HOA meeting, November 2015

NPEA Homeowners MINUTES: 11-2-2015
Meeting at the Pool. Called to order at 7:03 p.m., Board Members attending 6, Absent 1
President: Randy Sadler (875-7440) rsadler@sc.rr.com
Vice-Pres: Ben Hough (214-5968) houghb1@yahoo.com
Treasurer: Bill Westfall (259-6113) waterwestfall@sc.rr.com
Secretary: Thom Nolan (693-7601) nolanandco@aol.com
At-Large: Charles Smith (224-7616) cwsmithjr@att.net
At-Large: Emily Vick (343-2506) emvick@hotmail.com, MISSED MINUTES APPROVAL
Past Pres: Mark LaVigne (875-9988) lavigma@aol.com, NO SHOW
Acct. Mgr. Mike Gobin (475-1066) Michaelgobin@aol.com
Mayor Bill Collins: Spoke of the history of his administration, changes in roads, Sheep Island, need for
infrastructure improvements with business opportunities, tax collection, etc.
Wiley Johnson: Spoke of open administration, no hidden agendas, no roads through subdivisions, and
better planning. Hire a manager for the town.
I. MINUTES: Review of 4-27-2015 NPEA Board Meeting minutes.
Charles Smith motion, John Debose second, approved by all attending
II. TREASURER’S REPORT: Account Balances. NPEA Dues - Status Report by Mike Gobin
Positive balance in all accounts, pool made money, should be around $6,800.00 by year’s end. Over
$70,000.00 in all accounts. Savings $25,000.00. Need to consider pursuing collections from members not
paying, seek legal help, board to consider. No waivers for fees, late fees, etc. See the reports attached from
the meeting for more information. No motion to accept, but all were advised.
Randy: Overseeing elections, opens the floor to any others who want to run, no nominations.
Office – President
Thom Nolan, the only candidate, motion to take an open vote, Charles Smith, second Tom Layman, All in
favor, none opposed. Elected by all attending.
VP – Ben Hough, Mark LaVigne, Mark not attending, but running, according to Randy Sadler
Ben Hough said he talked with Mark and that he was not running, Ben is running. Vote count taken by
Nolan and Gobin, 23 votes in all, 6 LaVigne 17 Hough, Hough elected.
Treasurer: Bill Westfall, unopposed – Motion to elect, Charles Smith, second John Debose, all in favor,
elected 2 more years.
Secretary: Post vacated by Nolan, Brian Hough is the only candidate. Motion to elect, Charles Smith,
Westfall second, all in favor, elected 2 years.
Members At Large:
Emily Vick, Charles Smith, Lynnette Rodriguez, Fred Gleffe all candidates
Emily’s friend spoke for Emily. All others spoke for themselves, vote taken.
Emily Vick reelected
Lynnette Rodriquez elected
The board approved street sign design was unveiled to the members. Sadler reported that two bids for
replacing the street signs have been received as follows: Mr. Sign, $8,806; and Signature Signs, $8,000. It
was agreed that a contract with a timeline for completing the work will need to be approved. Nolan made a
motion to allow Sadler to meet with the sign vendors for final recommendation to the board. Ben Hough
made a motion to amend that motion that he also be included on the vendor meetings. During the ensuing
discussion, Sadler said that any board member who wishes to attend may be involved in the vendor
meetings. The amended motion to allow Sadler and Hough to meet with the sign vendors and bring back a
recommendation to the board was then approved.
Nolan reported that a homeowner who has trains in his driveway is a problem, which will be documented
for the next Board meeting for further handling. Ben Hough expressed concern that Nolan would not be
able to handle the Pool, ARC and President position. Nolan asked for assistance, Frank Freeman and Fred
Gleffe agreed to assist.
Lee Street Sign:
Repairs are holding on the brick, no new work. Water sprinklers need repair. Board already agreed on the
fix, just need to find a contractor. Newington Gardens has the same issues.
Pool Hull:
We are still trying to push off the hulling, Nolan obtained bid, sent to the pool committee to review.
Welcome Committee: Emily is still handling this and is seeking others to assist.
Other Items:
Traffic, major concerns at the stop signs, speeding. The board will send a letter to the City police and ask
for help.
Adjourn: 8:32 p.m.