File neuroscience exam regular 5

Neuroscience Dynamite Exam
1. In transmitting sensory information to the
brain, an electrical signal travels from the
______________ of a single (yes a single,
not two, a single) neuron.
axon to the cell body to the dendrites
axon to the dendrites to the cell body
cell body to the axon to the dendrites
dendrites to the axon to the cell body
dendrites to the cell body to the axon
2. The part of a sending neuron that is
responsible for the transmission
(communication) of neural messages to the
other receiving neurons is called the:
a. axon terminal
b. cell body
c. dendrites
d. neurotransmitters
e. synapse
3. The chemical messengers released (fly free)
into the synapse between the neurons are
5. Following a head injury, a person has ongoing
difficulties smelling or remembering what
things smell like. Most likely, the damage
occurred to the:
a. cerebellum
b. corpus callosum
c. hippocampus
d. medulla
e. reticular formation
6. After receiving a blow to the back of her head
during a soccer match, Love experienced
difficulty passing and kicking the ball. It was
like her muscle memory was gone (she only
played for 8 years unlike Coach Knowles who
has played longer and just cause you don’t play
for your high school team doesn’t mean I, I
mean he, didn’t play as an adult for many
years………I’m rambling, aren’t I). It is likely
that she injured her:
frontal lobe
medulla oblongata
temporal lobe
7. Sensory neurons are an important part of the:
a. limbic system
b. central nervous system
c. peripheral nervous system
d. brain
e. motor cortex
4. Voluntary movements, such as texting on your
cell phone during my lecture, are direct by the:
a. autonomic nervous system
b. endocrine system
c. parasympathetic nervous system
d. somatic nervous system
e. sympathetic nervous system
My momma always said……
8. What part of the brain is found at the base of
the brainstem and controls heartbeat and
a. Pituitary gland
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Reticular formation
d. Cerebellum
e. Thalamus
Neuroscience Dynamite Exam
9. The occipital lobes are to ____________ as the
parietal lobes are to _____________.
hearing; sensing movement
seeing; sensing touch
sensing pleasure; sensing pain
sensing touch; hearing
speaking; hearing
16. An area at the rear of the frontal lobes that
controls voluntary movements is called the:
a. thalamus
b. hypothalamus
c. sensory cortex
d. motor cortex
e. hippocampus
Label the correct parts from picture above
10. Axon terminal buttons
11. Cell body
12. Myelin sheath
13. Axon
14. Dendrites
15. If you fell backwards and hit the back of your
head very hard on a concrete sidewalk (ouch!),
you can expect to have problems with which of
the following? (Hint: Think where the lobes are
a. tasting
b. thinking
c. seeing
d. hearing
e. talking
17. What part of the brain helps coordinate
voluntary movements and balance, also called
the “little brain”?
a. Pituitary gland
b. Medulla oblongata
c. Reticular formation
d. Cerebellum
e. Thalamus
18. The temporal lobe of the brain consists
primarily of the
a. motor cortex
b. primary somatosensory cortex
c. auditory cortex
d. visual cortex
e. sensory cortex
Neuroscience Dynamite Exam
19. Damage to the temporal lobe of the brain
would be most harmful to the career of
a. architect
b. gymnast
c. musician
d. painter
e. teacher
20. The sensory cortex is most critical for our
sense of:
a. taste
b. sight
c. hearing
d. touch
e. smell
21. Gilbert suffered a stroke, and even though he
has recovered many functions, he finds he still
relatively insensitive (“can’t feel it”) to pain
signals from his leg. In this case, it is likely that
Gilbert’s stroke affected his:
a. Temporal lobe
b. Frontal lobe
c. Parietal Lobe
d. Occipital lobe
e. Corpus callosum
22. Branching fibers extending out from the cell
body of a neuron to receive information from
other neurons are called:
a. axons.
b. glial cells.
c. dendrites.
d. axon terminals.
e. neurotransmitters
23. What structure is found in the hindbrain?
a. Hippocampus
b. Cerebellum
c. Amygdala
d. Hypothalamus
e. Thalamus
24. After neurotransmitters are released into the
synapse, many are reabsorbed through a
process called:
a. synaptic transmission.
b. uptake.
c. all-or-none.
d. reuptake.
e. reabsorption.
25. The ___________ receives information from
all the senses except smell.
a. hippocampus
b. amygdala
c. hypothalamus
d. thalamus
e. pituitary gland
26. The medulla oblongata is to the control of
____________ as the cerebellum is to the
control of ______________.
a. eating; sleeping
b. breathing; walking
c. emotion; motivation
d. memory; attention
e. hearing; seeing.
27. Sensory information is received and processed
in the front of the_________:
a. somatosensory cortex.
b. temporal lobe.
c. parietal lobe.
d. frontal lobe.
e. Occipital lobe.
Neuroscience Dynamite Exam
31. When Coach Knowles brought the thunder
when he spiked the volleyball into Overly’s
dome, she learned to fear volleyballs because
of this traumatic event. When Overly’s fear
was acquired there was probably a significant
amount of neural activity in
a. her amygdala
b. her frontal lobe
c. her hypothalamus
d. her temporal lobe
e. her sensory cortex
28. So you got chopped blocked (yeah,
I said
chopped blocked!!!!) in the back of your
neck and then you couldn’t make your facial
expressions, you may have damaged your:
a. medulla oblongata (cooool!!!!!).
b. pons.
c. cerebellum.
d. hypothalamus.
e. Amygdala
29. The hypothalamus is responsible for
a. anger and emotion.
b. body temperature, hunger and thirst.
c. speaking, muscle movement, and in making
plans and judgments.
d. sensory input for touch and body position
e. auditory and visual information.
30. After Jimmy’s stroke, he had difficulty hearing
and is unable to see as well. He likely had
damage to his:
a. occipital and frontal lobes.
b. frontal lobe and temporal lobes.
c. parietal and frontal lobes.
d. temporal and occipital lobes.
e. parietal and occipital lobes
Bringing the Thunder and I dominate on a
girls’ net!!!!!
32. During a basketball game, Knowles literally
blew up the basket with a monster dunk
bringing the whole thing down on Golden’s
head. Despite irreparable damage to his pride,
Golden’s physical injuries healed, but he can’t
stop moving his jaw (which we know is not
that unusual considering his persistent inability
to control his impulse to converse with those
around him). Again, he can’t stop moving his
jaw. He might have damaged his:
a. Parietal lobe.
b. Occipital lobe.
c. Frontal lobe.
d. Visual lobe.
e. Temporal lobe.
Neuroscience Dynamite Exam
33. The Situation suffered a stroke, and even
though he has recovered many functions, he
finds he still relatively insensitive to pain
signals from his abs. In this case, it is likely
that the Situ’s stroke affected his:
Temporal lobe
Frontal lobe
Parietal Lobe
Occipital lobe
Corpus callosum
34. In an attempt to look comfortable and relaxed
as he was speaking with his significant other,
Ian placed his hand casually down on the
counter top, but he misjudged his place in the
kitchen and placed his palm of his hand on a
hot stove burner (a major loss of cool points).
His hand immediately recoiled before he knew
it was hot (but he would soon know). The
sequence of neural transmission:
a. sensory neurons, motor neurons,
b. motor neurons, interneurons, sensory
c. interneurons, sensory neurons, motor
d. sensory neurons, interneurons, motor
e. interneurons, motor neurons, sensory
35. Coach Knowles catches you cheating on your
test and your heart races, perspiration increases
and pupils dilate, the ___ is activated.
a. parasomatic branch
b. parasympathetic system
c. somatic nervous system
d. spinal reflex
e. sympathetic system
36. The ability to voluntarily move your skeletal
muscles resides (located) in what system.
a. para-somatic nervous system
b. autonomic nervous system
c. somatic nervous system
d. sympathetic nervous system
e. parasympathetic nervous system
37. After having a spike pass through his head,
Phineas Gage had extensive damage to his
____ of the brain, affecting his ____.
a. frontal lobe; speech
b. frontal lobe; personality
c. right hemisphere; speech
d. temporal lobe; reasoning
e. cerebellum; coordination
38. Dr. Knowles was conducting an experiment on
the effects of stimulating the rewards centers of
a rat’s brain. Inadvertently, he inserted an
electrode into this part of the brain causing the
rat to attack his fellow rat mates. The ensuing
carnage (massacre) was epic, like a scene from
the movie 300.
sensory cortex
Neuroscience Dynamite Exam
39. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
40. Computerized Tomography (CT)
41. Positron Emission Tomography (PET Scan)
42. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
43. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
a. More detailed picture of brain using
magnetic field to knock electrons off axis.
b. A combination of these scans
c. Measures how much of a chemical the brain
is using (usually glucose consumption)
when performing a task.
d. 3D X-Ray of the brain. Good for tumor
locating, but tells us nothing about function.
e. Detects brain waves through their electrical
output and is used mainly in sleep research.
46. In stage 2 of sleep, sleep spindles begin firing
off indicating this structure is working to assist
in long term memory storage.
sensory cortex
47. What lobe is letter A
a. Parietal
b. Frontal
c. Temporal
d. Thalamus
e. Occipital
44. Our Cerebral Cortex is trying to interpret
random electrical activity from this structure
we have while sleeping. That is why dreams
sometimes make no sense., like Touchdown
Jesus with a unicorn and Tinkerbell
a. Amygdala
b. cerebellum.
c. hypothalamus.
d. medulla oblongata (cooool!!!!!).
e. pons.
45. A teenager’s occasional impulsive and
immature behavior is at least partly a reflection
of the last brain area to mature. This decision
making and judgement part is called
a. frontal lobe.
b. temporal lobes.
c. sensory cortex.
d. parietal lobes.
e. motor cortex
48. What lobe is letter B
a. Parietal
b. Frontal
c. Temporal
d. Thalamus
e. Occipital
49. What lobe is letter C?
a. Parietal
b. Frontal
c. Temporal
d. Thalamus
e. Occipital
50. What lobe is letter D?
a. Parietal
b. Frontal
c. Temporal
d. Thalamus
e. Occipital