A Presentation on Diversity Awareness

A Presentation on
Diversity Awareness
Beverly Beckwith
Seana Dichler
Kristin Fleming
Tracy Lemus Santos
Our Definition…
“Physical disability”
refers to a broad range of disabilities
which include orthopedic,
neuromuscular, cardiovascular and
pulmonary disorders. A physical
disability often impairs one’s mobility;
therefore, the individual may rely on
assistive devices or alternate methods to
obtain least restrictive mobility.
Additional Information…
 May be congential, result of an injury, or
a side effect of a disease.
Some may have hidden or “invisible”
For this presentation…
Due to the time restaints of this
presentation, we are going to focus
on physical disabilities that are
orthopedic or neuromuscular in
Why is it important
to address the
needs of this
particular group??
"History, despite its
wrenching pain, cannot be
unlived, but if faced with
courage, need not be lived
again.” - Maya Angelou
Timeline of History
Physical Disabilities
Biblical References
1200’s to 1800’s
Early 1900’s
1980’s to present
How has
barriers affected
this group?
Interviews with 5 people who work at
the Stark County Board of MR/DD
 Paraplegic
Visual impaired
 Hearing impaired
Cerebral palsy– uses a cane
Have you ever had difficulty accessing a
public building?
Some older buildings have steps or very
steep ramps which makes access
The signs for were to go of locations in side
buildings are printed to small. The doors
are often heavy and difficult to reach the
handle and hold open.
Difficulty accesses where you
The bathrooms are the worst, the stall for
handicap are bigger, but not big
enough for a wheel chair.
The buttons on the vending machines and
the place you deposit money are
too high.
A lot of the door ways are narrow.
What could be done to assist
 More push buttons door that stay open longer.
 Larger signs to mark locations in buildings.
 Have events where there are paved areas to access vendors
and events.
 Have optional close places for handicap at events.
 Lower sidewalk
 Larger bathrooms
 Lower buttons on machines
 Lower handles on doors
 Larger paths and doors
 Lower counters at retail stores and restaurants
Have you ever had difficulty
accessing a public event?
 There are limited ramps to get off and on sidewalks and the
cub of a sidewalk is too high and steep.
 Events that are on grass areas are difficult for the wheel
chairs to access and for people walking with aides and
visually impaired.
 Some events have special places for handicap but, usually
the view is not
the best.
 Gravel pathways and parking lots are also difficult.
 All of the people go to events with family or friends
because it is so difficult to get around.
Do not go out as much because of the need
to depend on others
Schedule is dictated by when others are
available to help
Very difficult dealing with winter
Extreme dependence on the kindness of
What do educators need
to know about this
population to work more
effectively with this
 increasing number of students w/ disabilities
 few teachers have special education degrees
 need appropriate education and a safe education
 must know educational strategies and modifications in
health maintenance
 general educators’ willingness and confidence in their
professional readiness is critical to the successful
implementation of inclusive educational practices
 teachers must be well versed in a range of areas
 must be willing to collaborate
 apply resources given by family and service providers
 must have an ongoing working relationship with parents
What Teachers Should Know and
Do To Be Effective
 contribute to feelings of social acceptance and a healthy
 listen to the voices of students with disabilities
 know that school makes them feel like an average person
 students want to experience success
 display a positive attitude/model appropriate behavior
 recognize they may be in depression
 kneel, squat, or sit down when having conversations
 ask person if he/she needs assistance
 find background knowledge to discover needs
encourage participation and do their best
teach every student about disabilities
focus on strengths
keep expectations high
take frequent 1 to 1 time
always plan ahead
limit sitting for long periods of time
assist with testing materials
know access is a major concern
keep other students under control in class and
What Not To Do
 do not treat physical disability as a mental impairment
 do not treat students as a curiosity
 do not stare
 do not discourage students with a disability from trying
 do not seclude students from the rest of the class
 do not accept rude remarks
 do not pity the student or feel as though they are suffering
 do not move wheelchair out of reach of student
 do not lean or sit on wheelchair
 do not pat student in wheelchair on head
What intervention
strategies can be
implemented to promote
inclusion and equality
for this particular
Paraplegic journalist John Hockenberry made the point
in Wired magazine that disabled people are pushing
the boundaries of humanness:
“Humanity’s specs are back on the drawing board,
thanks to some unlikely designers, and the disabled
have a serious advantage in this conversation.
They’ve been using technology in collaborative,
intimate ways for years - to move, to communicate, to
interact with the world. …People with disabilities who for much of human history died or were left to
die - are now, due to medical technology, living full
lives. As they do, the definition of humanness has
begun to widen.”
Specific Intervention
Assistive technology includes any
item that is used to maintain or improve
functional capabilities.
Remember that "Assistive
Technology" can mean anything from
pencil grips, spring loaded scissors, or
slant boards to computerized
technology like mouse balls,
communication systems, programs, etc
High- tech assistive
Low-tech assistive
1. Head Mouse Extreme
(head) or Integre Mouse
2. Switches
3. Alternative Key Board
4. Communication Devices
i.e. Vantage
5. Wheelchairs/Scooters
6. Dragon dictate computer
1. Spoon Integra Mouse
2. Card Holder
3. P-touch/ Label Maker
4. Alpha Smart
5. Canes or Walker
6. Spring loaded scissors
7. Caddies and Cup holders
8. Trays
9. Fishing Pole Holder
10. Sit/Stand/Transfer Aids
11. Phone Holder Clip
12. Joysticks and Trackballs
Examples from above as well as
personal examples of interventions I
use in my classroom include:
QuickTi me™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Integra Mouse
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this pi cture.
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this pi cture.
Head Mouse
Cord Type
Zipper Pull
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see thi s picture.
Long Reach
Garden Tools
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see thi s picture.
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see thi s picture.
Battery Powered Card
Turning Knob
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see thi s picture.
Clip On Vegetable
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (U ncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Jumbo Universal
Remote Control
About: Special Education. (n. d.). Retrieved April 3, 2007 from
Assistive Technology for Kindergarten/1st Grade. (n. d.). Retrieved April 5, 2007 from
Bella Online: The Voice of Women. (n. d.). Retrieved April 4, 2007 from
Best, S, Cohen, E. T, Dykes, M. K., Frederick, L. D., Heller, K. W. (1999). A
nationalperspective of competencies for teachers of individuals with physical and health
disabilities. Exceptional Children, 65(2), 219-234.
California State University Northridge. (n. d.). Retrieved April 1, 2007 from
Change, M. K. (1996). Accommodating students with disabilities: A guide for
schoolTeachers. Washington, D. C.: National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation
Clarke, G., Curtin, M. (2005). Listening to young people with physical disabilities’
experiences of education. International Journal of Disability, Development,
And Education, 52(3), 195-214.
Eareckson, Joni. (1976). Joni. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
Employees from Stark County MRDD. (personal communication, March 29, 2007)
Kid Source Online. (n. d.). Retrieved April 3, 2007 from
Krementz, J. (1992). How it feels to live with a physical disability. New York: Simon &
Maine School Administrative District #48: History of Treatment of People with Disabilities.
(n. d.). Retrieved April 2, 2007 from http://www.msad48.org/mainfrm.cfm?tpid=1878
Partners in Time. (n. d.). Retrieved April 4, 2007 from
Reeve, Christopher. (2002). Nothing is impossible: Reflections on a new life. New York:
Ballantine Books.
Singh, D. K. (2002). General education teachers and students with disabilities: A revisit.
New Britain, CT: Central Connecticut State University.