines: please save broken down
machines and appliances
 Market Place: our culminating activity in June
Class Parties: Class celebrations are
organized for Halloween, a holiday
celebration near the end of the semester,
and at the end of the year.
Birthday Parties: If you want to send
cookies, brownies, a cake or cupcakes to
share with the class during lunch, that is
just great!
Thank you for