UNENHANCED [+AND CONTRAST ENHANCED+] BRAIN MRI INDICATION: [+Payable: Headache: headache, migraine; Dementia: Alzheimer disease, memory loss; Neoplasm: brain unspecified, malignant neoplasm brain (primary or secondary), benign neoplasm (brain); TIA& CVA: Transient cerebral ischemia, CVA, altered mental status, transient alteration of awareness, syncope & collapse, visual disturbance, dizziness & giddiness, gait abnormality, aphasia, skin sensation disturbance; Head injury (do NOT say “trauma”); Pituitary disorder, tremor (NEC), multiple sclerosis, central origin vertigo, acoustic nerve disorder.+] [+Nonpayable: change in mental status {even though “altered mental status” and “transient alteration of awareness” are both payable!}, hearing loss.+] COMPARISON: [] TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Axial, coronal, and sagittal unenhanced images were obtained. [+An enhanced brain MR was performed following intravenous injection of (+volume/type of IV contrast).+] [+The patient was scanned within 24 hours of admission to the hospital.+] INTERPRETATION: Brain parenchyma: [] Extra-axial space: [] Subarachnoid space: [] Ventricular system: [] Intracranial vessels: [] Pituitary gland and sella: [] Skull and extra-cranial structures: [] IMPRESSION: [] Dictated at [] DAN CAMACHO’S TEMPLATE File name: “MR head” UNENHANCED [+AND CONTRAST ENHANCED+] HEAD MR INDICATION: [+Payable: Headache: headache, migraine – unspecified; Dementia: senile dementia, presenile dementia – uncomplicated, Alzheimer disease, memory loss; Neoplasm: malignant lung neoplasm or lymphoma; TIA& CVA: TIA, CVA, alteration of awareness or consciousness, syncope & collapse, visual disturbance – unspecified, dizziness & giddiness, gait abnormality, lack of co-ordination, skin sensation disturbance; Acute delirium; Seizure; Head injury (do NOT say “trauma”); Syncope and collapse; Cerebral hemorrhage; Cerebral calcification; Abnormal finding on a radiologic exam+] [+Nonpayable: chronic sinusitis.+] COMPARISON: [] TECHNIQUE: Unenhanced head MR was performed. [+An enhanced head MR was performed following intravenous injection of (volume/type of IV contrast).+] [+The patient was scanned within 24 hours of admission to the hospital.+] INTERPRETATION: Skull and cervical spine: [] Pituitary gland and pineal: [] Paranasal sinuses: [] Orbits: [] Nasal cavity and nasopharynx: [] Otomastoid findings: [] Vasculature: [] Brain and CSF spaces: [] IMPRESSION: [] Dictated at [] RADREPORT.ORG TEMPLATE WHICH INCLUDES HEAD AND BRAIN Clinical History * Medical history * Risk factors * Allergies, if relevant * Reason for exam, including medical necessity: [headache | stroke | dizziness | trauma] Imaging Technique * Time of image acquisition * Imaging device [MR, CT] * Image acquisition parameters, such as device settings, patient positioning, interventions (e.g., Valsalva maneuver) * Contrast materials and other medications administered (including name, dose, route, and time of administration) * Radiation dose Comparison * Date and type of previous exams reviewed, if applicable Observations * Extra axial spaces: [normal in size and morphology for the patient's age* | widened] * Hemorrhage: [none* ; subdural ; subarachnoid; epidural, intraventricular, parenchymal] * Ventricular system: [normal in size and morphology for the patient's age* | enlarged | small] * Basal cisterns: [normal* | enlarged | small] * Cerebral parenchyma: [normal*; microvascular changes; infarction; encephalomalacia; gliosis; hemorrhage] * Midline shift: [none* | leftward shift | rightward shift] * Cerebellum: [normal*] * Brainstem: [normal*] Other: * Calvarium: [normal*; non-depressed fracture; depressed fracture; osteolysis; sclerosis] * Vascular system: [normal* | vascular calcifications (CT) | appropriate arterial and dural sinus flow voids (MR)] * Visualized Paranasal sinuses: [clear* | scattered mild inflammatory mucosal thickening] * Visualized Orbits: [normal*] * Visualized upper cervical spine: [normal*] * Sella and skull base: [normal* | partially empty sella | left/right mastoid air cell fluid] Summary (or Impression) * An itemized list of key observations, including any recommendations.