Advanced Global Cultures NAME: ________________________________ Ch. 7 – Gender and Ethnicity Hour: _____________ VOCABULARY / CONCEPT LIST GENERAL TERMS ASSOCIATED WITH GENDER AND ETHNIC CONFLICTS: Define the following terms in the appropriate space on the right. 1. Gender Inequality Index 2. Apartheid 3. Balkanization 4. Centripetal force 5. Centrifugal force 6. Ethnic Cleansing 7. Ethnicity 8. Genocide 9. Nationalism 10. Nationality 11. Race 12. Racism 13. Racist 14. Triangular Slave Trade QUESTIONS: Answer the following questions below. 1. What is gender inequality? How is it measured? In what types of countries is it the most unbalanced? 2. List elements of cultural diversity. 3. Describe the difference between race and ethnicity. 4. What are the different ways ethnicities cluster in the United States? 5. Regionally speaking, list the ethnicities and the regions that each ethnicity is clustered in. 6. Outline the complete historical migration patterns of African American starting in Africa. 7. Describe racism and discrimination of race in the United States. Think in terms of a historical timeline. 8. What was Plessy vs Ferguson and what was its outcome? 9. What was Brown vs Board of Education and what was its outcome? 10. What groups were in conflict in Rwanda? 11. What was apartheid? What did it look like? What was the final step In the South African plan? 12. Describe the difference between nationality and ethnicity. 13. Who are the Kurds? Where do they live? Why is this an issue? 14. What contributes to the large amounts of problems in Western Asia? 15. Give a brief historical timeline of major events in Yugoslavia. 16. Describe the Genocide in Rwanda. 17. Describe the Genocide in Darfur. 18. Define Genocide and explain why it still occurs. 19. Discuss the differences between race, ethnicity, and nationality using examples 20. On a map be able to identify major areas of conflict in Africa 21. Be able to analyze a political cartoon.